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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.differ vi.different adj.不同的→difference n.不同,4.undertake vt.undertook(过去式)→undertaken(过去分词)

  6.cast vt.cast/cast(过去式/过去分词) 7.object vi.objection n.不赞成;反对;异议→objective adj.真实的;客观的;无偏见的 8.obtain vt.9.attain vt.(水平、、)

  10.forbid vt.forbade(过去式)→forbidden (过去分词) 11.accumulate vt.12.owe vt.(账、、);归功于…… 13.retire vi.retirement n.退休 14.bother vt. vi.操心 n.烦扰

  15.strike vi. & vt.struck/struck (过去式/过去分词) 17.resist vt.resistance n.抵抗;对抗→resistant adj. 20.adore vt.

  1.differ vi. different adj. 不同的;有区别的;相异的 difference n. 不同;不同之处

  differ from... 不同于…… differ in... 在……方面不同 differ with/from sb. on/about sth. 与某人关于……意见不同 be different from 与……不同 make a/some/no difference to sb./sth.

  对某人/某物有/有些/没有影响或作用 difference between A and B A和B之间的差别

  [即学即练1](1)Men are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they ______. 人在许诺时都一样,。(2)I have to ____________ you ______ that. 在那一点上我不能同意你的看法。(3)The rain didn‘t _______________________ the game.这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。


  2.undertake vt. undertaking n. 任务,事业;承诺,答应 undertake a task/project 承担一个任务/项目 undertake to do sth. 答应做某事 undertake for sth. 为……负责

  [即学即练2](1)The company has announced that it will _____________ a full investigation ______ the accident. 公司已宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。(2)He __________________ the job by Friday. 他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。(3)I’ll __________________ your security. 我将保证你的安全。


  3.cast vt.&vi. (cast, cast) cast aside 抛弃,,cast away 抛弃,,(船)漂流,()失事 cast behind 疏远;把……抛在脑后 cast down 使沮丧/不愉快 cast off 丢弃 cast one‘s eyes over 审视 cast one’s mind back to sth. 回顾,cast light on/upon=throw light upon 弄清楚

  [即学即练3](1)Don‘t be so ____________. Just keep up your spirits.不要这么沮丧,(2)As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fishermen ______ their nets ______ the sea. 渔民们一到捕鱼区就把渔网撒进了大海。

  (3)As soon as he became rich he ____________ all his old friends who gave him some help. 他一富起来就抛弃了所有曾经给过他帮助的老朋友。

  4.object vi. n. 实物;目的;对象 objection n. 反对;厌恶 object to sb./sth. 反对,/某事 object to doing sth. 反对做某事 object to sb. doing sth. 反对某人做某事 raise an objection to (doing) sth. 对……提出异议 have/make an objection to (doing) sth. 对……表示反对

  [即学即练4](1)I ____________ the proposal. 我反对这个提议。(2)We _______________________ like this. 我们抗议这种待遇。(3)I feel ________________________ getting up early. 我极不愿意早起。

  5.obtain vt. [即学即练5](1)I haven‘t been able to _________________ anywhere. 我到处都没买到那本书。(2)He failed to __________________. 他没有获得奖学金。

  (3)Details can be _________________ the Ministry of Education.可以从教育部获知详情。

  6.forbid vt. (forbade/forbad, forbidden) forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forbid that... 禁止……(从句中常用“should+动词原形”) forbid sb. sth. 禁止某人某事

  [即学即练6](1)Our school ______________________________.我们学校不允许学生吸烟。(2)Smoking should __________________ public places. 公共场所应该禁止吸烟。

  (3)His parents __________________. 他的父母不准他喝酒。

  提示:forbid 后不能直接跟动词不定式做宾语,而是跟动名词做宾语,也可用 forbid sb. to do sth. 形式,有类似用法的单词还有 allow, permit, advise 等。

  7.owe vt.(钱、物、债等);应当给予 (1)owe sb. sth.或owe sth. to sb.欠某人某物  owe...to... 把归功于  owe it to sb. that...多亏某人帮忙 (2)owing to=because of因为,,、、,,。

  [7](1)Don’t forget you still ______ 150 yuan to the wine shop.别忘了,150元钱呢。(2)He ______ his success to hard work and practice. 他把他的成功归功于努力工作和实践。

  (3)If I have improved in any way, I ______ it all to my teacher.如果说我有一些进步,。(4)You ______ me an apology. 你得向我道歉。(5)We should do the duty which we ______ to our country.我们应对国家尽我们应尽的义务。


  (6)I ______ it to you that I finished my work in time. 多亏你帮忙,。(7)_________ to the rain, they could not come. 由于下雨,。


  8.bother vt. vi. 操心n. 烦扰;令人烦恼的事或人 bother with/about sth. 花费时间或精力(做某事) bother sb. about/with sth. 使某人烦恼,It bothers sb. that.../to do sth. 使某人苦恼的是…… bother to do/doing sth. 操心做某事

  [即学即练8](1)Don't _________ Mary while she's reading. 玛丽读书的时候不要打扰她。(2)I don't want to _________ you ______ my problems. 我不想让你因为我的问题而烦心。(3)Don't ____________________ that trifling matter. 别为那件小事烦恼。



  bother about

  9.strike vt. & vi. n.罢工,打击 be struck with(by)为……所侵袭; 为……所触动(感动) It strikes me that...我觉得……;我的印象是…… strike a match划火柴 strike on/upon打在……上;撞到……上 be on strike举行罢工 go on strike实行罢工

  [即学即练9](1)The workers ____________/____________ because they wanted more money. 工人们在罢工,。(2)When the clock ____________, the strike started.,。

  (3)The match ____________ because of the moisture of the air.由于空气潮湿,。(4)________________________ none of them trusts each other.他们当中没有一个人信赖对方这使我震惊。

  ’t strike //It strikes me that

  (5)Great damage has been caused by the tornado which ______ the area last week. 上周侵袭这一地区的龙卷风造成了巨大的损失。

  10.resist v. resistance n. 反抗 resistant adj. 抵抗的;耐……的 resist sth. 抵制、resist doing sth. 反对做某事 can‘t resist doing sth. 忍不住做某事 be resistant to 对……有抵抗力

  [即学即练10](1)The river banks could not ________________________. 河堤抵不住水压。(2)A healthy diet should help your body ___________. 健康饮食有助于身体抵抗感染。 (3)I could hardly ____________.。

  11.pay off pay money for sth. 付钱买…… pay for sth. 买…… pay back 还钱,pay out 付出大笔款项;放松 pay up 付清欠款

  [即学即练11](1)They ____________ their debt after ten years.十年后他们还清了债务。(2)Two hundred workers have __________________. 200名工人已被结清工资了。(3)They took a hell of a risk but it ____________. 他们冒了很大的风险,。

  1.bother/disturb/trouble/annoy 这组词都表示“使人不得安宁”或“心烦意乱”。 (1)bother指干扰别人的正常生活和工作而使之不太安宁,可能是故意的,含有使人讨厌的意味。 (2)disturb指使人失去正常秩序而一时得不到安宁,精力不能集中,语气比bother弱。

  (3)trouble常指在心情上失去平静而感到忧虑、苦恼或行动上带来不便,也常用于礼貌的请求。 (4)annoy通常指重复性的行为使(别人)生气。常用被动,表示为某事烦恼、生气。

  [应用1] (1)I don’t want to _________ you ______ my problems.我不想让你因为我的问题而担心。(2)What’s ___________ you-money problems? 什么事令你忧虑不安——经济问题吗? (3)These flies are ___________ me. 这些苍蝇一直在烦我。


  (4)They were charged with ______________ public peace. 他们被指控扰乱社会治安。

  2. obtain/earn/gain/get/win (1)obtain应用范围较广,,。(2)earn表示经过艰苦努力而得到报酬,,、。

  (3)gain、。、、、。(4)get最常用,,,,。 (5)win,,,、、。

  [2] (1)She ______ rich experience in teaching. 她获得了丰富的教学经验。(2)She ______ a bad cold yesterday.她昨天得了重感冒。(3)They ______ the basketball match. 他们打赢了这场篮球赛。


  (4)We wished to ______ the firsthand information. 我们希望得到第一手情报。(5)He ______800 yuan of wages a month. 他月薪八百元。(6)This custom still __________in some districts. 这种风俗在某些地区仍然流行。


  3. strike/hit/beat/knock 这四个词均有“打”的意思。 (1)strike 通常表示打一下、,,,、(火),(、)抓、,()敲响”。

  (2)hit ,,。, strike 同义。(3)beat 侧重“连续地打击”,、。(4)knock 侧重于“敲打,,, at 连用。

  [3] 用 hit, strike, beat, knock 的适当形式填空 (1)His heart ______ violently. (2)In 2009, H1N1 ______ China. (3)I was ______ by her youth and enthusiasm. (4)Please ______ at the door before entering.


  (5)______ while the iron is hot. (6)Happily, we heard our team ______ the Japanese team. (7)The stone ______ him on the head.



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