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发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编













  Humans are responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and species(物种).We take up more space on Earth for our homes and cities.We pollute habitats(栖息地).1

  illegally hunt and kill animals.All of these activities take resources and habitats away


  plants and animals.

  Human activity often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive.


  human populations are growing so fast,animals and plants are disappearing many times faster


  they have in the past 65 million years.

  Animals and plants have always had a


  time surviving.Animals became extinct(灭绝的) in the past for a wide variety of reasons.In some cases,competition for resources among animals led to extinction and in


  cases,environmental changes caused extinction.

  Fortunately,we humans are beginning to realize our mistakes,


  we could destroy everything on Earth.We must not only use our knowledge and abilities to manage the Earth,but to make the Earth


  safe and healthy place where all animals and plants—including humans ourselves—can live.

  1.We。 [考查代词。此句缺少主语,根据上文“We take up more...We pollute habitats.”判断,此句的主语应是We。]

  2.from。 [考查介词搭配。根据全句句子结构可知,此句含有take sth.away from sb.,意为“从……拿走……,剥夺某人某物”。因此应填介词from。]

  3.Because/As/Since。 [考查连词。根据上下文的逻辑关系可知,此处含因果关系。因此此空应填表原因的连词Because/As/Since。]

  4.than。 [考查连词。前面是“many times faster”,根据此句的句子结构分析,此处缺少比较连词,因此填than。]

  5.hard/difficult。 [考查形容词。由上文可以推测,动植物要生存下来,它们的日子肯定很艰难。因此此空填hard或difficult。]

  6.other。 [考查不定代词在语境中的运用。上文出现了In some cases...,表示“在某些情况下……”,此处应当是与其相对应的短语in other cases,表示“在另外一些情况下”。因此填other。] 7.or/otherwise。 [考查语境理解。语意为“我们人类已经开始意识到了自己的错误,否则我们会毁灭地球的。”因此填表示转折意义的连词or或者连接副词otherwise。]

  8.a。 [考查冠词。语境是“为了使地球成为所有动植物能够生存的一个安全健康的地方”,此处的中心名词place是可数名词,前面应加不定冠词a。]2


  1the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund say China’s economy has great potential to grow


  the adverse impact from the global financial crisis.

  David Dollar,the World Bank’s country director of China,says that the global economic slowdown has begun to affect China’s economy,especially


  exports and labor market.But he is still optimistic


  China’s economic outlook.

  “I don’t want to be so gloomy because we see


  China has other potential sources in growth.We think China has great potential to grow based on domestic demand.We completely support this large fiscal stimulus package that the government has put together.”

  He forecasts that China’s economy will grow by 7.5 percent in 2009,saying that would be a very good performance amid


  difficult global economic situation.

  Vivek Arora,the IMF Senior Resident Representative of China says adjustments of China’s economic development mode will benefit the entire world.



  you know has had an objective for long and needs to rebalance the economy away from investment and exports towards consumption.So


  more the stimulus package is focused on low-income households,rural economy,the health system,education,consumption and so on,the better it will be for China in the medium term and the better it will also be for China’s neighboring countries and the rest of the world.”

  1.from。 [考查介词。此处from用于说明代表们的身份。]

  2.despite。 [考查介词。此处意为“尽管受全球经济危机的不利影响,中国的经济仍有增长的潜力”

  3.its。 [考查形容词性物主代词。此处its代指的是China’s。]

  4.about。 [考查固定搭配。be optimistic about...对……乐观。5.that。 [考查名词性从句的引导词。“China has other potential sources in growth”为一个完整的句子,不缺任何成分,作see的宾语,所以用that。]

  6.a。 [考查不定冠词。此处意为“一个困难的全球经济形势”。]

  7.as。 [考查定语从句的引导词。此处as引导定语从句指“China has had an objective for long and needs...consumption”这一事实。]

  8.the。 [考查固定结构。从下文“...the better it will also be for China’s neighboring countries and the rest of the world.”可知,此处应用“the+比较级..the+比较级..”结构。]3

  Wang San raised some donkeys.When they grew up,he wanted to sell some of them.So,one day,he picked five of

  1 donkeys and was going to sell them in the market.He rode one of them and drove the four others.Before he arrived at the market,he wanted to check


  he still had five donkeys with him.So he counted them,“One,two,three,four.”Why?There were only four around.What

  earth was happened?Where had the fifth one gone?He was afraid he had counted wrong.So he recounted his donkeys again and again.

  the result remained the same.Every time he found one


  .“Gosh!How careless I have been!And it’s the best donkey that’s missing.What a loss!”Sad

  he was,he could do nothing but drive the remaining four on.When he arrived at the market,he jumped down from the donkey,and counted his donkeys again.To his great joy,he found all the five donkeys were with him.None was missing.“What has happened?”He thought hard,and


  finally dawned on him.“Aha!”he said,“I forget the one I am riding!How silly


  From that story people got the idiom qílǘmìlǘ—to look for the donkey while riding on it.It’s widely used for those who try very hard to look for something which is right in front of their noses.

  1.his/the。 [考查形容词性物主代词或定冠词。介词of表示范围,其后多用the或者限定词修饰,结合语境可知此处用his或the。]

  2.whether/if。 [考查名词性从句的引导词。他想去确认他是否仍有五头驴。whether/if引导宾语从句,作check的宾语,故答案为whether/if。]

  3.on。 [考查固定搭配。此处on earth意为“究竟”。]

  4.But。 [考查连词。由上下文关系判断“数了多遍”与“结果相同”之间为转折关系,故此处用but。]

  5.missing/lost/gone。 [考查形容词。根据上下文语境可知此处表示“丢失的”,故可填missing/lost/gone。]

  6.as/though。 [考查让步状语从句的引导词。句意为“尽管他很伤心,但是没有办法,只好继续前行”,故答案为as/thouh。]

  7.it。 [考查代词。it指代前面那件事。it finally dawned on him意为“最后他明白了”。]

  8.of。 [考查介词。表示人的心理、品质的形容词常与介词of搭配,如:It’s kind of you to help me.。]4

  Pizza is one of the foods for

  1 we can hardly name a specific origin.Putting stuff on flat bread as a meal goes back as


  as ancient Rome.The word “pizza” appeared just before 1000 AD,in the area between Naples and Rome.

  The word


  is probably related to pita(圆面饼),so let’s start with the crust.In ancient times,all bread was basically flat.In the middle ages,people started to put things on the bread and then ate it,kind of

  what we today might call an open face sandwich.It wasn’t really


  new way of eating—the bread was a sort of place mat,to help keep the table clean during meals.Only the rich could afford plates,so a flat piece of hard barley bread on the table was used instead for people who were


  poor to buy plates.Some bread was specially baked for that purpose.After the meal,sometimes the bread was eaten,


  sometimes given to the dogs.There are traditional pizza—like dishes in Provence where bread is topped


  onions,tomatoes,anchovies and olives.In the Middle East,lahma bi ajeen(阿拉伯比萨饼) is a pizza base with minced onions,meat and flavorings.American pizza,which can now be found throughout the world,was invented in America in the 1950s.Italian immigrants brought pizza to the United States in the early 1900s.

  1.which。 [考查介词加关系代词引导定语从句。当先行词为物时,介词后用which引导定语从句。句意为:比萨是一种食物,其起源几乎没人能说具体。]

  2.far。 [考查固定搭配。as far as远至。句意为:在扁平的面包上放上东西的吃法可以追溯到古罗马时期。]

  3.itself。 [考查反身代词的用法。此处用itself作同位语表示强调。此处意为“这个单词本身很可能和pita有关”。4.like。 [考查介词的用法。从语境看此处用来描述当时事物的形状,所以用like。]

  5.a/one。 [考查冠词或数词。]

  6.too。 [考查副词too的用法。too...to...太……而不能……。]

  7.and。 [考查并列连词and的用法。句意为:饭后这些面包有的被人吃了,有的喂狗了。]

  8.with。 [考查介词的用法。be topped with“上面放有……”。此处意为“在Provence这个地方,面包上常放有洋葱、西红柿、凤尾鱼、橄榄”。]5


  Becky Jones and Clare Lewis,authors of Adventure Walks for Families in and around London,share

  1 tips on the best way to tempt your children away from the computer.

  It’s Boxing Day.The presents have been opened and strewn(撒落) across the house,many already broken.Everyone has eaten too much turkey and is getting bored and annoyed.To blow the cobwebs away,


  you need is to go out for


  walk.The trouble is how to persuade the kids to join you.

  The first rule—whatever you do,don’t mention the word “walk”. ,turn it into an adventure,ask,“Who wants to go on a bear hunt?” “Who wants to make a bow and arrow?”

  Then make sure each adventure has some of these key ingredients:a good reason to go;a journey that’s not too long;lots of things to do

  the way;games to play when you get there and somewhere to get a hot chocolate or cream tea nearby.

  Finally,come up

  a theme.In our book,we tracked down the settings for classic children’s stories,such as Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood.We also suggested different themes,scientific and artistic,such as the Downs


  Darwin studied honeybees and orchids.We took ideas from the stories and the places that were written to inspire games and ideas—learning semaphore,tying knots,building shelters,dressing up,or flying a kite.

  1.their。 [考查形容词性物主代词。此处首次提到建议所以不用the。此处意为“Becky Jones and Clare Lewis在书中交流他们的建议”。]

  2.what。 [考查名词性从句的引导词。从句子结构看,由于need缺少宾语,所以用what,此处what引导主语从句。句意为:为了使你精神振奋,你需要的是出去散散步。]

  3.a。 [考查冠词的用法。go out for a walk意为“出去散步”。]

  4.Instead。 [考查副词的用法。句意为:只字不提散步的事,相反把它变成一种探险。]

  5.or。 [考查表示选择关系的并列连词。分析句子可知,两个问句间为选择关系,此处意为“谁想去猎熊或者谁想做个弓箭”。]

  6.on。 [考查介词on的用法。此处on the way意为“在途中”。注意区别in the way“妨碍”与by the way“顺便”。此处意为“许多途中要做的事情”。]

  7.with。 [考查固定搭配。come up with提出,此处意为“最后提出一个主题”。]

  8.where。 [考查引导定语从句的关系副词。the Downs为地点,后面是一个句子,先行词在从句中作地点状语,所以用where。


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