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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第五章 动词的基本用法 第一节 实义动词基本用法 1.实义动词的基本用法 1)The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and ____only thirty minutes.(2005) A. keeps?? B continuesC. finishes?? D. lasts 2)One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to ____healthy eating habits.(2006湖北) A. growB. develop?? C. increase?? D. raise 3)Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself ,but her parents did not ____her to do so .(2006) A. forbidB. allow?? C. follow?? D. ask 2.动词短语的用法 1)It’s the present situation in poor areas that ____much higher spending on education and training。(2005北京) A. answers for? B. provides for? C. calls for? D. plans for 2)—Are you going to have a holiday this year? —I’d love to .I can’t wait to leave this place____.(2006江苏) A. off?? B. out?? C. behind?? D. over 第二节 助动词的基本用法 1)He ____more than 5,000English words when he entered the university at the age of 15.(2005北京) A. has learned?? B, would have learned? C. learned?? D. had learned 2)The house belongs to my aunt but she ____here any more.(2006) A. hasn’t lived? B. didn’t live?? C. didn’t lived?? D. doesn’t live 第三节 情态动词的基本用法 1.can could 1)均表示推测,could 语气稍弱 2)could+ have+ V过去分词,表示对过去情况的推测以及与过去事实相反 Some aspects of a pilot’s job ____be boring, and pilots often ____work at inconvenient hours.(2006湖南) A. can, had to?? B. may ,can? C. have to ,mayD. ought to ,must 2.may,might 表示不太确定的推测,might 语气更弱,此外May可以表示祝福 Sorry I’m late .I ____have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.(2000北京) A. mightB. should?? c. canD. will 3.must 在否定句中表示禁止或肯定句中表示比较有把握的推测。 1)—May I smoke here? —If you ____,choose a seat in the smoking section.(2006山东) A. should?? B. could?? C. may?? D. must 2)Tom you ____leave all you clothes on the floor like this!(2005) A. wouldn’t?? B. mustn’t? C. needn’t?? D. must 4.shall 1)在主语为第二、三人称的肯定句中表示决心、许诺及命令 2)在主语为第一、三人称的疑问句中表示建议或征求对发意见 1)It has been announced that candidates ____in their seats until all the papers have been collected.(2004上海) A. canB. will?? C mayD. shall 2)—The room is so dirty .____we clean it? —Of course.(2003北京春) A. will? B. shall?? C. Would?? D. Do 6.will,would will表示意愿、决心、请求及能力 Would 表示请求及意愿时语气更加委婉 1)—Write to me when you get home. —____.(2001春) A. I must?? B.I should?? C.I will?? DI can 2)Children at the beginning of this century ____a lot and ____themselves greatly even without television.(1993上海) 7.need 表示需要及敢常用于否定及疑问句,少用于肯定句。 Need + have +done 表示需要做但却没有做的事情 Needn’t+ have +done 表示做了原本不需要做的事情 1)The weather turned out to be fine yesterday .I ____the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.(2006江西) A. should have taken?? B. could have taken?? C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken 2)As you worked late yesterday, you ____have come this morning.(2006陕西) A. mayn’t?? B. can’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t 第四节 系动词的基本用法 1)Come and see me whenever____.(2003北京) A. you are convenient?? B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you?? D. it will be convenient to you 2)The traffic lights ____green and I pulled away.(2006广东) A. came?? B. grew?? C. got?? D. went


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