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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  一、数词 数词的几个特殊使用之处: 1、一般情况下数词为单数,但是在以下特殊情况中可以使用复述形式: 1)hundred thousand million 之前没有数词或其它限定词,并且之后有“of +名词”的形式时。 Hundreds of soldiers 2)在一些介词词组中的固定用法 We arrived in twos and threes. 3)表示人的年龄 He is in his thirties 2、表示数量的dozen n.一打, score n. 二十个 可以视为基数词使用 I want a dozen pencils, please. 3、“数词+名词”或者“数词+名词+ed”(中间有连字符),可以组成一个复合形容词,其中的名词应该使用单数。 There is a four-legged table. A two-year-old girl 例题: 1. She went to the bookstore and bought ____. 2006北京 A.dozen books? B.dozens books? C.dozen of books? D.dozen of books 2. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ____ journey. 2005北京 A.three hour? B.a three hour? C.a three-hour? D.three-hours 二、形容词 1.形容词做定语 修饰顺序:限定词+主观描绘性形容词+表示大小、长短、形状、颜色、新旧的形容词+地点形容词+材料形容词或名词+被修饰词 This ____girl is Linda’s cousin.(2005北京) A. pretty little Spanish?? B. Spanish little pretty C. Spanish pretty little? D. little pretty Spanish 2.作宾语补足语 John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes_____(1992) A. open? b. to be opened? C. to open .? D. opening 3.表示“激起情绪”和“感到情绪”的形容词 表示“激起情绪”的形容词 Interesting surprising exciting? satisfying/unsatisfying? boring? tiring/tiresome pleasant? comfortable? fearful? joyful doubtful 表示“感到情绪”的形容词 Interested? surprised? excited? satisfied/unsatisfied? bored? tired? pleased? comfortable? fearful? joyful? doubtful 1)Tom sounds very much____ in the job ,bur I’m not sure whether he can manage it.(2006安徽) A. interested?? B. interesting C. interestingly? D. interestedly 2)A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left____.(2006天津) A. unsatisfied? B. unsatisfying C. to be unsatisfying? D. being unsatisfied 三、副词 1.做状语 There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we ____gave up.(2005上海) A. eventually? B. unfortunately? C. generously?? D. purposefully 四、形容词副词比较等级的用法 1.副词比较和最高级 1)Some experts think that language learning is much ____for children as their tongues are more flexible.(2006上海春) A easy?? B. easier?? C. easily?? D. more easily 2)Professor White has written some short stories ,but he is ____ known for his plays.(1998) A. the best? B. more?? C. better?? D. the most 2.原级比较级的表达 基本结构:as+形容词或副词原级(+名词)+as 否定形式:not as/so+形容词或副词原级(+名词)+as 1)The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him ____I did.(2005湖南) A. as much as? B. as long as? C. as soon as? D. as far as 2)Our neighbor has ____ours .(2003北京) A. as a big house as?? B. as big a house as C. the same big house as?? D. a house the same big as 3.比较级的表达 基本结构:形容词或副词的比较级+than 1)This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses ____water and electricity than ____models.(2006北京) A. less, older?? B. less elder? C. fewer, older?? D. fewer, elder 2)—Did you take enough money with you? —No, I needed ____I thought I would.(2006) A. not so much as?? B. as much as?? C. much more than? D. much less than 4.最高级表达 Greenland, ____island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers.(2000上海) A. it is the largest?? B. that is the largest? C. is the largest? D. the largest


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