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发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  一. 定语从句的基本用法




  Do you still remember the chicken farm _______ we visited three months ago?

  (05 春招)

  A. where

  B. when

  C. that

  D. what

  1. The village has developed a lot _______ we learned farming two years ago. (07 天津)

  A. when

  B. which

  C. that

  D. where

  2. If a shop has chairs _______ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop.

  (05 上海 )

  A. that

  B. which

  C. when

  D. where

  3. – Do you have anything to say for yourselves?

  – Yes, there is one point _______ we must insist on.

  A. why

  B. where

  C. how

  D. 不填

  4. After graduation she reached a point in her career _______ she needed to decide what to do.

  (07 江西)

  A. that

  B. what

  C. which

  D. where

  5. Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases ______ beginners of English fail to use the language properly. (07 陕西)

  A. which

  B. as

  C. why

  D. where

  6. Her sister has become a lawyer, _______ she wanted to be.

  (05 湖北)

  A. who

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  7. She is no longer the student ____she used to be.

  A. who

  B. whom

  C. which

  D. that

  8. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _______ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

  (02 春招)

  A. that

  B. while

  C. which

  D. when

  9. Chaplin, for_______ life had been very hard, directed a film about the life of American workers with the name “Modern Times”.

  A. whose

  B. whom

  C. which

  D. that

  10. It was in Beihai Park ________they made a date for the first time ______ the old couple told us their love story.

  A.that; that

  B.where; when

  C.that; when

  D.where; that


  The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make _______ it is. (07


  A. what

  B. which

  C. how

  D. where

  1. He is such a good teacher _______ all of us like him.

  A. who

  B. that

  C. as

  D. which

  2. – Do you know the _______ he dealt with the problem?

  – Sure.

  A. approaches

  B. means

  C. methods

  D. ways

  3. Put the book _______.

  A. which it belonged

  B. where it belonged

  C. which it belonged to

  D. which it belonged to


  Could I speak to _______ is in charge of International Sales, please? (07


  A. anyone

  B. someone

  C. whoever

  D. no matter who

  1. _______ said it is wrong.

  A. Who

  B. That

  C. Nobody

  D. Whoever

  2. Is this school ________ you visited last year?

  A. where

  B. what

  C. which

  D. that


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