2017届高考英语一轮复习精品课件:Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(新人教版必修2湖北专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习精品课件:Unit 2《The Olympic Games》(新人教版必修2湖北专用)

发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.She was working as a ________ (志愿者) after the Haiti earthquake. 6.The first ________ (古代的) Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC. 7.We expect him to win more gold ________ (奖牌) in the next Olympic Games. 8.We all know that regular exercise and ________(身体的) activities are the path to health. 9.It is the teacher's ________ (责任) to help every student with their studies. 10.I have to ________ (承认) that it's more difficult than I thought it would be. 答案 1.motto 2.compete 3.replace 4.advertised 5.volunteer 6.ancient 7.medals 8.physical 9.responsibility 10.admit (2)used to 用于否定句时,其后的反意疑问句要在形式上前后一致。 (3)used to 用于 there be 句型中成为 There used to be... 意思是“过去曾经有……,过去曾存在……”。 【易混辨析】 used to/would (1)used to 表过去持续的状态或情况。其含义是现在的动作或习惯已不存在,强调现在、将来与过去的对比。 (2)would 表示过去的习惯、习性、倾向等,意思是“过去常常……”,表过去不大规则的行为,或主语的关心、感慨等主观因素较强;常与 often, sometimes, frequently, for hours 等词连用,但不与表状态的动词连用。 I used to smoke, but I gave up a couple of years ago. 我以前抽烟,但两年前就戒掉了。(现在不抽烟了) She would sit there for hours doing nothing at all. 她总是一连几个小时坐在那儿,什么也不做。(现在是否还有这个习惯,不清楚) 即境活用15 When he was there, he ________ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A.would

  B.should C.had better

  D.might [解析]句意:他在那里的时候,每天下班后总是去拐角处的那家咖啡店。 would “过去常常”; should “应该”; had better “最好”; might “也许”,故A项正确。 [答案]A 7.every four years 每隔三年 Take the medicine every six hours.

  每6小时吃一次药。 He comes to see his uncle every third week. 他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。 Write on every other line. 请隔行写。 every two days=every second day=every other day 每隔一天 every few years 每隔几年 every four metres 每隔三米 即境活用16 I go home every ________ days and I'll finish this task within ________ days. A.a few; a few

  B.few; few C.few; a few

  D.a few; few [解析]every few days 每隔几天; within a few days 几天内。 [答案]C 重点句型

  1.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 我生活在你们称之为“古希腊”的地方,我过去也经常写有关很久前奥运会的情况。 what 引起宾语从句,并在从句中作 call 的宾语,“Ancient Greece”作宾补。 ①After many days' voyage, they arrived in what is called America now. 经过许多天的航行之后,他们到达了如今称之为美洲的地方。 ②He drove at what I thought was a dangerous speed. 他以我认为危险的速度开车。 ③After a long journey, they came to what was called “Gebi Desert”. 长途跋涉之后,他们来到了被称之为“戈壁滩”的地方。 ④The teacher was satisfied with what we had done. 老师对我们所做的一切感到满意。

  即境活用17 (2017·太原五中月考)________makes this small restaurant different is that it offers three free cups of beer to its customers every Sunday morning. A.Who

  B.What C.Whoever

  D.Whatever [解析]what 引出主语从句,作从句中的主语。 [答案]B 2.No other country could join in, nor could slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! 句型“nor/neither + 系动词/助动词/情态动词 + 另一个主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于 either 用于否定句。 ①My sister can't swim, nor/neither can her husband. 我姐姐不会游泳,她丈夫也不会。 ②I haven't seen the film, nor/neither has Mary. 我没看过这部电影,玛丽也没看过。 ③I don't know, nor do I care. 我不知道,也不关心。 【思维拓展】 (1)“so + 助动词/be/情态动词+主语”,是一种倒装句型,意为“也是如此”,表示上句所谈到的情况也适用于另一主语, so 用来代替上句的内容。 He has finished his homework, and so have I. 他完成了作业,我也完成了。 If you go to school early

  tomorrow, so shall I. 如果明天你上学早,我也早去。 (3)如果表示前面两件或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物时,则需要用 So it is/was with... 或 It is/was the same with...。 Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States. So it was with Jane./It was the same with Jane. 玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。 —I like English but I can't study it well. 我喜欢英语但学不好。 —So it is with my brother. 我弟弟也是。 即境活用18 Bill wasn't happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and ________. A.I was neither

  B.neither was I C.I was either

  D.either was I [解析]neither + 助动词 + 主语。 [答案]B 堂 课 双 基 Ⅰ.词义辨析 1.The Olympic winner will receive a gold ________ as an award. A.vase B.medal C.castle

  D.jewel [解析]medal 奖牌。vase 花瓶;castle 城堡;jewel 珠宝。 [答案]B 2.(2017·山东济宁练习)The patient is supposed to go to the hospital for ________ checks. A.common

  B.normal C.regular

  D.usual [解析]regular 有规律的,定期的。common 共同的;normal 正常的;usual 平时的。 [答案]C 3.We drew this conclusion on the ________ of research and experiments. A.motto

  B.glory C.basis

  D.style [解析]basis 基础。glory 荣誉;motto座右铭;style 风格。 [答案]C 4.We all know that the Great Britain will ________ the Olympic Games in 2017. A.charge

  B.volunteer C.admit

  D.host [解析]host主办。charge收费;volunteer自愿;admit 承认,允许进入。 [答案]D 5.It is my ________ to check that all doors and windows are locked after everybody leaves. A.doubt

  B.poster C.responsibility

  D.evidence [解析]responsibility 责任。poster 海报;doubt 怀疑;evidence 证据。 [答案]C 6.Taking ________ exercises regularly will do good to our health. A.physical

  B.stubborn C.legal

  D.fluent [解析]physical身体的。stubborn顽固的;legal合法的;fluent 流利的。 [答案]A 7.The taxi driver was ________ $50 for ignoring the red light. A.replaced

  B.fined C.debated

  D.removed [解析]fine罚款。句意:出租车司机因忽视红灯被罚款五十美元。 [答案]B 8.(2017·山东微山一中质检)In the story of Atlanta, I don't think Hippomenes ________ winning the race because he cheated the princess in the race. A.reserved

  B.preserved C.deserved

  D.responded [解析]deserve 应得到。reserve 预订,保存; preserve 保存; respond 响应,回应。 [答案]C 9.Children under 18 will not be ________ into the pub in this country. A.designed

  B.decorated C.competed

  D.admitted [解析]be admitted into 被允许进入。 [答案]D 10.I might buy a TV, if I can find a ________ in the sales. A.medal

  B.pain C.bargain

  D.motto [解析]bargain 便宜货。medal 奖牌;pain 痛苦;motto 座右铭。 [答案]C Ⅱ.短语填空 1.As a full­time student, you should attend classes ________. 2.We're going to the cinema tonight, why don't you come along ________? 3.No, I wasn't annoyed. ________, I was very glad to see them. 4.She soon ________ some French when she went to live in France. 5.Do you know how many countries ________ the last Olympic Games? 6.________ the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. 7.—My name is Dean E.Beller.—What does the E________? 8.In my opinion, this firm is too small to ________ large ones in trade. 9.Who will be ________ here when the manager is away? 10.It was the time of break and students came out of classroom________. 答案 1.on a regular basis 2.as well 3.As a matter of fact 4.picked up 5.took part in 6.Apart from 7.stand for 8.compete against 9.in charge 10.one after another Ⅲ.单词拼写 1.My ________ (座右铭)is, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” 2.Five children decided to ________ (竞赛)in the swimming race. 3.Nothing in the world can ________ (取代) a mother's love and care. 4.They will have their own products ________ (做广告) for free. 即境活用4 Many people expect that credit cards will eventually ________ paper money for almost every purchase. A.trade

  B.exchange C.replace

  D.reduce [解析]replace 代替。trade 交易;exchange 交换;reduce减少。 [答案]C 5.relate v.有关;涉及;使联系;讲述,叙述 Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法与事实不太符合。 These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互有联系。 relate... to/with... 把……和……联系起来 be related to 与……相关 relate to 涉及;和……有联系;理解 in relation to 关系到 have relations with sb. 和某人有某些具体关系 have relation to sth. 同某事有关(抽象) 即境活用5 Some parents can't ________ their children, which often sets off the conflicts of feelings between two generations. A.find out

  B.relate to C.turn to

  D.take in [解析]relate to 理解。 find out 弄清; turn to 转向; take in 吸收。 [答案]B 6.promise v.允诺;有希望;有前途 n.承诺;希望 He promised (me) to be here at six o'clock. 他答应我六点钟到。 promise sb. sth. = promise sth. to sb. 答应某人某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 promise sb. to do sth. 向某人答应(许诺)做某事 promise + that­clause 答应…… promise + (to be) n./adj. 有……希望 make a promise 许下诺言 keep a/one's promise 信守诺言 carry out a promise 履行诺言 break a promise 违约 promising adj.有希望的 即境活用6 Tom________to win the game if he trains hard. A.wishes

  B.expects C.promises

  D.hopes [解析]promise 有……的希望。 [答案]C 7.charge vt. & vi. 收费;控诉;充电 n.费用;主管 Do you think museums should charge for admission? 你认为博物馆应该收入馆费吗? He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 He took charge of the farm after his father's death. 父亲去世后他掌管了农场。 charge sb. for sth. 收费,要价 charge sb. with sth./doing sth. 指控,起诉,指责 free of charge 免费 in charge of 主管,负责 in the charge of 由……负责/掌管 take charge of 主管,负责 即境活用7 A new manager will come to take ________ charge of this company, which was in ________ charge of Mr. Wang. A.the; the

  B./;/ C.the;/

  D./;the [解析]take charge of 主管;in the charge of sb.被某人主管。 [答案]D 8.bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件 n.便宜货 I bargained with the taxi driver about the price. 我与出租车司机讲价。 He and his partner had made a bargain to help each other. 他和他的合伙人约定,要相互帮助。 In my opinion, the car was a bargain at that price. 依我来看,那辆车的价格真便宜。 即境活用8 I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real ________. A.exchange

  B.bargain C.trade

  D.business [解析]bargain 便宜货,符合句意。exchange 交换; trade 贸易; business 生意。 [答案]B 9.deserve vi. & vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得 deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑/注意 deserve to do 应该 deserve doing sth. 应该,值得 罪有应得 The report deserves careful consideration. 这报告应该给予认真考虑。 They didn't deserve to win. 他们不该赢。 【易错提示】 deserve 后接 doing, 主动式表被动意义,等于接动词不定式的被动语态。有相同用法的动词还有: need, want, require 等。

  即境活用9 —It's better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning. —I think your suggestion deserves ________. A.try

  B.tried C.to be tried

  D.to try [解析]deserve to be done 相当于 deserve doing 意为“值得被”。 [答案]C 考点短语

  1.take part in 参加 She takes an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。 She played a major part in the success of the scheme. 她对该计划的成功起了重要作用。 take an active part in 积极参加 play an important part in 在……方面起重要作用 play a role in 在……中扮演角色

  act the part of 扮演……角色

  即境活用10 The Browns sent lots of invitations for their party. But because of the improper time, few people ________ it. A.attended

  B.accepted C.received

  D.took part in [解析]attend 出席(会议),上课,上学等。 [答案]A 2.as well as 也;还 Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods. 未来的农业应依靠高科技,也要靠传统方式。 as well as 的关键在于放在主语之后作插入语,这时它和 with, including, together with 等用法一样,即主语为 as well as 插入语前的部分。当 as well as 连接两个不定式时,后面的不定式应该省去 to。 即境活用11 —Lydia, what did our headteacher say just now? —Every boy and every girl as well as the teachers who ________ to lead the group ________ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. A.is; is

  B.are; are C.are; is

  D.is; are [解析]第一空的先行词为 teachers, 故用 are; 第二空的主语为 every boy and every girl, 与单数谓语动词连用。 [答案]C 3.work out 计算出;制定出;结果是,锻炼 Things worked out quite well. 事情的结果很不错。 I've worked out your share of the expenses at £10. 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑。 The general worked out a new plan of attack. 将军制定出了新的进攻方案。 work out 的宾语如果是代词时,代词应该放在 work 和 out 之间。其同义词为 figure out。在表示“结果是”的意思时,同义词为 turn out。

  即境活用12 (2017·河南南阳镇平一中月考二)With the mid­term examination approaching,students should________to stay energetic. A.work out

  B.pull out C.give out

  D.figure out [解析]work out 锻炼,符合句意。 pull out驶出;give out 用完;figure out 计算出。 [答案]A 4.pick up 捡起;收听;接送某人;收拾;不经意间获得;好转 The train was gradually picking up speed. 火车在渐渐加速。 The children have picked up the local accent. 孩子都学会了当地口音了。 I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station. 我真想去火车站接爷爷。 I don't want Roger to pick up any bad habits of speech. 我不想让罗杰养成不良的说话习惯。 We're waiting until the weather picks up a bit. 我们等到天气好些再说。

  即境活用13 (2017·沈阳二中月考)Under good treatment, she is beginning to ________ and will soon come back to work. A.wake up

  B.grow up C.pick up

  D.show up [解析]pick up 好转,康复,符合句意。句意:在好的治疗下,她开始康复,很快就会回来工作了。wake up 醒来; grow up 长大; show up 出现。 [答案]C 5.stand for 代表;主张,支持;容忍,接受 UN stands for the United Nations. UN是联合国的缩写。 I hated the organization and all it stood for. 我厌恶那个组织,也厌恶它的一切主张。 I'm not standing for it any longer. 这种事我再也不能容忍了。 【思维拓展】 stand by 袖手旁观,站在一边 stand out 显眼,引人注目 stand up for 支持,维护 stand down 退出(比赛等) stand up to 勇敢地面对,经得起 即境活用14 TV________ television. A.stands for

  B.stands out C.stands by

  D.stands up for [解析]stand for 代表,符合句意。 stand out 突出; stand by 袖手旁观; stand up for 支持。 [答案]A 6.used to 过去常常,过去曾经 I used to live in London. 我曾经在伦敦居住过。 (1)used to 有两种否定和疑问形式,一种直接使用 used; 一种借助助动词did。即: used not to + 动词原形=usedn't to + 动词原形 did not use to + 动词原形=didn't use to + 动词原形 疑问形式: used + 主语 + to +动词原形 did + 主语 + use + to + 动词原形

  高 频 考 点

  佳 作 诵 读 考 点 锁 定

  课 时 作 业

  课 堂 双 基 作 佳 诵 读 (2017·江西临川一中、新余四中期中联考)写一篇说明文。现在有些父母成为“孩奴”:教育孩子耗费了父母大部分收入;出现这种现象的原因在于经济压力和攀比心理;分析这种现象对于父母和国家的发展可能产生的影响。 要求:1.词数:120左右;2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Parents' Being Slaves to the Children Parents' being slaves to their children or “child's salve” is nowadays a hot topic in China. ___________________________________________________ 点 考 锁 定 Ⅰ.重点词汇 1.________ adj.古代的;古老的 2.________ vi.比赛;竞争→________n.竞争者 3.________ adj.魔术的;有魔力的→________n.魔术;魔力 4.________ n.志愿者;志愿兵 adj.志愿的;义务的 v.自愿 5.________ adj.规则的;定期的→________adv.有规律地 6.________ n.基础,根据→________n. 基地;底部 7.________ n.运动员;运动选手→________adj. 运动的 8.________ vt.容许;承认;接纳→______n.承认;容许 9.________ n.奴隶→________n.奴隶制度 10.________ adv.现在 11.________ n.体操;体能训练 12.________ n.体育场 13.________ n.责任;职责→________adj. 负责任的 14.________ vt.取代;替换;代替→________n.替代 15.________ n.相似性;相似点→________adj.类似的 16.________ adj.物理的;身体的→________adv.身体上 17.________ vt.做广告;登广告→________n.做广告者 18.________ n.光荣;荣誉→_____adj.光荣的;辉煌的 19.________ vt.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货 20.________ vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得 答案 1.ancient 2.compete; competitor 3.magical; magic 4.volunteer 5.regular;regularly 6.basis; base 7.athlete; athletic 8.admit; admission 9.slave; slavery 10.nowadays 11.gymnastics 12.stadium 13.responsibility; responsible 14.replace; replacement 15.similarity; similar 16.physical; physically 17.advertise; advertiser 18.glory; glorious 19.bargain 20.deserve Ⅱ.短语回顾 1.compete ________ 参加(比赛等) 2.________ part in 参加;参与(活动、比赛) 3.stand ________ 代表;象征;表示 4.________ a regular basis 有规律地 5.compete ________ 和……竞争/比赛 6.________ well 也;又;还 7.compete ________为……竞争/比赛 8.________ charge (of) 主管;负责 9.make a bargain ________ sb. 和某人达成协议 10.one ________ another 陆续地;一个接一个地 答案 1.in 2.take 3.for 4.on 5.against 6.as 7.for 8.in 9.with 10.after Ⅲ.句式填空 1.“every + 基数词 + 复数名词”表示“每隔……” ... and both are held ________ (每四年)on a regular basis. 2.neither, nor 在句首引导倒装句 No other countries could join in, ________ (奴隶和妇女也不能参加)! 3.not only... but (also) 不仅……而且…… Women are ________ (不但允许),________(而且在……中发挥重要作用)gymnastics, athletics, team sports and...

  4.it 作形式主语 ________(这是一种巨大的责任)but also a great honour to be chosen. 5.as... as... 像……一样…… There's ________ among countries to host the Olympics ________ (跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈). 答案 1.every four years 2.nor could slaves or women 3.not only allowed; but play a very important role in 4.It's a great responsibility 5.as much competition; as to win Olympic medals 频 高 考 点 考点单词

  1.compete vi.比赛;竞争 More than one thousand athletes will compete in the race. 一千多名运动员将参加赛跑。 She and her sister are always competing for attention. 她和姐姐总是争着引起别人的注意。 The children compete against each other for the red flower. 孩子们互相争着要那支红花。 compete in 在……方面竞争 compete for 为……而竞争 compete against/with sb. for sth. 与某人竞争某物 【易错提示】 compete 还有“比得上,与……媲美”之意。 即境活用1 More than 12,000 competitors from 45 Asian countries came to Guangzhou to compete ________ each other ________ medals in 2010. A.for; againstB.against; with C.with; for

  D.for; with [解析]compete with/against sb. for sth. 与某人角逐某物。 [答案]C 2.regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的;有规律的 She looks especially beautiful with her regular teeth. 她那整齐的牙齿使她看起来非常漂亮。 As a student, you should keep regular hours at school. 作为一名学生,你应该在校按时作息。 on a regular basis

  定期;经常 have no regular education 没有接受正规教育 a regular customer 老顾客 keep regular hours 按时;有规律 be regularly invited to do sth. 经常被邀请做某事

  【易混辨析】 regular/normal regular 意为“规则的;定期的”,指合乎规则或该种类一般规范的。 normal 意为“标准的;正常的”,指合乎该种类一般所公认的标准或水准。 The situation will soon return to normal. 情况很快就恢复正常。 None of these students' parents have regular income. 这些学生的家长都没有固定的收入。 即境活用2 (2017·济宁市期中考试)The employees have not been paid________since the new manager took over this company last year. A.regularly

  B.commonly C.absolutely

  D.ordinarily [解析]regularly 定期地。句意:自从去年新经理接手这个公司以来雇工们没有被按时付过工资。 [答案]A 3.admit vt. & vi. 容许,允许进入;容纳;承认 The theatre admits only 250 people. 这家戏院只能容纳250人。 He admitted not having done it as planned. 他承认没有按计划做那件事。 He is admitted to Shandong University. 他被山东大学录取了。 admit sb. into...=allow sb. to come 允许某人进入 be admitted to 被(某校)录取;成为……的一员 admit 200 people=seat/hold 200 people 容纳200人 admit sth./that­clause承认,认可 admit doing/having done sth. 承认做某事 admit sb./sth. to be... 承认……为…… 即境活用3 The man didn't admit ________ anything at the store when he was questioned by the police. A.to steal

  B.having stolen C.to have stolen

  D.having been stealing [解析]admit 后跟v.­ing 形式做宾语。 [答案]B 4.replace vt.放回原处;代替,取代 You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave. 你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。 I'm going to replace my old car with a new one. 我打算买辆新车来取代我那辆旧车。 replace sth. by/with... 以……代替或替换 replace sth. 把某物放回 replace sb. as... 取代某人担任……


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