2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module2 Unit4《Cyberspace》(1)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module2 Unit4《Cyberspace》(1)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  She offered a reward for the return of her lost

  necklace. 她为寻回遗失的项链提出以酬金答谢。 She has offered 10,000 pounds for that house. 她已经出价10,000英镑买那栋房子。 He offered 300 yuan for the stamp. 他愿出300元买那张邮票。

  He always offers to help the others.


  Mother came towards me, smiled and offered

  her hand.

  母亲走向我,微笑着并且伸出她的手。 ②n. 开出的价钱,如:a special offer。 美国有份工作要聘请我去做。



  ______________________________________ I have been offered a job in America. He offered me 300 dollars for that computer. 7. feel like 想(干某事),愿意(做某事)



  I don’t feel like swimming very much today.


  I don’t feel like going outside today.


  除feel like doing sth.以外,还可以用以下结构 表示“愿意干……”: ①would like to do sth. 愿意做某事

  would like后面常接不定式,不接动名词。

  I would like to have a talk with you.

  我想和你谈谈 ②would prefer to do 接不定式

  I would prefer to study alone home than study

  in groups.


  8. suggest v.

  ①建议,提出;通常搭配是suggest doing sth.或

  suggest sth. 表示“建议做某事”或“建议某


  I suggested going for a walk. 我建议去散步。

  If this is not convenient, please suggest another



  另外, 还可以是suggest that sb. (should) do sth. /

  sth. (should) be done

  Our manager suggested that all the staff in the

  company (should) learn how to use the Internet.

  我们经理建议公司的所有员工应该学会怎么 使用因特网。 ②暗示,表明;如果后面接宾语从句,其谓语动


  His face suggested that he was unhappy.


  His accents suggest that he is an American.

  他的口音表明他是一个美国人。 我建议他马上做作业。



  ______________________________________ 我建议他用另一种方式处理这个问题。



  ______________________________________ I suggest that he (should) do his homework at once./ I suggest his doing his homework at once. I suggested that he should tackle the problem in another way. / I suggested his tackling the problem in another way. Part 1 Of 2  



  1.地震后,在废墟上建起了很多的新高楼。 2.市区新建有立交桥(overpass),交通很方便。 3.有些富裕的家庭开上了私家车。 4.城市还有中外各种风味小吃。 5.通讯发达,上网和发邮件比以前更方便。 【写作要求】 1.必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给内容; 2.文章开头和结尾已经给出,不计入5个句子中。 Dear Mary,

  Tangshan has changed a lot in the past 35 years. ___________________________________________

  Thanks to the people in this city, a whole new world has been created! Yours, Jack

  Dear Mary,

  Tangshan has changed a lot in the past 35 years. First, more high buildings have appeared on ruins of the earthquake, which are modern and beautiful. Many overpasses have been set up, so it has become very convenient for people to travel. Besides, many families have got cars of their own. To my delight, I can taste delicious food of different countries such as the food of America, Japan and South Korea. And now it is easier for me to keep in touch with you than before, for I can send e-mails to you in my office.

  Thanks to the people in this city, a whole new world has been created! Yours, Jack 有可能的 adj.

  _______________ 概念 n.

  _______________ 集中注意 vi.

  _______________ 跳过 vt.

  _______________ 全球的,全世界的 adj.

  _______________ 人造的 adj.

  _______________ 气候 n.

  _______________ 真实,现实 n.

  _______________ likely concept focus skip global artificial climate reality 病毒 n.

  _______________ 影响 vt.

  _______________ 快,迅速地 adv.

  _______________ 犯罪,罪行 n.

  _______________ 恐怖分子 n.

  _______________ 进攻,攻击 n. & vt.

  _______________ 使猛撞,使撞毁 vt.

  _______________ 提供,提议 n. & vt.

  _______________ virus affect rapidly crime terrorist attack crash offer 娱乐,款待 n.

  _______________ 消失 vi.

  _______________ 伤害,损害 vt. & n.

  _______________ 明显的,显而易见的 adj.

  _______________ 破坏,毁灭 n.

  _______________ 科学的 adj.

  _______________ 原子能的 adj.

  _______________ 计划,方案,工程 n.

  _______________ entertainment disappear harm obvious destruction scientific nuclear project 时髦,时尚 n.

  _______________ 建议,提议 n.

  _______________ 拒绝,不接受 vt.

  _______________ 安排 n.

  _______________ 目的地 n.

  _______________ 肉,肉体 n.

  _______________ 出,离开 vt.

  _______________ 历史的,有关历史的 adj.

  _______________ fashion suggestion reject arrangement destination flesh exit historical (事物或事件发生)位置,场所 n. __________ 收拾(行李),打包 vt.

  __________ 浸 vt.

  __________ 百万富翁 n.

  __________ 观光,游览 n.

  __________ 罪犯 n.

  __________ 导游,向导,指南 n.

  __________ 定居 vi.

  __________ site pack dip millionaire tourism criminal guide settle 中央的,中心的 adj.

  _______________ 市郊,郊区 n.

  _______________ 火山 n.

  _______________ 景色,风景 n.

  _______________ 阳光 n.

  _______________ 平均的 adj.

  _______________ 定期的,规则的 adj.

  _______________ 材料,原料 n.

  _______________ 景色,风景 n.

  _______________ 吸引人的,有魅力的 adj. _______________ central suburb volcano view sunshine average regular material scenery attractive 实现

  ________________ 和……取得联系

  ________________ 做,从事于

  ________________ 也,又

  ________________ 被认为是

  ________________ 好像,仿佛

  ________________ (电话用语)别挂断 ________________ come true

  get in touch

  be up to

  as well as

  be known as

  as if

  hang on 定居下来

  __________________ 演奏

  __________________ 本人亲身

  __________________ 发行

  __________________ 使某人铭记某事

  __________________ 跟……开玩笑

  __________________ 对某事认真起来

  __________________ settle down

  perform at / on

  in the flesh

  come out

  impress sth. on sb.

  play jokes on

  become serious about 一……就……

  ______________ 接送

  ______________ 热身

  ______________ 习惯于

  ______________ 照顾

  ______________ 上交

  ______________ 大量的

  ______________ 一段时间

  ______________ as soon as

  pick up

  warm up

  be used to

  look after

  hand in plenty of some time 应邀参加会议的人大多数是工程师。

  Most of the people invited to attend the meeting

  were engineers. 打一场乒乓球怎么样?

  What / How about having a game of table tennis? 众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。

  It is known to all of us that the earth goes around

  the sun. 王叔叔不但去过加拿大,而且还认识一些加拿


  Uncle Wang not only has been to Canada, but

  also knows some Canadians. 我们学好英语很重要。

  It is important that we should learn English well. come true


  His wish to be an actor has come true.


  I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will come


  我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。 与come true 同义的有realize, 但它是及物动词, 可用于被动语态。 She worked hard to realize her dream. 她为了实现她的梦想而努力工作。 2. predict vt. 预言,预报

  It is virtually impossible to predict the future



  The economists predicted an increase in the rate

  of inflation.

  经济学家预言通货膨胀率将会增长。 prediction n. 预言,预报 predictor n.

  进行预测的人(预言家)或者仪器 predictable adj.

  可预测的 predictable result 可预测的结果 3. cause vt. 引起……的发生,导致 ①引起……的发生,常用搭配为cause sth.,同义

  短语为bring about,不过前者因和果的关系较


  Carelessness can cause big problems.


  Over fishing brought about a decrease in the

  number of fish.

  过度捕鱼导致鱼的数量大大减少了。 ②cause sb. sth.


  His cheating in the exam caused his teachers

  much unhappiness.

  他在考试中作弊弄得老师们很不愉快。 ③cause sb. / sth. to do sth.


  The cold weather caused the plants to die.


  His illness caused him to miss the game.

  他因病不能参加比赛。 ④cause sth. to sb. / for sb. 给某人带来

  She’s always causing trouble for people.

  她总是给人添麻烦。 cause n. 原因,起因 常指造成某一事实或产生某种结果的直接原因。 Poor foundations were the cause of the building’s

  collapse. 地基不牢是那幢大楼倒塌的原因。 reason n. 原因,理由 用来解释某种现象,给出合乎情理的解释。 Is there any reason why you can’t come? 你有什么原因不能来? 爆炸是什么引起的?

  _____________________________________ 我的电脑给我带来很多麻烦。

  My computer has _______________________ . 我迟到的原因是误了车。

  __________________I’m late is that I missed

  the bus. What caused the explosion? caused me a lot of troubles The reason why 4. flood n. 洪水,水灾; v. 淹没,溢出

  The town was destroyed by the floods after the



  Every spring the river floods the valley.


  另外,a flood of sth.表示大量的、大批的,后可


  a flood of anger


  a flood of letters 大量的来信 5. affect v. 影响,作用;感动

  The climate affected his health.


  He was much affected by the sad news.

  这个悲惨的消息使他非常难过。 effect n. 结果,影响,效果

  请比较以下两句: How do you think the changes will affect you? 你认为这些变化会如何影响你? What effect do you think the changes will have on you? 你认为这些变化会给你带来怎样的影响? 6. offer

  ①vt. 提供,提出某物供考虑;出价 offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 为某人提供某物 offer sth. for $=offer $ for sth.

  给某物开出了……的价钱,某物要价…… offer to do

  自愿提出帮忙、资助、要求等 offer one’s hand

  伸出手和某人握手 offer one’s hand in marriage



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