江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语牛津译林版一轮复习课堂巩固作业:M7U2《Unit 2 Fit for life》(二)-查字典英语网
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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语牛津译林版一轮复习课堂巩固作业:M7U2《Unit 2 Fit for life》(二)

发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.It is said that he will___________ his business to his son when he retires.

  A. hand in

  B. hand out

  C. hand over

  D. hand up

  2.I was on the point of talking to the professor when John _________.  A. cut offB. cut in

  C. cut up

  D. cut down 3.Unfortunately, not everyone has realized the important part healthy diets _________ in

  their daily life.

  A. play

  B. playing

  C. to play

  D. are playing

  4.Since you have lots of spare time, why not __________ a foreign language?

  A. pick out

  B. make out

  C. make up

  D. pick up 5.We must notice the use they are

  __________the new energy.  A. ma for

  B. making from C. making of

  D. made up of 6.—--Would you please go and get Dr. White?  —e’s already been__________.  A. asked for B. sent for

  C. called for

  D. looked for

  7. I have__________ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.   A. looked through B. looked for

  C. looked after

  D. looked out 8.“Goodbye” she said, without even __________from the book she was absorbed in.   A. looking downB. looking up

  C. looking away

  D. looking on 9.This kind of work __________a high level of concentration.

    Acalls for

  B. makes up

  C. lies in

  D. stands for 10.It is easy to be __________by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.   A. taken offB. taken out

  C. taken away

  D. taken in

  11.The teacher reminded the students not to __________ any important details while retelling the story.

  A. bring out

  B. let out

  C. leave out

  D. make out

  12. I spent several minutes ___________ his puzzling word.

  A. making up

  B. to make out C. figuring out

  D. to figure out

  13. Come on, Andrew. If you ___________ such bad feelings, you will perform better next time.

  A. carry on

  B. get back

  C. break down

  D. put away

  14._________ a moment, Jack.. The rescue team is coming..

  A. Go on

  B. Hold on


  Move on

  D. Carry on

  15. Having graduated from a medical college, Jane _____________ her job as a doctor in the local hospital.

  A. set out

  B. took over

  C. took up

  D. set up

  16. Most of the teenagers, especially teenage boys, take ______ great delight in playing games online and they say it is ________ delight to make some new friends in this way.

  A. /; a

  B. a; /

  C. the; a

  D. a; the

  17. An online survey suggested that most respondents ____ limiting the time spent on the Internet would be fundamental _______their eyesight.

  A. say; to improving

  B. say; to improve

  C. said; for improving D. said; to improving

  18. -----I’m sorry for being so late. I _____________ in the traffic on my way here.

  ------Never mind. Come and sit down.

  A. was held out

  B. got held up

  C. got held on

  D. was held back

  19. ----By the way, how much do I owe you for lunch?

  -----______. It’s nothing.

  A. You’re welcome

  B. With pleasure

  C. Forget it

  D. That’s right.

  20. It ______ we had cooperated for a couple of weeks _______ I realized we had a lot in common.

  A. was until; when

  B. was until; that

  C. wasn’t until; when

  D. wasn’t until; that

  21. According to the timetable, the next flight is ____ here at 12:00, but __ the awful sandstorm, the whole airport has been closed.

  A. due; due to

  B. arriving;


  C. likely; because

  D. due to; because

  22.------ Many years has passed since I last saw you. I didn’t recognize you at first.

  ------I ______, either, if someone hadn’t called you by name.

  A. wouldn’t have

  B. wouldn’t

  C. didn’t

  D. hadn’t

  23. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ____in hospital now.

  A. would be

  B. could have been

  C. was

  D. will be

  24. The doctor told him that it would be at least three more months ______ he could be released form hospital.

  A. when

  B. before

  C. since

  D. that

  25.______ for his strong will as well as the doctor’s careful treatment, he ______ till last year.

  A. If it isn’t; can’t live

  B. Were it not; couldn’t live

  C. Had it not been; couldn’t have lived

  D. If they were not; couldn’t live

  26. He is likely to be the only American hip hop artist

  in China.

  A. to have ever lived

  B. to live ever

  C. having ever lived

  D. ever lived

  27. Nobody should ______ our fate. Instead, we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.

  A. submit to

  B. correspond to

  C. subscribe to

  D. compromise to

  28. ----I’ve quit smoking already, dear.

  -----You should have taken the doctor’s advice years ago. ____________, anyway.

    A. It’s easier said than doneB. Better later than never

  C. No pains, no gains

  D. Well begun is half done

  29. Take this medicine and get some sleep, and you will feel better; but if the pain continues, you’d better _________ your doctor immediately.

  A. confirm

  B. consult

  C. consider

  D. convince

  30. Facing the financial crisis, many people prefer to be a saver rather than a spender and manage to ____________ 40 to 50 percent of their salary.

  A. put aside

  B. put off

  C. put forward

  D. put away


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