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发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  possible, possibly, probably 的常用结构: It is possible that ....

  It is possible to do sth.

  S (主语) + will probably / possibly +

  do sth.

  probably表示的可能性比possibly要大。 Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 6, 7, 8 & 9. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 11

  The weather

  Unit 3 Language in use Language practice

  It’s freezing, isn’t it? Yes, it’s really cold. Will it be snowy? It may not even be cold just wet. And it might be windy. It’ll probably be hot and sunny. It may be quite cool. Listen and choose the correct months. Sydney in Dec.

  Sydney in June.

  New York in Dec.

  Listen again and check (√) the true sentences. 1. In December the weather is usually the same in Sydney and New York. 2. In June it never rains in Sydney. 3. It’s often very sunny in New York in December. 4. It often snows in December in New York.

  5. It usually snows in Australia in December.

  √ × × × × It’s a good idea _______ an umbrella. 2. The best time _______ New York is

  in October. 3. It’s very important _______ warm

  clothes when it’s freezing. to bring to visit to wear Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. bring





  wear 4. It’s nice ________ in the sea. 5. It’s great fun ______ on holiday. 6. When it’s sunny, he ______ sunglasses. 7. We’d better go and ____ the famous

  Water Park while we are in Tianjin.

  to swim to go

  wears see 1. It’s a good idea …

  2. It’s very important … 3. The best time …

  4. It’s nice … 5. It’s great fun … Work in pairs. Complete the sentences in your own words.

  Complete the sentences with possible, probably or may.

  It will ________ rain tomorrow. 2. It _____ be cold and wet in London

  in January. 3. It’s ________ freezing in Moscow in

  winter. 4. Is it ________ to visit Alaska in winter? 5. Mary _____ go to New England in fall.

  probably may probably possible may Complete the sentences. 1. It’s sunny now, but let’s take an

  umbrella because it may/might

  rain later. 2. It isn’t always warm in February,

  so it may/might be cool. 3. We’re going to the mountains,

  and we hope it won’t snow. 4. It’s usually hot and sunny so we will

  probably swim in the sea. 5. Buy a good map because we

  may/might visit the city. 6. Don’t go to Russia in winter because

  it might be dark all day and freezing

  cold. 7. In Mexico, in summer it will be too

  hot and sunny. Work in pairs. Say what you usually do, then say what you might do. 1. this evening

  2. at the weekend

  3. in the holidays I usually do my homework but I

  might watch a programme on TV

  this evening. 1. hot 2. warm 3. cool 4. cold 5. freezing Label the drawing with the words in the box. There’s a lot of ______. It’s cloudy. 2. The weather is snowy and there’s a lot of _____ in the park. 3. The Sun is shining. It’s very ______

  and hot today. 4. The wind is very strong. It’s so

  ______ that it’s difficult to walk. 5. There was a bad ______. The

  weather is stormy.

  Complete the sentences. cloud snow sunny windy storm Work in pairs. Ask and answer. — What’s the temperature?

  — It’s 20 degrees. It’s warm.

  — What’s the weather like?

  — It’s warm and wet. Complete the passage with the words in the box. cold



  depend might



  winter It’s very difficult to depend on the weather in Britain because it changes a lot. (1) _________ with countries like Mexico, Egypt or India, it’s really very (2) _____.

  Compared cold You can’t plan to have a barbecue

  very easily, even in summer — it (3) ______ rain! From (4) ____ to time,

  you get several days of good (5)

  _______. Everybody loves it! But

  usually, there’s a (6) ___ of rain, especially in (7) ______. It doesn’t

  snow very often but people always

  hope it’ll snow at Christmas. might time weather lot winter Around the world Which is the wettest place in the world? The wettest place Module task

  Preparing some advice on the best time to visit China. Write a message to a friend who wants to visit China.

  Dear _____, It’s good to hear that you may want to visit China. I think the best time to come is …

  It’s very difficult to depend on the weather in Britain because it changes a lot. Look and learn It doesn’t snow very often but people always hope it’ll snow at Christmas. So I think it’s very nice to snow at Christmas. 动词不定式作主语时, 多采用 It is … to do sth. 的句式。其中,it为形式主语,动词不定式(to do sth.) 为真正主语,作表语的可以是形容词,也可以是名词。 Do you understand the words may, might, possible, possibly & probably?

  might 是 may 的过去式,但表示可能性时没有很大区别,只是表示一般将来的可能性时,might 比 may 的可能性要小。因为 might 和 may 都是情态动词,所以,他们后面应加动词原形,即: S (主语) + might/may + do sth.


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