2017届高考英语二轮复习课件 第8讲:助动词和特殊句式(湖南专用)人教新课标版-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮复习课件 第8讲:助动词和特殊句式(湖南专用)人教新课标版

发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  考点2: 完全倒装 Out ______, still discussing the fashion show with great interest. (江苏南京金陵中学高三第4次模拟卷) A. walked a crowd of young girls

  B. did a crowd of young girls walk C. were walking a crowd of young girls

  D. a crowd of young girls were walking *

  【解析】选A。方位副词out 放于句首,后用全部倒装。即谓语动词全部在主语之前。


  例1:—I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of this weather.

  —______. I can't stand all this rain. (2017·山东卷 31)

  A. I don't care

  B. It's hard to say

  C. So am I

  D. I hope so

  Ⅳ. 省略,否定和替代 *

  【解析】选C。 根据后面一句中的I can't stand all this rain可知,此处与上一句中的I'm sick and tired of the weather表达同样的感受,因此应该用So am I,表达“我也是”。选项A和D都与后面一句话矛盾;B的意思是“很难说”,不符合句意。 *

  例2:— Will he fail in the exam?

  — ______. A. Don't hope to B. Let's hope not C. Not hope so D. Let's hope not to *

  【解析】选B。考查用so, not省略前面提到的事,表肯定与否定。so可代替单词、词组、句子,作believe, do, expect, guess, hope, fear, imagine, suppose, think等词的宾语;not代替否定的句子,用法与so相似。根据句意“(让)我们希望他考试不要失败”和语法规则,为了不重复别人的话,表示否定意义时, hope只用(I) hope not的形式。 *




  考点1: 代词作主语 Nothing but stamps and envelopes ______ for sale.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. are left

  D. remain



  【解析】选B。nothing作主语表单数概念,谓语动词用单数。but后的名词不影响谓语动词的单复数。 *


  名词作主语 Apples of this kind ______ well.

  A. sells

  B. sell

  C. is sold

  D. are sold


  【解析】选B。n. + of this kind后的谓语动词由名词单复数来定。sell well 畅销,用主动表被动。 *

  考点3: 两个或两个以上的名词连在一起作主语

  The basketball coach, as well as his team, ______ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. (2017·陕西卷 12)

  A. were

  B. was

  C. is

  D. are *

  【解析】选B。考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语中心词是the basketball coach,是单数,根据shortly after the match可以推断出题干时态是一般过去时,故选B。 *

  考点4: “the+形容词或分词”作主语 The wounded ______ been carried to hospital already.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. has

  D. have *

  【解析】选D。“the+分词”指人作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。 *

  考点5: 句子、短语作主语 例1:Most of what has been said about the Smiths______also true of the Johnsons.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. being

  D. to be *

  【答案】选B。 *

  考点5: 句子、短语作主语 例2:Barbara is the only one of the athletes who ______ a winner of the 100­metre race in our town since 1998.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. have been

  D. has been


  【解析】选D。 当one 之前有the 或the only/very/just时,定语从句则是修饰the (only/very/just) one 的,谓语动词用单数。此题中后有时间状语since 1998,故用现在完成时。 *

  考点1: 强调句型的基本结构

  It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic ______ Zheng He had sailed to East Africa. (2017·重庆卷 32)

  A. when

  B. that

  C. after

  D. since Ⅱ.强调句型


  【解析】选B。句子虽然比较长,但是其主干为强调句型,是对“80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic”进行了强调,由此可知,空白处应该填写“that”。因此,正确答案为B选项。 *

  考点2: not…until…用于强调句

  It was not until ______ that I knew the truth.

  A. you told me

  B. did you tell me

  C. had you told me

  D. you have told me *

  【解析】选A。该句强调了not until you told me。在强调not…until…句型时要将not 与until放在一起,并且语序不变。 *

  考点3: 对谓语动词的强调

  She ______ that the film is not as commercial as some audiences are used to.

  A. admit

  B. is admitted

  C. does admit

  D. had admitted *

  【解析】选C。考查强调句的用法。句意为: 她一再表示,该电影不是某些观众所熟悉的商业化的电影。does admit用于表示一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时对动词admit的强调。故选C。 *

  考点1: 部分倒装

  The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor ______ it a thought.(2017·重庆卷 33)

  A. does he even give

  B. he even gives

  C. will he even give

  D. he will even give Ⅲ.倒装


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