2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit24《Society》(1)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit24《Society》(1)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. 别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。


  ____________________________________ 2. 他在车祸中受了重伤。


  ____________________________________ Don’t take it seriously — he’s only teasing.

  He was seriously injured in the traffic accident. 5. aim at 瞄准,针对

  I aimed at the target but hit the wall.


  My remarks were not aimed at you.

  我的话不是针对你的。 be aimed at (doing) sth.

  (计划或想法)旨在,目的在于 aim to do sth. 打算/企图做某事 We must aim at increasing exports. 我们要力求增加货物出口量。 The company is aimed to increase productivity. 该公司的目的在于提高生产率。 1. 这本书适宜那些有专业知识的人阅读。


  _________________________________ 2. 你应该永远以搞好你的工作为目的。


  _________________________________ 3. 我们打算周末去露营。

  _________________________________ The book is aimed at people with specialized knowledge.

  We aim to go camping at the weekend. You should always aim at doing your job well.

  6. show off 炫耀,卖弄;显示,展示;使夺目,使显眼

  She pouted to show off her new lipstick.


  He wrote in that style just to show off.


  show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb.

  引领,带领某人;给某人看,解释给某人听 show sb. round / around

  带某人参观,给某人做向导 show up 出现;显现 show sb. in / out the door

  送某人到门口,送某人进来/出去 1. 她喜欢炫耀她的精美衣服。


  用show的词组的适当形式填空 2. They sent someone to show me __________

  the new offices. She likes to show off her fine clothes. around 3. Goodbye, Mrs Davies. My secretary will

  show you ______. 4. I’ll be very surprised if they show ______

  on time. 5. Show your ticket ____ the man at the entrance. up out to 7. mercy n. [U] 怜悯,饶恕,宽恕;

  [C] 幸运的事,值得感激的事

  The commander showed mercy to the prisoners

  of war.


  It was a mercy that the whole family survived

  the earthquake.

  幸运的是在这次地震中一家人都幸免于难。 merciless adj.


  merciful adj.

  仁慈的;宽容的 beg for mercy

  恳请宽恕 have mercy on sb.

  对某人表示怜悯 show mercy to sb.

  对某人表示怜悯 at the mercy of

  任凭……摆布或控制;在……面前无能为力 without mercy

  毫不宽恕地;无情地 1. 这个男孩尖叫着恳求得到宽恕。


  ___________________________________ 2. 船的发动机坏了,他们只能任凭天气的摆布。


  ___________________________________ The boy was screaming and begging for mercy. After the boat’s motor failed, they were at the mercy of the weather. 3. 幸亏事故发生在离医院很近的地方。


  ___________________________________ 4. 他不怜悯任何人。

  ___________________________________ 5. 他们很无情地对待我。

  ___________________________________ It’s a mercy that the accident happened so near the hospital. He showed no mercy to anyone. They treat me without mercy. 8. keep an / one’s eye on 照看,密切注视

  Keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils.


  Keep an eye on the crowd for your teacher.

  注意一下人群中有没有你的老师。 have an eye for

  对……有识别力/有鉴赏眼光 have an eye to doing

  打算做……;以……作为目标 an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)

  以眼还眼(以牙还牙) in the eyes of

  从(某人)的眼光来看,依据(某人)的想法 run an eye over 浏览 under one’s eye

  在某人的眼皮底下,在某人的看护下 好的司机一定仔细看路。 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ A good driver keeps his eye carefully on the road. Part 1 Of 2

  请以My Favorite Newspaper为题用英语写一篇短文介绍《21世纪报》(21st Century)。短文应包括以下内容:

  报纸名称及使用语言:21st Century,英文






  参考词汇:今日世界 Today's World;流行词汇 popular new words and useful expressions



  My Favorite Newspaper

  21st Century is my favorite newspaper, which is an English language newspaper, published in Beijing each week. It has sections of different kinds, including News of the Week, Today's World, Language Class, Sports and Music, Students' Report. There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. By reading 21st Century, I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expressions. I can get information

  about different things, from politics to sports and music.

  1. 自助餐 n.

  _________________ 2. 图表 n.

  _________________ 3. 一个家庭 n.

  _________________ 4. 自愿的 adj.

  _________________ 5. 大量的 adj.

  _________________ 6. 纳税人 n.

  _________________ 7. 储蓄 vt. & vi.

  _________________ 8. 货币 n.

  _________________ buffet graph household voluntary abundant taxpayer deposit currency 9. 签名 n.

  _________________ 10. 统治 vt.

  _________________ 11. 积累v.

  _________________ 12. 所有权 n.

  _________________ 13. 重担 n.

  _________________ 14. 破旧衣服 n.

  _________________ 15. 空置的 adj.

  _________________ 16. 调整 n.

  _________________ signature govern accumulate ownership burden rag vacant adjustment 17. 各种各样的 adj.

  _________________ 18. 赤裸的 adj.

  _________________ 19. 养老金 n.

  _________________ 20. 辞职 vt.&vi.

  _________________ 21. 怀孕的 adj.

  _________________ 22. 删除 vt.

  _________________ 23. 缩小 vi.

  _________________ 24. 盛宴 n.

  _________________ diverse bare pension resign pregnant delete shrink feast 25. 选举 vt.

  _________________ 26. 仁慈的 adj.

  _________________ 27. 喷泉n.

  _________________ 28. 划水 vt.&vi.

  _________________ 29. 食品杂货商 n.

  _________________ 30. 部 n.

  _________________ 31. 跳过vt.

  _________________ 32. 版本 n.

  _________________ elect merciful fountain paddle grocer ministry skip edition 33. 小巷 n.

  _________________ 34. 投下 vt.

  _________________ 35. 着手做 vt.

  _________________ 36. 挤 vt.

  _________________ 37. 口渴 n.

  _________________ 38. 容器 n.

  _________________ 39. 转达 vt.

  _________________ 40. 一匙之量 n.

  _________________ alley cast undertake squeeze thirst container relay spoonful 41. 祷告 n.

  _________________ 42. 罚款 n.

  _________________ 43. 判决 n.

  _________________ 44. 废除 vt.

  _________________ 45. 摇动 vi.

  _________________ 46. 再者 adv.

  _________________ 47. 此外 adv.

  _________________ 48. 所以 adv.

  _________________ 49. 商人 n.

  _________________ 50. 含在嘴里吮食 vt.

  _________________ prayer fine sentence abolish swing moreover furthermore consequently merchant suck 故意惹恼(某人,尤指开玩笑)

  _________________ 2. 炫耀

  _________________ 3. 形成

  _________________ 4. 撞上某人

  _________________ 5. 原则上

  _________________ 6. 闯入

  _________________ 7. 正在增加

  _________________ wind sb. up

  show off

  come into being

  knock into sb.

  on principle

  break into

  be on the increase

  8. 认真对待某人/某事

  ___________________ 9. 瞄准,针对

  ___________________ 10. 除……以外

  ___________________ 11. 个人而言

  ___________________ 12. 出现

  ___________________ 13. 使耽搁

  ___________________ 14. 修补

  ___________________ take sb. / sth. seriously

  aim at

  apart from

  on a personal level

  turn up

  hold up

  do up 15. 不再信任

  _________________ 16. 照看

  _________________ 17. 有危险

  _________________ 18. 贡献,促成

  _________________ 19. 追溯

  _________________ 20. 判某人死刑

  _________________ lose faith in

  keep an eye on

  at risk

  contribute to

  date back

  sentence sb. to death 1. 我们该更加认真地对待这些问题了。

  It’s high time that we took these issues more

  seriously. 2. 在原则上我完全反对死刑。

  I am totally against death penalty on principle. 3. 胡同不仅联通了北京的街道和社区,它还联



  The hutongs not only link Beijing’s streets and

  communities after all, but also its past and

  present, showing that Beijing is truly an ancient

  yet modern city.

  4. 我建议我们应该马上采取措施。

  I suggest that we take steps / measures

  immediately / at once. 5. 拼命赚钱的最后结果不是更幸福了, 而是


  The result of working too hard for money is

  not increased happiness, but more stress. 1. would rather



  would rather than,表示“宁愿……而不愿……”。

  I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.


  would rather不因人称而改变,后跟从句(谓语

  用虚拟语气)。 We’d rather you didn’t smoke in our home. 我们希望你不要在我们家抽烟。(表现在) I would rather we didn’t see each other any more. 我希望我们不要再见面了。(表将来) I would rather I had finished my homework

  yesterday. 我真希望昨天就做完了作业。(表过去) 1. 他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。


  ____________________________________ 2. 老板希望我明天上班不迟到。


  ____________________________________ They would rather go fishing than stay at home.

  The boss would rather I didn’t come late to work tomorrow.

  3. 上周日他忙于做家务,我真希望他能跟我




  ___________________________________ He was busy doing housework last Sunday. I would rather he had gone fishing with me.

  用动词的适当形式填空 4. I would rather ____________(laugh) at than

  quarrel with him. 5. I would rather he ___________(go) shopping

  yesterday. 6. She would rather she _______(have) a holiday

  next week. 7. Sam would rather the boys ________(are) not

  making any noise now. be laughed had gone were had 2. adjust vt. 调整,调节;适应,习惯

  He adjusted his cap and ran out.


  My eyes haven’t adjusted to the dark yet.

  我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。 Animals can adjust themselves to their

  environment. 动物自己能适应生存的环境。 adjustment n. 调整,调节;适应 adjustable adj. 可调整的,可调节的 1. 要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言。


  __________________________________ 2. 她花了很长时间才适应了在美国独立生活。


  __________________________________ Adjust your language to the age of your audience.

  It took her a long time to adjust to living alone in America. 用adjust的适当形式填空 3. I’ve made a few minor ______________ to

  the seating plan. 4. This kind of desk can be _____________ to

  the height you need. 5. I would like to buy an _______________ desk

  lamp. adjustments adjustable adjusted 3. income n. 收入, 所得

  income, pay, salary与wage ①income泛指各种收入和进款;

  The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting

  income tax.

  税务局负责征收所得税。 ②pay一般用以指雇主定期付给的工资,尤指军


  Truck drivers are demanding higher pay.

  卡车司机要求加薪。 ③salary指白领工作者,尤指脑力劳动者的年薪;

  Your salary will be £12,000 a year, with

  annual increments of £500.

  你的年薪为12,000英镑, 每年增加500英镑。 ④wage指体力劳动者的收入,通常是按星


  Wages at the cannery are very low.

  那家罐头食品厂的工资很低。 4. take sb. / sth. seriously 认真对待某人/某事

  I take this threat very seriously.


  He took his responsibilities as a father seriously

  but in matters of discipline was rather too free

  with his hands.


  方面,他动辄打人。 think / consider seriously 认真考虑 We have to think seriously about what we do next. 我们得认真想一想下一步该做什么。 seriously ill / hurt / injured / worried



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