2017届高考英语一轮复习课件: Unit 4(新人教版选修8)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件: Unit 4(新人教版选修8)

发布时间:2017-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6.superior (P31) 阅读下列句子,学习superior的用法。 (1)I acknowledged him as my superior.(n.长者,高手,上级,长官) (2)Which of the two methods is superior?(adj.上好的,出众的) (3)A soldier must obey his superior officers.(adj.上级的) (4)Johnson is superior to Mr.Wang in maths.(比……优越/好) 7.I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twentyfour distinct vowel sounds.(P33) 我很欣赏自己,因为我能清晰地发出24个元音来。 ◆词语归纳 fancy adj.奇特的,异样的 fancy vt.想象,设想,认为,爱好,自负 fancy n.爱好,迷恋,想象力 fancy oneself(as)自以为是…… fancy doing sth.想不到会干某事,常用于祈使句,表示惊叹。 ◆即学即练 完成下列句子。 (1)She____________ .(自以为是个名演员) (2)想不到会遇到那么多老朋友! ___________________________________________ .

  答案:(1)fancied herself as a famous actress

  (2)Fancy meeting so many old friends ! 8.But you cannot overlook that!(P35) 但是你不能不理会这件事情! 阅读下列句子,注意overlook的意思。 (1)My room overlooks the sea.(俯瞰,俯视) (2)He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.(未看到,忽视) (3)She overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.(不理会) (4)Please overlook my rudeness.(原谅) ◆即学即练 根据汉语提示完成句子。 (1)从邻居的窗户可看到我家的花园。 ___________________________________________  (2)选任新经理时没有考虑他。 ____________________________________________  (3)我可以宽容她的缺点。 ____________________________________________  (4)我们不应忽视困难。 ____________________________________________  答案:(1)Our garden is overlooked by our neighbours windows.

  (2)He was overlooked when they set about choosing a new manager.

  (3)I can overlook her bad points. (4)We should not overlook the difficulties. 写作步步高 分析利弊型议论文的写作模板 写作指导:写作时可分三步走:引出问题、分析利弊、提出自己的观点。 1.引出主题(存在的现象):In recent years,...has been popular. 2.论述利的方面:There are many advantages in_____ ____ (现 象).First,_____________.Second,___________ _.Third,_____________. 论述弊的方面: However,therere some disadvantages.____________ _(弊端一). Besides,_____________(弊端二).Also ,_____________(弊端三).However,every coin has two sides,so does_____________(某一现象). 3.提出自己的看法或观点: In my opinion,it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的确是好处多于坏处)I think _____________.One big advantage of _____________is that____________/One obvious advantage of _______ ______is_____________./Finally,_____________While it is true that...has many advantages,it is also important to realize that....(虽然某事确实有许多好处,但是意识到……也很重要) ◆活学活用 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

  Online Shopping Experience Sharing

  By Koay & Ling

  Want to go out shopping but afraid of traffic jam on the road?You can always go for a second choice,which is to sit at home and wait for delivery.Consumers can buy the products or services they like from any parts of the world.I would like to share one of my online shopping experiences.One of my experiences that I would love to share is online purchasing of air ticket from Air Asia.com.Previously,when I was still studying at University Malaysia Sabah,I was very new to the environment and without experience;I would go to the counter at the airport in order to purchase the air ticket.One glory morning,I saw an advertisement in newspaper showing that Air Asia launched a new promotion.An air ticket was only RM9.99!!I was so excited and rushed to the airport to get the promotion ticket.But the Air Asia staff told me the promotion was only valid for online purchasing and if I buy from counter in airport,the price will be RM59.99.So I hurried back and got the “lucky” ticket.So by doing online shopping,we can get a lot of benefits such as convenience,time saving,and more variety of choices and so on.And the important thing is the price for online purchasing is cheaper than traditional shopping.Thus,we should do more online shopping!!! 写作内容 (1)以约30个词概括短文的要点; (2)然后以约120个词就“网上购物”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: ①“网上购物”的现状; ②“网上购物”的利弊; ③就“网上购物” 发表你自己的观点。 写作要求 (1)可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; (2)标题自定。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  Online Shopping

  The passage tells us one of the experiences of Internet shopping by the author,who benefited from online shopping and got the much cheaper ticket compared to traditional shopping.

  With the Internet entering our daily life,online shopping is commonly used throughout the world nowadays.There are many advantages in online shopping.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shoppers.The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop when you like as the online shop are open 24 hours a day and you do not have to queue with other shoppers.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for online. However, every coin has two sides,so does Internet shopping.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Some people are also worried about paying for goods using credit cards.

  As far as I am concerned,Internet shopping has advantages over disadvantages.It is very convenient,timesaving and user friendly and online shopping is much cheaper and more secured than before. 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语 选修 8 Unit 4


  考点要求 Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.经典的,第一流的

  _____________ 2.说明文字,字幕,标题n.

  _____________ 3.结果,效果n.

  _____________ 4.使人反感的,令人厌恶的adj.

  _____________ 5.光辉灿烂的,才华横溢的adj

  ._____________ 6.古时的,古董n.&adj.

  _____________ 7.谈论,评论,言论n.&v.

  _____________ 8.不同寻常的;非凡的 adj

  ._____________ 9.破旧的,寒酸的adj.

  _____________ 10.身份,地位,职位n.

  _____________ 11.裁判员,仲裁员n.

  _____________ 12.带来麻烦的adj.

  _____________ 13.真实的,可信的adj.


  classic caption outcome disgusting brilliant antique remark extraordinary shabby status referee troublesome authentic

  Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.适应,改编(v.)_____________;适应,改编本(n.)____________ ;能适应的(adj.)_____________ 2.误会(n.&v.)_____________;(过去式)____________ _;(过去分词)_____________;错误的(adj.)_____________ 3.恐怖;恐惧(n.)_____________;可怕的,恐怖的(adj.)____________ ;可怕地(adv.)_____________ 4.犹豫,踌躇(v.)_____________;犹豫;迟疑(n.)_____________ adapt












  5.使惊异(v.)_____________;惊异,惊奇(n.)_________ ____ ;令人惊异的(adj.)_____________;吃惊的(adj.)_____________





  ◆活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1.He is good at _____________plays and the _____________of the play for radio was easily done by him.(adapt) 2.Yesterday her old mother _____________me for her daughter.That means I was _____________for her daughter.In fact she often makes the same ________ . (mistake) 3.Tom is often _____________.Last year he went to Shanghai to try his _____________._____________he met and married his girlfriend there.(fortune) 4.To her _____________,she saw a boy fall from the stairs.The _____________scene often_____________her and makes her wake up _____________.(horrible) 5.He was _____________at the _____________news and stood there in _____________.(amazement) 答案:1.adapting;adaptation2.mistook;mistaken;mistake3.fortunate;fortune;Fortunately4.horror;horrible;horrifies;horribly5.amazed;amazing;amazement Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.再一次

  _____________ 2.(某人)冒充

  _____________ 3.结识,与……相见

  _____________ 4.惊愕地

  _____________ 5.一般来说

  _____________ 6.就……来说,从……角度

  _____________ 7.带或领……进来

  _____________ 8.需要

  _____________ 9.自以为是

  _____________ 10.逐渐模糊、渐淡

  _____________ once more pass...off as make one,s acquaintance in amazement generally speaking in terms of show...in in need of fancy oneself fade out

  ◆活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.He tried to ___________(pretend to be)a qualified doctor. 2.Many Schools in the faraway villages _____________ (ask for)teachers. 3.He is so friendly that many students want to _____________(know him). 4.We could do nothing but look at him _____________(in surprise). 5.The plane with loud noises _____________(disappear gradually). 6._____________(In money terms)were quite rich,but not in terms of happiness. 答案:1.pass himself off as2.are in need of3.make his acquaintance4.in amazement5.faded out6.In terms of money






  overlook hesitate



  ◆活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.The books in the school library _____________ by subjects. 2.If he _____________ to tell the truth,he would have lost the only chance to be forgiven by his wife. 3.The boy caught _____________money was sentenced to three years of hard labour. 4.The policeman walked into the hotel,_____________ himself as a businessman. 5.The importance of reducing dioxide must not _________. 答案:1.are classified2.had hesitated3.robbing4.disguising5.be overlooked

  Ⅴ.重点句型 I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk into your machine.(P34) 我本来还以为是你要她对着机器讲话的呢。 

  剖析:句型:sb.thought that=sb.had thought...意思为“原以为……”。动词think,expect,suppose,hope,believe,plan 等的过去完成时,表未曾实现的意图、安排或希望等。

  I had hoped to visit you yesterday,but I was too busy. 昨天我本想来看你,但太忙了。 ◆活学活用 模仿造句。 (1)他们本打算把办公室搞干净,但没有时间。

  ___________________________________________  (2)我本以为他会事先告诉我的。 ___________________________________________  答案:(1)They had planned to clean the office,but time didn,t permit.

  (2)I had thought he would tell me about it in advance. Ⅵ.语篇领悟  根据课文Fateful Meetings完成下列短文 Eliza Doolittle was


   unrefined,dirty flower girl with poor phonetics


   Professor Higgins was an expert in phonetics.One day they happened to meet each other while


  (hide)from the rain.When Eliza was talking with a gentleman,Higgins always watched her and took notes,


   made her get worried,for she thought he was a policeman


   disguise.In fact he just showed interest in her poor phonetics and made a bet with Colonel Pickering


   he was going to meet.Higgins said once


  (educate)to speak properly,Eliza could pass


   off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador,s garden party.After that Higgins threw a


  (hand)of money into her basket and left with Pickering,leaving Eliza


  (excite)and in amazement.Eliza decided to find him the next day.


  7.educated8.herself9.handful10.excited Ⅶ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 几天前我参加了我朋友的生日晚会,晚会上发生了一件奇怪的事。一位年轻人冒充我朋友爸爸的朋友以结识我朋友。他说他应她爸爸的邀请来参加她的晚会。一般来说,没有人想到会有人冒充客人参加晚会的。于是,我朋友让他进来。然后我们又一起开心地唱歌跳舞。晚会结束时,他问我朋友他是否可以拿走一件礼物以作纪念。我朋友非常惊愕。但出于礼貌,她同意了。年轻人大声唱着“因为我爱你” 这首歌走出房子。 他的声音逐渐消失了。当她爸爸回来时我们向他描述了这位年轻人。奇怪的是,他说不认识这样的年轻人。我朋友爸爸本打算参加她的晚会,但赶不上第一班火车。他告诉我们,面对陌生人时,要多一个心眼。 答案: The other day I attended my friend,s birthday party,but at the party a strange thing happened.A young boy passed himself off as my friend,s father,s friend in order to make my friend,s acquaintance and said he was invited by my friend,s father.Generally speaking,nobody could think there would be persons in disguise at the party.My friend showed him in.We then sang and danced together happily once more.When the party ended,he asked whether he could take away one of my friend,s presents as a memorial.Hearing this,my friend was in amazement.But in terms of politeness,my friend agreed.The young man went out of the house singing the song “Because I love you ” loudly and his voice faded out.When my friend,s father came back,we described the young man to him.To our surprise,he said he didn,t know such a young man.My friend,s father had planned to attend her party,but he didn,t catch the first train.He told us when facing strangers,we need a second thought. 自主学习 1.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.(P29) 但是他们一张嘴就露出马脚(暴露自己的身份)。 ◆词语归纳 betray vt.泄露(秘密) betray oneself 无意中露出本性;背叛 betray+n.+to

  出卖;背叛 betray that 表示“无意中显示,暴露” ◆即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成句子。 (1)Quite a lot of people will _____________(原形毕露)when tempted by money. (2)They _____________the enemy.(背叛祖国,投降了) (3)His face _____________(显露出)he was angry. (4)He _____________(透露了这个消息)to all his friends. 答案:(1)betray themselves

  (2)betrayed their country to

  (3)betrayed that

  (4)betrayed the news 2.The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.(P30) 她讲的英语令她命中注定要在贫民窟里呆一辈子。  ◆词语归纳 be condemned to death=be sentenced to death 被判死刑 condemn sb.to do sth.或condemn sb.to sth.迫使某人处于不利境地 condemn sb,s behaviour谴责某人的举动 ◆即学即练 将下列句子译成英语。 (1)报纸及时地谴责他的错误。 ___________________________________________  (2)病魔迫使他卧病在床。 ____________________________________________  (3)我们谴责残忍行为和残忍的人。 ____________________________________________

  答案:(1)The paper is quick to condemn him for his mistake.

  (2)His illness condemned him to bed.

  (3)We condemn cruelty and cruel people. 3.But,sir,(proudly)once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador,s garden party.(P30) 可是,先生(自豪地),一旦那个女孩被教会说正确的英语,她就能够在三个月后在一位大使举办的舞会上冒充一位女公爵。◆词语拓展 pass...off as 冒充 pass off 逐渐消失;不理会;顺利 pass by从旁边经过;不理会 pass...on to把……传递给 pass down/on把……传给后世 pass out昏倒,失去知觉 pass away去世 pass through通过,穿过 ◆即学即练 选用上述词组完成句子。 (1)The house came to him when his parents __________. (2)I happened to _____________,so I dropped in. (3)The road was so crowded that the car could not _________________________________________. (4)He ___________his secretary ____________his wife. (5)The gold watch _____________to him from his father,s father. (6)She _____________at the sight of a snake on her bed. 答案:(1)passed away

  (2)pass by

  (3)pass through

  (4)passed...off as

  (5)was passed down/on

  (6)passed out 4.And I came to England to make your acquaintance !(P30)我也正是到英国来找你的。  ◆词语归纳 make ones acquaintance结识某人 make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人 have some/an acquaintance with

  对……有了解 acquaint sb.with 使某人了解 acquaint oneself with=be familiar with 对……熟悉  have no acquaintance with 不熟悉,不了解  pick acquaintance with 偶然结识[认识] strike up an acquaintance with sb.偶然认识某人 ◆即学即练 用上述词组填空。 (1)You must_____________(熟悉,了解)your new duties. (2)My parents soon_____________(认识)my new teacher. (3)I_____________(对……有了解)Japanese. (4)Tom is_____________(熟人)of mine for many years. (5)It,s a pleasure to_____________(与你相识). 答案:(1)acquaint yourself with (2)made the acquaintance of

  (3)have some acquaintance with (4)an acquaintance(5)make your acquaintance 5.A whole pound !A fortune!(P30) 整整一英镑!一笔财富!  ◆词语归纳 fortune [U] 成功;好运,幸运 [C] 未来的命运;运道; 运气 [C] 财富 fortunate adj.幸运的 fortunately adv.幸运地 make a fortune 发财 seek one,s fortune 外出找出路

   try one,s fortune 碰运气

   be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.幸运地做某事 ◆即学即练 将下列句子译成英语。 (1)幸好火势刚起就立即被发现了。 ____________________________________________  (2)现在很多村民去大城市碰运气。 ____________________________________________  (3)她有这样一位好心的丈夫,真是幸运。(be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.) ______________________________________________

  答案: (1)Fortunately,the fire was discovered soon after it had started.

  (2)Now many villagers go to the big cities to try their fortunes.

  (3)She is fortunate in having such a kind husband. 高考总复习·人教版·英语


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