应用文是指日常生活和工作中为某种具体的实用目的而写的文体,主要有书信、通知、海报、请柬、请假条、便条、日记、启事、祝辞、履历表等。写作时要注意以下几点: 1. 正式的应用文有比较规范的格式,但高考中的基础写作至今尚未考查过格式,只要求表达正文内容。 2. 注意时态,如日记常用过去时态,通知、请柬通常要用将来时态,而履历表用现在时态。 3. 应用文的写作往往有一些特定的习惯语句或套话,这些语句在考试中可能会考查到,所以要重点掌握。 36. 书信:宣传英国奥林匹克文化计划
以下是英国奥林匹克文化计划: 英国奥林匹克文化计划 目的 激发英国和各国人民的奥运精神 内 容 举办一个世界莎士比亚文化节 举办四个有关音乐的活动,庆祝音乐这种世界语言,包括一个“全国歌唱日” 在2017奥运期间, 将举办5个主题的街道狂欢节 [写作内容] 假设你是Betty,一名英国的高中学生,给中国的《21世纪》英语报编辑写信向中国宣传最近英国奥委会宣布的四年奥林匹克文化计划(The Cultural Olympiad)。内容包括: 1. 盛赞北京奥运会取得圆满成功。 2. 简介上表中的英国奥林匹克文化计划。 Dear editor, … I think the 2017 Olympic Games will also be a great success.
Yours sincerely,
Betty Dear editor, I think the 2017 Olympic Games will also be a great success. First of all, congratulations on the great success of the Olympic Games held in Beijing in August this year. In order to stir up the Olympic spirit of British people as well as other people in the world, the British Olympic Committee recently announced a four-year plan for the Cultural Olympiad. Over the years a Shakespeare cultural festival will be held.
Besides, there will be four cultural activities intended to celebrate music—the world language, including the National Singing Day. During the 2017 Olympic Games, street carnivals concerning five themes will be held in London, too. I think the 2017 Olympic Games will also be a great success. Yours sincerely, Betty 37. 通知:举行音乐周活动 为了丰富学校生活,你校学生会将举办一次音乐周活动。请你以组织者的身份写一个书面通知。 [写作内容] 时间:六月第一周 活动:1. 演唱歌曲: 流行歌曲;2. 乐器演奏: 古典和民间音乐;3. 音乐比赛: 听歌曲片段,然后猜出处。 地点:学校会议厅 参加者请于5月20日前报名。 Notice …
The Students’ Union
The Students’ Union has decided to organize a music week, which will be held at the school meeting hall in the first week of June. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments and a music contest will be included, too.
The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and the guess where it comes from. If you’d like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before May 20th.
38. 海报:刘德华个人专场演唱会 请根据下列表格所提供的信息,写一个海报宣传香港著名的歌唱家---刘德华即将来你所在的城市举办个人专场演唱会。 名
称 刘德华个人专场演唱会 主办单位 工人俱乐部 时间地点 七月八日晚上7:30 --- 10:00;人民剧院 伴奏乐队 香港红星摇滚乐队(Hong Kong Red Star Roll ‘n’ Roll Band) 门票价格 每张票30美元 温馨提示 欢迎各位前来观看音乐演唱会,但是演唱时不要大声喧哗 参考生词:伴奏accompany
… Time: July 8th 7:30---10:00 p.m. Place: The People’s Theatre
The Workers’ Club Concert There will be a special personal concert given by Hong Kong famous singer, Liu De-hua. It will be accompanied by Hong Kong Red Star Roll ‘n’ Roll Band. The ticket of the concert is each 30-dollar. You are welcome to the music concert. Don’t make big noise while Mr. Liu is singing his songs.
Time: July 8th 7:30---10:00p.m Place: The People’s Theatre
The Workers’ Club 39. 便条:给外籍教师留言 外籍教师Mary任教期满准备回国,你(李华)去通知她学校最近两天的安排,她不在,于是你要写一张便条,留给她。 [写作内容] 1. 今天晚上7-8点学校为她举行欢送会。地点:学校大礼堂; 2. 明天学校准备派车送她去机场,车上午9点在校门口等候。车牌号码:93680;
3. 请她今晚收拾好行李,确保带好护照、机票等; 4. 对她一年来的辛勤工作表示感谢,祝愿她旅途愉快。 Hi, Mary,
… Yours Li Hua Hi, Mary, There is a farewell party for you between 7 and 8 o’clock this evening in the school auditorium. Please be there on time, OK? At 9 o’clock tomorrow morning the school mini-bus (No. 93680) will be waiting for you at the school gate and then it will take you to the airport. Please get ready for all the luggage tonight and make sure to take your passport and your air ticket. Thank you for your hard work in the past year and wish you a good journey back home.
Yours Li Hua 40. 祝辞:平安夜对外国留学生的祝辞 [写作内容] 假设你校有一批外国交流学生在学校进行短期学习,你是学生英语协会的负责人,在平安夜欢庆聚餐前,你要代表英语学生协会对外国学生做一个简短的祝辞,内容如下: 1. 祝他们圣诞、新年快乐。 2. 在过去的两周,他们习惯这里的生活,学习努力,工作出色。 3. 告诉他们若有困难,请及时提出来。 Dear Foreign friends,
… Thank you. Dear foreign friends,
On the occasion of Christmas Eve, please accept my sincere wishes! Please allow me to extend to you and your family my warmest greetings, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are very glad to know that you have got used to the life here.
As a matter of fact, all of you have been working very hard and have done an excellent job in the past two weeks. Should you have any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to ask for us.
Thank you. 41. 感谢信:感谢资助你上学的王先生 [写作内容] 假设你是李华,你得到了美籍华人王先生的学习经费资助,你准备用资助的经费来交学费和购买一些辅导资料。请你用英文写一封回信表示感谢,主要内容如下: 参考词汇: 资助 financial aid
事件 王先生对你的学费给予资助,上周五他整个上午都在与你等一些受到资助的同学交流,对你们的学习给出了一些很有价值的建议 感谢 感谢王先生,决心更加努力学习,将来报答人民,报效祖国 Dear Mr. Wang, ???? Thank you very much for your kind financial aid and your valuable advice. The money I received is of great help and it will be used to pay for the school tuition fees and buying some coaching books.
I realize the value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me feel more appreciative of the whole morning you spent with us talking about the ways and importance of studying. I am determined to study even harder so that I can contribute more to the people and our country in the future.
Thank you again and wish you the best of health. Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
42. 道歉信:因迟到向史密斯教授道歉
假设你是李华,上周五史密斯教授给你们作讲座,可是你在去听讲座的路上单车爆胎,结果用了半个小时维修,造成听讲座迟到。请用英文书面向他写一封道歉信,并希望下周一借用他的讲义。 Dear Professor Smith,
… Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you. Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
Dear Professor Smith,
I am indeed very sorry that I was late for the lecture you gave last Friday. On my way to the auditorium that day, I had a flat tire, so I had to go to the mechanic. It took me more than half an hour to get it mended.
I would appreciate if you can lend me your note-book. I will go to your office during your office hour on Monday if it is possible.
Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you. Sincerely yours,
Li Hua 43. 邀请函:请同学参加Bernie老师的生日party 11月18日是Bernie老师40岁生日,Bernie班的班长Mary准备组织全班同学在Bernadette’s Parish Centre举行个party,庆贺Bernie的生日。 [写作内容] 假如你是Mary,请根据以上内容,全班学生写一份邀请函,包括以下要点: 1. 我将请一个乐队前来助兴; 2. Party准备了自助餐,但是酒水和酒杯自备; 3. 不要带礼物; 4. Party上将举行慈善募捐; 5. 回复告知能否参加。 My classmates, I am planning a party for our teacher for her 40th birthday… … With love Mary (349401 or e-mail Bernadette. savage@ntlworld.com)
Mary My classmate I am planning a party for our teacher for her 40th birthday. It is at Saint Parish Centre at 7:30 pm on Sat 18 November and I would love you to come. I have booked a 60’s band so we can all wear our gear and there will be light buffet but can you bring your own drinks and glasses as I am not having a bar. I do hope you can make it and remember no presents just your presence!
There will be a collection for charity if you want to contribute but no pressure to do so. Please let me know it if you are able to come, won’t you? With love Bernie (349401 or e-mail Bernadette.savage@ntlworld.com)