江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语牛津依林版一轮复习:模块必修3《Unit 1 The world of our senses》重点词语-查字典英语网
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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语牛津依林版一轮复习:模块必修3《Unit 1 The world of our senses》重点词语

发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  牛津英语模块三Unit 1 重点词语


  Welcome to this unit & Reading

  1. sense

  【点拨】o I’d like a good rest.

  【拓展】lose one’s sense失去理智;come to one’s senses 恢复理智;There is no sense in doing sth做某事无意义;common sense 常识;in a sense在某种意义上来说;in no sense决不是/决非。

  I don’t think that group of numbers make any sense.

  He is in no sense the person as you describe.

  2. observe

  【点拨】【拓展】【点拨】【拓展】’t have deserted his wife and children.

  (2) desert n. 沙漠

  The Sahara Desert is the largest one all over the world.

  4. sight.

  【点拨】’s pocket.

  【拓展】…); come in / into sight进入视野;lose one’s sight 失明;the London sights伦敦风景。如:

  Out of sight, out of mind. (谚)久别情疏。

  The solider is a fighting hero, who lost his sight in a battle.

  5. beat

  【点拨】We were beaten in the football final!

  【拓展】’s brain 绞尽脑汁。

  He was given a good beating for telling his father a lie.

  6. fear

  【点拨】【拓展】one’s heart 使某人恐慌;for fear of/that…惟恐……;tremble with fear怕得发抖;be overcome by fear感到害怕。

  She kept silent over this matter for fear of losing her job.

  7. still

  【点拨】【拓展】①② conj. 可是;仍然

  Only Jim failed the exam, still he had done his best.

  ③ vt.使……平静

  I did what I could to still my young brother.

  8. rare


  Rarely do I eat in the restaurant alone.

  9. freeze

  【点拨】【拓展】e’s blood 使某人极其恐惧。

  At the terrible noise, he was frozen with fear

  10. confidently

  【点拨】【拓展】【】I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any ________ to me.

  A meaning

  B. importance

  C. sense

  D. sign

  2. Turning back, _______ behind him.

  A. He caught sight of a dog

  B. a dog came into sight

  C. he lost his sight of a dog

  D. a dog was in sight

  3. She lay in bed, listening to the rain _______ against the window.

  A. hurting

  B. knocking

  C. hitting

  D. beating

  4. He got to the station early,____________ missing his train.

  A. in case of

  B. for fear of

  C. instead of

  D. in search of

  5. The next day he got _______

  when I talked to him.

  A. more tougher

  B. much tough

  C. still tougher

  D. quite tougher


  1. 在过去的十年里他通过望远镜来观测宇宙。

  He has _______

  ________ the ________ through a telescope in the past ten years.

  2. 你能想象出他独自在荒岛上生活了18年吗?

  Can you imagine him ________ on the ________ island alone for 18 years?

  3. 大熊猫是珍稀动物,这就是在野外已很少见到的原因。

  A panda is a _______ animal, that’s why it is _______ seen in the wild.

  4. 那位站岗的战士在大雪中被冻僵了。

  The soldier on watch was _______


  _______ in the heavy snow.

  5. 抬起头,表现得自信些!



  your head and behave ________!

  Key: I. 1-5 CADBC

  II. 1. been observing; universe

  2. living; deserted

  3. rare; rarely/seldom

  4. frozen with cold

  5. Hold up; confidently


  (Word Power, Grammar& Task )

  1. reduce

  【点拨】【拓展】Because of the storm, the farmers’ apple harvest was reduced by 30%.

  2. experiment

  【点拨】【拓展】…by experiment通过实验证明。

  The headmaster encourages his teaches to be bold to experiment with new teaching methods.

  3. add

  【点拨】he was satisfied with it.

  Three added to five makes eight.

  【拓展】His unexpected coming added to our trouble.

  4. link

  【点拨】【拓展】…to/with…将与……连接起来;be linked to=be related to与……有联系;link up联合。作名词“联系;连接环”,a link verb一个连系动词。

  There are five color rings linked together on the Olympic flag.

  One link broken, the whole chain is broken.

  5. stressed

  【点拨】【拓展】The first syllable of this word should be stressed.

  Nowadays, many students are living under the stress of their parents and teachers.

  6. can’t help doing

  【点拨】n’t help doing sth表示“禁不住做某事”。如:

  Hearing the funny story, we couldn’t help laughing loudly.

  【拓展】n’t help (to)do sth表示“不能帮助做某事”。如:

  I’m sorry I can’t help (to) clean the classroom, for I have en important meeting to attend.

  7. fly



  I have received his invitation, but I didn’t accept it.

  (2) acceptable 可接受的, an acceptable reason可接受的理由。常见搭配:accept one’s fate 接受命运的安排; accept an invitation接受邀请;accept one’s apology接受某人的道歉; accept …to be / as接纳……为……。如:

  She was accepted as a member of the reading club.

  【】I won’t ________ the theory that has not be proved ________



  Do you think that one’s eating habit ________


  _________ one’s health?


  Often people _______


  _________ persuaded to buy what they don’t need at all.


  I. 1-5 ABADC

  II. 1. accept; by experiment

  2. is linked / related to

  3. can’t help being



  1. chance

  【点拨】【拓展】... 可能……; leave things to chance听天由命。作形容词“偶然意外的”,a chance meeting意外的相遇。作动词“偶然发生”、“冒险做某事”,chance to do sth碰巧做某事。

  Chances are that tigers attack human beings when they are hungry.

  2. drown

  【点拨】【拓展】dn’t notice me.

  3. likely

  【点拨】【拓展】t’s likely that sb will do sth某人可能做某事;not likely 不可能。如:

  —Will you go to the concert with me tonight?

  Not likely. I have lots of homework to do.

  4. wound

  【点拨】’t move at all.

  【拓展】【点拨】【拓展】’t understand why she avoided seeing me after that.

  6. panic



  __________ in the leg, he would have won the first place.


  I met the driver _________ helped in the supermarket _________



  He is ________ to ______ you, for you have ever quarreled.


  1. jumped; drowning

  2. which panicked; running

  3. got wounded;

  4. who/ that; by chance 5. likely; avoid


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