【译林湖南版】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练:Module 10 Units 1~2《People on the move》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【译林湖南版】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练:Module 10 Units 1~2《People on the move》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Module 10

  Units 1~2Ⅰ.填词

  Most people know that they will feel homesick when they go to live in another country,but many people do not think about the cultural adjustment or changes they will have to make.When people go to another country to study,work,or live,they have to adjust to many differences.They have to change the way they eat,dress,travel,talk,and even think.

  Adjusting to the new culture and becoming comfortable in it takes time.Kalvero Oberg,a researcher,has found that most people go through similar stages of cultural adjustment although the stages are longer or shorter for different people.These stages are called the “Honeymoon Period”,“Culture Shock”,“Initial Adjustment”,“Mental Isolation”,and“Acceptance and Integration”.Each stage has certain characteristics.

  In the first stage,the newcomers enjoy the new culture.All the new experiences are exciting for them.

  In the second stage,they begin to feel homesick and suffer other problems of cultural adjustment.They feel lonely or sad.Everyday life seems filled with problems.Simple activities like making a phone call,paying a bill,traveling to work or school,or shopping seem filled with problems.The newcomers feel completely exhausted.They are too tired to think or even do anything.

  In the third stage,the newcomers begin to adjust and life seems easier.

  In the fourth stage,the newcomers realize that they still miss their own culture,especially their family and friends.They may not yet be able to communicate easily in the new culture.Feelings of isolation and loneliness return.The newcomers may feel like an island.unconnected to the people and culture around them.

  In the final stage,the newcomers accept the difficulties and problems of everyday life.They accept the culture and people around them and establish a daily routine.Then they find that they have adjusted to their new life and enjoy their new friends and life.

  Title:Life in__1__

  Stages of cultural adjustment The newcomers’__2__

  Honeymoon Period Excitement or being excited

  __3__ Problems of cultural adjustment Homesickness


  Problems with their__5__

  Initial Adjustment Starting to adjust and feeling their life easier

   __6__ Missing their own culture:their__7__

  Still having trouble communicating in the new culture

   Feeling __8__again

  Accepting the __9__of everyday life

  Acceptance and Integration

  Accepting the culture and people around them 

  Starting to enjoy their new __10__


  Have you ever suffered a broken bone? The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture.But there are different kinds of fractures.A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place.You may have heard the term hairline fracture.This is a single fracture that is very small,like the width of a hair.A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart.

  When a bone is broken in more than two places or gets crushed,the name for it is a comminuted fracture.

  Still another kind is a bowing fracture.This happens with a bone that bends but does not break.It happens mostly in children.

  Have you ever heard of a greenstick fracture? This is when a bone is bent and breaks along only one side,like a young stick of wood.

  Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture.This is when the bone breaks the skin.This is very serious.There is both bone damage and a risk of infection in the open wound.

  A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury

  like a





  feel lightheaded.You might also feel sick to your stomach.

  People who are seriously injured can go into shock.They might feel cold and unable to think clearly.Shock requires immediate medical attention.

  But while broken bones can be painful,they are generally not life-threatening.Treatment depends on the kind of fracture.A doctor takes X-rays to see the break and sets a broken bone to make sure it is in the correct position.

  Severe breaks may require an operation to hold the bone together with metal plates and screws.

  Next,a person usually gets a cast put arount the area of the break.Casts are usually worn for one to two months.The hard bandage holds the bone in place while it heals.

  In some cases,instead of a cast,a splint made of plastic or metal will be placed over the area to restrict movement.

  Doctors say broken bones should be treated quickly because they can restrict blood flow or cause nerve damage.Also,the break will start to repair itself,so you want to make sure the bone is lined up correctly.

  Bones need calcium and vitamin D to grow and reach their full strength.Keeping your bones strong with exercise may also help prevent fractures.

  Wearing safety protection like elbow pads and leg guards during activities is a good idea.If you think these might be restrictive ,try a cast.

  1.How do doctors call a broken bone scientifically?(no more than 2 words)


  2.What kind of fractures are found mostly among children?(no more than 2 words)


  3.Generally,if people have a fracture,will they die very soon?(no more than 3 words)


  4.Why should fractures be treated quickly?(no more than 10 words)


  5.According to the passage,what mineral is needed when bones grow?(no more than 1




  Societies all over the world name places in similar ways.Quite often there is no official naming ceremony but places tend to be called names as points of reference by people.Then an organized body steps in and gives the place a name.Frequently it happens that a place has two names:One is named by the people and the other by the government.As in many areas,old habits die_hard,and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost.

  Many roads and places in Singapore(新加坡)are named in order that the pioneers will be remembered by future generations.Thus we have names such as Stamford Road and Raffles Place.This is in keeping with traditions in many countries—in both the West and the East.

  Another way of naming places is naming them after other places.Perhaps they were named to promote friendships between the two places or it could be that the people who used to live there were originally from the places that the roads were named after.The mystery is clearer when we see some of the roads named in former British bases.If you step into Selector Airbase you will see Piccadilly Circus—obviously named by some homesick Royal Air Force personnel.

  Some places were named after the activities that used to go on at those places.Bras Basah Road is an interesting example,“Bras Basah” means “wet rice” in Malay(马来语).Now why would anyone want to name a road “Wet Rice Road” ?The reason is simple.During the pioneering days,wet rice was laid out to dry along this road.

  A few roads in Singapore are named by their shapes.There is “Circular Road” for one.Other roads may have part of their names to describe their shapes,like “Paya Lebar Crescent” .This road is called a crescent(月牙)because it begins on the main road,makes a crescent and comes back to join the main road again. 


  1.We learn from Paragraph 1 that ________.

  A.the government is usually the first to name a place

  B.many places tend to have more than one name

  C.a ceremony will be held when a place is named

  D.people prefer the place names given by the government

  2.What does the underlined phrase “die hard” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

  A.Change suddenly.

  B.Change significantly.

  C.Disappear mysteriously.

  D.Disappear very slowly.

  3.Which of the following places is named after a person?

  A.Raffles Place.

  B.Selector Airbase.

  C.Piccadilly Circus.

  D.Paya Lebar Crescent.

  4.Bras Basah Road is named ________.

  A.after a person

  B.after a place

  C.after an activity

  D.by its shape

  5.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.Some place names in Singapore are the same as in Britain.

  B.Some places in Singapore are named for military purposes.

  C.The way Singaporeans name their places is unique.

  D.Young Singaporeans have forgotten the pioneers.


  【解题导语】 这是一篇说明文。文章阐述了在一种新的文化环境中生活的几个适应阶段的特点:蜜月期、文化震撼期、开始适应期、精神隔离期、接受融合期。在这几个阶段新来者的感受是不同的,他们的精神状态在不同的阶段有不同的特点。题目就是根据这几个阶段的特点来设置的,表格的设置与文章的脉络是一致的。本篇设置的题目包括了阅读填空题的各种题型,难易适中。

  1.解析:主旨大意题。由文章的主题句 “Adjusting to the new culture and becoming comfortable in it takes time.” 以及全文内容可知:文章所讲述的是在一种新的文化中的生活的一些过程,故正确答案为:a new culture。

  答案:a new culture

  2.解析:信息概括题。由表格中对应的内容可知这里应该填新来者的 “感觉或者反应”,故正确答案为:feelings or reactions。

  答案:feelings or reactions

  3.解析:直接信息题。由表格中对应的内容可知这里指的是第二个阶段的文化震撼期,故正确答案为:Cultural Shock。

  答案:Cultural Shock

  4.解析:信息改写题。含有需要的信息的句子是 “They feel lonely or sad”。再由表格中的 “Homesickness” 可知应该把lonely和sad改成其名词形式,故正确答案为:Loneliness and sadness。

  答案:Loneliness and sadness

  5.解析:信息概括题。含有本题需要的信息的句子为 “Simple activities like making a phone call,paying a bill,traveling to work or school,or shopping seem filled with problems”。这里列举了这么多的activities,其实都是一些 “日常的活动”,故正确答案为:daily activities。

  答案:daily activities

  6.解析:直接信息题。由表格中对应的内容可知这里指的是第四阶段的精神隔离期,故正确答案为:Mental Isolation。

  答案:Mental Isolation

  7.解析:直接信息题。由文中的 “In the fourth stage,the newcomers realize that they still miss their own culture,especially their family and friends.” 可知正确答案为:family and friends。

  答案:family and friends

  8.解析:信息改写题。由文中的 “Feelings of isolation and loneliness return.” 可知只要把isolation和loneliness改为其形容词形式就可以了,故正确答案为:isolated and lonely。

  答案:isolated and lonely

  9.解析:直接信息题。文中的 “In the final stage,the newcomers accept the difficulties and problems of everyday life.” 可知正确答案为:difficulties and problems。

  答案:difficulties and problems

  10.解析:直接信息题。由文中的 “Then they find that they have adjusted to their new life and enjoy their new friends and life.” 可知正确答案为:friends and life。

  答案:friends and life


  1.A fracture.

  2.Bowing fractures.

  3.No,they won’t.

  4.Because they can restrict blood flow or cause nerve damage.



  【解题导语】 世界各地地名的命名方式都很相似。本文介绍了地名的四种命名方法。

  1.解析:推理判断题。由文章第一段中 “Frequently it happens that a place has two names...” 一句可知,许多地方都有不止一个名字。


  2.解析:词义猜测题。由上下文可知:在许多地区,旧的习惯不易立即改掉,在其意义消失很久以后,这些地方仍会被人们以非官方的名字称呼。故此处die hard “顽固”,同D意义接近。









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