2017届新课标高考一轮复习英语人教版 浙江专版课件:part1 必修2 unit1(1)-查字典英语网
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2017届新课标高考一轮复习英语人教版 浙江专版课件:part1 必修2 unit1(1)

发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  单项填空 _____ is no doubt that we will realize our dream of

  passing the entrance exam.

  A. It

  B. This

  C. As

  D. There 解析 考查句型搭配。它所构成的基本句型为There is no doubt that…所以答案是D。 ⑤doubt

  n. & v. 怀疑;不确信;认为(某事)未必可能 D ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.

  根据语境感悟句型 (1) The new car cost a lot of money, but it's certainly worth it.

  买这辆新汽车花了很多钱, 但确实物有所值。 (2) The thieves stole 1 million pounds worth of jewellery.

  窃贼偷走了价值100万英镑的珠宝。 ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.

  根据语境感悟句型 (4) It's worth the hard work you put in when you see so many happy students.

  当你看到那么多高兴的学生们时,你就会觉得 所有的付出都是值得的。 (5) The book is of great value. It is well worth reading.

  这本书非常有价值,很值得一看。 链接 worth n.

  价值; 用处 worthy n.

  要人;知名人士 adj. 值得尊敬的;值

  得赞赏的 worthless adj.

  无价值的;不重要的 ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.

  ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.

  辨析 worthwhile/worth/worthy

  worthwhile意为“值得的”,指花时间、精 力、金钱等去做某事是值得的。常见搭配:

  doing sth;

  It's worthwhile

  sb. doing sth.;

  for sb. to do sth.


  表 示“值 得”时,后接名词、代词或动名词(不能接 不定式),常用well修饰,不用very。


  定 语;表示 “值得” 时,常作表语,结构为 worthy

  of sth., worthy后面还可接动名词或不定式,结构分别 是worthy of

  being done 和 worthy


  be done。

  ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.


  用worth/worthy/worthwhile填空 (1) This vase was _____ five hundred francs at the most.

  (2) Everybody has roots. It is ____to search for his roots.

  (3) She proved herself a _____ successor of the former champion.

  (4) This book is well _____ reading and it is _____ of being read a second time.





  (4)worth; worthy ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.


  单项填空 (5)The scenery of Huangshan Mountain is so fantastic

  hat it's worth______.

  A. to visit

  B. visiting

  C. being visited

  D. to be visited

  解析 考查句型搭配。be worth后接v.-ing形式,不能使用其被动式,所以答案是B。 ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.

  B ⑥ worth

  adj. & n.

  巧记:This article is well worth reading and it's worthwhile recommending it, but it is not worthy to be translated.

  ⑦ remain v. 根据语境猜词义 (1) After school, all of the students left the classroom,

  only he remained.

  (2) When







  remained a worker.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 仍然是  B. 留下

  B A 链接 remains n.

  剩余物;废墟 remaining adj.

  剩余的 句型 It remains to be seen

  还有待于观察 It remains for sb. to do sth.

  某人所要做的只是…… There remains…

  剩下 sth. remain to be done

  某事有待于被做…… ⑦ remain v. 活用

  单项填空 Please remain______; the winner of the prize will

  be announced soon.

  A. seating

  B. seated

  C. to seat

  D. to be seated ⑦ remain v. B 活用

  单项填空 ⑦ remain v. 解析 此题考查动词的非谓语形式。remain为系动词,意为“保持,仍是,尚待”,后面接名词、形容词、分词、不定式或介词短语。句意:“请保持就座,这个奖的获胜者就要宣布了。”seat用作及物动词,“让某人坐”是 somebody be seated 或seat somebody/oneself, 可以用sitting代替seated。 你知道remaining与left的区别吗? The only ______question is whether we can raise the money.

  A. remaining

  B. remained

  C. leaving

  D. left 解析

  remaining作定语要前置,而left作定语要后置。remained与leaving不用作定语,所以答案是A。 ⑦ remain v. A ⑧ evidence

  n. 根据语境猜词义 (1)Can you show me any evidence for this statement? (2)There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 根据语义找匹配 A.证据,根据(不可数)  B.迹象(可数,不可数) A B ⑧ evidence

  n. 链接 evident adj.

  明显的 短语 be in evidence

  明显,显而易见,引人注目 ⑧ evidence

  n. 活用

  单项填空 The suspect's fingerprint printed on the gun was the main ______ against him.

  A. crime

  B. information

  C. evidence

  D. cause 解析

  嫌疑犯印在枪上的手印是主要的“证据”。 C (1) 根据语境猜词义 (1) He survived his sister by five years.

  (2) I don't know you all manage to survive on Jack's salary.

  (3) I don't think I could survive another year as a teacher.

  (4) Did anyone survive the air crash?


  vi. 根据语义找匹配 A. 比……活得长  B. 靠……维持生活  C. 从……中逃生;从……幸存下来  D. 从(困难中)挺过来 答案

  (1) A

   (2) B 

  (3) D

   (4) C ①survive

  vi. 链接 survivor


  生还者;幸存者 survival n.

  存活,幸存 短语 survive sth.

  从……中逃生 survive sb. (by…)

  比……活得长(……年) survive on sth.

  靠……存活下来 survive from…

  从……存活下来;流传下来 ①survive

  vi. 活用







  (1)_________ who (2)

  ____________________(在地震中幸存). He told us he

  (3) __________ a bottle of mineral water. Everyone said

  his (4)________was a miracle. ①survive

  vi. survival survivor

  survived the earthquake survived on 温馨提示

  “在……中幸存,战胜……而存活”,survive 后无需加介词in或from。


  vi. 根据语境猜词义 (1)Our classrooms take great advantage of the natural


  (2) The stage was lit by bright spotlights.

  (3) Take your light blue jacket; anyway, it's light.

  (4) With a lighted candle, she walked along the corridor

  to her bedroom.

  (5) Her face was lit by a smile.

  (6) He gave me a light touch on the shoulder.


  v. n. & adj. 根据语义找匹配 A. 点燃的 

  B. 照亮 

  C. 光 

  D. 浅色的 

  E. 轻便的 



  G. 轻的 答案

  (1) C 

  (2) B

   (3) D; E 

  (4) A 

  (5) F 

  (6) G ②light

  v. n. & adj. 链接 lighted adj.


  lighting n.

  照明 lightly adv.


  lighten v.

  减轻 ②light

  v. n. & adj. 短语 light up 照亮,引申为“容光焕发” bright sth. to light

  揭露或暴露某物 come to light

  显露,为人所知 活用

  翻译句子 (1)他点燃了蜡烛,朝房间走去。 He ________ (light)the candle and walked towards his room. (2)我把燃烧的火柴放到信上,看它们燃烧。

  I put a ______ (light) match to the letter and watched them burn. ②light

  v. n. & adj. lit/lighted lighted 活用

  翻译句子 (3)突然所有的灯都灭了,她不得不借着月光织毛线。 Suddenly all the ______ went out and she had to do the knitting by the _____ of the moon. (light) (4)她的包比你的轻多了。 Her bag is much ______ (light) than yours. ②light

  v. n. & adj. lights light lighter 巧记:

  He lit a candle and the lighted candle lit the room.

  light作动词在本句中有两种意思,第一个是“点燃”之意;第二个是“照亮”之意。当作定语时,只用lighted,不用lit。 ②light

  v. n. & adj.

  你知道lighted, burnt与burning作形容词有何区别吗?试做下题:

  He felt his way to the cave with a ______candle and he put away the ______ candle in his bag.

  A. lighted; burnt

  B. lighted; burning

  C. lighting; burnt

  D. lighting; burning ②light

  v. n. & adj. A ②light

  v. n. & adj. 解析

  lighted作定语,表示“点着的”意思;burning也是“点着的”意思,可与lighted互换,而burnt则是“着过的”意思,说明已经灭了。根据语境答案应是A。 ③consider

  v. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Any reasonable offer will be considered.

  (2) Liz Quinn was considered as an excellent teacher.

  (3) God, you are so selfish! You've got to learn to consider other people.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 认为 

  B. 体贴 

  C. 考虑

  C A B 链接 considerable adj.

  相当大(多)的 considerate adj.

  考虑周到的,体贴的 consideration n.

  考虑,体谅 considering prep.

  鉴于,考虑到 ③consider

  v. ③consider

  v. 短语 consider sb. to have done sth.   认为某人已经做了某事 be under consideration

  在考虑中 take sth. into consideration

  把……考虑进去 the first consideration

  头等大事 句型 consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 consider+sb. doing sth. 考虑某人做某事

  consider it +形容词+ to do sth.…

  认为做某事是…… considering…

  考虑到……(作状语) ③consider

  v. to be+n. /adj. consider sb./sth.

  as+n. 认为某人/某物是… 活用

  单项填空 (1) The students are considering him ______ them English.

  A. teach

  B. to teach

  C. teaching

  D. will teach 解析 考查非谓语动词。consider后要求接v.-ing形式,即便后有sb.也必须使用v.-ing形式,答案是C。 ③consider

  v. C

  (2) ______ her age, she isn't equal to doing the job.

  A. To consider

  B. Considering

  C. Considered

  D. Consider 解析 考查非谓语动词。consider作状语,一般使用v.-ing形式,所以答案是B。


  v. 活用

  单项填空 B (3) Columbus is considered ______ the New World.

  A. discovering

  B. to discover

  C. to have discovered

  D. discovered 解析

  考查非谓语动词。根据语境,它所表达的是:认为某人已经做了某事,使用consider sb. to have done sth.,所以答案是C。 ③consider

  v. 活用

  单项填空 C 活用

  完成句子 (4) These workers are ________ high-risk group.

  (5) It was ________ of you not to play the piano while I was sleeping.

  (6) _______ everything into consideration, she decided to work in Tibet.


  (4) considered (as) 

  (5) considerate

  (6) Taking ③consider

  v. ④fancy

  n. , v. & adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Some singers like to wear fancy clothes.

  (2) I can't fancy her doing such a silly thing.

  (3) She said she wanted a dog but it was only a passing fancy.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 奇想;空想 

  B. 想像  C. 奇特的,异样的

  C B A 短语 fancy (one's) doing sth.  想象(某人)做某事 fancy sb. as/(to be)…

  认为某人是…… fancy+that­clause

  以为…… have a fancy for

  爱好,迷恋 ④fancy

  n. , v. & adj. 活用

  单项填空 (1) We should fancy him______ our friend.

  A. to

  B. as

  C. for

  D. in 解析 考查fancy sb. as/(to be)。 ④fancy

  n. , v. & adj. B

  (2) Fancy ____ you here! What are you doing here?

  A. meet

  B. to meet

  C. meeting

  D. met 解析 考查非谓语动词。fancy后只接v.-ing形式,所以答案是C。 ④fancy

  n. , v. & adj. 活用

  单项填空 C ④fancy

  n. , v. & adj. 巧记:

  绕口令 Fancy Nancy didn't fancy doing fancy work. But fancy Nancy's auntie did fancy Nancy doing fancy work.


  n. & v. 怀疑;不确信;认为(某事)未必可能 根据语境感悟其用法

  I don't doubt that he's a brilliant scientist, but can he teach?

  我不怀疑他是一位才思敏捷的科学家,但是他能教书吗? 链接 doubtful adj.

  有疑问的;难以预料的 doubtless adj.

  无疑的;肯定的 短语 without/ beyond doubt

  确定地;无疑地 be in doubt (about)

  对……不确定 ⑤doubt

  n. & v. 怀疑;不确信;认为(某事)未必可能 句型 There is no doubt about sth. / that…

  毫无疑问…… I don't doubt that… (=I'm sure/certain that…) 我肯定…… I


  if / whether … ( = I ' m


  sure / certain


  我不确定…… if / when in doubt

  如无把握;如有怀疑 ⑤doubt

  n. & v. 怀疑;不确信;认为(某事)未必可能


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