2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit24《Society》(2)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit24《Society》(2)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  涉及此话题的读写任务,常常涉及:1.世界范围内环境污染的原因,如水污染越来越严重、砍伐森林严重、大气污染严重、白色垃圾、人口增加等。 考生应该意识到最为本质的原因是人类活动。2. 环境问题给人们带来的危害,其中包括自然灾害问题。3. 如何应对环境问题,政府、个人应该做些什么。以及绿色生活、珍惜水资源、使用再生资源、实现经济可持续发展、创建绿色学校等问题。


  in the long run 从长远看来

  greenhouse effect 温室效应 water shortage 水资源短缺 be unfriendly to the environment 对环境不利 ruin the environment 破坏环境 litter collection and disposal 垃圾的回收和处理 be in short supply 供应不足 make every citizen aware that 使每个人都意识到…… call on the efforts from all sides


  utilize the natural resources 利用自然资源

  sustainable development 可持续发展

  Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment./ It's everyone's duty to protect the environment.


  raise the awareness of environmental protection


  conserve natural habitats 保护生存环境

  take effective measures; effective measures should be taken / adopted


  take active measures to protect rare animals


  environment­friendly products 环保产品

  Gone forever are not only…, but… 永远失去的不仅是……,还有……


  Science Daily (Jan. 31, 2009) — Scientists from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) have selected 262 European observatories which analyzed the series of (minimum and maximum) daily temperatures from 1955 to 1998 to estimate trend variations in extreme temperature events. According to the study, in Europe days of extreme cold are decreasing and days of extreme

  heat increasing, from 0.5℃ to 1℃ in the average minimum temperature, and from 0.5℃ to 2℃ in the average maximum temperature.

  Continuous rises in annual temperatures in certain areas lead to “changes in the environment and significant increases in the frequency of values considered extreme temperatures”. To reach this conclusion, the scientists worked with 135 stations with

  a daily series of minimum temperatures and 127 stations with a daily series of maximum temperatures, located in 34 European countries.

  During the 44 years of analysis, the researchers recorded extreme cold events (between the months of November and March) and extreme heat events (from June to September) noting a slight decrease in days of extreme cold and increase in days of extreme heat.

  The decrease in days of extreme cold and increase in days of extreme heat are due to both local and global factors, according to the scientists. Some of them include the heat produced in cities or the change in the general circulation of the atmosphere which directly determines extreme temperature events.

  Apart from their direct relationship with climate change, extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum) particularly affect human health.









  该篇读写任务所给文章是一则资讯报道,属于说明文文体。文章告诉我们(According to the study) in Europe days of extreme cold are decreasing and days of extreme heat increasing以及这个问题产生的原因The decrease…are due to both local and global factors. Some of them include the heat produced in cities or the change in the general circulation of the atmosphere. 所以在进行概括时,我们首先阐述文章所说明的问题,然后再概括原因。

  正文部分,三个要点所占篇幅部分伯仲。要点(1)和(2)属于现象和影响的分析,属于说明文文体,应该用一般现在时来写。我们要意识到全球变暖是导致极端天气出现的主要原因,所以对于要点(1) “极端天气出现的原因”,我们可以从导致全球变暖的原因的角度来思考,比如:滥伐树木,人类活动大量排放二氧化碳等多种温室气体等。极端天气对某些传染疾病的传播起到推波助澜的作用,极端天气会导 致极端高温,对人体健康最直接的影响是发病率和死亡率的升高,这些都是极端天气对人类健康的影响(要点2)。 所以我们要减少二氧化碳的排放,植树造林,保护地球的气候,阻止其继续恶化,是我们的共同责任(要点3)。

  According to the passage, extreme temperatures happen much more frequent than ever before in European countries. These are largely due to the heat produced in cities and the circulation of the atmosphere. Reasons for extreme temperatures are varied. For one thing, human's activities like burning fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide, which make the globe warmer, causing the global temperature to go up. For another, people's cutting down trees that can absorb large quantities of

  carbon dioxide for furniture also contributes to the warmth of the earth, which gives rise to extreme temperatures. Extreme temperatures can do a lot of harm to people's health. The heatwave or the high temperatures can cause stress, worsening of diseases and even death, especially among children and old people.

  Therefore, to cope with the extreme temperatures, the most effective way is a global effort to reduce

  emissions of greenhouse gases. Individuals should use less energy, plant more trees and recycle materials because everyone's contribution counts.


  Lakes, rivers and the air in many places in China are still polluted, some seriously, in spite of continuous efforts to control pollution, a Chinese environmental official said on Tuesday.

  Zhang Lijun, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection,said environmental protection departments across the country should press enterprises harder on pollution control.

  The quality of the water sampled in almost a quarter of the monitoring stations set up along major rivers and in 28 major lakes averaged at level Ⅵ,which is too polluted to be used even for farm irrigation, while the air quality of 39.5 percent of 320 cities of prefecture level and above averaged level Ⅲ or worse,according to a document circulated at the meeting.

  The Ministry of Environmental Protection was considering a policy to deprive polluting enterprises from enjoying favorable treatment in subsidies and taxation, usually given by investment­seeking local governments.

  Last year, 156 projects with a total investment of 473.7 billion yuan (US$69.28 billion) failed environmental evaluations due to potentially high energy

  consumption and pollution emissions,including many chemical and coal­burning plants.

  In 579 projects that passed the evaluation,with a total investment of

  2.4 trillion yuan, clean production technology and facilities had been used to ensure the reduction of pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide,Zhang said.








  作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

  One possible version:

  As lakes,rivers and air in most places are still seriously polluted,Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection is considering a policy to urge the enterprises to take measures to stop pollution.

  To make a greater profit and save the expenses on environment facilities, many factories go against the law of protecting the environment. Some of them pour dirty

  waste water directly into rivers, making the rivers not only undrinkable but also unusable. Others release poisonous gases into the air, causing residents to suffer a lot.

  In my opinion, economic development should not be at the expense of the environment. Sustainable development should be adopted.

  Without a sustainable environment, a country's raw

  natural resources will be greatly reduced. Furthermore, without a healthy environment, how are people supposed to live? Therefore, stop doing such things as benefit us now but harm us later. We don't want future generations to suffer for our benefit. Part 2 Of 2 9. preserve vt. 保护,维护;保存;储存;维持

  Mr. Black was anxious to preserve his reputation.


  A few of his early poems are preserved.


  Fish are preserved in ice and salt until they

  are sold.

  鱼出售前都存放在冰盐里。 preserve n. (某人群或工作等的)专门领域; 果酱;泡菜;野生动物保护区 preservation n. 保存;维护;保养程度 preservable adj. 可保存的;可储藏的 preservative n. &

  adj. 防腐剂,保护剂;

  有保护能力的 preserver n. 保护者;保护用具;私人保留地 preserve sth. / sb. from保全,使继续存活,保护 They were determined to preserve their leader

  from humiliation. 他们决心保护他们的领导人免受侮辱。 1. 应该小心保护视力。


  用preserve的适当形式填空 2. All the paintings were in an excellent state of

  _____________. Eyesight should be carefully preserved. preservation 3. The police are the __________ of law and order. 4. What you see here is a perfectly ____________

  13th-century house. 5. This kind of juice contains no artificial

  _______________. preservers preserved preservatives 10. more than 不仅仅,不只是

  Yao Ming is more than a basketball player.

  姚明不仅仅是一个篮球运动员。 ① more than+数量词,表示“……以上,多于”。

  More than 300 workers were involved in

  strikes last month.

  上个月有300多名工人参与了罢工。 ② more than+动词,表示“十分,非常”。

  What he said more than disappointed me.

  他所说的话使我非常失望。 ③ more than+形容词或副词,表示“十分,不


  If you tell your father what you’ve done, he’ll

  be more than happy.


  十分高兴。 no more than 表示“不过,仅仅”。 more than…can / could,

  意思是“不能”,表示否定意义。 more A than B,

  意思是“与其说B,倒不如说A”。 It’s no more than ten minutes’ walk from the

  station. 从车站走到这里仅仅只要10分钟。 The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words

  can describe. 杭州之美是无法用语言描述的。 The child was more frightened than hurt. 这孩子的伤倒不算什么,只是受惊不小。 He always seemed old to me, more like

  grandfather than like a father. 我总感到他长相见老,更像祖父而不像父亲。 1. 这样的寒冷人们远不能忍受。


  __________________________________ 2. 与其说我父亲是个作家,倒不如说他是个



  __________________________________ The cold was more than people could bear.

  My father is more a politician than a writer. 11. consequence n. 结果,后果,结论;重要性

  Nothing of consequence occurred today.


  as a / in consequence 结果

  as a / in consequence of 由于,作为……的结果

  of little / no consequence=not of any / much


  不重要的,无足轻重的 take the consequences 后果自负,自作自受 If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready

  to take the consequences. 如果你这样愚昧下去,你必须准备自食其果。 consequent adj. 作为结果的;随之发生的 consequently adv. 因此,所以 1. 请考虑一下后果吧,你不应该那么快作决定。


  ___________________________________ 2. 这孩子浪费了太多时间,因此,他考试失败了。



  ___________________________________ Think of the consequences, please. You shouldn’t make a decision so quickly.

  The boy wasted so much time and consequently / as a consequence, he failed in the exam.

  3. 你的意见对我而言不重要。


  __________________________________ 4. 他触犯了法律,现在必须承担自己的行为



  __________________________________ Your opinion is of little consequence to me.

  He broke the law, and now he must take the consequences of his actions. 12. due ①adj. 由于,因为;与to搭配相当于owing to

  His success is entirely due to hard work.

  他的成功完全是努力工作的结果。 ②adj. 到期

  The debt is due on March 5.

  3月5日债务到期。 ③adj. 定于(某时)到达

  The train is due at 9:10.

  火车预定在9点10分到达。 ④adj. 预定,预期

  Her baby is due next week.

  她的宝宝预计在下个星期出世。 1. 他的病是由于工作过度引起的。

  ________________________________ 2. 由于暴风雨他来晚了。

  ________________________________ His illness was due to overwork.

  He arrived late due to the storm. 13. do up ①修缮;整新;收拾

  We bought an old house and are doing it up.


  He came and helped me do up my room.

  他来帮助我收拾房间。 ②扣紧;绑紧

  Will you do up this parcel for me?


  Do up the buttons on your shirt, Richard.

  理查德,把你衬衫的纽扣扣好。 1. 在营地, 男孩们不得不自己打扫小屋。


  ___________________________________ 2. 她在淋浴前把头发盘起来。


  ___________________________________ At camp, the boys have to do up their own cabins. She did her hair up before taking a shower. 1. Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change

  our money into different countries’ currencies

  in the hope that we can make even more money.



  该句中in the hope that… 希望…… (that后是

  同位语从句). 2. Surely we’re still better off than those who

  wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant

  buildings, but there is a growing resistance to

  this consumer society which is especially

  affecting the youth of today with their computers,

  i-pods, designer clothes and mobile phones.

  当然,我们仍旧比那些穿着破烂衣服, 睡在大街上或者空置房屋的人的生活要好 得多,但是现在的年轻人特别容易受到电 脑,苹果随身听,名牌服饰和移动电话的 影响,所以越来越多的人开始抵制这种消 费社会。

  be better off 比较富裕

  该句中who wear rags and sleep on the streets

  or in…是个定语从句,修饰的先行词是those。

  而which is especially affecting the youth of

  today with their computers…是另一个定语从 句,修饰的先行词是society。 3. Protest groups are insisting that some of our

  money be given to the third world.


  that some of our money be given to the third



  含义是“坚持,坚持要求”,所以用insist (that)

  sb. (should) do sth.句型。 4. They were then able to place guards at the

  entrances of the various hutongs, which made

  it easier to keep an eye on people’s movements.



  which指代前面整个主句“They were then

  able to place guards at the entrances of the various

  hutongs”。which 可以引导一个非限制性定语 从句,指代位于其前的整个句子。

  The earth moves around the sun, which is


  地球绕着太阳转,这是众所周知的。 5. Because the houses were built facing each

  other around courtyards, the families who lived

  there were an important part of each other’s lives.




  该句中,because 引导原因状语从句;

  而who lived there 是定语从句,修饰的先行

  词是families。 6. The hutongs not only link Beijing’s streets

  and communities after all, but also its past

  and present, showing that Beijing is truly an

  ancient yet modern city.




  该句中,showing that…是现在分词作状语,



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