2017届高考英语二轮复习课件 第27讲:(半)开放作文(湖南专用)人教新课标版-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮复习课件 第27讲:(半)开放作文(湖南专用)人教新课标版

发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  根据(半)开放作文的写作技巧,我们分步进行翻译写作: 第一步:事由 1.教辅、参考书泛滥已成师生共同关注的问题。 They have become a problem of great concern for both teachers and students.

  2.如果教辅、参考书使用恰当,会给学生带来好处。但如果使用不当或滥用将会造成很多问题。 If used properly, these books will definitely do us good, but the misuse and overuse of them may cause a lot of problems. 第二步:教辅、参考书泛滥带来的影响

  3.首先,它会使学生变得懒惰。有一本参考书在手里,很多学生可能认为他们已经知道了老师要讲的内容,上课就不会认真听讲。 Firstly, it might make the students less active in class. Armed with reference books in class, many students may think that they know what the teachers are going to talk about. So they may not listen to the teachers at all.

  4.第二点,有些学生过分依赖参考书,这对培养他们解决问题的能力很不利。 Secondly, some students depend on these books too much, which is not beneficial for the development of their ability of solving problems.

  5.第三点,有些教辅书粗制滥造,错误百出,误导学生。 Thirdly, there are some reference books with many mistakes, which might mislead students. 第三步:如何选择和使用教辅、参考书


  I think we should be very careful selecting and using teaching reference books.

  7.我们不但要检查这类书的质量,而且也要限制使用教辅书的时间。 We should not only check the quality of the books carefully but also pay attention to the time we use them.

  8.另外,听从老师的意见也不失为一个好的选择。 In addition, following the teacher's instructions would also be a wise option. 第27讲






  3)你的感想。 注意:

  1. 词数不少于120个; 2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。 思路点拨:这是一篇命题作文。要求同学们根据所提供的材料,写出一篇不少于120字的短文。短文内容包括: 丢失的物品;物品失而复得的经过;你的感想。可见文章的中心和重点要放在“经过”的描写之中,但是也要描写自己的感受,写出作者自己的烦恼、惊喜、感慨;尤其包含有失而复得的复杂过程,是一篇夹叙夹议的作文。


  Oh, my God! Where is my iphone? I made a call just now on the bus. Suddenly I remember I put it on the seat next to me. It's my birthday present from my father. He would be sad if he knew I lost it.

  I went to school as usual this morning, trying to stay calm. The first two classes seemed so slow as I was a little upset and absent­minded. During the break, my Math teacher asked me to his office. I was very uneasy because I didn't know what I had done wrong. Unexpectedly, my teacher showed me my iphone the moment he saw me standing before him.

  Overjoyed, I grasped it back quickly. It turned out that the driver of the bus I often take saw the picture of me on my iphone screen. Knowing that I was a student of this school, he sent it to our reception office.

  There is no happiness which is better than that acquired by getting back what has been lost. Moreover, I am greatly moved by what the driver did for me. Ordinary as he is, he is indeed a worthy man and respectable. The event will always remind me to be kind and helpful.


  本文由问句Oh, my God! Where is my iphone? 引入话题,吸引读者的注意。然后直接点明话题“我的手机掉了”。接着第二段完整地描写了其经过和失而复得的全部过程。最后一段谈到了作者自己的感受。本文要点齐全,很好地完成了写作任务。尤其是文章中用一些形容词巧妙地表达了作者态度的转变: sad, uneasy, overjoyed, moved, kind and helpful。文章多处使用各种从句,非谓语动词和各种固定句型,几乎每一个句子都是高级句型,读起来流畅自然。


  湖南的写作命题既有别于北京和上海的开放作文,又有别于其他省份的情景作文,其开放程度介于他们中间。从近几年的湖南考题来看,都是给定了写作范围,但没有明确写作要点,给了考生较大的自由发挥空间。 对于(半)开放作文,同学们写作时要注意以下事项。 1. 认真审题,即:审语境、审人称、审时态; 2. 要紧扣主题,符合要求,首尾呼应; 3. 注意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者意识; 4. 要进行细致描写,有细节的支撑; 5. 要有主次之分,详略得当; 6. 要力求内容新颖,必须符合逻辑; 7. 要做到思想健康,积极向上。 例:(2017·湖北卷)请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of it. 注意: ①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; ②除诗歌外,文体不限; ③文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; ④词数为120左右。 思路点拨:文章仅给出一句提示句,是半开放式作文。写好该文,考生首先应认真审题,考题要求结合事例写作,故本文宜夹叙夹议,不可全写成议论文;在叙事时应注意用一般过去时。其次,应注意安排好文章结构。在遣词造句上,考生应多用一些高级词汇和高级句型,如定语从句、倒装结构、非谓语动词等,多用一些连词如: on the one hand, on the other hand, besides等,以提高文章的档次。 【参考答案】 Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in an ordinary school. Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly­equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided to make the best of it. I worked hard and got along well with my teachers and classmates. Whenever I had difficulties, they were always available. Soon, I became one of the top students in my class, which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated. My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it that determines who you are.


  I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to 书信主题._

  Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to第一件应该做的事情, as you'll be able to 手段. Then, it also helps to第二件应该做的事情. Besides, it should be a good idea to第三件应该做的事情. You can also第四件要做的事情. 这样做的好处.

  Best wishes.


  As a 作者身份, I understand your situation. The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers/students. However, 作者的基本看法或观点. Here are a few suggestions.

  First, 第一个建议. 这样做的理由.

  Second, 第二个建议. 这样做的理由.

  Hope you get better soon and make great progress.


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Today I will talk about 演讲主题. As you know, there are many advantages of 演讲主题.

  First of all, 分要点一. 展开一句或两句. Besides, 分要点二. 展开一句或两句. Last but not least, 分要点三. 展开一句或两句.

  In a word (In my opinion/Personally), 重申主题/总结主题.


  A famous saying goes that名言或谚语, which reminds us that释义. Indeed, we can learn many things from it.

  First of all, 理由一. For example, 举例说明. Secondly, 理由二. Another case is that 举例说明. Furthermore, 理由三.

  In my opinion, 我的观点.


  目前,全国书市上各种各样的教辅、参考书(teaching reference books)泛滥,已成师生共同关注的问题。请以“How to Make Use of Reference Books” 为题,按照下列要点写一篇不少于120词的英语短文,表达自己的观点。首句已给出,不计入总词数。


  1. 教辅、参考书泛滥已成师生共同关注的问题;

  2. 教辅、参考书泛滥带来的影响;

  3. 作为在校学生你该如何选择和使用它们。 How to Make Use of Reference Books

  Nowadays there are too many kinds of teaching reference books available in the book market. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


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