2017届高考英语一轮总复习精选测试题北师大版选修八Unit 23 A卷-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮总复习精选测试题北师大版选修八Unit 23 A卷

发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  北师大版选修八Unit 23 A卷


  1.Since she is seriously ill, we have to ________ a doctor at once.

  A.send forB.send away

  C.send off

  D.send out

  解析:send for “派人去请,派人去叫”,符合句意。send away“送走”;send off“寄出”;send out “派遣,发送”。


  2.I wasn't sure about Mary when I first met her, but on further ________ I rather like her.





  解析:句意:在第一次见到玛丽的时候我不太了解她,但进一步地熟悉后,我很喜欢她。acquaintance 意为“熟悉,认识”。


  3.(2009·江西高考)It is reported that the police will soon ________the case of the two missing children.

  A.look upon

  B.look after

  C.look into

  D.look out

  解析:考查词组辨析。句意:据报道,警方将很快调查失踪的两个孩子的案件。此处look into表示“调查”。


  4.(2017·许昌一模)—Excuse me, can I ________ my suggestion?


  A.put away

  B.put aside

  C.put forward

  D.put down

  解析:put forward “提出”;put away “放好”;put aside “储备”;put down“放下,记下”。由句意知选C。


  5.The employers will have to be ready to ________ if they want to avoid a strike.





  解析:句意:雇主们要想避免罢工的发生,他们不得不准备作出让步。compromise“妥协,让步”,符合句意。compete“竞争,比赛”;combine“结合,联合”;compare “比较,对照”。


  6.It was not the first time he ________ us.I think it's high time we ________ strong action against him.

  A.had betrayed; take

  B.had betrayed; took

  C.has betrayed; took

  D.has betrayed; take

  解析:在句型“It was the first/second/...time (that) sb.had done sth.”中,如果主句用一般过去时,从句用过去完成时;在句型“It is (high/about) time that sb.did sth./should do sth.”中,从句用一般过去时或“should+动词原形”,但should不能省略。所以选B。


  7.(2017·焦作统考)________him not to do so, he wouldn't have made such a serious mistake.

  A.Did I persuade

  B.If I persuade

  C.If I should persuade

  D.Had I persuaded

  解析:句意:要是我事先说服他不那么做的话,他就不会犯这么严重的错误了。题干中主句的谓语部分为wouldn't have made,说明该动作表示与过去事实相反,故条件句用had done的虚拟结构,条件句中有had且省略if时,要将had提到主语之前。


  8.Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer, so he is often ________ to finish some challenging tasks.





  解析:句意:布莱克先生是一个仔细而又有经验的工程师,所以他经常被委派完成有挑战性的任务。appreciate “感激,欣赏”;approach “接近,靠近”;appoint“任命,委派”;agree“同意”。


  9.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ________.







  10.—Does the young man standing there ________ the company?

  —No.The company is ________ his father.

  A.in possession of; in possession of

  B.take possession of; in the possession of

  C.take possessions of; in possession of

  D.have a possession of; in possession of

  解析:take possession of “占有,拥有”;in the possession of “为某人所有,由某人掌控”。


  11.—Is Tom there?

  —________, please.I'll see if I can find him for you.

  A.Hold up

  B.Hold on

  C.Hold out

  D.Hold off

  解析:句意:“Tom 在吗?”“请稍等。我去看看能否为你找到他。”hold on “别挂断”;hold up“举起,竖起”;hold out “伸出”;hold off “推迟”。根据语境可知,B项正确。


  12.Didn't anyone ________ James and say it wasn't his fault?

  A.stand up for

  B.make up for

  C.stand up

  D.stand for

  解析:stand up for “支持,维护”;make up for “补偿,弥补”;stand up“起立,经得住”;stand for“代表”。根据句意,A项为正确答案。


  13.Miss Noland is a famous writer.She ________ articles to this magazine for many years.

  A.has been contributing

  B.will have contributed

  C.will have been contributing

  D.had been contributed

  解析:考查动词时态。根据时间状语for many years可知,contribute这一动作一直在持续进行,因此用现在完成进行时。


  14.(2017·阜阳质检)—Do you ________ her optimistic view of the state of the current economy?

  —Yes.We should have faith in our government.

  A.subscribe to

  B.contribute to

  C.correspond to

  D.submit to

  解析:subscribe to 意为“同意,捐助,订阅”,subscribe to her optimistic view意为“同意她那乐观的观点”。contribute to “贡献,促成”;correspond to “与……一致,与……相当”;submit to “服从于,提交”。


  15.________ oil, or else it will perish your rubber boots.

  A.Keep back

  B.Keep off

  C.Keep down

  D.Keep to

  解析:keep back “阻止,抑制,隐瞒”;keep off“使不接近,挡开”;keep down “压制,镇压”;keep to “遵守,坚持”。




  (2017·石家庄毕业班教学质检)The cold wind cut through my enthusiasm (热情) as a tourist in Washington D.C., so I entered the nearest restaurant for warmth.I ordered a coffee, and began observing people.

  At that time, I saw a man seated nearby and from his eager eyes, I realized that he noticed the delicious food.His tired body and worn clothes shouted,“Homeless,homeless!”

  “How long has it been since he ate last time?”I wondered.I expected him to approach me for a handout (施舍物).But he never did.A silent war broke out in my head — one side was telling me to mind my own business, and the other was urging me to offer him some food.

  While my inner debate moved on, a well­dressed young couple walked up to him.“Excuse me, sir,” the husband began.“We just finished eating,and our appetites (胃口) weren't as big as we had thought.We hate to waste good food.Can you help us out and put this to use?” He gave the man some food.“Thank you.Merry Christmas!”the man replied.The man carefully watched his new food,and was about to eat.

  Something that happened next shocked me.An old man in pants, an old jacket and open shoes entered the hall and walked towards us.My neighbor saw the situation.Setting aside his meal, he stood up and guided the old man to the table.

  “Hi, my name is Jack,” he said,“and one kind person brought me this meal.I just finished eating and hate to waste good food.Can you help me out?”The old man answered gratefully,“Sure,but only if you go halfway with me on that sandwich.”

  I left the restaurant that day feeling warmer than I had ever thought possible.


  1.The author entered the nearest restaurant to ________.

  A.escape the coldness outside

  B.taste the delicious coffee

  C.relax as a tourist

  D.enjoy watching other people



  2.What can we learn about the old man according to the text?

  A.He accepted the food given by the kind couple.

  B.He felt ashamed because of his own appearance.

  C.He expressed thanks to Jack after being helped by him.

  D.He had known Jack before he entered the restaurant.

  解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句话可知,在Jack把那对夫妇给他的食物送给老人后,老人很感激(The old man answered gratefully...)。因此C项与原文内容相符。


  3.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

  A.the young couple always wasted food in the restaurant

  B.the old man accepted all the food given by Jack

  C.Jack was disappointed that the author didn't help him

  D.Jack gave the food to the old man though he was still hungry



  4.What can be the best title of the text?

  A.The Couple's Kindness

  B.Drawn to the Warmth

  C.A Delicious Dinner

  D.A Homeless Man




  (2017·福州五校模拟)In movies, we often see the most popular teens dominate their peers on a mission. We know these stereotypes (陈规旧习) all too well and assume they are just that — blown up generalizations. But movies aside, is there some underlying truth that being popular makes teens more aggressive?

  Published in the February issue of the journal American Sociological Review, one study followed approximately 3,700 students in 8th, 9th and 10th grades for one school year and found that popular adolescents were more likely to act aggressively to climb the social hierarchy (等级制度) among their peers.This trend was apparent in both sexes.

  Although popular teens were more likely to act aggressively, the researchers found an exception: adolescents in the top and the bottom parts of the social hierarchy displayed the least aggression toward others.

  Robert Faris, a sociologist at the University of California, Davis, and coauthor of the study, says this may be because teens at the bottom of the totem pole (等级) don't have the social power to pay off (成功) being aggressive,while kids at the top have no need to assert (维护) themselves.

  “If an adolescent at the top of the social hierarchy were to act aggressively toward his or her peers, such action could signal insecurity or weakness rather than cement (巩固) the student's position...” Faris says in a UC Davis Press Release.Simply put, the most popular kids have an easier time maintaining their statuses by being nice.

  In the study, aggression was defined as any activity intended to “harm or cause pain” in another person. “Whether aggression is actually successful in promoting students to the top of the social ranks is still unclear,”the authors said.


  5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A.What causes teens to be aggressive?

  B.Popular teens are more aggressive.

  C.Aggression helps teens be popular.

  D.What kind of teens can be popular?



  6.Teens at the bottom of the totem pole are not aggressive probably because ________.

  A.they can't succeed by being aggressive

  B.they can succeed by being nice

  C.they needn't be aggressive

  D.they are well treated by others



  7.According to Faris, if a boy at the top of the social hierarchy is aggressive to others, it shows that ________.

  A.he is no longer popular with others

  B.he is really weak inside

  C.he can't keep his position

  D.he wants to show his power



  8.We can infer from the fifth paragraph that the most popular kids________.

  A.tend to be more aggressive

  B.don't dominate other teens in a group

  C.have more difficulty in maintaining their status

  D.don't have to be aggressive to keep their status




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