2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit23《Conflict》(2)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit23《Conflict》(2)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  How long has he / she

  _____? He / She has _______ for / since …. Pair work:

  30 minutes ago

  a year half an hour 15 years 1. — How long has she stayed in China?

  A. For 1990

  B. Since 1990

  C. Since 4 years 2. She has learnt Chinese

  last year.

  A. for

  B. before

  C. since 3. She always

  with everyone.

  A. get on well

  B. gets on well with

  C. gets on well 4. Has she

  the good news?

  A. heard about

  B. heard from

  C. heard to

  B C C A Exercise

  5. Henry speaks Chinese very well. He _________ in China since 2002.

  A. stays

  B. stayed

  C. is staying

  D. has stayed

  (2007年河北省) 6. Over 400 million people have visited Disneyland parks around the world

  ? ?____ American Disneyland opened in July, 1955.

  A. after?? B. before?? C. since

  (2009中考真题) D C 7. Mr. Smith has made a lot of friends ____ he came to Gansu.

  A. as soon as??

  B. since??

  C. when??

  D. before

  (中考真题) 8. We have been good friends ____ we joined the same ping-pong team. ? ?A. after?? B. before?? C. since?? D. until

  (中考真题) B C 9. If you get on well??????? your classmates, you’ll enjoy your school life more.

  A. to???? B. at???? C. with??? D. in

  (2010 中考真题) 10. I have ___ my parents, and now I’m answering it.

  A.? heard of ????? B. heard from 

  C. heard ???????

  D. heard about  

  (2001 重庆市) C B 1. 你打篮球已经打了多久了?

  you played basketball? 2. 我从2000年就开始环游世界。

  I have

  2000. 3. 事实上,中文是中国的主要语言。

  , Chinese is the basic language in

  China. 4. 她妹妹已经弹了3年钢琴。

  Her sister has played the piano

  . 5. 小明已经听说这个坏消息了。


  this bad news. How long have

  travelled around since In fact

  for 3 years

  has heard about Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 5, 6, 7 & 8. * * * * * Think about your education. Answer the questions. 1. What’s your favorite subject? 2. When did you start learning English? 3. Have you learnt a lot of English? 4. Have you read any books in English? 5. Have you learnt to play some sports? Free talk Module 4


  Unit 1 How long have you studied English? study

  v. teach

  v. head teacher

  n. since

  prep. get on well with same

  adj. hear about


  adj. project

  n. still

  adj. 学习,研究 教 校长 从……以来 与……相处(融洽) 相同的,同一的 听说 贫穷的 计划,工程 仍旧,仍然 New words Listen and match the years

  with the activities. 1995 1998 2001 2003 2004 2006 a. be a teacher b. live in China c. know our head teacher

  d. study Chinese

  e. teach English f. work at Beijing International School — She has been a teacher since 1998. — How long has Ms James been a

  teacher? Work in pairs. Ask & answer

  Betty’s questions: — She has been … since …. — How long has Ms James been …? Listen and choose the correct answer. 1. How long has Lingling known Sally?

  A. Nine months.

  B. Two years.

  C. Since 2004. 2. Why does Lingling get on well with


  A. Because she likes the Internet.

  B. Because they are the same age.

  C. Because they have the same hobbies. B C 3. _____ has lived in China since 2004.

  A. Lingling

  B. Betty

  C. Sally 4. How long has Betty studied Chinese?

  A. For a year.

  B. For two years.

  C. For half a year. 5. What’s the Project Hope for?

  A. For the poor children.

  B. For all the children.

  C. For the rich.

  B A A Answer the questions.

  How long has Lingling known Sally?

  2. Does she still know her?

  3. How long has Sally studied Chinese?

  4. Is she still studying it?

  For two years. Yes, she does. For a year. Yes, she is. 5. How long has Betty lived in China?

  6. Is she still living there?

  7. How long has Project Hope built

  schools all over China?

  8. Are they still building them?

  Since 2004. Yes, she is. Since 1989. Yes, they are. Complete the sentences. Lingling knows Sally quite well, but she

  ______________________. 2. Sally and Lingling get on well because

  ______________________. 3. Sally hasn’t been to China, so speaking Chinese

  ______________________. 4. Sally is coming to China because

  __________________________________________. 5. She has heard about the Hope Schools, so

  __________________________________________. 6. Since 1989 Project Hope


  hasn’t met her they like the same things is

  very difficult for her her school orchestra has some concerts she wants to visit a school in Gansu or Qingdao. has built schools all over China

  1. get on well with sb


  2. It’s +adj. to do sth.



  It’s interesting to listen to music.

  3. want to do sth



  His brother wants to buy a car.

  4. hear about



  Have you heard about the latest news. Language point

  5. in fact



  In fact, he has gone to Shanghai.

  6. all over China


  all over the world


  7. That sounds …


  =It sounds …


  That sounds great. Yao Ming began to play basketball

  for Houston Rockets in 2002. 2. He has played basketball for Houston Rockets since 2002.

  He has played basketball for Houston Rockets for six years. Beckham began to play football for Real Madrid in 2003. 1. He has played football for Real Madrid for five years. 2. He has played football for Real Madrid since 2003. Miss Li began to work in No. 8 Middle School in 1989. 1. She has worked here for 23 years. 2. She has worked here since 1989. How long have I taught? I have taught since yesterday / ten years ago / two days ago / 1996 / last week / 7o’clock this

  morning. I have taught for ten years / two days / many

  days / several minutes / a few hours / years. sb have / has done sth Summary: since + 过去具体时间 for + 一段时间 Important phrases 和某人相处(融洽) 从2004年以来 听说 事实上 一点儿 再告诉我更多情况 做某事更容易

  get on (well) with

  since 2004

  hear about

  in fact

  a little

  tell me more It’s easier to do

  Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1. I’ve studied English for _____ since ____. 2. I’ve lived in my hometown for ______ since _____. 3. I’ve been at this school for ___ since ___. 4. I’ve known my best friend for ______ since ____. — How long have you

  _______________? — I have __________________.

  __________________. Ask and answer two hours played basketball

  played for two hours since two hours ago How long have you

  _________? I have ______ for / since_____. Pair work:

  30 minutes ago

  a year half an hour 15 years


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