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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. The OPEC has recently cut back production and the price of oil has been ______ to $90 a barrel (桶).A. risen

  B. raised

  C. arisen

  D. arose


  【解析】考查动词辨析。rise是不及物动词,上升;raise 及物动词,提高,举起;arise是不及物动词,出现;arose是arise的过去式。这里指石油输出国组织削减产量,是有的价格被提高到90美元一桶。故用B。

  2._____ is expected, according to the survey, is that prices of houses will not go up any longer.

  A. It

  B. As

  C. Which

  D. What


  【解析】考查连词辨析。according to the survey是插入语。由于第二个is前面是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用what。

  3. I saw a ____ TV broadcast from a website saying that 30 British tourists in Wolong were got in touch.

  A. lively

  B. alive

  C. live

  D. living




  4. ____ I want to know is ____ I can master English in the shortest possible time.

  A. What; how

  B. How; what

  C. Which; what

  D. What; what



  5. No sooner _____ the news than they rushed out into the street.

  A. they heard

  B. they had heard

  C. did they hear

  D. had they heard


  【解析】考查时态题。No sooner …than…在这个句型中,前面应用过去完成时,后面从句中应用过去时。;另外,No sooner位于句首,应用部分倒装。故答案为D。

  6. The aim of basketball is for players to get a ball into the “basket”: a net ____ from a metal circle.

  A. hanged

  B. hanging

  C. to hang

  D. being hung



  7.The child complained that the old man made no answer when

  where he lived.


  B.being asked

  C.having asked


  【解析】考查非谓语动词。ask的逻辑主语the child与ask之间是被动关系,故排除A、C;又因为being asked表示“正在被问”,所以D正确。

  8. -- You know what? Wang Wei wants to be another Yao Ming and play in NBA.

  -- Are you kidding? He will never _____ a super star.

  A. change

  B. make

  C. turn

  D. get


  【解析】考查动词辨析。make使成为;成为;change改变 turn连系动词 后面跟形容词或不带冠词的名词;get 得到;变得 根据意思,他永远都不可能一个超级明星。

  9.I can’t remember when exactly the Robinsons left

  city .I only remember it was

  Monday .

  A.the , the B.a , the

  C.a , a

  D.the , a


  10. The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for ________ he could find about Mark Twain.

  A. wherever

  B. whatever

  C. however

  D. whichever


  【解析】考查宾语从句。Whatever引导起宾语从句whatever he could find about Mark Twain,并在句中做find的宾语。本题要注意D项,which是指特定范围内某一个,而本题是没有范围限制的。

  11. One of the rules is that every student ________ wear school uniform while at school.

  A. might

  B. could

  C. will

  D. shall



  12. Tom took a taxi to the airport, only ________ his plane high up in the sky.

  A. finding

  B. being found

  C. to find

  D. to have found



  13.Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ________.

  A. washed

  B. wash

  C. washing

  D. to wash


  【解析】考查固定结构。Get sth done使某事被做;get the car washed表示让汽车被洗;句意:在开车进城之前,你被要求把车洗好。

  14.I looked up and noticed a snake ________ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.

  A. to wind

  B. winding

  C. wind

  D. wound



  15. When ________ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.

  A. asking

  B. having asked

  C. asked

  D. to be asked



  16. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose ________ suits you best.

  A. whichever

  B. whatever

  C. whenever

  D. wherever


  【解析】考查宾语从句。Whichever引导宾语从句Whichever suits you best,并在句中做主语。本题特别容易错选B。what是没有任何范围限制的任何一个,而which是指在特定范围之内中的一个。

  17. Interest is as ________ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.

  A. similar

  B. vital

  C. available

  D. specific



  18. Everything was placed exactly _______ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.

  A. though

  B. where

  C. while

  D. when



  19. The three of us ________ around Europe for about a month last summer.

  A. have travelled

  B. had travelled

  C. travelled

  D. travel


  【解析】考查时态。本题容易错选A。根据最后的last summer可知本句使用一般现在时,故C正确。

  20. He got up late and hurried to his office, ________ the breakfast untouched.

  A. left

  B. leaving

  C. to leave

  D. leave



  21. We _________ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?

  A. should face

  B. might face

  C. must have faced

  D. could have faced


  【解析】考查虚拟语气。But后面的句子使用过去时,说明前面应该是与过去事实相反,用情态动词+have done表示与过去事实相反。

  22. ________ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.

  A. Use

  B. Using

  C. Used

  D. To use


  【解析】考查分词用法。Use与one tin构成被动关系,应该使用过去分词表示。故C正确。

  23. ________ at the door before you enter my room, please.

  A. Knock

  B. Knocking

  C. Knocked

  D. To knock



  24.—Do you have an_______ way to solve this problem?

  —No, this is the only way, I think.

  A. alternative

  B. urgent

  C. absolute

  D. equal


  【解析】考查形容词辨析。alternative 供选择的;urgent紧急的 absolute绝对的 equal平等的。根据回答,可知,问你有可供选择的方法来解决这个问题吗?

  25.The article ______ now will appear in tomorrow’s newspaper.

  A. writing

  B. to write

  C. being written

  D. write



  26.---Will you read me a story, Mummy?

  --- OK. You _______have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.

  A. might

  B. must

  C. could

  D. shall



  27.The villagers have already known __________ we’ll do is to rebuild the bridge.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which



  28.The pop star walked out of the stage, ______ her hands to her crazy fans.

  A. waving

  B. was waving

  C. waved

  D. to wave


  【解析】考查非谓语动词。waving是现在分词做伴随状语。The pop star与wave之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。

  29.Not until he left his home ______ to know how important the family was for him.

  A. did he begin

  B. had he began

  C. he began

  D. he had begun


  【解析】考查倒装句。Not until引导的时间状语从句位于句首,主句中主谓部分倒装。故排除C、D;又因为本句使用过去时,故答案为A。

  30.It is reported that the newly-built studio is _______ badly.

  A. equipped

  B. equaled

  C. supplied

  D. offered


  【解析】动词辨析。equip装备 equal等于,比得上 supply提供 offer 提供。根据意思,据报道这新建的工作室装备很差。

  31.If you happen to get lost in the wild, you’d better stay ______ you are and wait for help.

  A. why

  B. where

  C. who

  D. what



  32.All the trees are ______ with fruit, promising a harvest year.

  A. covered

  B. buried

  C. surrounded

  D. heavy


  【解析】考查动词辨析。be covered with被覆盖 be buried with随葬 be surrounded with被…围绕

  be heavy with有大量的;充满。根据意思,答案为D。

  33.—Did you catch what I said?

  —Sorry. I ______ a text message just now.

  A. had answering

  B. have answered

  C. would answer

  D. was answering



  34.—What’s wrong with you yesterday?

  —When I was playing football, my strength ___________ and I fell down.

  A. gave up

  B. gave off

  C. gave out

  D. gave in


  【解析】考查短语辨析。give up放弃; give off发出(光);give out分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭give in屈服 根据意思,当我踢足球时,我的力气耗尽并且跌倒了。

  35.In our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses.

  A. in whom

  B. in them

  C. of whom

  D. of them



  36.The 2017 Summer Olympic Games ______, taking place in London for a third time this summer.


  B.to approach


  D.are approaching

  【解析】 考查时态题。由于后面taking place引导的是个状语,故空格处需要谓语动词, 根据意思,应用将来时,故答案为D,现在进行时表将来。

  37.At yesterday’s meeting, some are against his plan while others are ______ it, with no agreement reached.

  A. in favour of

  B. in place of

  C. in search of

  D . in honour of


  【解析】考查短语辨析。in favor of赞成;in place of代替;in search of寻找,搜寻; in honor of 为了纪念;向某人表示敬意.根据意思,一些人反对,然而,另一些人赞成。

  38.When asked about the secret of his success, he ______ it to his friends’help.

  A. belonged

  B. donated

  C. owed

  D. gave

  【解析】 考查固定短语。owe sth. to sb.把…归功于某人;donate sth. to sb.把…捐赠给某人give sth. to sb.把…给某人; belong没有词用法,故排除。根据意思,他把成功归功于他朋友的帮忙。

  39.When it is your turn to talk, what I want to tell you is ______you can show respect by making sure the listener understands ______ you are saying and is interested.



  C.where; that

  D.which; when

  【解析】 考查名词性从句。第一格是在be动词后,所以是表语从句,而表语从句中没有缺少成分,故用that; 第二格,understand后面是宾语从句,从句中缺少saying后面的宾语,故用what.

  40.he shop around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now _____the matter

  A. seeing through

  B. working out

  C. looking into

  D. watching over


  【解析】短语辨析。A帮助...渡过(困难等);看穿;B想出; 制订出; 产生出;C调查;D看守,照管,监视;结合句意可知C正确。句意:昨天晚上拐角处的那家商店着火了,警察现在正在调查这次案件。


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