也叫要点式作文,其特点是用中文提示,要求考生用英语写作。这类写作因要点都已列出,相对较容易,但写作时仍需注意以下几点: 1. 这类试题虽然有点类似于翻译,但又高于翻译,它要求考生,理顺要点,通过添加必要细节,补全所省略的成分,用完整的英语句子来表述。
2. 写作前,认真审题仍然很重要,特别是要弄清用第几人称,用哪种时态来写。 3. 虽然已列出要点,但需要按时间顺序或空间顺序或逻辑关系精心组织这些要点,大体上划分好五组信息点,以便用五个句子来表达。 4. 将要点用英语表达出来,并注意使用过渡词语,连接成文,使文章上下连贯,通顺自然。 18. 关于学习和生活的的建议 [写作内容] 李华是一名即将进入高三的学生,他来向你请教如何安排高三的学习和生活,请给他提一些建议。内容包括: 1. 制定一个学习量适中的复习计划,有张有弛,不要熬夜。 2. 注意锻炼身体,加强营养。 3. 遇到问题多思考,勤总结。 4. 保持愉快的心情,和同学们搞好关系。 As a senior high student, I advise you to make a review plan which is not too hard or too easy and you’d better not stay late because it makes you tired in the day. Try to spare some time to take exercise which can make you healthy and relaxed. When you meet difficult problems, you must think about them carefully first and try to draw conclusions from them so as to get a clear understanding. Everybody knows a good mood is very important, if you can be in a good mood and get on well with your classmates, you’ll find everything becomes very easy.
19. 报道一场足球赛 [写作内容] 今天,在我校运动场举行了一场我校与二中的足球赛,请根据下列提纲写一篇短文: 1. 这是一场令人兴奋的足球比赛。 2. 下午3点球赛开始,我校球员先踢进一球。 3. 紧接着客队也踢进一球,比分1:1,比赛进入白炽化状态。 4. 最后的三分钟,二中又进一球,夺得胜利。 5. 这场比赛增强了两校间的友谊。 Today, in our school’s playground a football match between No.2 Middle School and our school was held and it was really exciting. The football match began at three o’clock in the afternoon, and our school team scored the first goal. Then the players of No. 2 Middle School immediately kicked the ball into the goal and made the score 1:1, which made the match very heated. At the last three minutes, No. 2 Middle School scored a goal again and won the match at last. This football match promoted the mutual understanding and friendship between two schools. 20. 如何同外国人聊天 假设你的一们同学,喜欢英语角与外国人交流,以使自已得到英语口语的实践机会,但感觉有时他们并不表现出兴趣。请你给他一些建议,怎样才能与外国人较好地进行聊天。 [写作内容] 1. 认为外国人是有兴趣与中国人聊天的; 2. 去英语角聊天前要有所准备; 3. 计划一下你要讨论的话题; 4. 避免与第一次聊天的人聊私人问题; 5. 倾听别人也是重要的技巧; 6. 注意别人的讨论; 7. 有机会时自信表达自已的意见。 I think many foreigners are interested in talking with Chinese. However, you must prepare before you go to the English corner, and plan which topics you want to discuss. Avoid talking about personal matters with someone you meet for the first time. Listening to others is also an important skill. Pay more attention to what others discuss and confidently express your opinion when the time comes. 21. 希望工程简介 你的外国朋友在一家商场的门口看到一个希望工程的捐款箱,想知道有关希望工程的知识。 [写作内容] 请根据以下中文提纲,写一篇希望工程的英语介绍: 发 起 者:中国青少年发展基金会 发起时间:1989年10月
旨:资助贫困地区失学儿童重返校园,建设希望小学,改善农村办学条件 发展方式:社会各界人士资助失学儿童,有些学生与贫困学生手拉手结对子 成
果:累计资助230多万失学儿童重返校园,援建希望小学8000多所 评
价:在中国教育尤其是基础教育中起重要作用 The Project Hope was launched by the China Youth Development Foundation in October, 1989. It was launched with the purpose of helping the dropouts to continue their studies, building primary schools and improving the conditions of the schools in poverty-stricken areas. A large number of people in all fields give their hands to aid the dropouts in schooling and some students make hand-in-hand friends with the ones in poverty-stricken areas.
Nowadays, thanks to the Project Hope, over 2.3 million dropouts have returned to school and more than 8000 primary schools have been set up all over China.
In a word, the Project Hope plays a very important part in China’s education, especially in basic education.
22. 中国改革开放30年 [写作内容] 2008年是中国改革开放30年,自从坚持改革开放政策以来,我国在各个方面取得了举世瞩目的成绩,请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文。 1.1978年邓小平提出改革开放以来,中国大地发生了翻天覆地的变化。 2.中国人民的生活水平总体上经历了一次历史性跨越,中国现在正直国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。 3.在1978年至2008年三十年间,中国每年的经济增长率均保持在9.4%以上。 4.中国现已成为世界上第六大经济大国和第四大贸易大国。 5.伟大成就的取得归因于我们坚持走有中国特色的社会主义道路和坚持改革开放政策。
Since Deng Xiaoping introduced the "reform and opening" policy in 1978, great changes have taken place throughout China. The living standard of the Chinese people as a whole has experienced a historic leap and China is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. In the 30 years between 1978 and 2008, the annual growth rate of China's economy was running at an
average of 9.4 percent.
China has now become the sixth largest economy and the fourth largest trader in the world. These great achievements in China are attributed to the fact that we have adhered to the path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and persevered in the reform and opening policy.
23. 诚实守信 诚信就是诚实守信,是做人的根本。诚实指忠诚老实,言行一致;守信指说话和做事讲信用,说到做到。请以“It Pays To Be Hones(诚实是值得的)”为题,写一篇短文,包括如下要点: 1.诚信是中国传统美德; 2.社会上有许多不诚信的行为或现象,并简要说明这些行为或现象的成因和后果; 3.你的结论。 It Pays To Be Honest
Honesty is one of the most treasured traditional values in China, where children are taught repeatedly to be honest when very young. However, at the present time, many people, in order to make money or live a comfortable life, cheat others. For example, some sell something quite ordinary, like medicine, at a very high price, claiming that it has some special effects.
These cheats may get some benefits at the beginning, but as time goes on, they’re sure to be disclosed and punished. In my opinion, it is always true that honesty is the best policy and we should be honest all the time. 24. 对消除误会的建议 假如你是李明,你的美国笔友Tom写信给你,他和好朋友Jack因为一次误会而闹别扭,希望你能给他提议一些建议,内容包括: 1. 写信目的; 2. 误会可能给人际关系带来的危害; 3. 你的建议; 4. 礼貌结尾。 Dear Tom, …
Li Ming Dear Tom,
You have asked me for my advice on your friendship with Jack, and I will try best to make some constructive suggestions.
If not properly handled, misunderstanding will make you embarrassed and undermine the harmonious relationships between you and Jack.
In my opinion, you’d better talk to him and find out what the misunderstanding is. You both make it clear what is in your minds and smooth away the barrier and become good friends again.
These are my suggestions and I hope they could mean something for a better future of your friendship with Jack.
Li Ming 25. 做一个有修养的人 古人云:“君子不可不修身。” “正心以为本,修身以为基。”某英文报纸以“一个有修养的人”为话题开展征文活动。请根据以下要点写一篇短文。 1. 一个人不能够没有修养(culture) 。一个富有修养的人,对待他人始终都彬彬有礼,面带微笑,并且尊重、理解、关心别人,并且言行一致。 2. 他认为扶贫助困,爱护公物,保护环境的社会公德是每个公民的责任。 3. 修养将使我们大家和睦融洽,使我们的未来更美好。
A Man of Rich Culture
Culture is necessary for a man. A man of rich culture politely treats others with smiles on his face from beginning to end, and he respects, helps, understands and is concerned about others. What's more, what he says agrees with what he does. He thinks it their responsibility for every citizen to help the poor and those in trouble, take good care of public property and protect the environment. Culture will bring us all into harmony and make our future better.