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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题02 动词语态

  语态也是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态(active voice) 和被动语态(passive voice)。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是谓语动作的承受者。

  一、被动语态的构成   被动语态是由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成,如果有必要强调动作的执行者,动作执行者可以由介词by引出的短语表示。助动词be随主语的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。   A. 十种常见时态的被动语态   1. 一般现在时   主动语态:do   被动语态:amisare done   We clean the classroom every day. 我们每天打扫教室。   The classroom is cleaned by us every day. 教室每天都由我们打扫。    Such songs are usually sung by girls. 这些歌通常是女孩子们唱的。    Russian is not taught in our school. 我们学校不教俄语。    Are many goods shipped abroad every day 每天都有许多货物运往国外吗   2. 一般过去时   主动语态:did   被动语态:waswere done   We cleaned the classroom yesterday. 昨天我们打扫了教室。   The classroom was cleaned by us yesterday. 昨天教室被我们打扫了。    The window was broken by my son. 窗子是我儿子打破的。    Were many trees planted on the hill yesterday 昨天山上种了许多树吗?    How much money was stolen in all 一共被偷了多少钱?   3. 一般将来时   主动语态:willshall do   被动语态:willshall be done   We will clean the classroom soon. 我们很快要打扫教室。   The classroom will be cleaned soon. 教室很快要被打扫了。    The work will be done immediately. 这工作将马上做。    Will the school sports meeting be held next week? 校运动会将在下星期举行吗?    When shall we be given a lecture on the Internet 什么时候给我们作有关因特网的讲座?   4. 一般过去将来时   主动语态:would do   被动语态:would be done   We told him that we would clean the classroom soon. 我们告诉他我们马上就打扫教室。   We told him that the classroom would be cleaned soon. 我们告诉他教室很快就会被打扫的。    He said that a new trade center would be built in the centre of the city. 他说一个新的贸易中心将在市中心建起来。    She asked whether their plan would be considered with great care. 她问他们的计划会不会得到仔细的考虑。    I wasn't told that I should be invited to the party. 没人告诉我要被邀请出席晚会。   5. 现在进行时   主动语态:amisare doing   被动语态:amisare being done   We are cleaning the classroom now. 我们现在正在打扫教室。   The classroom is being cleaned now. 教室现在正在被打扫。    A hospital is being built in the centre of the town. 镇中心正在兴建一家医院。    Are the babies being taken care of by this nurse 这些婴儿正由这个护士照看吗?    How is the new teaching method being tried there 那里是怎样试行这种新教学方法的?   6. 过去进行时   主动语态:waswere doing   被动语态:waswere being done   We were cleaning the classroom this time yesterday. 昨天这个时候我们在打扫教室。   The classroom was being cleaned this time yesterday. 昨天这个时候教室正在被打扫    The teaching plan was being discussed at that time. 那时正在讨论教学计划。    Was the TV set being fixed this time yesterday 昨天这个时候电视机正在被修理吗?    The house was being painted when we arrived at his home. 我们到他家时,他家房子正在粉刷。   7. 现在完成时   主动语态:hashave done   被动语态:hashave been done   The classroom looks tidy. We have cleaned it. 教室看起来很整洁。我们已经打扫了。   The classroom looks tidy. It has been cleaned. 教室看起来很整洁。它已经被打扫了    Many foreign films have been shown on TV since last month. 上个月以来,电视中播放了许多外国影片。    The radio has not been turned on yet. 收音机还没开。    Has a new training centre been set up in our town  我们镇上新的培训中心建好了吗?   8. 过去完成时   主动语态:had done   被动语态:had been done   The classroom looked tidy. We had cleaned it. 教室看起来很整洁。我们已经打扫过了。   The classroom looked tidy. It had been cleaned. 教室看起来很整洁。它已经被打扫过了。    His newly written novel had been translated into English by the end of last month.上个月末,他刚写的小说已被翻译成了英语。    She told me that she had been dismissed by her boss.  她告诉我,她的老板已把她解雇了。    Her homework had not been finished when I got home. 我到家的时候,她的作业还没有完成。   9. 将来完成时   主动语态:willshall have done   被动语态:willshall have been done   We will have cleaned the classroom by five o'clock. 我们将在五点之前打扫完教室。   The classroom will have been cleaned by five o'clock. 教室将在五点以前打扫完。    The new books will have been entered in the register before another parcel arrives. 这些新书在下一批书到来前将登记完毕。    How many expressways will have been completed by the end of next year  到明年年底将建成多少条高速公路?    Before you return my work will have been done. 你回来前我的工作将会做完。   10. 过去将来完成时   主动语态:would have done   被动语态:would have been done   I said we would have cleaned the classroom by 500. 我说我们将在五点之前打扫完教室。   I said the classroom would have been cleaned by 500. 我说教室将在五点以前打扫完。    The headmaster said the article would have been translated by the end of next month. 校长说文章将在下月底翻译好。    The day was drawing near when the dam would have been completed. 大坝完工的日子不远了。    He told me that preparations would have been finished by 600. 他告诉我准备工作将在六点前完成。

  B. “get+过去分词”结构   被动语态除常用“be +过去分词”构成外,还可用“get+过去分词”结构。这种结构多用在口语中,强调动作的结果。   The boy got hurt when he was riding to school. 那孩子骑车上学时受伤了。   Did your letter get answered 你收到回信了吗?   注意:   用“get+过去分词”结构时,其后的动作执行者(即by短语)一般不表示出来。   Finally his bike got repaired. 最后他的自行车得到了修理。   As I passed by, my skirt got caught on a nail. 我经过的时候,我的裙子被钉子挂住了。

  C.“seemappear +过去分词”结构   有时“seemappear +过去分词”也可以构成被动语态。   She seemed annoyed by his words. 她似乎被他的话搞得很恼火。   The house appears deserted. 这房子好像没人居住。   提示:   并不是所有的“be+过去分词”结构中的be都能被get或seem, appear等词代替。   【误】She got born in a small village.   【正】She was born in a small village. 她出生在一个小村庄。   【误】The old man got offered a large sum of money.   【正】The old man was offered a large sum of money. 这位老人获得了一大笔钱。   【误】Colin got caught cheating in the exam.   【正】Colin were caught cheating in the exam. 科林考试作弊被抓住了。

  D.被动语态中常用的介词   1.by表示动作的执行者或施加者   By whom is the book written 这本书是谁写的?   The children were driven indoors by the rain. 孩子们被雨赶进了室内。   2.with表示用某种工具   The wolf was killed with a gun. 狼被枪打死了。   The field was spread with wild flowers. 田野里野花遍地。   3.from表示源于某种物质(看不出原材料)   Good wine is made from grain. 好酒是粮食制成的。    4.of表示用某种材料制成(看得出原材料)   The table is made of wood. 这张桌子是用木头做的。   5.其他介词   You are wanted on the phone. 有电话找你。   He is known to everybody. 大家都认识他。   She was caught in the rain. 她遭雨淋了。   注意:   动作执行者可以由介词by引出的短语表示,但被动语态句子中的by短语并不总是表示动作执行者。   A policeman is known by the clothes he wears. 警察可以通过他的服装辨认出来。(by表示方式)   He was much flattered by her asking him to dinner. 她邀请他吃晚饭,他受宠若惊了。(by表示原因)   The snow was piled high by the gate. 门口雪堆积得很高。(by表示地点)

  二、被动语态的用法   英语中,大多数情况下用主动语态比较简练、有力。但是,被动语态也有其特殊的用途,它也是表达思想、描述事物的需要。人们通常在下列情况下使用被动语态:   A. 不知道或不必说出动作的执行者   How is this word pronounced 这个单词怎么发音?   Scientists say that work is done whenever a force moves. 科学家们说,力移动时就做了功。   A greater number of magic English books will be published next year. 明年将有更多的魔法英语书出版。   After war, everything had been destroyed. 战争结束后,一切都被毁坏了。   B. 强调动作的承受者   If you break the school rules, you will be punished. 如果你违反校规,你将受到惩罚。(强调you)   A new Hope School will be opened in our village. 我们家乡将开办一所新的希望学校。(强调a new Hope School)   She is liked by everybody. 大家都喜欢她。   Xiao Li was elected monitor of the class. 小李被选为班长。   C. 动作的执行者不是人而是无生命的事物   The bridge was washed away by the flood. 桥被洪水冲走了。   We were shocked by the news of his death. 我们听到他的死讯极为震惊。   Many accidents were caused by careless driving. 许多事故都是开车不小心造成的。   D. 修辞的需要,为了使句子更加简练、匀称   He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 他出现在舞台上,受到了观众的热烈鼓掌。   The old professor gave a lecture on American history and was well received. 这位老教授作了一个有关美国历史的讲座,受到大家的热烈欢迎。   I was shown round the school campus by Sean, who had entered the school just a year before. 肖恩带我参观了校园,他去年刚进这所学校。   E. 为了表示委婉或礼貌,避免提及动作执行者或说话者自己   You've been told many times not to make the same mistake. 你已被多次告知不要犯同样的错误。   Everybody is expected to obey the following rules. 希望大家遵守以下规定。   The control room may not be entered without permission. 非经许可,勿入控制室。   F. 科技文献中为了客观地描述事情及其过程   The film is coated with light-sensitive chemicals, which are changed by the different shades and colours of light. 胶卷上涂了一层感光的化学物质,这些物质因光的不同色度与颜色而改变。   G. 资讯报道中为了体现资讯的客观性   The west-east gas pipeline project was kicked off on July 4, a big event in the nation's west development campaign. 西气东输工程7月4日全线开工,这是国家西部大开发战略的一件大事。   H.有些动词习惯上常用被动语态   He was born in this city.   他出生在这个城市。   The school is situated in the suburbs. 这所学校位于郊外。   注意:   被动语态中的by短语通常可以省去。但如果by短语是句子的重点所在,或者没有by短语全句的意思不完整时,则要保留by短语。   The vegetables didn't taste very good. They had been cooked too long. 蔬菜的味道不好,烧的时间太长了。(不需要动作的执行者)   He arrived at the airport, where he was met by his friend. 他到达了机场并受到朋友的迎接。(没有by his friend,句子的意思不完整)   Everybody was cast down by such news as that. 大家都被那种消息搞得很沮丧。(需要by短语)


  中国人的思维的着眼点在动作的施动者,英美人思维的着眼点在动作的承受者。   中国人常这样说:I expect you to be there on time. 我希望你准时到那里。   英美人常这样说:You are expected to be there on time. 希望你准时到那里。   这就是英语中被动语态的使用比汉语中多的原因。由于英语句子的主动语态结构不同,因而变成被动语态的方式也各不相同。

  A. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语   “主语 + 谓语 + 宾语”结构中只有一个宾语,变为被动语态时,将宾语变为主语:   They will discuss the plan at the meeting. 他们将在会议上讨论这个问题。   -- The plan will be discussed at the meeting. 这个问题将在会议上讨论。    In the past the king possessed great wealth. 过去国王拥有巨大的财富。  In the past great wealth was possessed by the king. 过去,巨大的财富为国王所拥有。(

  B. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语   在这个句型中,谓语动词跟有两个宾语。变成被动语态时,一般将通常指人的间接宾语转化成主语,但有时也可将指物的间接宾语转化成主语:   We gave the student some books. 我们给了这个学生几本书。   -- The student was given some books. 这个学生被给了几本书。   -- Some books were given to the student. 几本书被给了这个学生。   His father bought him a computer last week. 上周他父亲给他买了一台电脑。   -- He was bought a computer by his father last week. 上周他父亲给他买了一台电脑。   -- A computer was bought for him by his father last week. 上周他父亲给他买了一台电脑。   注意:用直接宾语作被动语态的主语时,通常要在间接宾语前加上适当的介词(如to, for, of等),以加强间接宾语的语气。   They awarded him the Nobel Prize. 他们授予他诺贝尔奖。   -- The Nobel Prize was awarded(to)him. 诺贝尔奖被授予给他。   The host had caught us some fish. 主人给我们捉了一些鱼。  Some fish had been caught for us by the host. 主人给我们捉了一些鱼。(for不可省)(  (   C. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语   在这个句型中,谓语动词后有一个宾语和一个宾语补足语,变成被动语态时,宾语转化成主语,宾语补足语也随之变为主语补足语:   All the villagers painted the houses white. 所有村民都把房子涂成了白色。   -- The houses were painted white by all the villagers. 房子都被所有的村民都涂成了白色。   They kept us waiting for a long time. 他们让我们等了很长时间。   -- We were kept waiting for a long time. 我们等了很长时间。   We regarded him as the best doctor in town. 我们认为他是城里最好的医生。   -- He was regarded as the best doctor in town. 他被认为是城里最好的医生。   注意:   有些使役动词和感官动词,如make, see, hear, watch, notice, observe, listen to等,在主动结构中跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,在变为被动结构时,不定式应加上to。   We heard him say good-bye to his friends. 我们听见他向朋友们道别。  He was heard to say good-bye to his friends. 他被听到向朋友们道别。(  (   D. 含有情态动词的主动句变被动句   含有情态动词的谓语变成被动语态时,用“情态动词+ be done”构成。   情态动词   cancould    maymight   must   havehad to   willwould   shallshould   ought to   主动形式   cancould do   maymight do   must do   havehad to do   willwould do   shallshould do   ought to do   被动形式   cancould be done   maymight be done   must be done   havehad to be done   willwould be done   shallshould be done   ought to be done   The machine must be operated with care. 这机器必须小心操作。   Such a sentence ought not to be used here. 这个句子不应该用在这里。   What's done cannot be undone.  覆水难收。   People had to be reminded of the danger that night. 那天晚上必须提醒人们当心危险。

  E. 含有“be going to do”和“be to do”等结构的主动句变被动句   含有“be going to do和 be to do 等结构的谓语动词,变成被动语态时,分别用“be going to + be done”和“be to + be done”。在这两种结构中,be只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种形式。   The problem is going to be discussed at the meeting. 这个问题将在会上讨论。   This new film is to be shown on TV next week. 这部新片下周将在电视上放映。

  F.含有宾语从句的主动句变被动句   带有宾语从句的句子变成被动语态时,通常用it来作为被动句的形式主语,宾语从句保留不变。   They said that he had gone abroad to study English. 他们说他出国学英语去了。   -- It was said that he had gone abroad to study English. 据说他出国学英语去了。   We haven't decided when we should go camping. 我们还未决定什么时候去野营。   -- It hasn't been decided when we should go camping. 什么时候去野营尚未决定。   提示:   带有宾语从句的句子变成被动语态时,为了简练,还可把从句的主语变为被动句的主语,从句的谓语部分还可以变为不定式短语。   We believed that he would succeed. 我们相信他会成功。   -- He was believed to succeed. 人们相信他会成功。   Father expected that I should become an engineer. 父亲希望我成为工程师。   -- I was expected (by my father) to become an engineer. (父亲)希望我成为工程师。   G.祈使句的被动语态   肯定的祈使句的被动语态结构是:Let + 宾语 + be + 过去分词;否定的祈使句的被动语态结构是:Don't + let + 宾语 + be + 过去分词(或Let + 宾语 + not + be + 过去分词)。   Move the desks into the corridor.   -- Let the desks be moved into the corridor. 把课桌搬到走廊去。   Don't trust her.   -- Don't let her be trusted.   -- Let her not be trusted. 不要相信她。   H. 动词短语构成的被动语态   一般情况下,只有及物动词才能跟宾语,而不及物动词不能跟宾语,所以只有及物动词才有被动语态,不及物动词则没有被动语态。但有些不及物动词后面跟上介词或副词后,变成一个动词短语,相当于一个及物动词,因此就可以有被动语态。   The nurses in this hospital look after the patients very well.   -- The patients are well looked after by the nurses in this hospital. 病人在这所医院里被护士们照料得很周到。   They have put off the meeting till next Saturday.   -- The meeting has been put off till next Saturday. 会议已推迟到下周六了。   注意:   在使用被动语态时,千万不要遗漏句末的介词或副词。   Such a bad habit should be got rid of. 这样的坏习惯应该改掉。   All the important matters have now been attended to. 所有重要的事情都得到了处理。   I. 双重被动结构   双重被动结构指的是句中谓语动词和其后的不定式均为被动结构,句子的主语既是谓语动词的承受者,同时又是不定式动作的承受者。   They asked us to discuss the problem at once.   -- We were asked to discuss the problem at once.   -- The problem was asked to be discussed at once. 这个问题被要求立刻讨论。(双重被动)   She offered to buy a recorder for me.   -- A recorder was offered to be bought for me. 有人提出要帮我买一台录音机。(双重被动)   The teacher ordered that we should take the desk away.   -- The desk was ordered to be taken away. 课桌被要求搬走。(双重被动)   J.下列句子变成被动语态时,要用with,不用by   Smoke filled the meeting room. 烟充满了会议室。   The meeting room was filled with smoke. 会议室里充满了烟。   A cloth covered the table. 一块布把桌子罩了起来。   The table was covered with a cloth. 桌子上铺着一块布。   K.不能变为被动语态的结构   1.受动词的限制   ①表示状态的及物动词,只能用于主动语态。   某些表示状态的及物动词,如have, own, cost, lack, want (缺乏), become (适合), fit, resemble, fail, last, flee, benefit, hold等作谓语时,不能变为被动句。   She resembles her mother. 她像她妈妈。   He lacks self-confidence. 他缺乏自信。   This hall can hold 2,000 people. 这个大厅能容纳两千人。   ②当及物动词have表示“吃饭”、“患病”、“明白”、“知道”等意思时,没有被动语态形式。   Would you have a cup of tea  你要喝杯茶吗?   She had a bad cold yesterday, and now she is feeling much better. 昨天她得了重感冒,现在好多了。   ③当动词get,take表示“懂得”、“知道”,owe表示“欠”,cost表示“使失去(生命、健康等)”的意思时,动词没有相应的被动语态。   Do you get me    你明白我的意思吗?   How do you take this passage  这段话你怎么理解?   I owe 50 pounds to you. 我欠你五十英镑。   His careless driving cost his life.  他粗心的驾驶使他丧了命。   2.受宾语的限制   ①当宾语是相互代词、反身代词或具有类似相互代词的关系时,动词不能用于被动语态形式。   They simply cannot contain themselves for joy.  他们简直无法抑制内心的喜悦。   He absented himself from a meeting yesterday.  他昨天缺席会议了。   For years the two sisters looked after one another. 多年来两姐妹互相照顾。   ②当宾语前带有主语的形容词性物主代词时,谓语动词通常不能转换为被动语态。   I could not believe my eyes when I saw him still alive. 看到他还活着,我简直不相信自己的眼睛。   The doctor shook his head and then went out without any words. 医生摇了摇头,一句话也没说就出去了。   注意:   动词的宾语是身体的一部分,一般不可变为被动语态,但也有例外。   He fixed his eyes on the oil painting. 他注视着这幅油画。   -- His eyes were fixed on the oil painting. 他的两眼注视着这幅油画。   ③当宾语起状语作用,表示数量、重量、大小或程度时,不能用被动语态。   This kind of dictionary costs ten dollars.  这种字典价值十美元。   The case weighs twenty kilos. 这箱子重二十公斤。   ④当宾语是同源宾语时,通常不能转换成被动语态。   He laughed a hearty laugh.  他由衷地笑了笑。   She dreamt a sweet dream. 她做了一个美梦。   ⑤如果宾语是动词不定式或动词的-ing形式时,谓语动词一般不能变换成被动语态。   He admitted having done wrong.  他承认做错了。   He has decided to go and study abroad.  他已决定出国留学。   ⑥如果enter, leave, reach的宾语是地点、国家机关等,不能改为被动语态   He left the army in 1998. 他1998年退伍。   She entered the hall at once. 她立刻就进入了大厅。   ⑦另外,不可拆开的短语动词,如take place, lose heart, belong to, consist of, change colour等,也不能改为被动语态。   The book belongs to me. 这本书是我的。   She caught a very bad cold. 她患了重感冒。   必背:一些常见的不能变为被动语态的动宾词组   catch a cold 感冒   eat one's words  食言   lose heart 丧失信心   lose patience 失去耐心   make a face 做鬼脸   make up one's mind    决心   make bed     铺床   make room for     为……腾出地方   keep watch    守望   keep silence     保持安静    speak one's mind   表明见解   take place  发生   take one's time 从容不迫,别着急   take office  就职   take one's leave   请假   take notes    作笔记    take up arms    拿起武器   take one's place  就位   ⑧含有would rather或情态动词dare的句子,不能改为被动语态。   I would rather do it now. 我宁可现在就干这件事。   He dare not do it. 他不敢干那件事。

  四、被动语态与系表结构   所谓系表结构,在此指“连系动词+用作表语的动词-ed形式”结构。它与被动语态的形式完全一样,所以在应用时应注意它们的区别。   A. 被动语态中的过去分词是动词,多强调动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词,多强调状态。前者通常可用by+人或by+抽象名词表动作的执行者,而后者则一般不用。   The gate to the garden was locked by the girl. 花园门被那个女孩锁上了。(被动结构)   The gate to the garden was locked. 花园门锁了。(系表结构)   The tree was blown down by the high winds. 那棵树被大风吹倒了。(被动结构)   The tree was blown down when we saw it. 我们看到那棵树时,它已经被吹倒了。(系表结构)   注意:   少数“连系动词be + 用作表语的动词-ed形式”也带by短语。   The old man was surrounded by small children. 老人被孩子们团团围住。(被动语态)   Guilin is surrounded by hills and mountains. 桂林周围都是山。(系表结构)   We were held up by fog. 我们因雾受阻。(被动语态)   The tree is known by its fruit. 看到果子就知道是什么树。(系表结构)   B. 系表结构一般只用于一般现在时、一般过去时等少数几种时态;而被动语态可用多种时态。   The composition is well written. 这篇作文写得很好。(系表结构)   The composition is being written. 这篇作文正在写。(被动语态)   C. 系表结构中的过去分词可被very, too, so修饰,被动语态中的过去分词须用much修饰。   The boy was too frightened to move. 这孩子吓得动也不敢动。(系表结构)   He was very excited.他很激动。(系表结构)   He was much excited by the news. 他听到消息后很激动。(被动结构)   D. be + 不及物动词的过去分词通常是系表结构。   Her money is all gone. 她的钱都花光了。   The honoured guests are arrived. 贵宾们到了。   The moon is risen. 月亮升起来了。   She is grown up. 她长大了。   The leaves are fallen. 树叶落了。   We are prepared for the worst. 我们已准备好应付最坏的情况。   E. 表示“充满”意思的“be + 过去分词 + with”结构多为系表结构。   The mountain is covered with snow all the year round. 这座山终年被积雪覆盖。   The classroom was crowded with pupils. 教室里挤满了学生。   The lake is dotted with fishing boats. 湖里渔帆点点。   The floor was piled with old books. 地板上堆满了旧书。   F. remain, feel, lie, stand 以及 become, grow 等词 + 过去分词结构多为系表结构。   The matter remained unsettled. 这件事悬而未决。   She felt disappointed. 她感到失望。   The road became crowded. 道路拥挤了。   G. 句中有时间状语和地点状语时,一般为被动语态,反之为系表结构。   The bank is closed. 银行现在关门了。(系表结构)   The bank is usually closed at six. 银行通常六点关门。(被动语态)   He is married. 他结婚了。(系表结构)   He was married in Beijing. 他是在北京结婚的。(被动语态)

  五、主动形式表示被动意义   英语中有些结构形式上是主动的,而表达的意义却是被动的。   A.某些不及物动词的被动意义   英语中一般只有及物动词才用于被动语态,不及物动词不用于这种结构。但有些时候,某些不及物动词,其主动形式含有被动的意义。   When did the accident occur   事故是什么时候发生的?   Ice-cream always goes well in hot weather.   冰淇淋在暑天销路好。   Does life exist on the moon 月球上存在着生命吗?   B.一些表示“开始”、“结束”意思的动词   Class begins at eight.  八点钟开始上课。   The meeting ended up with warm applause.  会议在热烈的掌声中结束了。   C.一些表示“运转”意义的动词   The machine runs well.  机器运转良好。   His voice records well.   他的音录下来很好。   D.当read, write, translate等动词与表示行为方式的状语连用时   动词read, write, translate, act, add, wash, wear, cook, lock, sell, tear, cut, keep, feel, burn, strike, last等常和表示行为方式的状语连用,表示被动意义。这些动词既是及物动词又是不及物动词。当主语是人时,是及物动词;当主语是物时,是不及物动词,即 用主动形式表示被动意义。   The book sells well. 这书的销路很好。   My pen writes smoothly. 我的笔很好写。   The play reads more easily than acts.  这剧本易读不易演。   提示:   这些动词常和情态动词(多半是否定式)连用,表示被动。   His car can't move.  他的车不能开了。   E.表示状态特征的连系动词的被动意义   有些表示状态特征的连系动词,如look, smell, taste, sound, prove, appear, turn out等主动形式表示被动意义。   Good medicine tastes bitter.  良药苦口。   What he said proved to be correct.   他的话证明是正确的。   The flowers smell sweet.  这些花闻起来很香。   Your sentence doesn't sound right. 你这话听起来不大对头。   F.一些动词的进行时态可以表示一个被动的动作   The meat is cooking. 肉正在烧。   The book is printing. 这本书正在印刷之中。   G.有些作表语的不定式,在结构上是主动的,但在意义上却是被动的   She is to blame. 她应该受到责备。   The house is to let. 此房出租。

  六、被动形式表示主动意义   英语的被动形式表示主动的意义,主要见于状态被动语态句中。一般说来有以下几种情况。   A.反身动词的被动形式表示主动意义   反身动词(及物动词+反身代词)作谓语时,其宾语反身代词,表示动作返回到执行者本身,主语既是动作的执行者,又是动作的承受者。由于反身动词具有这一特点,在被动结构中动作的承受者,也就是动作的执行者,在句中表现出主动的意义。   He seats himself at the back of the classroom. 他坐在教室的后面。   -- He is seated at the back of the classroom. 他坐在教室的后面。   He lost himself in the forest.   -- He was lost in the forest. 他在森林中迷了路。   He dressed himself in a dark blue suit.   -- He was dressed in a dark blue suit. 他穿着一套深蓝色的衣服。   注意:   有些介词短语作定语或表语时,也有被动的含义。   The tall building under repair is an office building.   正在修建的那座高楼是一座办公楼。   The result is nnow under consideration.   结果现在正在考虑中。   个别介词短语用冠词时表示被动的意义,不用冠词表示主动意义。   The children are in the charge of  this nurse.   孩子们由这位护士照管。   This nurse is in charge og the children.   这位护士负责照看孩子们。   B.“引起……感情”等动词的被动形式表主动意义   The teacher is satisfied with what he said.  老师对他所说的感到满意。   We are opposed to unjust wars.  我们反对非正义的战争。   We are prepared to accept his proposal.  我们准备采纳他的建议。   He was tired with playing all day.   玩了一整天他感到很疲倦了。   C.某些表示定位、移位的动词   The earth is tilted a little. 地球有点儿倾斜。   Hundreds of soldiers were stationed around the prison. 数百个士兵驻扎在监狱周围。   The village is located at the foot of a hill. 这个村庄坐落在山脚下。   D.不及物动词的-ed形式与be连用表示主动意义   Spring is come.  春天来了。   The moon was set and it was very dark.   月亮落了,天很黑。   He is advanced in years.  他年纪很大了。   E.表示终止动词的-ed形式   He is done with it.   他做完了这件事。   My fever is gone, but I still have a cough.  我的烧已经退了,但还有点儿咳嗽。   F.一些习惯用法   He was graduated from Beijing University.  他毕业于北大。   You are mistaken.  你弄错了。   He is retired.  他退休了。   G.被动的祈使句   Do be seated. 请坐!   Be prepared, please. 请准备好。   Get washed. 洗吧。   Be concerned more about the well-being of the masses. 多关心群众的生活。


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