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发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修 3 * 1. It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion. 它花了6年建成,耗资200亿美元。 2. A temple is a place of great importance to Buddhists. 寺庙对佛教徒来说是一个很重要的地方。 3. Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged? 既然这些遗迹都被淹没,还有再看到它们的可能吗? 重点句型 * 1.It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion.


  It takes sb.some time to do sth. (某人)花费若干时间做某事。it 为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth. 是真正的主语。此句型除了表示“花费时间干某事”,还可表示“需要某种特殊品质(耐力、努力等)做某事”。 句型探究 * It took him two hours to read the book. =He took two hours to read the book. =Reading the book took him two hours. 他花了两个小时读这本书。 It took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me I looked very elegant!(选修7Module 2) 这花了我两小时,不过很值得,因为每个人都说我看来端庄典雅。 句型探究 * spend, pay, cost, take ①spend 的宾语既可以是时间,也可以是金钱,动作发出者(主语)必须是人。常用结构:①sb. spends time/money on sth.

  ②sb.spends time/money (in)doing sth. He spent four years (in) writing the book. 他花了4年写这本书。 词语辨析 * ②pay 一般表示“付钱”,主语是人,有被动语态。常用结构:pay sb.money for sth. He paid the salesgirl 60 yuan for the dictionary. 他付给售货员60元买这本字典。 ③cost 的宾语通常是钱、时间、劳力。也可以表达“使失去(生命,健康)”。主语是物,没有被动语态。常用结构:cost (sb.) sth. It cost me four thousand yuan to make the journey. 这次旅行花了我4000元。 词语辨析 * ④take 表示“花费”时,往往只用于表示时间,主语常是it 形式主语,不定式或事物类名词。常用结构:It takes sb. some time to do sth.

  It will take us at least one year to complete the bridge.

  修这座桥要花我们至少一年的时间。 词语辨析 * 2. A temple is a place of great importance to Buddhists. 寺庙对佛教徒来说是一个很重要的地方。 be of importance=be important 重要的 be of +抽象名词= be +名词的形容词形式。 The matter is of great importance to us. =The matter is very important to us. 这件事对我们很重要。 句型探究 *

  be of great (much) value / importance /

  use / help=be very valuable / important / useful / helpful

  It is very important for students to spend enough time studying.

  =It is of great importance for students to spend enough time studying.

  有足够的时间学习,对学生来说很重要。 知 识 拓 展 *


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