高三英语备考总复习课件人教版:专项语法16-情景交际 123张-查字典英语网
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高三英语备考总复习课件人教版:专项语法16-情景交际 123张

发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选 修 8

  Units 3~

  专项语法十 情景交际




  1.I'm afraid I must be leaving/going now.

  I think it's time for us to leave now.

  It's time I met/did.../I had to go now.

  It's about time I was going, I'm afraid.

  2.Goodbye! (Bye-bye! Bye!)

  See you later/tomorrow.(See you.)

  Good night.

  3.Keep in touch.

  Mention/Remember me to your family.

  Say hello to your parents.

  I'm glad to have met you and your friends. Hope to meet you again.

  It's very good of you to come to see me off.

  Have a pleasant journey.

  Take care. Bye!

  Goodbye and good luck.

  Drop in again whenever you have time.

  Please give my best regards to your parents.


  (1)当彼此双方作短暂告别时,可以使用如Goodbye.; Bye-bye.; See you.; See you later.等表达法。

  (2)如若去送别某人且双方分别时间较长,甚至再也见不到双方了,则一般在说Goodbye前用比较正式且严肃的告别用语,如Take care.; Give my best wishes to your family.。


  (4)告别时,易犯汉语习惯式的表达错误:I've wasted a lot of your time.和I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time.后者主要是用在你请别人花费很多时间帮忙时。

  (5)如果你不想扫了其他客人的兴致,而你又必须提前离开,按照中国人的习惯,则常用:“I'll go first.; I'm leaving now.”来表示“先走一步,你们继续谈吧”,但是按照英美人的习惯,却应说:I'm afraid I have to go now. But don't let me break up the party.(恐怕我现在得走了,但不要因为我中断了聚会。)另外,送客时国外一般只送到大门口,作为客人无需说:Stay where you are.; Don't come any further.等,这并不是西方人不够热情,而是中外文化传统不同罢了。

  二、感谢和应答(Thanks and responses)


  1.Thank you (very much)./Thanks a lot./Many thanks./Thanks for.../I really don't know how I can thank you enough.

  2.It's very kind of you to.../Not at all./It's.../That's all right(OK)./You're welcome./I'm very glad you enjoyed it./It's a pleasure./My pleasure./Please don't mention it./It was nothing./Forget it.


  (1)感谢的表达法在国外几乎用于一切场合,家人之间、陌生人之间、师生之间等等,哪怕是一件小事情,甚至是理所当然的事,也得说声谢谢。但不能“谢”得过头,否则会被认为是一种不真诚,更不要照搬中国的“道歉式致谢”方式,如:I'm sorry to have wasted your time.

  (2)在大多数场合,仅说:Thanks.; Thank you.; Thanks a lot.是不够的,还需说些其它表示感激和非常高兴之类的话。如感谢别人的宴请,可以这么说:The dinner was delicious. Thank you for your invitation.

  三、道歉、遗憾和应答(Apologies, regrets, sympathies & responses)



  I'm terribly/awfully sorry./I'm sorry for(about)...

  I'm sorry to.../have done that...

  I apologize.

  Forgive me (for...).

  I really didn't mean that at all.

  2.Excuse me (for...)

  Be afraid that...

  What a pity/shame!/It's a pity that...

  3.That's all right.

  It doesn't matter.

  That's nothing.

  Don't worry about it.

  Never mind./Forget it.

  It can't be helped.

  It's OK.

  It really isn't worth mentioning.


  (1)道歉场合很多,用语也很多,有时候,在一些特殊情况下,我们也得考虑要求别人为某人或某事道歉。比如我们有时觉得朋友受到不公正待遇时,可以理直气壮地向对方说:I'm sorry, but I had to say that you owe my friend an apology./Apologize to him for your rudeness.


  四、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses)


  1.Will you come to...?

  Would you like to...?

  I'd like to invite you to...

  We'd be very pleased if you could come to dinner this evening.

  Why don't you...?

  Perhaps you'd care to...?

  (2)Oh./Sure, why not?

  OK. That's a terrific/great idea.

  That sounds very nice.

  Yes, I'd love to (...).

  Yes, it's very kind/nice of you.

  (3)I'd love to, but...

  I'm really sorry, I can't.

  I'm afraid I can't because...



  (2)无论是书面还是口头邀请,都有多种表达法,但要注意避免使用命令式的口气。如:You come to our dinner this evening.


  五、提供(帮助等)和应答(Offers and responses)


  1.Can/Could/Shall I help you?

  Would you like me to...?

  Is there anything(else)I can do for you?

  Do you want me to...?

  What can I do for you?

  Let me do/carry/help...(for you).

  Would you like some...?

  2.Thanks. That would be nice/fine.

  That's very kind of you.

  Thank you for your help.

  Yes, please.

  Here, take this/my...

  3.No, thanks/thank you.

  No, thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself.

  Thank you all the same.

  That's very kind of you, but...

  六、请求、允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses)


  1.May I...?

  Can/Could I...?

  I wonder if I could...

  Would/Do you mind if I open the window?

  May I ask a favor of you?

  Would you do me a favor?

  Be kind enough to tell me the truth.


  Yes, (do) please.

  Of course(you may).

  Go ahead, please.

  That's OK/all right.

  Not at all.

  Well, if I can.

  I'd be glad to.

  With pleasure.

  3.I'm sorry, you can't.

  I'm sorry, but...

  You'd better not.

  I'd like to, but I...

  注意:在此类交际项目的肯定表述中,With pleasure一定要与表示回答感谢的It's a pleasure/My pleasure.区别开来。

  七、打电话(Making phone calls)


  1.Hello! Is(Tom)in?

  May/Could I speak to...?

  Is that...(speaking)?

  Can you put me through to 34284390?

  I'd like the number of the Peace Hotel, please.

  2.Hold on a moment, please.

  Just a minute, please.

  Hello, who is it?

  He/She isn't here right now.

  Can I take a message for you?

  Someone wants you on the telephone.

  Do you want to leave a message?

  Sorry, you've dialed the wrong number.

  3.Hello, this is...speaking.

  I called to tell/ask you...



  (2)如果你发现对方要找的是另一个人,或拨错了号码,这时,你最好能重复一下你的号码,然后应很快告诉对方,可以使用简单回答:Sorry, wrong number.不要一声不响地就挂断电话。同样,若是你拨错了号码也应该这样做。



  现在有许多考题虽然考查环境属于大纲里,但是其语言运用已超越了大纲范围,比如:2003年高考:No way(没门); 2000年:Yes, sir?


  1.I couldn't agree more./I don't agree.


  —Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?


  —I couldn't agree more. I love getting close to nature.


  2.Don't mention it./Forget it.

  —I'd like to take a week's holiday.


  —Forget it; we're as busy as a bee.


  ②—I'm terribly sorry I broke your glass.


  —You can forget it.


  —What were you saying just now? I didn' hear.


  —Oh, nothing, forget it.


  ④—Thanks for the ride home!


  —Don't mention it.


  3.No doubt./No wonder.

  “No doubt.”表示对别人的意见完全赞同,是“There is no doubt that...”的省略,意为“毫无疑问,确实如此”。

  “No wonder.”是对肯定推测的回答,是“It's no wonder that...”的省略,上下句常为因果关系,意为“难怪,不足为奇”。

  —He is always working till far into the night.


  —No wonder, he is admitted into Peking University.


  4.Sure, go ahead./No, go ahead.

  都可以用作征求对方应允的答语。前者用于回答“I wonder if...”或“May/Can I...”,意为“当然可以,请吧”。后者用于回答“Do/Would you mind if I do/did...”,意为“不介意,请吧”。

  ①—Could I ask you a rather personal question?


  —Sure, go ahead.


  —Would you mind me opening the door? It's too hot.


  —No, go ahead.


  5.No way./No problem.

  “No way.”表示强烈否定对方的主张和申请,类似于“Of course not.”,意为“没门儿,办不到”。

  “No problem.”用于回答对方的道歉,译作“没什么”;也用于接受别人的请求,意为“没问题”。

  —I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.


  —No way. It was her fault.


  ②—I don't have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me?


  —No problem.


  6.With pleasure./My pleasure.

  “With pleasure.”是接受请求和邀请的用语,相当于“OK.”,意为“乐意效劳,非常愿意”。

  “My pleasure.”是致谢的应答语,类似表达还有It's a pleasure./Not at all./That's all right./You're welcome./That's OK./Don't mention it.等。

  ①—Would you do me a favor and give me a ride?


  —With pleasure.


  —It's been a wonderful evening. That's very kind of you.


  —My pleasure.


  7.Congratulations./Glad to hear that./Good luck.


  “Glad to hear that.”是听到别人喜讯时的应答语。

  当别人要旅行或要从事某项活动时,向对方表示祝愿用“Good luck.”。

  ①—I had a really good weekend at my uncle's.


  —Oh, I'm glad to hear that.


  ②—I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.


  —Good luck!


  —After ten years of hard work, I have eventually passed the entrance exam.


  —Congratulations! 祝贺你!

  8.That's right./That's all right./All right./It's right.

  “That's right.”可省略为“Right.”,用于肯定对方对某事物的看法,意为“对,没错”。

  “That's all right.”可以作致谢应答语,意为“不用谢”;作请求允许的应答语,意为“不介意”;还可作遗憾和抱歉的应答语,表示“没关系”。

  “All right.” 表示同意对方的意见。

  “It's all right.”拒绝别人帮助时的用语。

  —James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.


  —That's all right. 没关系。


  1.(2011·新课标,21)—We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.

  —Yes, ________? I'll give them a call right now.

  A.why not

  B.what for



  答案:A 本题考查交际用语。句意:——我们邀请约翰和巴巴拉参加周五的晚会。——好啊!我马上给他们打电话。why not“好啊”,表示同意对方意见,符合题意。what for“为了什么?”why“为什么?”what“什么?”都不符合语境。

  2.(2011·新课标,35)—Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.

  —Well, you married one.________.

  A.You name it

  B.I've got it

  C.I can't agree more

  D.You should know

  答案:D 本题考查情景交际。句意:——搞艺术的人可能有时很难。——噢,你该知道,你同一位搞艺术的人结婚了。A项意为:你给它命名;B项:我明白了;C项:我非常同意;D项:你该知道。

  3.(2011·全国,6)—Did you forget about my birthday?

  —________I've booked a table at Michel's restaurant for this evening.

  A.What then?

  B.I'm afraid so.

  C.How could I?

  D.For sure.

  答案:C 句意:——你忘记我的生日了吗?——我怎么能忘了呢?我已经在米歇尔的餐馆为今晚预订了一张桌子。when then?“(下一步)怎么办?又怎么样呢?”;I'm afraid so.“恐怕是这样的”;How could I?“我怎么能呢?”;For sure.“肯定”。

  4.(2011·全国,20)—So you gave her your phone?

  —________, she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.

  A.My pleasure

  B.Not exactly

  C.No doubt

  D.All right

  答案:B 句意:——如此看来,你把你的手机给了她?——也不完全是这样,她说她能买上自己的手机时就把它还给我。my pleasure“(对别人表示感谢的一种礼貌回答)不客气,很乐意效劳”;not exactly“(纠正对方刚说过的话)不完全是这样”;no doubt“毫无疑问”;all right“好吧”。

  5.(2011·山东,22)—I'm sorry I broke the vase.

  —Oh,________. It wasn't very expensive.

  A. you'd better not

  B. I'm

  afraid not

  C. as you wish

  D. that's all right

  答案:D 本题考查交际用语。句意:——对不起,我打破花瓶了。——噢,没关系,花瓶不贵。you'd better not“你最好不要”;I'm afraid not“我恐怕不”;as you like“你愿意怎样就怎样”;that's all night“不要紧,没关系”,是sorry的答语。

  6.(2011·山东,29)—Are you going to Tom's birthday party?

  —________.I might have to work.

  A. It depends

  B. Thank you

  C. Sounds great

  D. Don't mention it

  答案:A 本题考查交际用语。句意:——你去参加汤姆的生日聚会吗?——看情况而定。我可能要工作。it depends“看情况而定”;thank you“谢谢你”;sounds great“听起来太好了”;don't mention it“别提了,不用谢”,根据句意A项正确。

  7.(2011·天津,2)—Just a moment.I haven't finished packing my suitcase.

  —______.It's high time we left for the airport.

  A.Go ahead

  B.Take it easy

  C.Hurry up

  D.That's fine

  答案:C 本题考查情景交际。go ahead“说吧;干吧;用吧”;take it easy“不用急;慢慢来”;hurry up“快”;that's fine“好极了”。由答语知C项符合上下文语境。句意:——等一下。我的行李箱还没有整理好。——快一点。我们该动身去机场了。

  8.(2011·天津,14)—I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.

  —______? Mary is interested.

  A.Why bother

  B.Why not

  C.So what

  D.What for

  答案:A 本题考查情景交际。why bother“为什么要费心呢”;why not“为什么不呢”;so what“那又怎么样”;what for“为什么”。由答语Mary is interested.可知A项正确。句意:——我下学期想登广告找一名室友。——为什么要费心呢?玛丽很感兴趣。

  9.(2011·江西,21)—We need three single rooms for the first week in June.

  —________. The hotel's not busy then.

  A.No problem

  B.Don't bother

  C.Never mind

  D.It doesn't matter

  答案:A 本题考查情景交际。句意:——我们需要订六月份第一周的三个单人房间。——没问题。那时旅馆不忙。No problem.“没问题”;Don't bother.“别担心”;Never mind.“没关系”;It doesn't matter.“没关系,不要紧”。

  10.(2011·陕西,18)—Jack,you seem in high spirits.

  —________We won the match 4­0.

  A. Guess what?

  B. So what?

  C. No wonder.

  D. No doubt.

  答案:A 考查情景交际。句意:——杰克,你看起来很兴奋。——你猜怎么着,我们以40赢得比赛了。 Guess what“你猜怎么着”,引出令人惊奇或激动的事;So what“那又怎么了”,认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳别人指责时;No wonder“难怪”;No doubt“毫无疑问”,显然A项符合语境。

  11.(2011·陕西,21)—We can give you a ride into town.

  —________Thank you.

  A. Yes,why not?

  B. Oh,it would be my pleasure.

  C. Yes,please.

  D. Oh,that would be great.

  答案:D 考查情景交际。句意:——我们可以载你一程进城。——那太好了,谢谢!A“好啊,为何不呢?”B“哦,不客气”;C“好的,请”;D“那太好了,谢谢”!显然D项符合语境。

  12.(2011·福建,35)—My teacher says she's canceling the class play.I just can't understand.

  —______.You were looking forward to it.

  A.It doesn't matter

  B.It's very unwise of her

  C.Don't worry about it

  C.You must be disappointed

  答案:D 本题考查交际用语。句意:——我老师说她要取消课堂剧。我就是不明白。——你肯定失望了。你一直盼着呢。It doesn't matter“没关系,不要紧”;It's wise of her“她很明智”;Don't worry about it“别担心”;You must be disappointed“你肯定失望了”。由后置语境You were looking forward to it.可知D项正确。

  13.(2011·浙江,1)—I'm sorry I didn't make it to your party last night.

  —________. I know you're busy these days.

  A.Of course

  B.No kidding

  C.That's all right

  D.Don't mention it

  答案:C 考查情景交际。句意:——很抱歉昨晚未能参加你的聚会。——没关系,我知道你近来很忙。of course“当然”;no kidding“别开玩笑了;这不是开玩笑”。that's all right“没关系”;don't mention it“不客气”。C项符合语境。

  14.(2011·浙江,17)—Can I come and have a look at your new house?

  —Yes, ________!

  A.with pleasure

  B.I like it

  C.I quite agree

  D.by all means

  答案:D 考查情景交际。句意:——我可以来看看你的新房子吗?——当然可以。with pleasure“十分乐意,乐意帮忙”; I like it“我喜欢”;I quite agree“我非常赞同”;by all means“当然可以”。结合语境可知D项正确。

  15.(2011·浙江,20)—I don't think I'll be able to go mountain­climbing tomorrow.


  A.And how

  B.How come

  C.How's it going

  D.How about it

  答案:B 考查情景交际。句意:——我认为我明天不能去爬山了。——怎么会这样?And

  how“当然啦;对,正确,是这样的”; How

  come“怎么会这样?为什么”;How's it

  going“怎么样,近来好吗”;How about


  16.(2011·江苏,29)—Linda didn't invite us to the party.

  —________? I don't care.

  A.For what

  B.So what

  C.What's on

  D.What's up

  答案:B 句意:——琳达没有邀请我们参加聚会。——那又怎么样?我不在乎。For what?“为了什么?”So what?“那又怎么样?”What's on?“在上映什么?”What's up?“出什么事了?怎么了?有什么事吗?”由具体语境I don't care.可知应填“So what?”。

  17.(2011·江苏,35)—You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.

  —________If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.

  A. That's reasonable advice.

  B. Isn't it a good idea?

  C. Do you think so?

  D. I can't agree more.

  答案:C 本题考查交际用语。句意:——你总是推迟一点儿做决定。——你是这样认为的?如果我推迟时间长的话,我可能会失去机会。That's reasonable advice.“这是合理化建议。”Isn't a good idea?“这难道不是个好主意吗?”Do you think so?“你这么认为吗?”I can't agree more.“我非常同意”。由语境可知C项正确。

  18.(2011·安徽,23)—Oh, you sounded just like a native.

  —________, I still have trouble expressing myself.

  A. Well, not quite

  B. I don't care

  C. Yes, you're right

  D. I'm glad you like it

  答案:A 句意:——哦,听起来你说得就像母语的人一样。——哪里啊,我要表达自己的想法仍有些困难。Well, not quite“并非完全那样”;I don't care“我不介意”;Yes, you're right“你说得对”;I'm glad you like it.“很高兴你能喜欢”。根据语境选A。

  19.(2011·安徽,35)—We got here Tuesday afternoon.

  —________Why didn't you call us earlier?

  A. Good luck!

  B. You did?

  C. It's no surprise.

  D. You are welcome.

  答案:B 考查语境。句意:——我们星期二下午来这儿的。——是吗?为什么不早点给我们打电话?A项意为“祝你好运!”B项意为“真的?”,相当于Did you really do/say it?“你真的做了(说了)某事吗?”C项意为“并不奇怪。”D项意为“没什么。”用于对Thank you!的回答。

  20.(2011·辽宁,35)—I probably shouldn't have any more cake.

  —Oh,______.It won't kill you.

  A.go ahead

  B.hold on, please

  C.you're welcome

  D.that'll do

  答案:A 本题考查情景交际。句意:——我不应当再吃蛋糕了。——吃吧,药不死你的。go ahead“吃吧,用吧”,等意思,用于鼓励某人干某事;hold on, please“别挂断”,电话用语;you're welcome“不用谢”是thank you答语;that'll do“那会起作用”。

  21.(2011·重庆,23)—Are you going to take part in the speech contest?

  —________ It's too good an opportunity to miss.

  A.No problem!

  B.That's for sure.

  C.Why me?

  D.Why bother?

  答案:B 本题考查情景交际。句意:——你要参加演讲比赛吗?——那是肯定的,这是不能错过的一个好机会。No problem!“没问题”;That's for sure.“那是肯定的”;Why me?“为什么是我?”Why bother?“为什么烦恼?”

  22.(2011·重庆,35)—Do you have Mary's phone number?

  —Sorry, ________.

  A. I don't know

  B. forget it

  C. here you are

  D. I can't remember it

  答案:D 本题考查情景交际。句意:——你有玛丽的电话号码吗?——对不起,我记不住了。由sorry可知,C项不对。A项:我不知,与上文的have不符。forget it“没关系”,不符合语境。故D项正确。

  23.(2011·四川,1)—I'm sorry I didn't finish it on time.

  — ________



  C.Thanks a lot.

  D.Thanks anyway.

  答案:D 本题考查日常对话。句意:——很抱歉,我没有及时完成。——不管怎样,都很感谢。对于前者的信息句来看,不能用A,B来回答;而答案C没有体现出对于对方歉意的反应,故只有D最合适,表示虽不尽满意,但还是有谢意。

  24.(2011·四川,5)—How could you be so rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class?

  — ________

  A.Nothing much.

  B.Nothing serious.

  C.Never again.

  D.Never mind.

  答案:C 本题考查日常对话。句意:——你怎么能这样莽撞地闯进我们班中来了呢?——再也不这样了。从答语来看,A,B,D都用了表示安慰对方的,不符合本句的语境。故选C表示:认清自己的问题,发誓不再犯了。

  25.(2011·天津十二区县联考一,1)—My family usually holds a big party for my birthday, but I want to try a different way this year.


  A.It's your business.

  B.Come along!

  C.Like what?

  D.So what?

  答案:C 句意:——我的家人通常为我举行盛大的生日聚会,但今年我想尝试一种不同的方式。——像什么样的?考查情景交际。Like what “像什么样的”符合语境。It's your business“那是你自己的事”;Come along“一起来,出现,进展”;So what那又怎么样。

  26.(2011·重庆二诊,21)—Carol, do you want to play with me?

  —________. I had a really rough day at school.

  A.I don't care

  B.That's true

  C.No hurry

  D.Not now

  答案:D 句意:——Carol,你想和我一起玩吗?——不是现在,今天在学校确实很辛苦。考查情景交际。从答句中的语境“我今天在学校忙了一整天了”可知是太累了,现在没心思玩,故选D。

  27.(2011·重庆二诊,35)—Can I have some sugar for my tea?

  —Yes, of course. Do you still want some milk?

  —No, thanks. ________.

  A.You are very kind

  B.That's right

  C.That will do

  D.Don't mention it

  答案:C 句意:——我可以在茶里加点糖吗?——当然可以,你还想要点牛奶吗?——不用了,谢谢,加点糖就可以了。考查情景交际。That will do.“那样就行了”。

  28.(2011·东北三省四市联考,21)—Nancy, what classes are you taking this term?

  —________I want to take two English courses, or maybe Spanish.

  A.What's up?

  B.It's none of your business.

  C.I've no idea.

  D.I'm not sure yet.

  答案:D 句意:——Nancy,这个学期你要学什么课程?——我还没有决定,我想参加两个英语课程,或者西班牙语。考查情景交际。根据答语后半部分意思知其不是不知道什么,而是没确定下来要做什么。故选D:我不确定。What's up“怎么了/发生什么啦/出什么事了?”It's none of your business“不关你的事”。I've no idea“我不知道。”易错选C。I've no idea.=I don't know.和答句后半句矛盾。

  29.(2011·东北三校二模,35)—Here is a new edition of Crazy English. Do you want to look at it?

  —________! Let me see it.

  A.By and by

  B.Not really

  C.Mind your own business

  D.By all means

  答案:D 句意:——这是《疯狂英语》的新版本,你想看看吗?——当然,让我看看。考查情景交际。by all means“尽一切办法,一定”;by and by“不久”。易错选B。误解了not really的概念。not really“远不,不完全是”。

  30.(2011·沈阳二模,15)—Mom, I have passed the driving test!


  A.Good for you

  B.Good luck

  C.Cheer up

  D.Go ahead

  答案:A 句意:——妈妈,我通过了驾照考试!——太棒了!考查情景交际。由语境可知妈妈为孩子通过驾照考试感到高兴,故选A(太好了,太棒了)。Good luck“祝你好运”,用于“事先”的祝愿;Cheer up“振作起来”;Go ahead 同意或鼓励对方做某事。

  31.(2011·石家庄二模,6)—Would you be so kind as to take this heavy box upstairs for me?


  A.It's my pleasure.

  B.Help yourself.

  C.Sure, with pleasure.

  D.Take your time.

  答案:C 句意:——你能不能帮我把这个大箱子拿到楼上去?——当然,十分乐意。考查情景交际。with pleasure是对别人的请求表示同意的应答语。It's my pleasure.是对别人向自己表示感谢时的应答语。

  32.(2011·太原基础知识测试,21)—I'd like to take a week's holiday.

  —________. We're too busy.

  A.No problem

  B.Go on

  C.Good idea

  D.Forget it

  答案:D 句意:——我想请一周假。——算了,我们太忙了。考查情景交际。Forget it“算了,罢了,休想”。No problem“没问题”,表示欣然答应别人的请求;Go on“继续”;Good idea“好主意”,表示赞同对方的想法。

  33.(2011·河南示范高中适应性测试,31)—Can you keep an eye on my bag, Jack? I just want to use the bathroom.

  —________. It'll be safe with me.

  A.I think so

  B.It's my pleasure

  C.Go ahead

  D.You're welcome

  答案:C 句意:——Jack,你能帮我照看一下包吗?我想去一下洗手间。——去吧,有我在你的包会很安全的。考查情景交际。Go ahead“去吧”符合语境。

  34.(2011·济南4月模拟,21)—My name is Nison. Shall I spell it for you?


  A.No problem

  B.Nice to meet you

  C.You are welcome

  D.If you don't mind

  答案:D 句意:——我的名字叫Nison,需要我为你拼写出来吗?——如果你不介意的话。考查情景交际。If you don't mind.“如果你不介意的话”。No problem.“没问题”,表示欣然答应对方的请求;Nice to meet you.“见到你很高兴”,为见面时的客套话;You are welcome.“不客气”,是别人向你表示感谢时的应答语。

  35.(2011·济南4月模拟,35)—How about 930 tomorrow morning?

  —________. I will be free all day.

  A.That suits me fine

  B.It doesn't matter

  C.That's all right

  D.Go ahead

  答案:A 句意:——明天上午930怎么样?——这个时间很适合我,我一整天都有时间。考查情景交际。That suits me fine.“这个时间很适合我”。It doesn't matter.“没关系”,用于回答别人的道歉;That's all right.“没关系,不用谢”,用于回答别人的道歉或感谢;Go ahead.用于鼓励对方做某事。

  36.(2011·济南一模,21)—Do you like cooking, Sally?

  —________. Luckily, I've never had to worry about it.

  A.Never mind

  B.Not really

  C.I don't agree

  D.You said it

  答案:B 句意:——Sally,你喜欢烹饪吗?——并非完全如此。幸运的是,我到现在为止从不用担心这事。考查情景交际。not really“并不是真的如此”。

  37.(2011·江南十校二模,35)—Could you like to go for a walk with me on this lovely spring morning?


  A.What for

  B.How come

  C.Why not

  D.What if

  答案:C 句意:——你愿意在这个可爱的春天的早晨和我一起散步吗?——当然可以。考查情景交际。接受别人的邀请,用why not?(同意对方提议的应答语)。what for“为什么”;how come“怎么会这样呢”;what if“倘若……怎么样”。

  38.(2011·江南十校联考,35)—Do you mind me putting your photo on the Internet?


  A.Yes, go ahead, please

  B.No, I do mind

  C.I'd rather you didn't

  D.No, I'd love to

  答案:C 句意:——你介意我把你的照片放在网上吗?——我宁愿你别这样做。考查交际用语。I'd rather you didn't.语气较委婉地回答了问句。

  39.(2011·皖南八校第三次联考,29)—I am afraid I've broken your chair.

  —________. I can easily get it fixed.

  A.Don't mention it

  B.That's right

  C.Not at all

  D.Never mind

  答案:D 句意:——我怕我已经把你的椅子弄坏了。——没关系,我能很容易地把它修好。考查情景交际。Never mind“不要紧,没关系”符合语境。Don't mention it“不用谢”,是对别人表示感谢时的应答语;That's right“那是对的”;Not at all“别客气”,是回答别人感谢的应答语。易错选C、B。认为Not at all是用来回答别人道歉的用语而误选C;把That's right误认为是That's all right而误选B。

  40.(2011·合肥第三次质检,21)—I really had a wonderful time at the party last night.


  A.Oh, that's very nice of you


  C.It's a pleasure

  D.Oh, I'm glad to hear that

  答案:D 句意:——在昨晚的宴会上我真的过得很愉快。——哦,听你这么说我很高兴。考查情景交际。

  41.(2011·合肥市第二次质检,21)—Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call?

  —Sorry, I'm a stranger here.


  A.Thanks a lot

  B.Thanks anyway

  C.That's a pity

  D.I'm sorry to hear that

  答案:B 句意:——打扰一下,你能告诉我哪个地方能打电话吗?——抱歉,我对这里不熟悉。——还是很谢谢你。考查情景交际。尽管对方没有帮上忙,出于礼节依然表示感谢时用Thank you/Thanks anyway.或Thank you/Thanks all the same.。

  42.(2011·南京二模,35)—Is your present pension sufficient to cover your cost of living?

  —Enough and to spare. ________

  A.I can't complain.

  B.Serve me right!

  C.I've had enough of it.

  D.I can't be too particular.

  答案:A 句意:——你目前的退休金是否足够支付你的生活消费?——绰绰有余。我不能抱怨。考查情景交际。enough and to spare“绰绰有余,很多,有余”。

  43.(2011·杭州质检二,8)—My God! I haven't prepared the files for the new project yet!

  —________. The boss won't need it until next Friday.

  A.There's no doubt

  B.There's no panic

  C.Good luck

  D.Sounds good

  答案:B 句意:——天哪!我还没有准备新项目的文件!——不用慌,老板到下周五才需要它。考查情景交际。There's no panic.“不要惊慌,不必惊慌”。

  44.(2011·杭州质检二,18)—Mom, I'm going to the graduation dance tonight but I don't think I look attractive enough.

  —Oh, darling, don't worry. ________

  A.They don't know what beauty is.

  B.Nobody will care about it.

  C.You look perfect the way you are.

  D.Impossible is nothing.

  答案:C 句意:——妈妈,我打算今晚去参加毕业舞会,但我认为我看起来不能足够地吸引人。——哦,亲爱的,别担心,你现在这身打扮看起来很完美。考查情景交际。You look perfect the way you are.(你现在的样子看起来很完美。)符合语境。

  45.(2011·桂林一模,21)—May I look at the menu for a little while?

  —Of course, ________, sir.

  A.enjoy yourself

  B.it doesn't matter

  C.take your time

  D.don't worry

  答案:C 句意:——我可以再看一会儿菜单吗?——当然可以,先生,别着急。考查情景交际。take your time“慢慢来”。为饭店服务时的客气话或提醒对方悠着点儿、别着急的场合。enjoy yourself“过得快乐,玩得开心”;it doesn't matter“没关系”,用于回答别人的道歉;don't worry“别着急”,用于安慰对方。

  46.(2011·桂林一模,35)—Excuse me, Dad, but I am going to the club to meet my friends in the football team.

  —OK. ________.

  A.Have fun


  C.With pleasure

  D.Good luck

  答案:A 句意:——对不起,爸爸,我打算去俱乐部见一下我足球队的朋友们。——好的,玩得开心点儿。考查情景交际。have fun/enjoy yourself“玩得开心”。congratulations用于祝贺对方;with pleasure用于回答别人的请求;good luck为别人参加比赛/考试时的祝愿。


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