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发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5. Lao She taught Chinese to the English. 6. Our plan was to see the play in the teahouse. 7. The audience likes to see Beijing Opera in the teahouse. Listen to the conversation and

  choose the correct answers.

  1. Who is visiting London?

  a) Vicky.

  b) Steve.

  c) Romeo.

  2. What are they talking about?

  a) What Steve did yesterday.

  b) What Steve wants to do tomorrow.

  c) What Steve often does. a b Listen again and check the true sentences. 1. Steve hopes to go to the Globe theatre. 2. Vicky offered to take Steve to the theatre. 3. Steve’s family wanted to see a play at

  the Globe Theatre.

  4. Steve didn’t try to understand the words.

  5. Vicky hopes to see her favourite play. 6. Vicky thinks her parents will agree to

  take her to the theatre. × × √ √ × × Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. The story ___________ in Wang

  Lifa’s teahouse. 2. The story of Teahouse starts in 1898,

  _________ in 1916 and ends in 1945. 3.There are about 20 _________ in the teahouse. 4.The teahouse is the centre of the ____________. takes places continues customers neighborhood Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. excellent



  take place


  wonderful We went to the theater last night to see a play. I had a (n) (1) __________ evening. The performance was very good and all the actors were (2) ________. The play (3) __________ in a small village in China.

  It was all about an old box full of gold

  wonderful excellent took place and silver! The box was a(n) (4) ______ box and it was (5) __________ to open without a special key. At the end the audience clapped for 10 minutes! We didn’t want the play to end. magic impossible 写出下列短语

  想去茶馆 ______________________ 2.

  喜欢听音乐 ____________________ 3.

  决定留下来 _____________ 4.

  同意跟你去 ___________________ 5.

  希望见到你 _______________ 6.

  提议休息一会 __________________ 7.

  设法找到他 ______________ 8.

  计划登上长城 ______________________

  ________ want to go the teahouse like to listen to music

  decide to stay

  agree to go with you hope to see you

  offer to have a rest

  try to find him

  plan to climb the Great


  1. Mary thinks cats are ______ than dogs. A. lovelier

  B. lovely

  C. more lovely 2. This story is all ____ some college students.

  A. about

  B. of

  C. to 3. My dream is ______ the poor. A. help

  B. to help

  C. helping C A B Exercise


  We had a wonderful holiday.

  It was very___. A. happy

  B. enjoyable

  C. delicious 5. Don’t buy many things _____ your son. A. to

  B. for

  C. give

  B B

  She _________________ (决定选)

  the red coat. 2. Lily ___________ (想) go over Unit 1. 3. They _____________ (开始谈)

  about their dreams.


  We _________________ (想吃) some

  oranges after dinner.

  want to have/eat

  began to talk

  decided to choose

  would like to Complete the sentences. 5.

  They __________ (喜欢) listen to

  English songs when they have time. 6.

  He was ____________ (高兴) see you. 7.

  He _________ (尝试) get a full mark. 8.

  I _________ (希望) go into the space.



  hope to

  like to

  pleased to 9. 你可以在茶馆喝茶看京剧表演。


  can __________ and watch

  _________________of Beijing opera. 10. 电视剧《我爱我家》全部发生在室内。

  The TV play I love my home all

  ___________ indoors. 11. 科学在二十世纪有很大的进步。

  Science has made great advance

  during _____________________.

  took place

  the twentieth century

  drink tea


  performance 4. 所有的工作必须在年底完成.

  You must finish all of your work

  ___________this year.

  5. 我要出去一会儿,你能帮我照看一


  Can you _________my baby?

  I want to go out for a while. 6. 我们的工作就是学习, 不是玩。

  Our job is ________, not ________.

  at the end of

  look after

  to study

  to play Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 1, 2 & 3. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 10

  Lao She Teahouse

  Unit 3 Language in use enjoyable



  silver New words

  让人感到快乐的 表演 装满的;充满的 银 I want to remember all the

  new words. 2. This is a great way to learn English. 3. Try to remember eight or ten

  words a day. 4. Sally has invited me to stay with

  her in English one day. Do you still remember? 5. It has taken several months

  to get there. 6. I’d like to show it to them. 7. It is hard to understand how

  large the universe is. 8. He has to look after them. 9. Elvis decide to make records

  for him.

  动词不定式的构成:to +do 一、作宾语 放在 would like/want, begin/start, forget, remember decide, wish, learn, agree, hope, choose, love, offer, refuse, start, help,

  afford, refuse, try 等后面。

  I want ____all the new words.

  A. remember

  B. to remember

  C. remembering


  He began ___ when I came in.

  A. to swim

  B. swim

  C. swimming 3.

  Tom forgot ___ apples.

  A. buy B. to buy C. buying 4.

  Lily decided ___ hard.

  A. studying B. study C. to study B A B C 二、作宾语补足语 1) 放在tell, ask, want, invite, order, allow, encourage, teach, warn等后面。

  My mother wants me __ to school.

  A. to go

  B. go

  C. going 2. He invited us ___ the party.

  A. joining

  B. to join

  C. join 3. The teachers often asks us __ the rules.

  A. obey

  B. obeying

  C. to obey A B C 2) 在feel, hear, see, watch, smell, taste, let, make 等后要用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。

  1. I saw him ______into that house.



  B. to go

  C. going


  Let’s _______ a film.

  A. to see

  B. seeing

  C. see


  Alice heard it _______ “Oh,

  dear! Oh dear! I will be late.”

  A. saying

  B. say

  C. to say A C B 三、作状语 不定式在句中作状语,修饰动词, 表示目的、结果或原因等。

  He stands up and walks towards her

  _______hands with her.

  A. shake

  B. shaking

  C. to shake 2. She does her best _______

  up with the

  other students in her class.

  A. to catch

  B. catch

  C. catching

  C A 3. The boy is too young _______ to school.

  A. go

  B. to go

  C. going 4. Ann went there _______ a nurse.

  A. be

  B. been

  C. to be 5. Jim left home _______ in different cities.

  A. work

  B. working

  C. to work

  B C C 仿照句子写出下面短语: 把你的照片给我看 Show me your photos

  show your photos to me. 1. 给我一个苹果_________________

  give an apple to me 2. 借给他一些钱 lend him some money

  ______________________ 3. 送她一只花______________________

  send a flower to her 4. 教他们电脑 teach them computer


  give me an apple

  lend some money to him

  send her a flower

  teach computer to them 5. 给他买件毛衣


  buy a sweater for him 6. 给我们做早餐

  cook us breakfast

  ___________________ 7. 给他做个风筝


  make a kite for him 8. 替她读这封信

  read her the letter


  buy him a sweater

  cook breakfast for us

  make him a kite

  read the letter for her 1. “I’d like to see Beijing Opera one day.”

  He ______ to see Beijing Opera one day. 2.

  “Yes. Let’s go to the opera.”

  They ______ to go to the opera.

  hoped agreed Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. agree





  3. “We’ll go to the teahouse.”

  They _______ to go to the teahouse.

  “Can I come to the teahouse with


  She ________ to come to the


  decided wanted Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. 1. We plan ______ for a cup of tea. 2. Lao She’s job was _______ Chinese to

  the English in London. 3. I tried _____________ the poems. 4. Teahouse asks us ______ the teahouse

  as the centre of the neighborhood. to stay to teach to understand to see go




  understand (give, show, send, teach, pass, lend, sell … + sb + sth) 1.

  He gave me a birthday gift.


  =He gave a birthday gift to me. 2.

  Please show me your hands.


  =Please show your hands to me. 双宾语 3.

  Tom sent Lucy a postcard.


  =Tom sent a postcard to Lucy. 4.

  Pass me a book, Jack.


  =Pass a book to me, Jack. 5.

  Miss Hu teaches us English.


  =Miss Hu teaches English to us. 6. The boss sold that man all the apples.


  那个老板把所有的苹果都卖了那个男人。 7. My mother bought me a new coat.

  = My mother bought a new coat for me.

  妈妈买了一件新的外套给我。 The boss sold all the apples to that man. 8. The man cooks his son dinner.

  =The man cooks dinner for his son.

  那人煮饭给他的儿子吃。 9. She made her daughter a pair of shoes.

  =She made a pair of shoes for her daughter.

  她做了一双鞋给她的女儿。 Betty’s parents offered to take a friend to the teahouse. The waiters bring tea to the customers. 3. The teahouse offers a warm welcome to everyone. Write sentences 4. She introduced Beijing Opera

  to them.


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