2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit23《Conflict》(1)-查字典英语网
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2017届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit23《Conflict》(1)

发布时间:2017-02-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  A: Have you done … yet? B: Yes, I have.

  I have already / just

  done … / No, I haven’t. I haven’t

  done … yet eat-ate-eaten Dear Diary: I’ve 1) ____ finished reading a great book

  at school. I haven’t 2) _____ anything as

  good as that for a long time! It is a book about

  the solar system. It is so good that I’ve 3) ______ asked the library to keep the

  next book for me! In the book, it says that

  astronauts have 4) _____ to Mars and even

  to Jupiter. I’ve 5) _____ read that before! I

  think they’re keeping it secret!

  just read already been never Activity 7 6) I ______ met anyone famous in my life but

  I hope one day I’ll meet a real astronaut. I’ve

  7) ______ to NASA to ask them for more

  information about astronauts and space. I

  hope they write back. They haven’t

  8) ____, but I’m sure they will write soon. Best wishes, Mary. haven’t written yet Activity 8 Listen to this interview and choose the correct answers on page 24







  Add the words and expressions to

  the word map. discover




  space station SPACE galaxy Milky Way Solar

  system explore find discover space station space shuttle astronaut mission unmanned spacecraft message Activity 9

  Planets and days Around the world European languages use

  the names of the planets

  for the days of the week. For example, in English,

  Saturday is named after

  the planet Saturn, the sixth

  planet from the Sun.

  Sunday is the day of the Sun, a traditional day of rest. Monday gets its name from the moon and is the day of the moon. 欧洲的语言常用行星的名字来命名星期。比如,在英语中,星期六是按土星的名字命名的。星期日按太阳的名字命名,象征传统的休息日。星期一的名字得来于月球,是月球日。 Task 1

  假设你是一位记者,非常有幸在翟志刚(中)、刘伯明(右)、景海鹏驾驶神州七号宇宙飞船返回地面后,去参访他们在太空中的所见所闻。请设计几个问题,并把采访结果整理出来。 — Have you ever seen…? — Have you ever felt…? Module task

  Task 2

  假设你们班要组织一次太空知识竞赛,请你搜集有关太空知识的信息和照片,制作成海报。 与宇宙有关的一些词汇: universe


  solar system









  天王星 Sunspot



  银河 Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 6, 7, 8 & 9. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 3

  Journey to space

  Unit 3

  Language in use diary even

  Jupiter secret real


  explore mission

  unmanned New words 日记 甚至 木星 秘密, 秘密的 真实的 两次 探测 任务 不载人的 Language practice

  Have you heard the latest news? Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars. And have the astronauts discovered life on Mars? But astronauts have already been to the moon.

  现在完成时(二) 当我们要表达“已经做完某事”或者“刚刚做完某事”时,也用现在完成时来表达。其结构也是: have / has +动词的过去分词. 常用的时间状语有:

  already, just, 一般置于have/has 之后,用于肯定句中;在否定句中则要用yet 表示“还,未”。 Grammar 1) I have already had my breakfast.

  2) She has just read a book about Mars.

  3) Tom’s parents haven’t been to

  China yet. 我已经吃过早餐了。 她刚刚读完一本有关火星的书。 汤姆的父母还没来过中国。 与现在完成时连用的几个副词:

  肯定句: 疑问句和否定句:

  yet 常置于句末 already, never, ever, just 一般置于助动词 have/has之后,过去分词之前。 already, just, ever, yet, never

  already, just

  ever, yet, never Put the words in the correct place in each sentence.

  They haven’t been to Mars yet. 2. Many astronauts have already visited the space station. 3. The spacecraft has just reached Mars.

  Activity 1

  4. We’ve already known that there isn’t

  any life on the moon. 5. We have just started to look at other

  planets. 6. The space shuttle has just returned

  from a visit to the space station. we / just / TV / programme / on / a /

  watched / have /.

  We have just watched a programme

  on TV. 2. on / discovered / yet / life / they / Mars /

  haven’t /.

  They haven’t discovered life on Mars

  yet. Put the words in order to make sentences. Activity 2 3. already / astronauts / landed /

  moon / on / the / have /.

  The Astronauts have already landed

  on the moon. Look at these sentences. The astronauts have gone to the space


  They’ve gone there, but they haven’t come


  The astronauts have been to the space


  宇航员们已经去了太空站。 他们去了那里,但是还没回来呢。 宇航员们已经去过太空站了。 Activity 3 They went there and then they came back. Miss Gao has been to America. She has just returned.

  Han Li has gone to school. She is not at


  高小姐去过美国了,她刚刚回来。 韩丽已经去学校了,她不在家。 他们去了那里并且回来了。 Now choose the correct words.

  Astronauts have been / gone to the moon and returned safely. 2.The spacecraft has been / gone into space. It won’t return. 3.The space shuttle has been / gone to the space station. It will come

  back tomorrow. 4.The space shuttle has been / gone

  to the space station. It brought

  back two astronauts. Complete the sentences with the

  expressions in the box. have/ has been

  have/ has gone

  A spacecraft __________ to Mars.

  It’s coming back to Earth next year. 2. Lots of astronauts _________ to

  the space station. They found it very

  interesting. has gone

  have been Activity 4 3. Some American astronauts _______

  to the moon several times. 4. A British astronaut ________ to the

  space station. He’ll come back in January. have been has gone Complete the passage with the

  correct form of the verbs. Nicky: I’ve just (1) ____ (see ) a great TV

  programme about space. Did you know

  that scientists have ( 2) __________

  (discover) water on Mars? Bill:

  No! Really? That’s very interesting.

  (3)____ they ____(try) to find life on Mars? seen discovered Have tried Activity 5 Nicky: Well, they’re looking for life but they

  (4) ___________ (not find) anything

  yet. Bill:

  They’ve already (5) ______ (find) that

  there’s no life on the moon. Nicky: Yes, that’s right. So far there’s only

  life on Earth.

  haven’t found found A: Have you done … yet? B: Yes, I have.

  I have already / just

  done … / No, I haven’t.

  I haven’t

  done … yet. A: Have you done … yet? B: Yes, I have.

  I have already/just

  done … / No, I haven’t. I haven’t done … yet.


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