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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2011·全国Ⅰ)The next thing he saw was smoke ________ from behind the house.

  A. rose

  B. rising

  C. to rise

  D. risen

  [解析]句意:随后,他看见烟从房子后面冒出来。本题考查非谓语动词作定语,修饰 smoke,故排除A项(谓语动词);逻辑主语 smoke 与非谓语动词间为主动关系,而且动作正在进行,故答案为B项。


  2.(2011·全国Ⅱ)The island, ________ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.

  A. joining

  B. to join

  C. joined

  D. having joined

  [解析]句意:这个岛由一座桥和大陆连着,很容易去的。island 和 join 之间是被动关系,故需用过去分词。joined to the mainland by a bridge 相当于一个定语从句 which is joined to the mainland by a bridge。


  3.(2011·全国Ⅱ)Sarah pretended to be cheerful, ________ nothing about the argument.

  A. says

  B. said

  C. to say

  D. saying

  [解析]句意:Sarah 假装很高兴,没有对这次争论进行评论。分析句子结构得知,此处是分词作伴随状语,故排除A项谓语动词的形式;say 与逻辑主语 Sarah 之间是主动关系,排除表被动的B项;动词不定式作状语通常表目的或出乎意料的结果,故C项与语境不符。故选D。


  4.(2011·山东)Look over there—there's a very long, winding path ________ up to the house.

  A. leading

  B. leads

  C. led

  D. to lead

  [解析]句意:往那看——有一条很长很曲折的小路通向那所房子。现在分词短语在此作后置定语,相当于定语从句 which leads up to the house。leads 在句中作谓语;led 是 lead 的过去分词形式,与 path 构成被动关系;to lead 表示将来,均不符合句意。


  5.(2011·天津)Passengers are permitted ________ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

  A. to carry

  B. carrying

  C. to be carried

  D. being carried

  [解析]句意:旅客只被允许带一件手提行李登机。permit sb.to do sth. 允许某人做某事,其被动语态为:sb. be permitted to do sth.某人被允许做某事,所以A项正确。注意 permit 的另一用法:permit doing sth.允许做某事。


  6.(2011·天津)________ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.

  A. Translating

  B. Translated

  C. To translate

  D. Having translated

  [解析]句意:被译成英语后,我们发现这个句子有了一个完全不同的语序。分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应和句子主语保持一致,本句中的主语 the sentence 与 translate 间为逻辑上的被动关系,故排除A、C、D三项,只有B项表示被动,故为答案。


  7.(2011·江西)On receiving a phone call from his wife______ she had a fall, Mr Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.

  A. says

  B. said

  C. saying

  D. to say

  [解析]句意:一接到妻子的电话,说她摔了一跤,戈登先生立即从他的办公室跑回家了。say 与 phone call 之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故用 saying 作定语。say:give information or instructions 表示(书、符号等)给出某信息或指示,又如:The book doesn't say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪里出生的。


  8.(2011·陕西)Claire had her luggage ________ an hour before her plane left.

  A. check

  B. checking

  C. to check

  D. checked

  [解析]句意:Claire 在飞机起飞一小时前对行李进行了安检。本句中 luggage 与 check 为被动关系,所以用过去分词,构成 have sth.done 结构。故答案为D项。


  9.(2011·陕西)More highways have been built in China, ________ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

  A. making

  B. made

  C. to make

  D. having made

  [解析]句意:中国又建了很多公路,这使得人们出行变得更加容易了。空格处非谓语动词逻辑上的主语是逗号前面的内容,和非谓语动词之间是主动关系,可排除B项;C项为动词不定式,通常表示目的,表出乎意料的结果时前面通常加 only 或 never,所以排除C项;make 表达的动作并非发生在谓语动词动作之前,不用完成形式,故排除D,选A,making it much easier for people to travel...=which makes it much easier for people to travel...


  10.(2011·北京)It's important for the figures ________ regularly.

  A. to be updated

  B. to have been updated

  C. to update

  D. to have updated

  [解析]句意:这些数据定期升级是很重要的。figures 与 update 之间为被动关系,故排除C项和D项;此处表示一般性动作,故排除B项,选择A项。


  11.(2011·北京)Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, ________ on your feet.

  A. to keep

  B. keeping

  C. having kept

  D. to have kept

  [解析]句意:坐下,Emma。站着只会让你更加劳累。逻辑主语 you 与 keep 之间为主动关系,所以选择B项,现在分词作伴随状语。A、D两项为不定式,通常表示目的,所以排除;C项为现在分词的完成式,不表示伴随,故排除。


  12.(2011·福建)Tsinghua University, ________ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.

  A. found

  B. founding

  C. founded

  D. to be founded

  [解析]句意:清华大学,创办于1911年,是许多杰出人物的母校。首先排除 found,因为 found 作“创办”讲时,为动词原形,不是非谓语动词;被修饰词 Tsinghua University 与 found (创办)为被动关系,故排除B项;C项表被动且完成;D项表将来。根据题意可知C项为正确答案。founded in 1911在句中相当于非限制性定语从句 which was founded in 1911。


  13.(2011·福建)The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable ________.

  A. held

  B. holding

  C. be held

  D. to hold

  [解析]句意:厚度和重量与先前版本的不同使得 iPad2 拿着更舒服。形容词 easy,hard,difficult,comfortable 作表语,后面需用不定式的主动形式表被动意思,故正确答案为D项。


  14.(2011·浙江)Bats are surprisingly long­lived creatures, some ________ a life span of around 20 years.

  A. having

  B. had

  C. have

  D. to have



  15.(2011·浙江)Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ________ for words.

  A. lose

  B. lost

  C. to lose

  D. having lost

  [解析]句意:甚至连最好的作家有时也发现自己词穷(找不到好词)。(be) lost for words 表示“难以用言语表达、无以应对”。


  16.(2011·浙江)If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city ________ by their enthusiastic supporters.

  A. being cheered

  B. be cheered

  C. to be cheered

  D. were cheered



  17.(2011·江苏)Recently a survey ________ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

  A. compared

  B. comparing

  C. compares

  D. being compared

  [解析]句意:最近,一项对比两家不同超市同种货物价格的调查引起了市民们的热议。C项为谓语动词的形式,故排除;survey 与 compare 之间为主动关系,故排除A、D两项,所以选择B项。


  18.(2011·安徽)Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier ________ into small pieces.

  A. break

  B. breaking

  C. broken

  D. to break



  19.(2011·湖南)The ability ________ an idea is as important as the idea itself.

  A. expressing

  B. expressed

  C. to express

  D. to be expressed

  [解析]句意:表达观点的能力与观点本身同等重要。考查在特定语境中使用非谓语动词作定语的能力。“做某事的能力”应该表达为“the ability to do sth.”,故选C项。


  20.(2011·湖南)The players ________ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.

  A. selecting

  B. to select

  C. selected

  D. having selected

  [解析]句意:人们期待着从全国范围内挑选出来的运动员们在今年的夏季运动会上给我们带来荣誉。select (挑选)与其逻辑主语 the players 之间为被动关系,故用过去分词,A、B、D三项是表示主动的非谓语动词形式,故排除。


  21.(2011·湖南)Do you wake up every morning ________ energetic and ready to start a new day?

  A. feel

  B. to feel

  C. feeling

  D. felt

  [解析]句意:你每天早上醒来的时候都会感到精力充沛,准备开始新的一天吗?设空处前并没有连词,故判断设空处应为非谓语动词作状语,故排除A项;主语 you 和 feel (感觉)为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除D项;根据句意设空处应作伴随状语,而B项不能作伴随状语,故排除B项,故答案为C项。


  22.(2011·辽宁)________ around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.

  A. Gather

  B. To gather

  C. Gathering

  D. To be gathering



  23.(2011·重庆)More TV programs,according to government officials, will be produced ________ people's concern over food safety.

  A. to raise

  B. raising

  C. to have raised

  D. having raised



  24.(2011·重庆)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ________ of his own dreams.

  A. reminding

  B. to remind

  C. reminded

  D. remind

  [解析]句意:迈克尔把姚明的画像挂在床边,目的是提醒自己记住自己的梦想。宾语 himself 与 remind 为逻辑上的被动关系,故答案为C项。


  25.(2011·四川)Lydia doesn't feel like ________ abroad. Her parents are old.

  A. study

  B. studying

  C. studied

  D. to study

  [解析]句意:Lydia 不想出国读书。因为她的父母都老了。这里用固定搭配 feel like doing sth.表示“想要做某事”,只有B项现在分词形式符合搭配。


  26.(2011·四川)Simon made a big bamboo box ________ the little sick bird till it could fly.

  A. keep

  B. kept

  C. keeping

  D. to keep

  [解析]句意:Simon 做了一个大的竹盒子,用来装那只生病的小鸟,直到它能飞翔。从语境看,这里用不定式作目的状语,因此选D。


  27.(2011·四川)________ an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous.

  A. Offer

  B. Offering

  C. Offered

  D. To offer

  [解析]句意:Andy 被提供了在一部新影片里扮演一个重要的角色的机会,他有机会出名了。动词 offer 与句子主语是逻辑上的被动关系,用过去分词作状语表示被动和已经发生的动作。


  28.(2011·上海)It's no use ________ without taking any action.

  A. complain

  B. complaining

  C. being complained

  D. to be complained

  [解析]句意:不采取行动而只是抱怨是没有用的。It's no use doing 是固定句式,所以B为正确答案。


  29.(2011·上海)The rare fish, ________ from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea.

  A. saved

  B. saving

  C. to be saved

  D. having saved

  [解析]句意:那条罕见的鱼已被放回到海中,它是被从烧锅里救出来的。fish 和选项中非谓语动词之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故排除B和D两项;A项过去分词表被动和完成,C项不定式表将来的动作,由语境可知A为正确答案。


  30.(2011·上海)At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam. Then I changed my mind, ________ that he could do nothing to help.

  A. to realize

  B. realized

  C. realizing

  D. being realized

  [解析]句意:我曾经下决心要和 Sam 叔叔谈谈。可后来我改变了想法,意识到他根本帮不上忙。空格处非谓语动词和逻辑主语 I 之间是主动关系,可排除表被动的B和D两项;A项不定式通常表目的,在此不符合语境,也被排除。此题中用现在分词作伴随状语,表原因。


  31.(2011·上海)Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing...but we seem ________ the art of communicating facetoface.

  A. losing

  B. to be losing

  C. to be lost

  D. having lost

  [解析]句意:现在我们有聊天室,能传递文本信息,还可发电子邮件……但是我们似乎正在失去面对面交流的技能。seem 后通常用动词不定式,排除A和D两项;此处非谓语动词后有名词 the art of communicating face­to­face 作其宾语,所以排除C项(被动形式),故选B。


  32.(2010·全国Ⅰ)Mrs White showed her students some old maps ________ from the library.

  A. to borrow

  B. to be borrowed

  C. borrowed

  D. borrowing

  [解析]句意:怀特老师把从图书馆借来的几张旧地图展示给学生看。the map 和 borrow 之间是逻辑上的被动关系,而且表示已经发生的动作,因此用过去分词作定语。


  33.(2010·全国Ⅰ)With Father's Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ________ presents for my dad.

  A. buy

  B. to buy

  C. buying

  D. to have bought



  34.(2010·山东)I have a lot of readings ________ before the end of this term.

  A. completing

  B. to complete

  C. completed

  D. being completed

  [解析]句意:本学期结束前我有许多阅读要完成。have sth. to do 有某事要做,to do 的逻辑主语需和主句主语一致;当不定式的逻辑主语与主句主语不一致时,可用 have sth. to be done 结构。


  35.(2010·山东)The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ________ for a meal to be cooked.

  A. laid

  B. laying

  C. to lay

  D. being laid

  [解析]句意:起居室既干净又整洁,做饭用的餐桌已经摆好了。table 与 lay 在逻辑上是被动关系,排除B项;从already 可以看出动作已经发生,故排除C、D两项;A项表示被动且完成,故为正确答案。


  36.(2010·天津)It rained heavily in the south, ________ serious flooding in several provinces.

  A. caused

  B. having caused

  C. causing

  D. to cause

  [解析]句意:南方的大雨造成了多个省份的洪灾。非谓语动词的逻辑主语为前面一句话,逻辑主语与 cause 之间为主动关系,故排除A项;D项表示意外结果或事与愿违的结果,也被排除;cause 这一动作不可能先于 rained heavily,故B项也被排除。只有C符合要求,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,即:which caused serious flooding in several provinces。


  37.(2010·上海)Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues ________ with her stories.

  A. amused

  B. amusing

  C. to amuse

  D. to be amused

  [解析]句意:Lucy 很有幽默感,总是讲故事让她的同事消遣。考查非谓语动词作宾补。首先排除C、D,因为 keep 后不用不定式作宾补。amused 觉得好笑的;amusing 逗人笑的,令人觉得好笑的。


  38.(2010·上海)________ the city centre,we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.

  A. Approaching

  B. Approached

  C. To approach

  D. To be approached

  [解析]句意:接近市中心时,我们看到了一座大约10米高的石雕。由语境可知逗号前部分为时间状语,不是表目的,故排除C、D项;approach 和主句的主语 we 之间是主动关系,应用现在分词,而B项为过去分词,也被排除。


  39.(2010·上海)That is the only way we can imagine______ the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.

  A. reducing

  B. to reduce

  C. reduced

  D. reduce

  [解析]句意:这是我们能想到的减少学生们在浴室过度用水的唯一办法。分析句子结构可知,we can imagine 作定语,修饰先行词 the only way,这里动词不定式也作定语修饰名词短语 the only way。本题很容易选择A,误认为 imagine 后接动名词作宾语,而C项的 reduced 是过去分词作定语表被动,不符合句子结构,故排除C;D项的 reduce 是动词原形,不能作定语。故只能选B。


  40.(2010·北京)________ at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.

  A. Looking

  B. Look

  C. To look

  D. Looked

  [解析]句意:看着同学们的面孔,我从他们的眼神中读出了同样的兴奋。look 是谓语动词形式,故排除;to look 通常表目的,在此不符合句意;look 与 I 构成逻辑上的主动关系,D项被排除。故选择A项。



  1.(2017·江西新建二中期中考试)________ that he isn't adequate to the present job, he devotes all his spare time to studying professional skills.

  A.To concern


  C.Having concerned


  [解析]句子的主语为 he,故用 concerned 担忧的,关心的。


  2.(2017·江西师大附中期中考试)________ untidily and ________ in a strange way, my brother must have appeared to the people ________ to be a silly boy.

  A.Dressed; spoken; presents

  B.Dressing; speaking; present

  C.Dressed; speaking; present

  D.Dressing; speaking; be present

  [解析]dressed untidily 衣冠不整,表示状态,在句中作状语;句子的主语 my brother 与 speak 之间为主动关系,故第二空用现在分词作状语;present 作后置定语,表示“在场的”。


  3.(2017·黑龙江哈九中月考三)As a journalist, you should first decided what events ________ before you make some interviews, thus ________ unnecessary trouble.

  A.to report; avoiding

  B.to be reported; avoiding

  C.reported; to avoid

  D.to report; avoided



  4.(2017·海淀区期中)Don't bother me. I am listening to the birds ________.



  C.to sing


  [解析]listen to sb. doing sth. 听某人在做某事。


  5.(2017·河南洛阳市期中考试)His girlfriend wore a______ smile when seeing the nice dress she wanted.



  C.being satisfied


  [解析]修饰人的表情,声音,微笑应用 ­ed 形式的形容词。wear a satisfied smile 面带满意的微笑。


  6.(2017·浙江瑞安中学月考)Our school forbids ________, that is to say, we are not allowed ________ at school.

  A.to smoke; to smoke

  B.smoking; smoking

  C.to smoke; smoking

  D.smoking; to smoke

  [解析]forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事;be allowed to do 被允许做某事。


  7.(2011·福州八中第一次质检)This soup is cold; it needs ________.

  A. to heat

  B. to be heated

  C. being heated

  D. heated

  [解析]句意:这汤凉了,需要加热。need 后可接不定式作宾语;又因为 this soup 与 heat 之间为动宾关系,故用不定式的被动语态作宾语。


  8.(2011·福建龙岩第一次教学质检)________ to our dream universities, we should devote all our time to our lessons.

  A. To be admitted

  B. Admitted

  C. Admitting

  D. To admit

  [解析]句意:要想被我们理想的大学录取,我们必须把全部的时间投入到功课上。由语境分析,此处应用不定式作目的状语;又因为主语 we 与 admit 之间为动宾关系,故用不定式的被动形式作目的状语,故A项正确。


  9.(2011·北京丰台第一学期期末)The government has taken measures ________ air quality.

  A. to improve

  B. improved

  C. being improved

  D. to be improved

  [解析]句意:政府已经采取措施来改善空气质量。take measures to do sth.“采取措施干某事”;不定式作目的状语。


  10.(2011·北京东城第一学期期末)________ Joseph off at the airport, Sally finished her work earlier.

  A. Having seen

  B. Seen

  C. To see

  D. To be seen

  [解析]句意:为了去机场给 Joseph 送行,Sally 早早地完成了工作。由句意可知,此处是动词不定式作目的状语。主语 Sally 与see 之间为主谓关系,故C项正确。


  11.(2011·太原调研)________ the theory, the scientists asked more than sixty college students to take part in the experiment.

  A. Being tested

  B. To test

  C. Testing

  D. Tested



  12.(2011·海口六校三联)Mr Huang told us to spend as much time as possible ________ our English studies.

  A. to improve

  B. improved

  C. improving

  D. on improving



  13.(2011·海口六校三联)For nearly three hours we waited for the decision, only ________ to come again the next day.

  A. to tell

  B. telling

  C. to be told

  D. being told

  [解析]句意:我们等决定等了接近3个小时,却被告知第二天再来。由语境可知,此处表示的是出乎意料的结果,故应用不定式作结果状语;主语 we 与 tell 之间为动宾关系,故用不定式的被动形式作结果状语,C项正确。


  14.(2011·合肥八中第二次月考)In the morning you can get up only ________ all your equipment buried and you've got to dig it out.

  A. to be found

  B. found

  C. to find

  D. finding

  [解析]句意:早晨你醒来,却发现你所有的设备被埋了,你不得不把它挖出来。由语境可知,此处发现设备被埋应是出乎意料的结果,故用动词不定式作结果状语;主语 you 与 find 之间为主谓关系,故应用不定式的主动形式,C项正确。


  15.(2011·山东济南教学质量调研)Some people try to knock me down, only ________ me more determined to do better.

  A. to make

  B. makes

  C. having made

  D. made

  [解析]句意:有些人想把我打垮,却只会使我更下定决心把事情做得更好。分析语境可知,此处是有些人(some people)没有想到的结果,故用不定式作结果状语,A项正确。


  16.(2011·镇江第一学期期末调研)The big fire in Shanghai, believed to ________ due to the burning of construction materials, caused 58 deaths and destroyed all the belongings of the people there.

  A. have occurred

  B. occur

  C. have been occurring

  D. be occurring

  [解析]句意:发生在上海的那场大火,据认为是由于建筑材料的燃烧造成的,导致了58人死亡,毁掉了那儿所有人的全部财产。It is believed that...,“据认为……,据相信……”,常可改成“主语+be believed+to do”结构,不定式有时态和语态的变化。由语境可知,occur 动作发生在谓语动词之前,故应用不定式的完成式,A项正确。


  17.(2011·南安一中期末考试)Little Tom admitted ________ in the shop, ________ that he wouldn't do that in future.

  A. to have stolen; promising

  B. stealing; promised

  C. to stealing; promised

  D. having stolen; promising

  [解析]句意:小汤姆承认在商店里偷过东西,保证今后不会再干那事了。admit doing sth.“承认干过某事”,admit 只接动名词作宾语,排除A、C两项,又由句子结构可知,第二空为非谓语动词,主语 little Tom 与 promise 之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语,故D项正确。


  18.(2011·辽宁沈阳第四次阶段测试)The thinker, head in hand, ________ his right arm on his left knee, gained its current title when ________ in Paris in 1890.

  A. rested; was exhibited

  B. resting; exhibited

  C. resting; exhibiting

  D. being rested; being exhibited

  [解析]第一空中动词 rest 和主语 the thinker 属于主谓关系,所以选择 resting;第二空中 exhibit 和主语 the thinker 属于被动关系,所以选择 exhibited。故答案为B。


  19.(2011·吉林第三次摸底)Liu Xiang won the gold medal of men's 110m hurdles at the 16th Asian Games, ________ the title of the event with 13.09 seconds.

  A. claimed

  B. claiming

  C. has claimed

  D. to claim



  20.(2011·北京丰台第一学期期末)________ a little money, Jane was able to buy her mother a lovely new watch.

  A. To save

  B. Saving

  C. Saved

  D. Having saved

  [解析]句意:已经省下了一点钱,简能够给她妈妈买块可爱的新手表。主语 Jane 与 save 之间为主谓关系,并且 save 动作发生在谓语动词之前,故应用现在分词的完成式作状语,D项正确。


  21.(2011·北京东城第一学期期末)________ at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone in the corner of the hall.

  A. Arriving

  B. To arrive

  C. Arrive

  D. Arrived

  [解析]句意:到达聚会,我们看到 Ruth 独自站在礼堂角落里。主语 we 与 arrive 之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作状语。


  22.(2011·烟台期末调研)In 2010, China enjoyed its best Winter Game results, ________ 11 medals in Vancouver—five gold included.

  A. to collect

  B. collected

  C. being collected

  D. collecting

  [解析]句意:2010年,中国在温哥华获得了冬奥会的最好成绩——取得了11枚奖牌,其中包括5枚金牌。主语 China 与 collect 之间为主谓关系,故应用现在分词短语作状语,D项正确。


  23.(2011·温州十校期末联考)In the near future, China will increase supply of smaller houses, ________ to help low­income families to buy houses of their own.

  A. aims

  B. being aimed

  C. aiming

  D. having aimed

  [解析]句意:在不久的将来,中国将提高小户型住房的供应,旨在帮助低收入的家庭自己买房。aim at“旨在,目的在于”,此处用现在分词短语作状语。


  24.(2011·焦作期末调研)During the opening ceremony, “Miss Smile” has won the hearts of Chinese Internet users after being caught ________ the same smile for nearly 20 minutes.

  A. fixed

  B. to be fixed

  C. to fix

  D. fixing

  [解析]catch sb. doing sth.“发现/撞见某人干某事”,此处为其被动形式 sb. be caught doing sth.,故D项正确。


  25.(2011·九江七校联考)________ their tennis rackets into the air, the players of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.

  A. Thrown

  B. Throwing

  C. To throw

  D. Being thrown

  [解析]句意:把乒乓球拍抛到空中,获胜队伍的队员发出了胜利的欢呼。主语 the players of the winning team 与 throw 之间为主谓关系,故应用现在分词短语作状语。


  26.(2011·宝鸡一检)Great attention must ________ education, especially in the countryside.

  A. be paid to developing

  B. pay to develop

  C. be paid to develop

  D. pay to developing

  [解析]句意:必须重视发展教育,尤其是乡村教育。本题用还原法做。pay attention to,“注意”,其中 to 为介词,后接动名词作宾语,并且 attention 与 pay 之间为动宾关系,故A项正确。


  27.(2011·福建龙岩第一次教学质检)Thousands of rockets ________ with chemicals were fired into the sky to create the beautiful scenes in the Asian Games.

  A. load

  B. loaded

  C. loading

  D. to load

  [解析]句意:在亚运会上,成千上万的装有化学药品的火箭式烟火被发射到空中创造出美丽的画面。load 常用结构 load... with...,其被动形式为 be loaded with;此处 rockets 与 load 之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词短语作定语。


  28.(2011·福州八中第五次质检)________ by the athletes' restless soul, the students determined not to give up and work hard at their lessons.

  A. Being affected

  B. Affected

  C. Having affected

  D. To be affected

  [解析]句意:被运动员的坚韧不拔的精神感动了,学生们决心不放弃,努力学习功课。主语 the students 与 affect 之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词作状语,B项正确。


  29.(2011·辽宁沈阳第四次阶段测试)________ by Leonardo in the years 1503—1506, the Mona Lisa is a mysterious masterpiece.

  A. Being painted

  B. To paint

  C. Having been painted

  D. Painted

  [解析]句意:Leonardo 在1503-1506年间画的(painted)《蒙娜丽莎》是一幅充满神秘感的杰作。此处属于以下句子的省略:When it was ________ by Leonardo in the years 1503—1506,the Mona Lisa is a mysterious masterpiece.再结合选项可知选择 painted 正确。


  30.(2011·北京丰台第一学期期末)From the dates ________ on the gold coin, we know that it was made 500 years ago.

  A. marking

  B. marked

  C. to mark

  D. to be marked

  [解析]句意:从金币上标注的时间,我们知道它制造于500年前。mark the date on,“在……上标注时间”,此处 the date 与 mark 之间为动宾关系,用过去分词作宾语,B项正确。


  31.(2011·山东诸城高三检测)—Is there anything ________ for tomorrow?

  —Yes. We're going to have a picnic if it doesn't rain.

  A. planned

  B. being planned

  C. to be planned

  D. planning

  [解析]句意:—明天有什么计划吗?—有。如果不下雨的话,我们要去野炊。planned 表示动作“已经被”;being planned 表示动作“正在被”;to be planned 表动作“将要被”;由语境可知,此处 anything 是计划好的,故应用过去分词作定语,A项正确。


  32.(2011·山东济南教学质量调研)Before us lies the biggest room, ________ with things like guns, dolls and old clothes.

  A. filling

  B. filled

  C. being filled

  D. having been filled

  [解析]句意:在我们前面有一座最大的房子,里面装满了像枪、洋娃娃和旧衣服之类的东西。分析结构可知,本句为完全倒装结构,句子的主语是 the biggest room,fill 常用结构是 be filled with,“装满……”,故用过去分词短语作定语。


  33.(2011·淄博一中第一学期期末检测)The Japanese Premier's visit to China, ________ as the “ice­broken” trip, has a positive effect on Sino­Japanese relationship.

  A. is intended

  B. intending

  C. having intended

  D. intended



  34.(2017·海门市诊断)Diana, ________ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.



  C.having struggled

  D.to struggle

  [解析]struggle 动作先于主句动作 took a position 发生,故用 having struggled 作状语。


  35.(2011·安徽高三一模)—How about the book you are reading now?

  —Excellent indeed. You can find many problems we have come across ________ in it.

  A. covered

  B. covering

  C. are referred

  D. referred

  [解析]句意:—你现在读的那本书怎么样?—确实不错。你会发现我们遇到的许多问题都包括在里面。分析结构可知,find 的宾语是 many problems we have come across,空白处为宾补;cover,“提及,包括”,符合句意;用 referred to (提到,提及)也正确。


  36.(2011·福州八中第一次质检)When she returned home, she found the window open and something ________.

  A. stealing

  B. stole

  C. stolen

  D. to steal

  [解析]句意:当她回家时,她发现窗户开着,有些东西被偷了。此处为“find+宾语+宾补”结构;something 与 steal 之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词作宾补。


  37.(2011·金华十校期末)________ after a long walk,Henry called and said he couldn't come to the meeting.

  A. Having worn out

  B. Being worn out

  C. To wear out

  D. Worn out

  [解析]句意:走了一长段路后精疲力尽,Henry 打电话说他不来开会了。wear out“精疲力尽,疲惫不堪”,常以被动形式出现,故此处应用过去分词短语作状语。


  38.(2011·宁波八校联考)Of the 2,000 stock investors______ last month, 90% was found ________ in financial knowledge.

  A. surveyed; lacking

  B. having been surveyed; to lack

  C. surveyed; lacked

  D. to have been surveyed; lack

  [解析]句意:在上个月被调查的2,000个股票投资者中,90%的人被发现缺乏金融知识。stock investors 与 survey 之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词作定语;第二空为“find+宾语+宾补”的被动形式。90%(of the 2,000 stock investors)与 lack 之间为主谓关系,故应用现在分词作补语,A项正确。


  39.(2011·南京一模)________ with a gradual rise of seawater, some nations in the Pacific are considering moving in the near future.

  A. Facing

  B. To face

  C. Faced

  D. Being faced

  [解析]句意:面对海平面日益上涨的问题,位于太平洋的一些国家正在考虑不久的将来进行搬迁。face 常用结构 be faced with,“面对”;在句中常用过去分词作状语,故C项正确。


  40.(2011·潍坊抽检)When ________ to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, ________ nervous or anxious.

  A. exposed; felt

  B. exposed; feeling

  C. exposing; feeling

  D. exposing; felt

  [解析]句意:当暴露于危险和冲突下的时候,人通常血压升高,感到紧张、焦急。expose 常用结构 expose...to...,其被动形式为 be exposed to,此处用过去分词作状语;第二空 men 与 feel 之间为主谓关系,故应用现在分词短语作状语,B项正确。



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