2017届高考英语一轮总复习精选单元练习人教版必修3《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮总复习精选单元练习人教版必修3《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note》

发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  人教版新课标必修3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note

  Part one: Multiple choice

  1. The local government announced that only when the fire was under control________to return to their homes.

  A.the residents would be permitted

  B.had the residents been permitted

  C.would the residents be permitted

  D.the residents had been permitted

  2.Since we are not wealthy now,we’d better take our daily expenses into________.





  3.His parents died when he was five years old,so he was________by his grandparents.

  A.taken up 

  B.given up

  C.grown up 

  D.brought up

  4.—Could I ask you a rather personal question?


  A.pardon meB.go ahead

  C.good ideaD.forget it

   5.—Could I use your computer for a few moments,please?

  —________.I’m not using it myself.

  A.Come onB.It depends

  C.Go aheadD.That’s great

  6. Tom was about to close the windowhis attention was caught by a bird.



  7. She had just finished her homework________her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.




  8. There were some chairs left over________everyone had sat down.



  9.I used to love that film________I was a child,but I don’t feel it that way any more.



  10. ________you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

  A.However a serious problem

  B.What a serious problem

  C.However serious a problem

  D.What serious a problem

  11.He found his son________by letters and papers and________very worried.





  12.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ________ in the kitchen.


  C.to smoke D.smoked

  13. The how­to book can be of help to________wants to do the job.

  A.who B.whomever

  C.no matter who 


  14. ________wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.


  B.The one



  15. The magnificent tower must be saved,________the cost!



  16. _______hungry I am,I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.



  17.________we gave him something to eat,he would save it up for his little sister.



  18.—You know,I’m poor in Chinese,you are not good at English,and...

  —That’s________we should help each other.





   19. Water,which seems so simple and common,is________makes life possible.





  20. Sorry I’m so late,but you cannot imagine________great trouble I took to find your house.





  21. Professor Backman took up scientific research for decades,and this is________he devoted all his life to.



  22. After five hours’ drive,they reached________they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.





  23. Seeing the happy________of children playing in the park,I’m full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.

  A.sight B.scene



  24. On the top of Mount Tai,you can get a wonderful________of the sunrise.





  25.I’m sorry,I can’t give you the telephone number without






  Part two :完形填空

  Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He __26__ one morning with his young son, __27__the horse before it died. Father and son walked, __28__the farmer did not want the horse to be__29__. 

  They met two men on the road__30__said: “Why are you walking, farmer? You have a horse. It's __31__to market.” The farmer knew that this was__32__, so he rode on the horse, __33__his son walked. 

  Then they met two old ladies. “__34__are you doing up there, farmer? Can't you__35__how tired your boy is?” __36__the farmer got down, and his son rode__37__. __38__, three old men stopped them. One said: “Why are you walking, farmer?__39__. It's too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up  40__his son, and they__41__. __42__, a young woman passed them. “Why aren't you walking?” she asked. “It isn't __43_ to market. Give your poor old horse a rest.”

  So the farmer, and his son, got down__44__. 

  It is a fact that you cannot please__45__the people all the time. 

  26. A. set out      B. set up  C. set down  D. set

  27. A. selling      B. buying         C. to sell    D. to buy

  28. A. so           B. because        C. that       D. when

  29. A. very tired   B. too tired      C. quite tired D. tiring

  30. A. which        B. who            C. as          D. where

  31. A. a short way B. a long way      C. the right way  D. the wrong way

  32. A. real         B. true           C. truly      D. really

  33. A. while        B. when           C. as         D. during

  34. A. What         B. How            C. Why        D. When

  35. A. see          B. watch          C. look       D. notice

  36. A. Because      B. As            C. For         D. So

  37. A. thus         B. yet           C. instead     D. either

  38. A. First        B. Finally       C. Near        D. Next

  39. A. Sit down     B. Sit up        C. Get up      D. Get down

  40. A. behind       B. after         C. beside      D. above

  41. A. walked on    B. rode on       C. moved on    D. drove on

  42. A. Some time later  B. A moment ago  C. In no time  D. At once

  43. A. near         B. long          C. far         D. short

  44. A. once again B. on their own  C. the other day D. all the same

  45. A. both         B. each of       C. all          D. none of

  Part three :阅读理解

  A 篇

  Language is always changing. In a society where life continues year after year with few changes, the language does not change either. The earliest known languages had difficult grammar but a small, limited vocabulary. Over the century, the grammar changed, and the vocabulary grew. For example, the English and Spanish people who came to America during the sixteenth century gave names to all the new plants and animals they found. In this way, hundreds of new words were introduced into English and Spanish vocabularies. Today life is changing very fast, and language is changing fast too.

     There are several major(主要) language families in the world. Some scientists say there are nine main families, but other scientists divide them differently. The languages in each family are connected, and scientists think that they came from the same parent language. About 3 percent of the people in the world speak languages that are not in these major families.


  46. The early language had ________.

       A. a lot of problems                    B. words and easy grammar

       C. words but no grammar           D. grammar but not many words

  47. In the next few hundred years we can expect language to _____.

       A. stay exactly the same            B. change a great deal

       C. change only a little                D. ask more words and drop some grammar

  48. What this article shows is that _____.

     A. languages change fast                            B. languages really don't want to change

     C. language really with changes in society    D. Spanish and English change

  B 篇

  In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射) so that they won’ t carry disease. They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people’ s houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.

       People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be: Their family ties are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.


  49. The passage mainly talks about ________ .

       A. how to keep disease from pets

       B. pets in Canada

       C. how to take good care of pets

       D. life of the old in Canada

  50. In Canada, children leave their parents when they grow up because _____ .

       A. they don’ t love their parents any more

       B. they can only find jobs far from their parents

       C. their parents’  houses are too small

    D. they wouldn’ t depend on their parents any more

  51. Which of the following is TRUE?

       A. People buy animal food only at the animal food stores.

       B. Pets eat better than people.

       C. Almost every family has a birdcage in his house.

       D. Any bird can come to the bird feeders to eat.

  1-5 C B D B C 6-10 A A A B C 11-15 D B D C C 16-20 D D B A A

  21-25BBBAA 26-30 A C BB B 30-35 BBAA A 35-40 DCDCA 41-45 B ACA C46-51 DBCBDD


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