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发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  What is the animal and why is it in danger? 2. What is the problem? 3. Give an example of the cause of the problem and if possible, show how serious it is.

  4. What can we do to save the animal? Answer the questions and write a passage about it. 1. 我忘记还你的书了。

  I ______________ your books.

  2. 乔治希望有天能来中国。

  George wish _______ to China one

  day. forget to return to come Exercise 3. 她来中国是来学习汉语的吗?

  Does she come here ______________? 4. 他们的教材越来越难.

  The texts in their textbooks are

  ______________ difficult. to learn English

  more and more 单项选择

  1. We have two rooms ______, but I can’t decide ______. (2010 兰州中考)

  A. to live, to choose which one

  B. lived, choose which one

  C. to live in, which one to choose

  D. live, which one 2. He’ll use what he has _______ her a new dress. (2009 无锡中考)

  A. bought

  B. to buy

  C. buying

  D. been bought C B 3. –Mum, can I have something ________?

  –Oh, dear. You can only drink some water. There is

  ________ in the kitchen.

  (2009 宿迁中考) A. to drink; nothing else B. drinking; something else C. to eat; something else D. eating; nothing else 4. -_______ more about tomorrow’s weather, call 121.

  -OK, I will. Thank you. (2009 扬州中考) Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known

  5. Please don’t forget ________ the room while I am

  away in Beijing.

  (2009 绵阳中考) A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning   A C B Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 9, 10, 11 & 12. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 9

  Animals in danger

  Unit 2 The government is

  working hard to save the panda. research


  mainly live on reason less and less situation symbol turtle

  研究 西南 主要地 以……为食 原因 越来越少 情况 标志 海龟 New words

  Look at the pictures. Say what you know about pandas. 1. Have you ever been to the zoo? 2. What animals do you like best? Do you like pandas? What do

  they eat? Do you know they are in danger

  now? 5. What can we do for them? Free talk

  Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 — D. An animal in danger — C. The panda’s home — A. Help for pandas — B. Pandas help other

  animals Looking for more information: Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions:

  How many pandas are living in nature reserves today? About 1,000. They are studying how the pandas live and more baby pandas are born in the zoos. 2. What are scientists studying? Read paragraph 2 and complete the sentences: Pandas mainly live on ________. ______________________________________________________________,

  so pandas have less and less land to live on. bamboo The area of bamboo is becoming smaller for many different reasons Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions: What is our government doing? Our government is working hard to save pandas. Read paragraph 4 and check the sentences:

  The panda is one of the best-known animals in the world. 2. Elephants have become the symbol of all animals in danger. 3. We have a long way to go to save the animals in danger. T F T Match the beginnings with the endings to make sentences. 1. Pandas eat bamboo… 2. The government has

  made a new plan… 3. They will make bigger reserves… 4. The Chinese government is working hard… a. …to save pandas and other

  animals. b. … to live. c. … to protect pandas better. d. … to make bigger forests

  and plant more bamboo. Answer the questions. Because people are using the land. They need to eat bamboo. 1. Why do pandas have less and less land to live on? 2. What do pandas need to eat? The government has made a new plan to help pandas. They are making bigger reserves and helping pandas go back to live in the nature. 3. How is the government trying to

  save the panda? Because pandas don’t have many babies and baby pandas often die, etc. 4. Why do you think there is a long

  way to go to help the panda? Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Most zoos protect animals and do (1) ________ into the way animals live, what they eat, and what they do. The panda is in (2) ______ danger because research serious baby



  natural research


  symbol very few (3) ____ pandas are born outside the zoos. Many of them (4) ___ when they’re born in their (5) ______ home — the forests and the mountains. Zoos can make sure they have enough (6) _______ to eat. For the whole world, the panda has become a (7) ______ of China as well as for our government’s work to protect animals in danger. baby die natural bamboo symbol ★ 动词不定式的用法 1. 做定语:

  So pandas have less and less land (to live on).

  因此熊猫可生存的面积越来越小。 2) There are more than 30 nature reserves (to protect pandas).

  有30个自然保护区用来保护熊猫。 Language points 3) Then the pandas will have enough food (to eat) and enough places (to live in).


  空间。 2. 做宾语:

  The WWF works to protect all animals

  in danger.


  2) We need to save the panda, and we need

  to save them, too.


  练习: 她想要买一台电脑。

  She wants ______ (buy) a computer. to buy ★重难点句型: 1. They mainly live on bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo

  every day.

  live on:

  以……为生;(靠吃……)维 持生命 e.g. Sheep live on grass.

  What does that man live on?

  2. 形容词比较级的用法: less and less




  Winter is coming. It is getting colder and colder.

  Now those students can speak English better and better.

  练习: Spring is coming. _____and _____ (many) flowers are coming out. More more The panda is in danger. It has less and less land to live on. Only about 1,000 pandas live in nature reserves today. Our government and the World Wide Fund for Nature are trying to save the panda. Writing Now choose another animal in danger such as a bear, camel, lion, tiger, turtle, snake whale, or elephant.


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