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发布时间:2017-02-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  This past week, the world lost an icon and I lost one of my favorite musicians when Michael Jackson, 50, died of a heart attack on June 25. Jackson, a famous person nearly all his life, was admired by fans for signature dance moves like the Moonwalk and his album Thriller, which has sold over 100 million copies.

  One of the greatest hits from Thriller is Beat It. In the song, Jackson sings: “Just beat it, beat it/ No one wants to be defeated/ It doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right/ Just beat it, beat it!”

  Just what does he mean?

  “Beat it” is a very common expression with a few different meanings. One of the most popular is the command form, which is similar to “Get out of here!” or “Get out of my face, stop bothering me!” You might tell your dog to “beat it” when he keeps begging you for food.

  “Beat it” can also be used as a suggestion, to describe the act of leaving suddenly: “This party is so boring, let’s beat it.”

  The expression can be taken more literally, in its traditional sense of “ to strike or hit something”: “Tell me the answer before I beat it out of you.”

  “To beat” also means “to win”. “She struggled with her illness, and in the end she beat it.” When Jackson sings, “No one wants to be defeated…Just beat it!” he may be encouraging his audience to overcome their struggles. Or maybe he means the opposite: that it’s better to run than stay and fight. Just beat it!

  1.The underlined word “icon” in the first paragraph most probably means ______.

  a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a programme

  a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea etc.

  a person who has talent in songs or music

  a man or woman who is very good-looking in appearance

  2.The author mentions Michael Jackson mainly to _____.

  show his or her honor to him

  inform readers of his death

  introduce the expression “beat it”

  get us to know more about his career

  3.According to the passage the expression “Beat it” has all the following meanings EXCEPT “_____”.


  Away with you!

  B. Get out of my face!


  See or understand

  D. Win

  4.What’s the purpose of the writer’s writing this passages?

  A. To make the expression “Beat it” known.

  B. To tell us that Michael Jackson’ death is a great loss to the world.

  C. To show the origin of the expression “Beat it”.

  D. To amuse or entertain readers.


  He met her at a party.She was so outstanding,with many boys around her,while he was so normal, with nobody paying attention to him.

  At the end of the party,he invited her to have coffee with him.She was surprised,but due to being polite,she agreed.

  They sat in a nice coffee shop.He was too nervous to say anything,and she felt uncomfortable,thinking,“Please let me go home.”

  Suddenly he asked the waiter,“Would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.”

  Everybody stared at him——so strange! His face turned red,but,still,he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.

  She asked him curiously,“Why do you have this hobby?”

  He replied,“When I was a little boy,I was living near the sea.I liked playing in the sea, and I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee.Now every time I have the salty coffee.I always think of my childhood.I miss my hometown so much.I miss my parents who are still living there.”

  While saying that tears filled his eyes.She was deeply touched.That's his true feeling,from the bottom of his heart.A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, and has responsibility of home.

  Then she also started to speak,about her faraway hometown,her childhood, her family.That was a really nice talk,also a beautiful beginning of their story.

  They continued to date.She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands;he was kind-hearted, warm and careful.He was such a good person but she almost missed him!

  Thanks to his salty coffee! Then the story was just like every beautiful love story,the princess married the prince, then they were living a happy life…And, every time she made coffee for him,she put some salt in the coffee.

  After 40 years, he passed away,leaving her a letter which said,“My dearest,please forgive my whole life lie.This was the only lie I said to you—the salty coffee.

  “Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time.Actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt.It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.

  “I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.

  “Now I'm dying, I'm afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth:I don't like the salty coffee.What a strange bad taste! But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life!

  “Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you.Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life.If I can live for a second time,I still want to know you and have you for my whole life,even though I have to drink the salty coffee again.”

  Her tears made the letter totally wet.

  Someday,someone asked her,“What's the taste of salty coffee?”“It's sweet,”she replied.

  5.After ordering some salt to put into the coffee, the young man must have felt






  6.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.Salt coffee is more delicious and sweeter than sugar coffee.

  B.The man ordered the salt coffee in order to create a chance to date with the girl.

  C.The man had to have salty coffee all his life to keep his word.

  D.The woman hardly believed the man's explanation at their first date.

  7.From the passage we can see that the man is


  A.caring and kind-hearted

  B.shy and sly

  C.dishonest but responsible

  D.warm and understanding

  8.It is implied in the passage that the woman _____ when reading the letter left by her husband.

  A.was cheated by his husband's behavior

  B.was touched by his husband's white lie

  C.felt sorry to know the truth too late

  D.felt angry about his dishonesty


  China Daily Oct.11.2008-TheMinistry Of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young.as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day which fell on Friday.

  More than 15 percent of Chinese youths have been found with mental problems.and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghai-based Wenhui Daily reported.The World Health Organization estimates that before 2020,the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent ,and mental problem will become a major factor behind deaths and illness in the young worldwide.

  Dang Xianhong,the spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau,said rapid

  social change is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems.If these mental dispenses are not addressed on time, science of crimes,drug-taking

  and other dangerous behaviors are expected to rise.Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well, unstable emotions and pressures from an overload of studies.A number of expects have also said the one child policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young.Children are said to be too “spoiled”and“selfish”in a one child family.

  It’s reported that schools in many cities are rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental well-being.Yin Jingmiao, a teacher of the Beijing No,105 Middle School,told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.“Students can be arranged to have 40-minute counseling sessions.” Yin said.“The school also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national college entrance exams to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.”

  9.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  A.Efforts to Mark World Mental Health Day

  B.Public Awareness on Youngsters’Mental Diseases Expected

  C.How to Maintain Mental Well-being

  D.Seriousness of Youngsters Mental Health Problems

  10.The writer intends to tell us in the second paragraph that _____.

  A.metal problems will become as serious as deaths and illness

  B.only young people are suffering from metal health problems

  C.mental health problems of the young are becoming a popular problem

  D.the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent

  11.Which could be the consequence if the problem is left untreated?

  A.Inability to handle interpersonal relations.

  B.Unstable emotions.

  C.Drug.taking and other dangerous behaviors.

  D.Rapid social changes

  12.Why is Beijing No.105 Middle School mentioned in the passage?

  A.To provide the students with counseling sessions.

  B.To give an example showing how mental problems are dealt with.

  C.To help ease the anxiety arising from college entrance exams.

  D.To call on other schools to learn from No.105 Middle Schoo1.


  Net Library is a library that lends out digital books. It treats a digital book like a paperback copy. It charges libraries per book per copy and gives publishers a cut of the total income.

  From the consumer’s point of view, this means that if more than five people want the latest Danielle Steel romance novel, other people who request that book will get a message saying the title is unable to get.

  Many publishers seem to have embraced its model. More than 350 publishers gave the company rights to hand out their digital works, and McGraw-Hill Corporation and Houghton Mifflin Corporation have put money into the company. The California public libraries and about 1,800 others across the US are trying out the Net Library service.

  Some librarians criticize the Net Library model. Stanford University librarian Michael Keller argues that the company is creating an unnatural fear of digital works, which is contrary to the ideas of the Internet.

  Keller and some other librarians argue for the e-book vision set forth by Brary. Brary is starting a service that lets us users read books for free.

  But it will charge about 25 cents a page when a person tries to point out material or copy and taste it into a different file or tries to download a copy onto a computer.

  Christopher Warnock, chief executive of Brary, believes most consumers won’t want to buy entire books, only the parts that interest them.

  “There is not really a lot of good owning an electronic file and having to store it and manage it. It doesn’t make sense,” he said.

  13.How do publishers get money from the Net Library?

  A.They get money from selling their books to the Net Library

  B.They get money from the readers.

  C.They get money by cutting the cost of the books.

  D.They share the money with Net Library.

  14.The underlined word“embraced”in the third paragraph means

  A.tried out something hard

  B.held something tightly

  C.disliked something badly

  D.taken something willingly

  15. From the second paragraph we can see consumers

  A.don’t care if they are charged money

  B.enjoy the service of the Net Library

  C.don’t like other people’s borrowing books

  D.complain about the limited number of the new books

  16.What does the last paragraph mean?

  A.Net Library is not a good way for the consumers.

  B.There is no need for consumers to have a whole book.

  C,Brary is not a good library for the consumers.

  D It’s reasonable to charge the consumers money for copying some pages.


  Now let’s look ourselves as a species in relation to ecosystem balance.Modern scientists believe that humankind,like other animals,evolved(进化)through millions of years of changes and adaptations to the environment and that our most direct evolutionary ancestor was probably all earlier species of the primate(monkey ,ape)group.Despite this similarity with other creatures,however ,the evolution of humankind differs from that of other species in one important and unique way.

  In other species evolution has led to specialization.both in the species abilities and in its place within the environmental structure.For example.the giraffe is much adapted to feeding on treetops,but it is also specialized and thus limited to feeding on trees and shrubs(灌木).Only with great difficulty can it bend down to graze on the ground.Similarly, the anteater is extremely well adapted to eating ants but is unable to catch or eat other animals.The same is true for countless other species.

  For humankind it is opposite.Our evolution had led to a very generalized ability.Our highly developed intelligence and ability to make and handle tools mean that we can do almost anything.Humans evolved in such a way that we are able to move into every environment on Earth and even into space.No natural competitor offers great resistance,and other natural enemies such as disease have been controlled.

  Said another way , we see in humankind a great imbalance between biological potential and environmental resistance.The result is the rapidly increasing world population,frequently referred to as the population explosion.Further ,to support our growing population,natural ecosystems are being increasingly displaced by human habitations,agriculture,and other human supporting activities.

  17.From the passage we can infer that in the course of evolution


  A.humankind is very important to earlier species,such as the primate group

  B.human beings are limited by the environment while animals are not

  C.human beings become more and more different from each other

  D.humankind has experienced a generalization rather than specialization in ability

  18.According to the passage,primate includes such animals as

  A.monkeys and anteaters

  B.tigers and apes

  C.apes and monkeys

  D.monkeys and giraffes

  19.According to the passage,evolution has made it possible for humans to

  A.increase the population

  B.resist natural offers

  C.go to the moon

  D.cure all diseases

  20.According to the author, imbalance between biological potential and environmental

  resistance has resulted in

  A.the population explosion

  B.the destruction of human habitations

  C.the growth of natural ecosystem

  D.the specialization of humans








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