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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.--What do you think of Harry, our new classmate?

  --I am not sure, but he is always asking ______ questions.

  A. a great many of

  B. a great many

  C. a great number

  D. a great amount of


  【解析】 考查“许多”的表达法。a great many 后面没有of,故排除A。a great number后需加of,故排除C; 而 a great amount of修饰的是不可数名词,也排除。所以答案为B。

  2.Jack won the first prize in the computer competition. Two years of hard work and patience _______ in the end.

  A. paid up

  B. paid out

  C. paid back

  D. paid off


  【解析】 考查短语辨析。pay up 全部付清;pay out付出(钱);报复 pay back偿还 pay off还清债务;取得成功;得到好的结果。根据意思,两年的努力工作和耐心最后得到了回报。

  3.--Good afternoon. Can I help you?

  --My bike is broken. I’d like to have it______, sir.

  A. repaired

  B. repairing

  C. to repair

  D. to be repaired


  【解析】 考查非谓语动词。have sth. done 请某人做某事,强调某事被做。这里指请人修理自行车。故用A.

  4.Nowadays when tourists pay a visit to Xi’an, _______ for them to take public transport.

  A. there is very convenient

  B. it is very convenient

  C. there is very conveniently

  D. it is very conveniently


  【解析】 考查固定句型。It is convenient for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人来说是方便的。it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。

  5. Many ______ football fans stay up to watch the ______ 2017 European Championship, which is currently being co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine.

  A. exciting; exciting

  B. excited; excited

  C. exciting; excited

  D. excited; exciting


  【解析】 考查过去分词与现在分词的区别。修饰人,应用过去分词;修饰物应用现在分词。激动的球迷,此处的“激动的”是修饰人,故用excited;而“激动人心的”2017年欧洲杯,是修饰物,故用exciting。

  6.Parents and teachers in Shaanxi are happy about the news_____ more students will be admitted to universities, ______ makes students happy as well.

  A. that; which

  B. what; which

  C. that; that

  D. which; which


  【解析】 考查同位语从句。因为从句中不缺少任何成分,故That在句中只是起连接作用。that引导同位语从句。which引导定语从句,指代前面这个消息的内容。

  7.______to the rising sun, the young people have a promising future.



  C.To compare

  D.Being compared

  【解析】 考查非谓语动词。因为主语the young people 与compare之间是被动关系,故排除B、C, 又因为D表示正在进行,故排除。答案为A。

  8.When I came into the classroom this morning, it ______ me that I had left my book in my dormitory.

  A. occurred

  B. was occurred

  C. occurred to

  D. was occurred to


  【解析】考查固定句型。It occurs to sb. that…某人想起某事。本句话的意思是:今天早上,当我走进教室的时候,我突然想起我把书忘在了我的宿舍里。

  9.--HI, Tom. It’s a long time since we met last time. Is everything going well?

  --Oh, I _____ for the final examination for weeks and I will be free next week.

  --Good luck!

  A. review

  B. reviewed

  C. am reviewing

  D. have been reviewing


  【解析】 考查时态题。根据foe weeks可见,review这个动作发生在过去,一直延续到现在,。根据后面一句话,可知此动作将会一直延续到将来,所以用现在完成进行时。

  10.China launched Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft with three astronauts at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in ______ northwest of China at 18:37p.m.June 16, 2017, which was ______ big success and it will fulfill China’s first manned space docking mission.

  A.a; a

  B.the; the

  C.the; a

  D.a; the

  【解析】考查冠词题。 第一个,方位名词前一定要加the;如果前面没有介词,也不需要加the。第二格,a big success指一件很成功的事情。

  11.The two friends ______on the Internet for three hours, and they would go on till the next morning.

  A. have been chatting

  B. had been chatting

  C. were chatting

  D. had chatted


  【解析】考察时态。根据后面的for three hours可知是与完成时连用。B项是过去完成时,应该有明显的时间状语,本题没有。根据句意可知A正确。句意:那两个朋友一直在网上聊了3个小时。

  12.He was in hospital for 6 months. He felt as if he was ______ from the outside world.

  A. cut off

  B. cut up

  C. cut through

  D. cut out



  13.I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn’t _____ what color it was.

  A. look out

  B. get across

  C. make out

  D. take after



  14.______ from the space, the Great Wall looks like a dragon.

  A. Having seen

  B. Seen

  C. Seeing

  D. To see


  【解析】考察非谓语动词用法。The Great Wall与see之间是被动关系,使用过去分词表示被动。句意:从太空看,长城看起来像一条巨龙。

  15.What did you ____ me ____? I’m a teacher, not a doctor.

  A. take; over

  B. take; up

  C. take; off

  D. take; for


  【解析】考察短语辨析。Take over接管;take up占据,从事于,开始做;take off成功,起飞,脱掉;take for把…当成…。结合句意可知D正确。句意:你把我当成什么了?我是老师,不是医生。

  16.The new discovery is of ________.

  A. great significance

  B. very significance

  C. great significant

  D. very importance


  【解析】考察固定用法。Of significance= significant重要的。

  17.Once _____ , the machine will keep running.

  A. start

  B. started

  C. to start

  D. starting


  【解析】考察分词用法。The machine与start构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词表示被动。句意:一旦被发动,那个机器将一直运行。

  18.____ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front him.

  A. Losing

  B. Having lost

  C. Lost

  D. To lose


  【解析】考察分词用法。Be lost in陷入…;本题的形容词短语是对he的情况进行说明的。句意:陷入沉思中,他差点撞上前面的汽车。

  19.— Good morning, can I help you?


  I’d like to have this watch _______.

  A. fixed

  B. to be fixed

  C. to fix

  D. fixing


  【解析】考察分词用法。Have sth done使某事被做;结合句意可知A正确。句意:—早上好。我能帮你什么吗?—我想把这个手表修一下。

  20.Look at the trouble we’re in. If only we _____ our teacher’s advice.

  A. had taken

  B would have taken

  C. took

  D. have taken


  【解析】考察虚拟语气。If only后面的从句使用虚拟语气,用过去时表示与现在或将来相反;用过去完成时表示与过去的事实相反。根据句意可知本题是与过去相反,故使用过去完成时。句意:看看我们现在所处的困境。要是我们采纳老师的建议就好了。

  21.I tried my best, but I couldn’t _____ the driving tests.

  A. get through

  B. get off

  C. get up

  D. get away



  22.He was _____ down for some days after he heard that he didn’t pass the exam.

  A. broken

  B. cast

  C. cut

  D. discouraged


  【解析】考察固定词组。Cast down感到沮丧。结合句意可知B正确。

  23._____ news came ______ Dolly died of a terrible disease.

  A. Disturbing, that

  B. Disturbed; which

  C. Disturbing; which

  D. Disturbed; what


  【解析】考察同位语从句和分词用法。用disturbing来修饰名词news,同位语从句that Dolly died of a terrible disease解释mc disturbing news的内容。

  24.The law ______ the sales of wine to people under the age of 16.

  A. encourages

  B allows

  C. helps

  D. forbids



  25.In almost all the colleges in our country now, college students sometimes earn enough money by ______ of part time job to support themselves.

  A. assist

  B. way

  C. means

  D. aid


  【解析】考察固定词组。By means of用…方法;结合句意可知C正确。几乎在我国所有的大学里,通过做兼职工作,大学生都能挣得足够的钱来养活自己。

  26.The boy was saved because the doctor arrived there _____ it was too late.

  A. before B. since C. or D. while



  27.Much to my _____, the student has come to realize the importance of honesty.

  A. horror B. relief C. sorrow D. curiosity


  【解析】考查名词辨析。horror 恐怖 relief 安慰 sorrow 悲伤 curiosity 好奇.根据意思,令我们非常安慰的是。

  28.He always did well at school _____ having to do part–time jobs every now and then.

  A. in spite of

  B. instead of C. in case of D. in favor of


  【解析】考查固定结构。in spite of 尽管 instead of 而不是 in case of 万一 in favor of赞成,根据意思,A符合语境。

  29.If you have a job,

  yourself to it and you’ll succeed.

  A. don’t devote

  B. do devote C. devoting D. not devote



  30.By working slowly but surely towards your goal, you’ll _____ succeed.

  A. eventually B. accidentally C. occasionally D. purposely


  【解析】考查副词辨析。A 最终 B 意外地 C偶尔;间或 D故意地。根据意思,A正确。

  31.I _____ many unnecessary words in my article, leaving it much shorter.

  A. shortened B. cancelled C. left D. replaced



  32.The great _____ to living on a main road is the constant noise.

  A. hardship B. procedure C. drawback D. influence



  33.Chinese people think a lot about food. In fact, I think that they are sometimes _____ with it.

  A. modest B. conventional C. abundant D. obsessed



  34.You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t _____ as you expect.

  A. run out B. break out C. work out D. put out



  35.We _____ John’s name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.

  A. will put

  B. will have put

  C. would put

  D. would have put


  【解析】考查虚拟语气。But for表示含蓄条件。根据yesterday可知是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,那么使用情态动词+have done.故D正确。

  36.Much to my _____, the student has come to realize the importance of honesty.

  A. horror B. relief C. sorrow D. curiosity



  37.He always did well at school _____ having to do part–time jobs every now and then.

  A. in spite of B. instead of C. in case of D. in favor of



  38.No sooner had I come to the office _____ the boss told me that I was fired.

  A. when B. after C. than D. before


  【解析】考查固定句型。No sooner…than…一…就…;结合句意可知C正确。句意:我一回到办公室,老板就告诉我我被解雇了。

  39.Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to _____.

  A. live by B. live for C. live on D. live with


  【解析】考查固定词组。Live on…靠…为生;by表示靠…手段;

  40.Granny read newspaper every day in her sixties _____ she could keep herself informed of the latest news.

  A. so that B. in case C. even though D. as if




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