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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1.What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I received an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and against 37 of 100, scored 160


  A. an average B. a total C. an exam D. a number

  2.Consider my auto-repair man again. He had a habit of telling 45 .


  A. lies B. jokes C. news D. tales

  3.The native people said they 38 this creature and called it the“ Yeti” and they said they had even caught Yetis on two occasions though none has been produced as evidence.


  A. heard from B. cared for C. knew of D. read about

  4.“Damn!” he screamed his face red, I knew trouble was ahead. Whenever Dad’s face turns red, 30 !… How could I ever 31 him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the 33 of the years with?

  30 A. go ahead B. look out C. hold on D. give up

  31 A. head B. help C. encourage D. get

  33 A. best B. beginning C. end D. rest

  5.“They not only make it difficult to sleep at night, but they are 30 damage to our houses and shops of historical 31 ,” said John Norris one of the protesters.


  30 A. doing B. raising C. putting D. producing[

  31 A. scene B. period C. interest D. sense


  1. Every morning she would give him breakfast 29 bed and bring him the papers to 30.

  29 A. to B. at C. in D. by

  30 A. check B. read C. keep D. sense

  解析:第29题选C。此题为四星级题。 这道题考查考生对介词具体用法的掌握。in bed“在床上”,名词表示其功能不加冠词。例如:in hospital, in prison, go to school等。

  第30题选B。此题为四星级题。在此“read the papers”是“读报”的意思,A、C、D不符合意思,从上文推断Mrs. Fant对儿子疼爱有加,give him breakfast in bed and bring him the papers to read. paper当“纸”讲时,不可数,“a piece of paper”,但“papers”表示“论文、试卷”。

  2.The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his fellow soldiers came in sight. Some of the people watching 47 laughing at the one who couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along.… They’re all out of 50 except my John! Isn’t he the best!”

  47A. couldn’t help B. shouldn’t burst out

  C. stopped D. kept

  50A. sign B. order C. mind D. step

  解析:第47题选A。此题为四星级题。 “观看的人都禁不住笑了起来”“can’t help doing”禁不住……

  e.g.I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the funny performance.

  第50题选D。此题为五星级题。 out of step 译为“步调不一致”“out of order” “没顺序,乱七八糟”;out of mind“心不在焉”。

  3. Here’s a fellow who just 28 into a bank and helps himself 29 so much money.

  28 A. walks B. looks C. marches D. drives

  29 A. for B. to C. by D. of

  解析:第28题选A.此题为五星级题。walk into “走进……”,look into “向……里看,调查”,march行军;drive into“开进……”,从上文可知,持枪人闯进了银行,并拿走了钱,故排除了B项;C项是“行军”的意思,不符合题意;从下文中又知此人劫了一辆车,说明持枪人没有开车来,故排除D项。

  第29题选B。此题为四星级题。“help oneself to sth.”惯用法。在这里是“擅自去取”的意思。

  4.But all of us are called 44 daily to make a great many personal decisions.

  44 A. out B. for C. up D. upon

  解析:此题为四星级题。此题要求考生区别有关call动词的几个短语的意思。call upon / on sb. to do sth.“号召某人做某事”;call out译为“招呼某人出来”;call for“要求”;call up“打电话给……”;而本句的意思“号召我们去做决定”应选D。





  1.They found a cat tied with a piece of rope 1 the tail of the Mullah’s Donkey !

  A. with B. on C. to D. around

  2.Jenkins was a jeweler, who had made a large diamond ring worth $57 000 for the Silkstone Jewellery shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked 2 like the first one but was worth only $2 000.

  A. only B. surely C. nearly D. exactly

  3.Scientists are doing a research 3 her. They want to see how civilized. She can become. Already she does many things a human being can do .

  A. for B. by C. to D. on

  4.Instead she wrote on the blackboard the above words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to 4 these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.

  A. repeat B. get C. put D. copy

  5.All I would like to do is to 5 you of some of the advantage and disadvantages of going to live abroad.

  A. warn B. remind C. ask D. question

  6.You have some relatives and friends in America already, so you have someone to turn 6 when you need help or are feeling homesick.

  A. on B. up C. down D. to

  7.It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race! The police 7 for it all over the county but could not found it.

  A. searched B. asked C. waited D. cared

  8.The witty speech of the famous American author 8 a shout of laughter.

  A. was meeting B. asked C. was met D. met

  9.Charley took the 9 and became a true hit-maker.

  A. career B. change C. order D. advice

  10.Certainly during examinations teachers and students are 10 to act like machines.

  A. willing B. expected C. hoped D. wished


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