If you have read many travel books or magazines, you will notice that they focus on reaching a destination and having an enjoyable time when you arrive.
Do you view success as something you will enjoy one day and your 21 situation as something to be endured? Have you become so obsessed with 21.A. future
B. present
C. past
D. lifelong
√ getting beyond the struggles of everyday
life that the 22 is little more than a process to be 23? 22A. success
B. destination
C. journey
D. failure
23A. enjoyed
B. focused
C. viewed
D. endured √ √ However, in life, the journey is as 24 as the destination. You must learn to experience success 25 and see it as a journey not a 26;
24A. important
B. far
C. complicated
D. difficult 25A. one day
B. today
C. some day
D. the other day 26A. moment
B. goal
C. destination
D. conception √ √ √ You must learn how to 27 success in your own terms so that you can begin to experience success today; You must also learn how to develop your own personal mission(目标) statement so you can decide who you want to 28 and begin your journey today.
27. A. define
B. gain
C. found
D. discover 28. A. contact
B. become
C. follow
D. admire
√ √ This sense of 29 provides meaning and significance to our lives. It gives us 30 in our journey through life. 29.A. responsibility
B. humor
C. direction
D. purpose 30.A. opportunities
B. fortune
C. strength
D. spirit √ √ (37)
If we want to change our performance, we must change our attitude. One of my favorite quotes is from Victor Frank, a 21of a Nazi concentration camp. He says, the 22 of the human freedoms is to choose one’s 23 in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
21.A. soldier
B. victim
C. survivor
D. prisoner
22.A. first
B. last
C. only one
D. biggest
23.A. attitude
B. life
C. direction
D. belief
√ √ √
Obviously, our 24 and our surroundings
help construct our attitudes. Victor had
all of his 25 taken away from him in the
concentration camp. He 26 because he realized
there was one freedom the Nazi couldn’t take
from him. He still had the freedom to choose his attitude. His attitude helped him survive. 24. A. background
B. circumstances
D. fate 25. A.
B. possessions
C. freedoms
D. hopes 26. A.
B. prayed
D. struggled
√ √ √ No matter what your circumstances are, you can choose to have a positive attitude. This can’t be 27 overnight. It takes time to reach the altitude you 28. It isn’t easy, but it can be accomplished. 27. A. reached
B. accomplished
C. realized
D. chosen 28. A. desire
B. design
C. measure
D. expect √ √ You are today because of the 29 you made in the past. You will be tomorrow and in the future because of the choices you make today. Make a conscious effort to change your attitude. Make the choice today to 30 your own way. 29.A. mistakes
B. accomplishments
C. progress
D. choices
30.A. continue
force √ √ (38)
Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. The French have a 21 day that they celebrate on July 14th, called “Bastille Day”. Until the late 1700s, France was ruled by a king and a group of wealthy people.
21. A. similar
B. different
C. same
D special.
√ Anyone who 22 with the king, or had views that didn’t 23 the king’s, was thrown into a large prison,
22. A. argued
B. debated
C. quarreled
D. disagreed
23. A. defend
B. match
C. prefer
D. protect √ √ which was built like a fortress. This prison was called the Bastille, and to many people the Bastille 24 all the inequalities, the things that were unfair, in France. The king and other aristocrats held all the power and were very 25, while the rest of the 26 had no power and very little money.
24. A. represented
B. recalls
C. reminds
D. starts 25. A. cruel
B. wealthy
C. indifferent
D. powerful 26. A. country
B. aristocrats
C. population
D. peasants √ √ √ On July 14th, 1789, a large group of French peasants 27 together and stormed the Bastille, and 28 all the prisoners. This was the start of the French Revolution.
27. A. pulled
B. bound
C. greeted
D. gathered 28. A. released
B. relieved
C. visited
D. woke up √ √
The Revolution 29 the overthrow of
the monarchy, and the rule of France
was given to the people in the 30 of a
democratic government.
Like Independence Day, which celebrates America’s independence from the British king, Bastille Day celebrates the end of the rule of the French king. 29.A.resulted from
B. resulted in
D. brought along 30.A. sign
B. disguise
C. name
D. form
√ √
If you are like most people, just about every January you say to yourself: This year I'm going to lose weight, or I'm going to start exercising, or I'm going to quit smoking, or I'm going to give up some bad habit. And by February you wonder why you didn't do it. The reason why most New Year's resolutions 21 is that they are too big, too discouraging and not clearly 22 enough.
21.A. last
B. succeed
C. fail
D. count
22.A. mentioned
B. explained
C. made D. defined √ √
Forget resolutions: you need a plan. You can create a 23-related goal that is specific, clearly defined and modest enough to be 24 achieved. Let's say you want to give up smoking and you currently smoke a pack of cigarettes (20) a day. Your initial 25 might be to reduce this number by just two cigarettes a day and sustain this level over a specified period of time (for example, 2-4 weeks).
23.A. health B. wealth
C. career
D. family 24.A. quickly
B. easily
C. conveniently
D. briefly 25.A. plan
B. thought C. goal
D. act √ √ √ The whole 26 is to pick a goal that's so easy you can't fail. After you've succeeded you'll 27what's known as accomplishment feedback.
26. A. thing
B. point
C. aim
D. project
27. A. experience
B. suffer
C. bear
D. overlook
√ √ Accomplishment feedback is the good 28 you get when you've 29 an objective. And chances are these good feelings will inspire you to 30 with the program and make even further changes. 28. A. achievement
B. feeling
C. comment
D. reward 29. A. specified
B. raised
C. given
D. accomplished 30. A. work
B. discuss
C. stick
D. struggle √ √ √
There goes the alarm again. I guess I should get up, but I am dreading(害怕) this day. I always 21 going back to school after a holiday break. I am 22 to see my friends, I don’t have any overdue school 23,
21.A. enjoying
B. anticipate
C. hate
D. envy
22. A. unwilling
B. anxious
C. ashamed
D. afraid
23. A. assignments
B. holidays
C. disciplines
D. reports √ √ √ but I still get that 24 feeling in the pit of my stomach. Has something changed? Do all my friends still feel the same way? What 25 should I wear today?
24. A. anxious
B. unknown
C. funny
D. mysterious 25. A. mask
B. hairstyle
C. tie
D. clothes √ √
My biggest conflict is in my head. Part of me says, “Be your own person!” Another 26 of me just wants to fit into the crowd. As much as my friends and I like to think we are above all the peer 27 and social “rules” of our school, we all know we are very much 28 by it.
26. A. self
B. part
C. person
D. voice
27. A. pressures
B. competition
C. gossip
D. games 28. A. effected
B. affected
C. controlled
D. abstracted √ √ √ We wear our hair the same way, wear the same brand clothes, and even have to use the same perfume. We basically 29 ourselves because we don’t want to be different. Yet, deep down we would like to shout, “Look at me! This is who I am!”
Sigh, there goes the 30 again. What clothes should I wear today? I think I will call Clara and see what she is wearing. 29. A. disobey
B. clone C. disbelieve
D. follow 30. A. question
B. doubt
C. conflict
D. alarm √ √