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发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Miss Jones _______ music at Bardon School for five years when she was abroad and now she is an actress.

  A. taught

  B. has taught

  C. had taught

  D. has been teaching



  2.The discovery of new evidence led to _______ .

  A.the thief having caught

  B.catch the thief

  C.the thief being caught D.the thief to be caught

  【解析】’s doing sth;本句又是被动语态。句意:新证据的发现导致贼被抓。

  3.____________ from what he said, I’d say he would be in the race.

  A. Judged

  B. To judge

  C. Judging

  D. To be judged


  【解析】Judge from/by…根据…判断;是固定用法在句中作为插入语。

  4.As we all know, every minute _____ full use of ____ our lessons will do good to us students.

  A. which makes; studying

  B. when made; to study

  C. that is made; study

  D. that is made; studying


  【解析】When made full use of to study our lessons=when every minute is made full use of to study our lessons. every minute is承前省略。句意:当每一分钟都被充分利用学习我们的功课的时候,每一分钟都对我们学生有好处。

  5.–Will you read me a story, Mummy?

  --OK. You ______have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.

  A. might

  B. must

  C. could

  D. shall


  【解析】考查情态动词的用法。Might可能,must一定,必须 could可能 shall用于第二第三人称可以表示命令,警告,允诺,威胁,法律规范。此处是允诺。意为,如果你尽快上床,我会给你读一个故事。这是对孩子做出的允诺。

  6.The experts suggested the problem worth paying attention ____ at the meeting.

  A. to be discussed

  B. to been discussed

  C. being discussed

  D. should be discussed


  【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。本题较为复杂。首先,这句话的主干结构为:The experts suggested the problem be discussed at the meeting. 不难看出suggest引导的宾语从句中要用“should do”,此处should省略了。其次“worth paying attention to”作定语修饰problem,因此A正确。

  Some countries are taking action to occupy the islands of the South China Sea.

  —Yes, but I think they ____be punished sooner or later.

  A. could

  B. can

  C. may

  D. shall



  There is clear evidence _____ smoking does harm to our health.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. which

  D. that



  9.-I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?

  - Sorry, I

  the piano for years.

  A. don't play

  B. wasn't playing

  C. haven't played

  D. hadn't played


  【解析】首先通过对话,很容易判断出说话者说的是现在情况,因此时间为现在。通过先时后态原则,排除B, D. 再通过for years可判断出是从过去一直到现在的一个持续状态,可由此判断应用现在完成时,答案选C。

  10.______ at the door before you enter my room, please.

  A. Knock

  B. Knocking

  C. Knocked

  D. To knock


  【解析】考察句式结构。考生若能识别before是状语从句连接词,便可想到空格位置应该是主句部分的谓语,只有A项符合条件。祈使句考点常混在选项是非谓语动词的题中,常考点还有:祈使句,and/or sb. will…。如Study hard, and you will pass the exam. / Study hard, or you will fail the exam.句意:麻烦您进我屋之前先敲门。

  11.The party will be held in the garden, weather


  A. permitting

  B. to permit

  C. permitted

  D. permit





  12.Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ____.

  A. washed

  B. wash

  C. washing

  D. to wash



  13.I looked up and noticed a snake ______ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.

  A. to wind

  B. wind

  C. winding

  D. wound



  14.—Why is your wife wearing a mask in such good spring?

  —Because she is_________ to flowers.

  A. fragile

  B. cautious

  C. addicted

  D. allergic





  15.Ladies and gentleman, welcome to my program. _______ me this evening is Dr. Gary.

  A. To join

  B. Join

  C. Joined

  D. Joining


  【解析】Dr. Gary is joining me this evening.

  16.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle ____.

  A.to be heard

  B.to have heard


  D.being heard

  【解析】Struggle to do sth努力做某事;根据句意又使用被动。句意:孩子们吃饭时如此吵闹以至于我不得不努力让自己被听见。

  17.---It is said that the famous movie The Flowers Of War will be shown next week in the cinema.

  ---Really?I am dying____that movie.

  A.to be seen

  B.to see


  D.to seeing


  【解析】Be dying to do sth非常想要做某事

  18._______ many times , he still couldn’t understand it.


  B.Having been told


  D.e had been told



  19.The cat is the only one of her pets ___

  she will have ____ on her bed.

  that, sleep

  B. which, it sleeping

  C. that, slept

  D. that, it sleep


  【解析】That she will have sleep on the bed修饰先行词the only one. that指代the only one在句中做have的宾语。Have sb do sth让某人做某事;句意:这只猫是她的宠物中唯一的一个她让它睡在她床上的。

  20.The building ______ next year will be a restaurant.

  A.having been built

  B.to be built

  C.being built



  21.Based on what I heard, some people got really _____ by our music, and some people liked it a lot.

  A. annoying

  B. annoyed

  C. to be annoying

  D. being annoyed


  【解析】Get+过去分词;get annoyed变得恼怒;句意:根据我说听说的,一些人对我们的音乐很恼怒,一些人却很喜欢。

  22.I’m going to Europe on vacation together with John if I _______ find the money.

  A. can

  B. might

  C. would

  D. need




  23.If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but ______ an even greater challenge.

  A. meets

  B. meeting

  C. meet

  D. to meet



  24.---- Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?

  ---- _____ , I do.I think it's a great idea.


  B.Obviously C.Actually



  25.–What did you say?

  --So you _____________ to me.

  A. won’t listen

  B. didn’t listen

  C. haven’t listened

  D. weren’t listening



  26.The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls ________.

  A. where sit the European leaders

  B. the European leaders there sit

  C. sit the European leaders

  D. that the European leaders sit



  27.__________, I really believe that I’d prefer not to make any change now.

  A. Considered all the possibilities

  B. Taking all the possibilities into consideration

  C. Taken all the possibilities into consideration D. Giving all the possibilities


  【解析】考查分词用法。I 与take sth into consideration构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词。句意:考虑到所有的可能性,我认为现在宁愿不做什么改变。

  28.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ________ a sudden loud noise.

  A. being there

  B. there being

  C. should there be

  D. there was


  【解析】考查虚拟语气和倒装句。本题是一个省略了if的虚拟语气句,并且是与将来相反,从句可以使用:should+动词原形;原句为:If there should be a sudden loud noise, these animals could be frightened.

  29.It was playing computer games______ cost the boy plenty of time_____ he ought to have spent doing his homework.

  A. that; that

  B. which; that

  C. which; when

  D. that; when


  【解析】It is/was 被强调成分that/who其它成分;这是强调句型的基本结构。强调句型最大的特点就是把it is/was…that/who去掉,句子仍然成立。第一空强调playing computer games.第二空是定语从句,that指代先行词plenty of time作为spend的宾语。

  30.For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _______ on his own farm.

  A. grown

  B. being grown

  C. to be grown

  D. to grow




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