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发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Around the World blue whale 蓝鲸 wild Bactrian camel

  野生双峰驼 Asian elephant

  亚洲象 Animals in danger blue whale 蓝鲸 Name blue whale home lives in oceans around the world food smallest animals Quantity / Number only (仅有) 1,300 Problem Many people kill them. Name wild Bactrian camel home lives in Northwest China and Mongolia (蒙古) Quantity / Number perhaps (可能) 950 Character (特征) a large camel & the only species (种类) with two humps (驼峰) wild Bactrian camel

  野生双峰驼 Name Asian elephant home live in India, also in other countries as well (也) Quantity / Number might be 35,000 relationship (关系) with people many elephants work for people Asian elephant

  亚洲象 1. It’s + adj. / n. + to + v. (原形) It’s sad to hear this bad news.

  To hear this bad news is sad.


  动词不定式 infinitive

  to + v. (原形) Grammar

  作主语:动词不定式作主语时,常用 It作形式主语,而把真正的主语放在谓语动词后面,当然也可以把不定式放在句首即主语的位置上。 2. v. + to + v.

  (原形) (作宾语)

  He wants to be a pilot in the future.

  begin to do sth

  forget to do sth like to do sth try to do sth

  need to do sth hope to do sth want to do sth remember to do sth

  作宾语: 在下列动词后,常用不定式作宾语: want, like, wish, continue, hope, manage, try, offer, start, begin, decide, help, learn, plan 等。 3. Sth / Sb

  be + adj. + to + v. (原形)

  tell / ask / … sb + to + v.


  I was nervous to speak in public.

  These words are hard to say.

  She asks me to help her with her English.

  补语:宾语补足语或主语补足语 常用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advice, ask, find, invite, like, need, order, send, teach, tell, want, wish 等。 4. Sth

  be + to + v. (原形) (作表语)

  Her job was to type words.

  My dream is to be a doctor.

  作表语: 不定式作表语用来表示主语的内容,或者表示未来的某种可能性或预定要发生的事。 My job is to help the old people. 5. v. + to + v. (原形)

  sentence + to + v.


  She wept to see the sight.

  (reason) I come here only to say goodbye to you. (result)

  I’m glad to see her. (reason)

  表目的: in order to + v.

  为了…… so as to + v.  为了…… only to do + v. 仅仅为了…… He is too excited to speak.

  = He is so excited that he can’t speak.

  = She is so young that she can’t go to


  She is too young to go to school.

  so (such) … as to + v. 如此……以便…… too … to + v.

  太……以致不…… too + adj. + to + v. =

  so + adj. + that

  6. n. + to + v. (原形) (作定语)

  He made so many candles to give light.

  I have a lot of work to do.

  作定语: 不定式作定语用来修饰名词或代词,起形容词的作用,一般放在被修饰对象的后面。 I have an important meeting to attend. 1. 我们需要更好地学习。

  We need _____________.

  2. 多些阅读是有好处的。

  It’s good ______________. 3. 保护动物是重要的。

  It’s important ________________. 4. 我希望看见大熊猫。

  I hope ________________. 5. 他有许多事要做。

  He has _________________.

  to study better

  to read more

  to protect animals

  to see pandas

  many things to do Exercise

  Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 1, 2, 3 & 4. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 9

  Animals in danger

  Unit 3 Language in use

  Language practice It was interesting to learn about the

  Wolong Panda Reserve. But it’s sad to think about all those animals in danger. The surprising thing was to hear how

  many animals are in danger. We need to protect them better. It isn’t right to kill whales or elephants. It’s hard to stop the killing. Write sentences. e.g: it / good / read / that /.

  1. it / nice / see / her /.

  2. it / bad / say / that /. It is good to read that. It is nice to see her. It is bad to say that. 3. I / sad / find out / about the panda /.

  4. he / happy / see / pandas/.

  5. we / surprised / learn that /.

  6. I / sad / not / know / about the

  panda /.

  I am sad to find out about the panda.

  He is happy to see pandas.

  We are surprised to learn that. I am sad not to know about the panda. Underline the correct words. Katy: Hi, Katy speaking. Samantha: Hi Katy. It’s Samantha. Do you

  want to see/seeing a film tonight? Katy: Oh, that’s very nice of you to invite/ inviting me. What’s it about?

  Samantha: It’s about animals in danger,

  and what government is doing for

  protecting/to protect them. Katy: Oh, that sounds interesting. What

  time does it to start/start? ____ ______ _______ ____ Samantha: At five o’clock. Let’s to meet/ meet at half past four. Katy: Ok. See you then. Samantha: Ok. Now Listen and check.

  Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation between Katy and Samantha in Activity 2. ____ feed






  tell They are working _______ a better life for the panda. We are trying _____ people about

  animals in danger. 2. He is making a poster _______ people about animals in danger. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

  to make to show to tell 3. People will grow bamboo in the forests ______ panda. 4. A plan _______ people killing

  pandas in now ready. 5. They want people not ______

  pandas. 6. Lingling’s school had a trip _____

  pandas. to feed to stop to kill to see Match the two parts of the sentences. We have helped some pandas but there is still a long way… They visited one reserve but there are still a lot of reserves… The panda was happy. There was a lot of bamboo… The student had a few books about panda…

  There was one animal… There were only a few trees … to see.

  … to eat. … to read.

  … to go. … to plant. … to visit. Answer: 1.






  d f b c a e e.g. I’m happy you again. (to see) I’m happy to see you again. Put the words in the correct place in each sentence. 1. there were a lot of animals in danger (to

  read about)

  There were a lot of animals in danger to

  read about. 2. it’s surprising about the panda (to find


  It’s surprising to find out about the panda. 3. they made the reserves pandas (to help)

  They made the reserves to help pandas. 4. they wrote letters people about the tiger (to


  They wrote letters to tell people about

  the tiger. 5. the government is making plans to other

  animals (to help)

  The government is making plans to help

  other animals. 6. it’s sad so many animals have gone (to think)

  It’s sad to think so many animals have gone. Play a class game. Read the beginning of the sentences and think of an ending for each one.

  Use to and a verb. How many different sentences can you make?

  I went to the post office... He looked in the dictionary... I rang my grandmother... It’s nice... It’s interesting... It’s good... It’s sad... I went to the post office to buy a stamp/to send a letter.

  Listen and answer the questions. 1. What kind of meeting is it?

  The first meeting of the Wildlife

  Club. 2. Why do the students want to meet?

  To get ideas about how to help

  endangered animals. 3. Why do they want to design a


  To tell other students about the club. 4. What should they decide? Which kind of animals to help most. 5. Where can they learn more about the endangered animals? From the zoo. 6. What animals are used to make jewellery?

  Elephants are used to make


  Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. The first problem is to know why we need to protect animals. some are (1)____________ because they don’t have enough food. in danger animal


  in danger



  reserve For example, the panda mainly eats (2)_________. The Chinese government’s plan is to provide more (3)_____________for the panda. For other animals, such as tiger and whales, the difficulty is to stop people (4)______ them. Another important thing is to keep the Earth clean. We must not pollute rivers or cut down forests. We all need clean air and clean water.

  nature reserve

  killing bamboo 1. in danger

  处于危险中的 2. nature reserve 自然保护区 3. killing 捕杀,猎杀

  stop the killing

  Language points


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