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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1. 疑问副词。如where,when,why,how等。如例①。

  2. 修饰整个句子的副词。如accordingly,actually,fortunately,certainly等。如例②。

  3. 为了强调,有些时间副词也可以置于句 首。如now,soon,finally,usually,sometimes,occasionally,yesterday,tomorrow等。如例③。

  ① When did the universe come into being? 宇宙是什么时候形成的?

  ② Fortunately he survived the traffic accident. 他很幸运地在车祸之后还能活着。

  ③ Occasionally they would go to the park for a walk. 偶尔他们会到公园散步。


  1. 位于行为动词之前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后。此类副词多是频度副词(如 always,usually,never,ever,seldom,rarely,frequently,often等)和程度副词(如too,quite,so,little,much,very,almost,nearly等)。如例①和例②。

  2. 修饰形容词、介词短语和状语从句时,一般放在这些被修饰成分之前。如例③、例④和例⑤。

  3. 方式副词。修饰不及物动词时,方式副词一般要放在动词的后面;修饰带宾语的及物动词时,可以放在动词之前或宾语之后;及物动词的宾语较长时,也可以放在动词和宾语之间。如例⑥。

  ① I have never seen a girl more beautiful than Mary. 我从未见过比玛丽更漂亮的女孩子。

  ② Tom will seldom reply “Yes”. 汤姆很少回答“是”。

  ③ People said that Alice was clever at music and was a very nice girl. 人们说爱丽丝有音乐天赋,是位好姑娘。

  ④ She came here long before the appointed time. 还不到约定时间她就早早地来这儿了。

  ⑤ I bought the house simply because it was large. 我买了这套房子,只是因为它面积大。

  ⑥ The old man walked slowly along the river. 那位老人在河边慢慢地走着。

  [温馨提示] 在这种用法中enough除外,通常enough要放在形容词或者副词之后。如:

  When they reached the burning building they found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the people who were trapped. 当他们靠近烈火熊熊的大楼时,他们才发现梯子不够长,够不着那些被火围困的人。


  1. 修饰不及物动词时,一般放在动词之后。如例①。

  2. 有时为了增强副词对动作方式的描述,某些常用于句中的方式副词也可以放在句尾。如例②。

  3. 只是为了简单的叙述事实,一些时间副词通常也放在句尾。如例③。

  ① The baby is sleeping soundly. 婴儿睡得很香。

  ② They accepted our invitation gladly. 他们高兴地接受了我们的邀请。

  ③ They are going to climb Mount Tai tomorrow. 他们打算明天去爬泰山。


  1. Father

  goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there. [2010年湖南卷]

  A. hardly

  B. seldom

  C. sometimes

  D. never

  2. The island is

  attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons. [2010全国卷II]

  A. partly

  B. merely

  C. nearly

  D. equally

  3. I wasn’t blaming anyone; I

  said errors like this could be avoided. [2010年湖北卷]

  A. merely

  B. mostly

  C. rarely

  D. nearly

  4. Jim went to answer the phone.

  , Harry started to prepare lunch. [2010年辽宁卷]

  A. However

  B. Nevertheless

  C. Besides

  D. Meanwhile

  5. Do you think shopping online will

  take the place of shopping in stores? [2010年浙江卷]

  A. especially

  B. frequently

  C. merely

  D. finally

  [Key] 1. C。2. D。3. A。4. D。5. D。


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