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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  主要涉及的考点有:常见动词及动词近义词辨析;及物动词常被误为不及物动词;特定语境中常见动词的基本用法和辨析:develop发展——冲洗;meet见面——满足;cover覆盖——涉及等;拼写形式不同而容易混淆的动词有:hang(hanged绞死,hung悬挂);lay(laid, laid)放置;lie(lied, lied)说慌;lie(lay, lain)平卧等。





  (1)make当“做、制造”解时,可跟双宾语,间接宾语用for 引导。如:

  He’ll make me a kite.=He’ll make a kite for me.他将给我制作一个风筝。


  ① make a study/trip/promise/movement/statement/dive/request/change/fire/demand/


  ②make an explanation/experiment/excuse/effect(影响)/apology…to sb

  ----have effect on sth

  ③ make preparations/room…for sb

  (make progress with~~在哪方面取得进步)

  ④ make one’s way/bread/ tea/ coffee/up one’s mind/no answer

  (3)make作使役动词时,表示 “使…做某事、使…成为',可跟复合结构,其中的宾补可以是:

  ①形容词:They are trying to make our country beautiful.他们在努力使我们国家变得美丽。

  ②名词:I would make you a star。我会使你成为一个明星。

  ③过去分词:What made him so frightened?什么使他如此害怕?

  ④省去to 的不定式:The boy made faces just to make the other students laugh.这个男孩做鬼脸只是为了使其他孩子发笑。


  No one is ever made to be hero.没有天生的英雄。

  [典例1]The regulations were made_____ children

  after the accidents.

  A. protect

  B. to protect

  C. protecting

  D. to be protected

  解析 B 在句中因为make用的是被动语态,故其后一定要接带to的不定式,作主语补足语。

  ⑤构成:make it +adj. +to do sth./that-clause使(做)某事成为……。

  [典例2]The manager, ______it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us ,left the meeting room.(江西卷)

  A. who has made

  B. having made

  C. made

  D. making

  解析:关于make用法的考查。根据句子结构分析可以判断,主句为:The manager left the meeting room.,中间的部分为分词短语作状语,且动作发生在主句left动作之前,而又并非现在完成时,故排除A。现在分词的完成式先于主句的谓语动词而发生,故选B。


  ①成品+be made of +原料(看得出原料)

  ②成品+be made from+原料(难看或看不出原料)

  ③原料+be made into+成品

  ④成品+be made by+执行者制造者

  ⑤成品+be made in+地点

  ⑥物体组织+be made up of +若干成份

  "由......构成,组成的" The group is made of five students. (组成)

  The company is made up of ten departments. (构成)

  ’s make use of this opportunity to practice our spoken English.让我们好好地利用这个机会来练习英语口语。


  (1)作“考虑”讲时,可跟名词/代词/从句或跟连接代词/副词+to do或跟动名词连用。

  Have you considered how to get there?你考虑过如何去那里了吗?

  He considered going to see them in prison.他考虑去监狱探试他们。


  I consider him to be a fool.我把他当作一个傻子看待。

  (3)注意结构:consider it + n/ adj. + to do sth.

  I consider it necessary to study English.我认为学英语很有必要。


  Most people considered him as a hero.多数人把他看成一个英雄。

  [典例5] Many things_____ impossible in the past are common today.

  A. considering

  B. to consider

  C. considered

  D. being considered

  解析C 动词consider的非谓语考查形式。剖析其结构:Many things are common today.为主句。considered 是过去分词短语作定语修饰many things, impossible在被动语态中为主语补足语。适用于“consider+宾语+宾补”结构。故选C




  如:Don’t keep your mother waiting.别让你母亲再等。


  如:His clothes seemed to be just pulled on to keep him covered.他的衣服像是刚刚拖起来披盖在自己身上的。

  ③副词 如:This helps to keep the cold out.这有助于御寒。


  如:He kept them in the classroom after school.放学后,他让他们呆在教室里。

  ⑤形容词 如:The nurses

  keep her very clean.护士们将她整理得非常整法。

  (2)keep作系动词,意为“保持、继续处于某种状态”。如:keep silent/quiet/cool/fit…

  (3)keep doing 与keep on doing

  ①表示“决心、毅力、顽强意志力和强调动作的反复”时,多用keep on doing 。

  如:Don’t give up hope, keep on trying.别放弃希望,要不断努力。

  ②表示持续状态常用keep doing 。如:

  We’ve kept hoping to go to college. 我们一直希望上大学。

  ③keep/keep on一般都不能与表示短暂性动作、心理状态或结果的动词连用。

  如:常不用keep(on)standing/sitting/beginning/leaving 。

  [典例6]Keep ______after meals, then you’ll be in good health.

  A. walking

  B. sleeping

  C. standing

  D. sitting

  解析 A keep doing的特殊用法。此种结构一般都不能与表示短暂性动作、心理状态或结果的动词连用。而sleeping ,standing, sitting都是表示短暂性动作的动词。故选A。


  keep back 阻止,落在后面

  keep…out (of)使……在外,不让……入内

  keep away 不接近,避开

  keep …from 阻止,抑制,避免于

  keep off 让开,不接近

  keep up 坚持,继续,保持,(斗争)不低落

  keep up with跟上,赶上,不落后于

  keep in touch with与……保持联络

  [典例7]We read the newspaper every day to ______the present affairs.

  A. keep up

  B. keep up with

  C. catch up with

  D. keep in touch with


  (1)go的过去分词形式gone多用作表语,意为“(人)不在了、走了”,“(物)丢了、用完了”,如:The necklace was gone.这条项链丢了。

  Liu Mei is already gone.刘梅已经走了。

  比较:He is already gone.(强调无目的)

  He has gone.(强调有目的、方向)

  (2)go 有“……说的”之意。常用于“the story goes…据说;as the saying goes正如格言所说”。如:As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”正如格言所说,“有志者,事竟成”。

  [典例8]As a Chinese old saying______, “Good fortune lies within bad, bad fortune lies within good.”

  A. goes

  B. say

  C. is said

  D. is


  解析 A 与本词条中的含义吻合即用在谚语前表示“……说的、叫做”。


  (4)go to常与go to attend意义相同,多与一些表示活动的名词连用。如:

  go to college/a meeting/an English party/a concert/a dance/a film/a lecture/a dinner…等。


  go on doing sth.继续做同一个动作

  go on to do sth.做完一个接着干另一个

  go on with sth.同一事件中断后又接着做

  He went on speaking of his war experiences.他继续说着他的战争经历。

  比较He went on to speak of his war experiences.(=He began speaking of them

  after he had finished speaking of something else.)他做完了别的之后,又继续说他的战争经历。

  They went on with their work at the empty loom until late into the night.他们在一张空织布机上不停地工作直至深夜。


  go to rest/sleep/bed休息/睡觉

  go out for a walk/ride/swim/bath/drive…外出散步/骑车/游泳/洗澡/兜风

  go shopping/fishing/shooting/swimming/walking…购物/钓鱼/射击/游泳/散步

  go about着手做,从事

  go ahead 前进,进行

  go all out for sth./to do sth.全力以赴

  go in for sth.从事于,酷爱,参加

  go over仔细检查,润色(文稿),复习

  go through经历,经受

  go up 上涨


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