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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ◆ take along; take care of; take place; take out       1) Miss Wang ___ a handkerchief and blew her nose.       2) Mr Zhang ___ some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there.       3) Since 1996, great changes ___ in our school.       4) My grandmother was ill.I must stay at home to ___ her.       析: took out。表示“拿出;掏出”。 took along。表示“携带;随身带着”,其中along是副词。 have taken place。表示“发生”,相当于一不及物动词,无被动语态。 take care of。表示“照料;照管;照顾”。      

  tell ... from; tell ... between      

  二者均为习惯用法:tell A from B意为“区分A和B”,也可以说成tell the difference between A and B。如: Can you tell American English from British English﹖  你能分辨出美国英语和英国英语吗?       To tell the truth, I really can’t tell the differences between the Maori and American Indians.       老实说,我真的分不清毛利人和印第安人。      

  the same as;the same that

  the same as是表示“相似或同一类的人和事”之意。例如: Many of the sports were the same as they are now. 过去的很多体育项目和现在的一样。 This is the same book as Mr Wang lost. 这本书跟王先生丢失的那本一模一样。

  而the same that作“同一个人或同一件事”解。例如: This is the same book that Mr Wang lost. 这本书就是王先生丢失的那本书。 That is the same bike that I lost. 那辆自行车就是我丢失的那辆。      

  think of/think about/think over


  think of多用来指“想起,认为”。       如:Last night,before I went to bed,I thought of my parents.昨晚我睡觉前,想起了我的父母。       What do you think of that book?你认为那本书怎么样?      

  think about 多用来指“考虑某事情或对某事进行思考”。       如:Think about what you have done!想想你所做的这一切吧!      

  think over意思是“仔细考虑,认真思考”。       如:Before you answer this question,please think it over.在回答这个问题之前,请认真考虑一下。      

  this kind of, of this kind ◇ 二者都表示“这种……”,但“this kind of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数常与kind保持一致;“名词+of this kind”作主语时,谓语动词的数常与该名词保持一致。如: This kind of actress is easy to find but directors of this kind are scarce. 这种女演员不难找,可是这种导演却不多见。      


  这三个词都可以表示“虽然”、“尽管”。though和although引导让步状语从句时,常可互换,只是although的语气更强一些。如:       Though/Although it was late,the farmers kept on harvesting the crops by the lights of the tractors.      

  此外,though可以用于省略句,although很少这样用 though引导的从句可以部分倒装,although引导的从句不用倒装语序。如:       Though poor, he is always neatly dressed.       Poor though I am, I can afford it.      

  as表示“虽然”、“尽管”引导让步状语从句时,从句要用倒装语序,将表语、状语等置于句首。       Tired as he was, he went on working with his workmates.       Child as he is, he knows a lot about the computer.       注意:as引导让步状语从句时,若充当表语的名词位于句首,则该名词前面不用冠词。      

  through; over; across; into       1) The PLA man jumped ___ the water to save the boy.       2) The highway goes under the river ___ the tunnel.       3) There is a bridge ___ the river.       4) The ship sailed ___ the Atlantic.       5) The students walked ___ the gate with Mr Liu.       析: into。意为“进入;到……里”,含动作方向为由外向里之意。 through。意为“通过;穿过”,侧重于指从物体的中间穿过。 over。此处意为“(位置)横跨;在……上面”,表示动作时为“越过……”之意。       across。意为“横过;穿过”,一般指从房间、原野、海洋等一端横越到另一端或两个动作方向成十字交叉状。      


  trip是非正式用语,指短时间内往返的商业旅行或观光旅行。如:       We went on a pleasant trip to the nearest seaside during our vacation.       在假期里我们到最近的海滨作了一次愉快的旅行。      

  journey常指由某一地点到另一地点的旅行,也指旅行的路程,是比较正式的用语。如:       He made a long journey from Beijing to London. 他从北京到伦敦做了一次长途旅行。      

  travel泛指旅行、游历,是最为普通的用语,但无路程的含义。如:       He came home after five years of travel. 五年的旅行后,他回到家中。      

  tour常指访问多处的观光旅行,常指周游后回到原出发地之意。如:       Confucius began to make his tour among the states. 孔夫子开始周游列国。      

  try on; try out       ◇ try on指“试穿(衣服、鞋子)”及“试戴(帽子)”等,其中的on为副词,当宾语是代词时,该宾语要放在on之前;如果宾语是名词,该宾语放在on之前或之后均可。例如: try on a coat=try a coat on  试穿衣服 The new hat is for you.Please try it on. 这新帽子是给你的,请试试看。         try out指“试验或试用”某种机器、理论或方法,其中的out为副词,当宾语是代词时,try out要分开用。例如:       We tried out this new crop on a large area last year. 去年我们大面积试种这种新庄稼。 I'll try it out and see if it works. 我来试试看能否行得通。


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