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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2011·北京)With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken ________ colour.

  A. by

  B. for

  C. with

  D. in

  [解析]句意:有了新技术,水下山谷的图片可以从颜色方面被拍摄。by 经由,通过;for 为了,对于;with 随着,带有;in 在……方面。


  2.(2011·浙江)I always wanted to do the job which I'd been trained ________.

  A. on

  B. for

  C. by

  D. of

  [解析]句意:我一直想干我为之接受过培训的工作。be trained for sth.“为……接受培训”。其他三项不符合题目要求。


  3.(2011·福建)________ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.

  A. Far from

  B. Apart from

  C. Instead of

  D. Regardless of

  [解析]句意:除了好的服务外,这家餐馆还提供不同种类的传统福建美食。far from 离……远;远非;apart from 除……之外(还);instead of 代替,而不是;regardless of 不管。由句意可知B项正确。


  4.(2011·天津)He was a good student and scored ________ average in most subjects.

  A. below

  B. of

  C. on

  D. above

  [解析]below average 在平均水平以下;on average 平均来说;above average 在平均水平以上。由 he was a good student 可知D项正确。句意:他是一个好学生,大部分科目得分都在平均水平以上。


  5.(2011·安徽)Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek ________ food safety problems.

  A. in

  B. to

  C. on

  D. after

  [解析]句意:有时,关于食品安全问题的答案不难找到。介词短语 to food safety problems 修饰 answers。answer 常与介词 to 搭配,意为“……的答案”。


  6.(2011·江苏)We'd better discuss everything ________ before we work out the plan.

  A. in detail

  B. in general

  C. on purpose

  D. on time

  [解析]句意:我们最好详细地把一切讨论一下之后再制定计划。in detail 详细地;in general 一般说来;on purpose 故意地;on time 准时。由句意可知A项正确。


  7.(2011·重庆)Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read ________ the library.

  A. in

  B. for

  C. by

  D. from

  [解析]句意:雪莉,一个真正的图书爱好者,经常从图书馆往家带书看。bring sth. from sp.“从某个地方带……”,符合句意。故D项正确。


  8.(2011·湖北)When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside ________ younger men.

  A. in terms of

  B. in need of

  C. in favour of

  D. in praise of

  [解析]本题考查介词短语。句意:当被问起对于校长的看法时,许多老师更愿意校长给年轻点的人让位。in favour of 意为“支持,有利于”,同 step aside 搭配起来意为“给……让位”。


  9.(2011·四川)Nick, it's good for you to read some books ________ China before you start your trip there.

  A. in

  B. for

  C. of

  D. on

  [解析]句意:尼克,在你启程去那里之前,读一读关于中国的书比较好。on China“关于中国方面的”,即书的内容是介绍中国情况的。而 of China 则可能表示“来自中国的”或“中国出版的”等意思。故答案为D。


  10.(2011·山东)I'm sorry I didn't phone you, but I've been very busy ________ the past couple of weeks.

  A. beyond

  B. with

  C. among

  D. over

  [解析]句意:对不起,我没给你打电话,但是在过去的几周里我一直很忙。beyond超过,超出;在(向)……的那一边;with 与,和;具有;among 在……之间;over 在此表示“在……期间,经过(一段)时间”。


  11.(2010·四川)Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back ________ a big tree.

  A. in

  B. below

  C. beside

  D. against

  [解析]句意:因为很劳累了,Jim 背靠着一棵大树,熟睡着。in 在……里面;below 在……下面;beside 在……旁边;against 顶着,倚着;反对,符合句意。


  12.(2010·江苏)So far we have done a lot to build a low­carbon economy, but it is ________ ideal. We have to work still harder.

  A. next to

  B. far from

  C. out of

  D. due to



  13.(2010·浙江)I guess we've already talked about this before but I'll ask you again just ________.

  A. by nature

  B. in return

  C. in case

  D. by chance

  [解析]句意:我猜我们以前早就谈论过这件事了,以防万一我还要再问问你。by nature 天生地;in return 作为回报;in case 以防万一; by chance 偶然地。


  14.(2010·江西)We give enough time, space and love we can spare, and ________, dogs give us their all.

  A. in all

  B. in fact

  C. in short

  D. in return

  [解析]句意:我们把能给予的时间、空间和爱都花在狗身上,作为回报,狗也向我们奉献出一切。in all 总共;in fact 事实上;in short 简言之;in return 作为回报,符合句意。


  15.(2010·福建)More and more high­rise buildings have been built in big cities ________ space.

  A. in search of

  B. in place of

  C. for lack of

  D. for fear of



  16.(2010·湖北)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ________ favours to them.

  A. in preference to

  B. in exchange for

  C. in place of

  D. in agreement with

  [解析]句意:公务员以为人们做好事作为交换向人们要礼物或金钱是违法的。in preference to 优先于;in place of 代替;in agreement with 与……相一致;in exchange for 交换,符合句意。


  17.(2010·北京)Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are ________ everyone's enjoyment.

  A. in

  B. at

  C. for

  D. to

  [解析]句意:别采花园里的花好吗?这些花是供大家观赏的。for enjoyment“供观赏”,介词 for 表示目的。


  18.(2010·辽宁)I agree to his suggestion ________ the condition that he drops all charges.

  A. by

  B. in

  C. on

  D. to

  [解析]句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他降低所有费用。on condition that“条件是”,引导条件状语从句。


  19.(2010·江西)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients ________ name, not case number.

  A. of

  B. as

  C. by

  D. with

  [解析]句意:现在一些医院提到病人时用名字而不是病例编号。by name“凭名字”为固定搭配,符合句意。


  20.(2010·天津)My father warned me ________ going to the West Coast because it was crowded with tourists.

  A. by

  B. on

  C. for

  D. against

  [解析]句意:我父亲警告我不要去西海岸因为游客太多太挤。warn sb. against doing sth.“警告某人不要干某事”为固定搭配,故D项正确。


  21.(2010·重庆)The dictionary is what I want, but I don't have enough money ________ me.

  A. by

  B. for

  C. in

  D. with

  [解析]句意:这就是我想要的字典,可是身上没有带够钱。从本句的语境来看,是表示身上没有带足够的钱,而介词 with 常用来表示“随身”之意,同“on me”,故选D。


  22.(2009·山东)It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot ________ easy reach.

  A. near

  B. upon

  C. within

  D. around

  [解析]句意:在厨房里把你常用的东西放在容易够着的地方会节省时间。within one's reach“在某人够得着的地方”;beyond/without one's reach“在某人够不着的地方”。


  23.(2009·宁夏·海南)Everybody was touched ________ words after they heard her moving story.





  [解析]句意:听完她感人的故事后,人人都感动得说不出话来。beyond words“说不出话来”,beyond 意为“超出……的范围,非……可及”。


  24.(2009·辽宁)Children need friends ________ their own age to play with.





  [解析]句意:孩子需要与他们同龄的朋友玩耍。of one's own“某人自己的”,为固定搭配。


  25.(2009·湖南)Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems __________ themselves and solve their problems ________ themselves.

  A.to; by

  B.by; to

  C.for; to

  D.in; on

  [解析]句意:大部分美国人愿意有问题自己担着而且靠自己来解决。keep sth. to oneself“保守……不对别人说”;by oneself“独自地”,相当于 alone。


  26.(2009·江苏)This special school accepts all disabled students, ________ educational level and background.

  A. according to

  B. regardless of

  C. in addition to

  D. in terms of

  [解析]句意:这所特殊的学校接收所有残疾学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景如何。according to 据……所说,按……所载;根据;regardless of 不顾,不管;in addition to 除……之外(还);in terms of 按照,从……方面来说。根据句意B项正确。


  27.(2009·福建)—How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!

  —It's a challenge, I guess, ________ man against nature.

  A. of

  B. for

  C. by

  D. about

  [解析]句意:—宇航员们在探测外太空,多么神奇呀!—我想,这是人类对大自然的挑战。challenge 常与 of 连用,of 表示coming from,“来源于”。


  28.(2009·天津)The art show was ________ being a failure; it was a great success.

  A. far from

  B. along with

  C. next to

  D. regardless of

  [解析]句意:此次美术展绝非失败,而是巨大的成功。far from 远非,毫不,简直不,符合句意;along with 和……一起;next to 紧挨着;regardless of 不管。


  29.(2009·上海)Four Chinese models were ________ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.

  A. among

  B. between

  C. along

  D. beside

  [解析]句意:在周五的世界超级模特大赛上,四位中国模特跻身14位获奖选手之列。among 在(三者或三者以上)之间;between 在(两者)之间;along 沿着;beside 在……旁边。根据句意A项正确。


  30.(2009·重庆)Try on this red skirt; you will look great ________ it.

  A. on

  B. by

  C. in

  D. for

  [解析]句意:你试穿一下这件红色裙子; 你穿着它会很好看的。英语中介词 in 表示“穿着,戴着”的意义时,表状态,常用在名词后作定语或表语,如:the man in a blue hat 戴着蓝礼帽的那个男人;Susan is in yellow today.苏珊今天穿了一身黄色的衣服。


  31.(2009·北京)The wine industry in the area has developed in a special way, ________ little foreign ownership.

  A. by

  B. of

  C. with

  D. from

  [解析]句意:这个地区的酿酒业发展得很特别,几乎没有外资。with 相当于 having,故选C。


  32.(2009·四川)A great person is always putting others' interests ________ his own.

  A. below

  B. above

  C. in

  D. on

  [解析]句意:伟人总是把他人利益放于个人利益之上。put sth. above sth.“把……放在……之上”,此处强调高于某物。


  33.(2009·陕西)He invited me to a dance after the show ________ Christmas Eve.

  A. at

  B. on

  C. in

  D. by

  [解析]句意:圣诞前夜他邀请我在演出之后去跳舞。on Christmas Eve 在圣诞前夜。


  34.(2009·湖北)You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request ________ a question.

  A. in search of

  B. in the form of

  C. in need of

  D. in the direction of

  [解析]句意:如果你以问题的形式提出要求,那么会显得更有礼貌。in search of 寻找,寻求;in the form of 以……形式;in need of(=in want of) 需要;in the direction of 朝着……方向。根据句意B项正确。


  35.(2009·湖北)His efforts to raise money for his programme were ________ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.

  A. in place

  B. in sight

  C. in effect

  D. in vain

  [解析]句意:他为他的项目筹集资金的努力付诸东流了,因为没有一个人愿意从腰包里掏出一分钱。in place 在适当的位置;in sight 在视线内,可以看见;in effect 生效,起作用;in vain 徒劳。根据句意D项正确。


  36.(2009·全国Ⅱ)Jenny nearly missed the flight ________ doing too much shopping.

  A. as a result of

  B. on top of

  C. in front of

  D. in need of

  [解析]句意:由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。as a result of 作为……的结果,由于;on top of 在……之上,in front of 在……前面;in need of 需要……。根据句意A项正确。


  37.(2008·江苏)—Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?

  —Because the old one has been damaged ________.

  A. beyond reach

  B. beyond repair

  C. beyond control

  D. beyond description

  [解析]句意:—你为什么建议我们买一台新的机器?—因为那台旧机器已经彻底坏了。beyond reach 够不着;beyond repair 无法修理;beyond control 无法控制;beyond description 无法形容,难以描绘。根据句意选B。


  38.(2008·福建)A great man shows his greatness ________ the way he treats little men.

  A. under

  B. with

  C. on

  D. by

  [解析]句意:伟人的伟大之处往往体现在他如何对待小人物上。介词 by 可表示方法、手段,可译为“靠,用,通过”。way一般不和介词 under,with 连用,on the way“在路上,在途中”,不符合句意。因此D项正确。


  39.(2008·浙江)Everything was perfect for the picnic______ the weather.

  A. in place of

  B. as well as

  C. except for

  D. in case of

  [解析]句意:那次野餐,一切都很完美,就是天气不尽如人意。in place of 代替;as well as 和,又,及;except for 除……之外,表示整体肯定,但局部美中不足;in case of 假使,万一。根据句意C项正确。


  40.(2008·浙江)Why are you so anxious? It isn't your problem ________.

  A. on purpose

  B. in all

  C. on time

  D. after all

  [解析]句意:你为什么担心呢?毕竟那不是你的问题。on purpose 有意地;in all 总共;on time 准时;after all 毕竟,终究,到底。



  1.(2017·山东诸城市月考)________ her children,she also has to look after her old parents.

  A.Far from

  B.Regardless of

  C.Instead of

  D.Apart from

  [解析]apart from 除了。句意:除了她的孩子,她也不得不照看年迈的父母。


  2.(2017·海门市诊断)Women have big advantages ________ men in space because they need less food and oxygen and they stand up to radiation better.





  [解析]advantage over sb. 超过某人的优势。


  3.(2017·安徽名校联考)________ most countries, Japan doesn't offer much access to the Internet to its people who have less money and receive less education.

  A.As for

  B.As if

  C.As with

  D.As of

  [解析]as with 正如,符合句意。


  4.(2017·海淀区期中练习)The iPhone 4S is Apple's first major hardware on the market ________ the Oct.5 death of co­founder Steve Jobs.







  5.(2011·浦东新区期末质量抽测)Undoubtedly, life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is ________ our control.

  A. against

  B. beyond

  C. among

  D. in

  [解析]against 反对;beyond 超过……的范围;among 在三者或三者以上之中;in 在……里。由句意“毫无疑问,生活教会我们别为昨天感到遗憾,因为昨天已逝去,这是我们所控制不了的”可知应选B项。beyond one's control“超出了某人能控制的范围”,为固定短语。


  6.(2011·上海六校联考)I felt it rather inappropriate to turn up at the graduation ceremony ________ jeans and a T­shirt.

  A. on

  B. with

  C. in

  D. by

  [解析]由句意“穿着牛仔裤和T恤衫就来参加毕业典礼我感觉相当不合适”可知应选介词 in,表示“穿着”的状态,后接表示衣服的名称或颜色的词。


  7.(2011·北京丰台第一学期期末)________ increasing the distance of your walks, you may lose more weight.

  A. By

  B. From

  C. On

  D. For

  [解析]by doing“通过某种方式”,符合句意“通过增加你走路的距离,你可以减更多的体重”。


  8.(2011·山东济宁高三一模)The invention of artificial hearts marked a turning point in the battle ________ heart disease.

  A. among

  B. for

  C. against

  D. between

  [解析]由句意“人造心脏的发明标志着跟心脏病的抗争的一个转折点”可知应选C项。a/the battle against 为固定搭配,意为“跟……的斗争”。


  9.(2011·合肥一中第一次月考)The boy talked his mother ________ buying him a new home­computer.

  A. of

  B. over

  C. to

  D. into

  [解析]talk sb. into doing sth.“说服某人干某事”,符合句意“这个男孩说服妈妈给他买了台新家用电脑”。


  10.(2011·皖南八校第一次联考)—Was it in April, 1970 ________ China succeeded ________ sending its first satellite into space?

  —Yes, that's right.

  A. when; in

  B. that; on

  C. which; on

  D. that; in

  [解析]考查强调句和动词与介词的搭配。本句强调时间状语 in April,1970,所以用 that;succeed in doing sth.“成功地干成某事”。


  11.(2011·厦门期末质检)The boy was too young to write, but he sent his father a letter and told him what had happened ________ drawing pictures.

  A. with

  B. in

  C. to

  D. by

  [解析]本题考查介词的固定搭配。句意:这个男孩太小不会写字。但他通过画画给他父亲寄了封信,告诉父亲他所发生的事。by doing 为固定搭配,意为“通过某种方式”,符合句意。


  12.(2011·山东莱州一中检测)________ so many doctors and nurses around her, the sick girl didn't feel lonely at all.







  13.(2011·杭州十四中高三质检)I think that the desk in the shop differs ________ the one I have at home ________ colour and size.

  A. from; about

  B. from; in

  C. in; from

  D. with; on

  [解析]differ from,“跟……不一样”;differ in“在某方面不一样”,均为固定搭配。句意:我认为商店里的这张课桌跟我家里那张在颜色、型号方面都不一样。


  14.(2011·吉安一中期中)As a reward ________ his contribution ________ botany, John Banks had a flower named ________ him.

  A. for; for; for

  B. for; to; after

  C. for; for; after

  D. of; to; for

  [解析]本题考查介词的固定搭配。a reward for“对……的奖励/赏”;contribution to“对……的贡献”;name after“以……命名”,均为固定搭配,符合句意“作为他对植物学贡献的奖励,有一种花以 John Banks 命名”。


  15.(2011·杭州高三期中)The charity aims to provide assistance to people ________.

  A. in favour

  B. in particular

  C. in public

  D. in need

  [解析]in favour(of) 支持;in particular 特别,尤其;in public 当众,在公众面前;in need 需要。由句意“慈善机构旨在向那些需要援助的人提供帮助”可知D项正确。


  16.(2011·福建龙岩第一次教学质检)Tom is very young. But ________ working ability, he's much more experienced than others.

  A. in praise of

  B. in face of

  C. in need of

  D. in terms of

  [解析]in praise of 表扬;in face of 面对;in need of需要;in terms of 从……的角度,就……而言。由句意“汤姆很年轻,但就工作能力方面而言,他比别人熟练得多”可知D项正确。


  17.(2011·辽宁高三阶段测试)If travel books are good, they will, ________ their specific information, give an extra introductions.

  A. in response to

  B. in addition to

  C. on account of

  D. in favour of

  [解析]in response to 对……的反应;in addition to 除……外(还);on account of 由于,因为;in favour of 支持。根据语境可知句子译文如下:如果旅游书籍好,除了(in addition to)提供具体的信息外,它们还可以提供特别的介绍。所以选择 in addition to 最佳。


  18.(2011·吉林东北摸底)—How do the shops make money if they sell at such low prices?

  —Manufacturers, it seems, are willing to bring down prices ________ big volume purchases.

  A. under the name of

  B. on behalf of

  C. in return for

  D. in preparation for

  [解析]under the name of 用……做名字(不用自己的真名);on behalf of 代表,以某人名义;in return for 酬谢,答谢,作为对……的回报;in preparation for 为……做准备。根据语境可知对话译文如下:—如果他们以如此低的价格销售,商店如何赚钱呢?—好像制造商乐意调低价格来回报(in return for)大批量采购。


  19.(2011·泰安高三期末考试)Jobs are hard to get and, ________, more young people are continuing their education.

  A. above all

  B. as a result

  C. after all

  D. on the contrary

  [解析]above all 最重要的是;as a result 结果,因此;after all 毕竟;on the contrary 正相反;由句意“很难找到工作;因此,更多的年轻人继续学业”可知B项正确。


  20.(2011·山东莱芜高三复习诊断)While fashion is thought of usually ________ clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider domain.

  A. in relation to

  B. in proportion to

  C. by means of

  D. on behalf of

  [解析]in relation to 与……有关系,与……有联系;in proportion to 与……相比;by means of 通过……的方式;on behalf of 代表,象征。由句意“虽然通常认为时尚与衣服有关联,但意识到时尚包括更广泛的领域也很重要”可知A项正确。


  21.(2011·山东烟台调研卷)She was told to wear flat shoes ________ her back problem.

  A. on account of

  B. regardless of

  C. in terms of

  D. in case of

  [解析]on account of 因为,由于;regardless of 不管,不顾;in terms of 就……而言,从……的角度;in case of 万一。由句意“因为她背部的问题,她被告知要穿平跟鞋”可知A项正确。


  22.(2011·山东第三次诊断性测试)I really don't want to go; ________, the weather is so cold outside.

  A. in addition

  B. in fact

  C. on the contrary

  D. in another word

  [解析]in addition 另外,除此之外;in fact 事实上;on the contrary 正相反;in another word=in other words 换句话说。由句意“我真不想去,再说了,外面很冷”可知A项正确。


  23.(2011·福州八中第五次质检)Some students still use mobile phones in class ________ what the result will be.

  A. instead of

  B. in place of

  C. in memory of

  D. regardless of

  [解析]instead of 代替,而不是;in place of 代替;in memory of 为了纪念;regardless of 不管,不顾。由句意“一些学生仍旧在课堂上用手机,不计后果会如何”可知D项正确。


  24.(2011·宁夏银川第五次月考)—When can I use your computer?

  —Never! ________ should you touch it.

  A. At no time

  B. In no time

  C. At any time

  D. At one time

  [解析]四个选项意思分别如下:“绝不,在任何时候都不”;“立刻,很快,马上”;“在任何时候”;“曾经,一度”。再结合所学知识:否定副词置于句首,句子需要部分倒装,例如:At no time should you give up studying.在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。故此选择 at no time。


  25.(2011·金华十校期末)He pretended to be a doctor, but ________ he is a cheat.

  A. in a word

  B. in particular

  C. in practice

  D. in all

  [解析]in a word 总之,一句话;in particular 特别,尤其;in practice 实际上;in all 总共,总计;由句意“他装作医生,但实际上,他是个骗子”可知C项正确。


  26.(2011·盐诚一调)It is said that about 60% of housewives have a brand ________ before entering the store.

  A. in mind

  B. on sale

  C. in possession

  D. on purpose

  [解析]in mind 在心中,have...in mind 把……记在心中;on sale 在出售;in possession 拥有;on purpose 故意地。由句意“据说大约60%的家庭主妇在进商店前头脑中都有某种品牌”可知A项正确。


  27.(2011·太原调研)I admire those people. ________ having little money, they feel happy and satisfied.

  A. With

  B. Because of

  C. Instead of

  D. In spite of

  [解析]because of 因为;instead of 代替,而不是;in spite of 尽管。由句意“我钦佩那些人,尽管没多少钱,但他们感到幸福和满足”可知D项正确。


  28.(2011·宁波期末)It's absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice people's life and health ________ the economic development in any case.

  A. in hope of

  B. in exchange for

  C. in face of

  D. in need of

  [解析]in hope of 带有……的希望;in exchange for 作为……交换;in face of 面对;in need of 需要。由句意“在任何情况下牺牲人们的生命和健康来换取经济的发展是绝对不可接受的”可知B项正确。


  29.(2011·九江七校联考)Canada Post will issue two stamps on Jan.8, 2011, ________ the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit.

  A. in favour of

  B. in celebration of

  C. in terms of

  D. in need of

  [解析]in favour of 支持;in celebration of 为了庆祝;in terms of 从……的角度;就……而言;in need of 需要。由句意“加拿大邮政将于2011年1月8日发行两枚邮票以庆祝中国阴历兔年的到来”可知B项正确。


  30.(2011·吉安期末质评)Nowadays, many people walk to work ________ Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low­carbon lifestyle to cope with global warming.

  A. in relation to

  B. in response to

  C. in addition to

  D. in opposition to

  [解析]in relation to 与……有关系,与……有联系;in response to 作为对……的回应;in addition to 除……之外还;in opposition to 为了反对。由句意“现在,许多人步行去上班是为了响应号召人们为了应对全球变暖问题而过低碳生活的哥本哈根会议”可知B项正确。


  31.(2011·杭州一检)They told me it would be cheap but ________ it cost me $500.

  A. on average

  B. in fact

  C. in particular

  D. in general

  [解析]句意:他们告诉我它很便宜,但事实上,花了我500美元。on average 按平均数计算;in fact 事实上,实际上;in particular 特别,尤其;in general 总的来说。由句意可知B项正确。


  32.(2011·安徽名校联考)The success of a government should be measured ________ the health and happiness of the people as well as the development of economy.

  A. in face of

  B. in place of

  C. in terms of

  D. in line with

  [解析]in face of 面对;in place of 代替,in terms of 从……的角度;in line with 与……一致,与……相符合。由句意“衡量政府的成功应从人们的健康和幸福指数以及经济发展的角度考虑”可知C项正确。


  33.(2011·宝鸡一检)—You aren't angry at his disgraceful joke?

  —No. ________it, I've never laughed so much in my life.

  A. More than

  B. Apart from

  C. Instead of

  D. Far from

  [解析]more than 多于,不仅仅是;apart from 除……之外(还);instead of 代替;far from 远非,一点也不。解本题的关键在于答语 No 与后置语境 I've never laughed so much in my life. 问句意为“你对他粗俗的笑话不生气吗?”,No 则意为“是的,不生气”,后置语境意为“我这一生还没这么笑过吧”。由此可知D项正确。


  34.(2011·温州十校期末联考)The scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements are.

  A. in spite of

  B. in terms of

  C. in favour of

  D. in ways of

  [解析]in spite of 尽管;in terms of 从……的角度;in favour of 支持;无 in ways of 短语。由 句意“科学家和工程师是根据他们成就的大小而评价的”可知B项正确。


  35.(2011·山东潍坊质量检测)Men and women should be treated equally according to the law, but ________ there is great room for improvement.

  A. in return

  B. above all

  C. after all

  D. in reality

  [解析]in return 作为回报;above all 最重要的是;after all 毕竟;in reality 实际上。由句意“根据法律男人和女人应该得到平等的对待,但实际上,在这方面仍有很大改进的空间”可知D项正确。


  36.(2011·杭高第三次月考)—________ busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time.

  —I wonder what they will become.

  A. Rather than

  B. Owing to

  C. Apart from

  D. Except for

  [解析]rather than 而不是;owing to 因为;apart from 除……之外(还);except for 除……之外(整体除去部分)。由句意“除了繁重的学业,孩子们还得在空余时间上艺术、音乐、体育课”可知C项正确,apart from 此处意为“除……之外还”。


  37.(2011·醴陵高三期中联考)Nobody would like to go out. It is freezing cold outside, and ________ that, it is likely to snow.

  A. in spite of

  B. on top of

  C. regardless of

  D. instead of

  [解析]in spite of 尽管;on top of 非常接近,逼近;除……之外(还);regardless of 不顾,不管;instead of 代替,而不是。由句意“没人愿意出去。外面极冷,除此之外,很可能要下雪”可知B项正确,此处意为 on top of“除……之外(还)”。


  38.(2011·烟台高三诊断性测试)Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical, and this special chemical,______, affects our brains, making us feel happy.

  A. in turn

  B. in particular

  C. in advance

  D. in short

  [解析]in turn 反之,反过来;in particular 特别,尤其;in advance 提前;in short 简言之。由句意“维生素D帮助人体产生一种特殊的化学物质;这种特殊的化学物质反过来又影响我们的大脑,使我们感觉幸福”可知A项正确。


  39.(2011·西安八校联考)After the robbery, the jewelry shop fixed an alarm system ________ further losses.





  [解析]against 抗击。句意:被抢劫后,珠宝店安装警铃系统以防进一步的损失。


  40.The sunlight came in ________ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.





  [解析]through 透过(门、窗等)。句意:阳光透过天窗进入照亮整个房间。



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