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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2011·全国Ⅱ)I got this bicycle for ________: my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.

  A. everything

  B. something

  C. anything

  D. nothing

  [解析]句意:这辆自行车我没花钱:我朋友买了新自行车,就把这辆旧的送给我了。for nothing 表示“免费;徒然”,符合语境。其他三项均与后面语境相悖。


  2.(2011·山东)The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other.

  A. it

  B. them

  C. her

  D. that

  [解析]句意:这两个女孩长得如此相似以至于陌生人很难把她们区分开来。在 that 引导的结果状语从句中,谓语动词find 的真正宾语是 to tell one from the other,设空处需用形式宾语,而四个选项中只有 it 可以作形式宾语,所以选择A。


  3.(2011·天津)We feel ________ our duty to make our country a better place.

  A. it

  B. this

  C. that

  D. one

  [解析]句意:我们觉得让我们的国家成为一个更加美好的地方是我们的责任。根据句子结构可知:后面的不定式短语 to make... place 为真正的宾语,设空处应为形式宾语,四个选项中只有 it 可作形式宾语,故答案为A项。


  4.(2011·北京)The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase ________.

  A. them

  B. those

  C. it

  D. that

  [解析]句意:由于当地政府的努力,大城市的就业率继续上升。设空处应替代 the employment rate,故用 it。them 和 those 用来指代复数名词,故排除A、B两项。that 用来特指同类不同物的事物,故排除。


  5.(2011·福建)We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ________ based on your own interests.

  A. either

  B. each

  C. one

  D. it

  [解析]句意:我们为你们的假期准备了各种各样的夏令营。你们可以根据自己的兴趣选一个。one 指代前文提到的同类事物,但不是同一个,表泛指;either 指两者之中任一个;each 强调两者或两者以上的“每个”,强调“个体”;it 指代前文提到的同类且同物。根据句意可知,正确答案为C项。


  6.(2011·浙江)Since people are fond of humour, it is as welcome in conversation as ________ else.

  A. anything

  B. something

  C. anywhere

  D. somewhere

  [解析]句意:因为人们喜欢幽默,(所以)幽默在谈话中像在其他地方一样受欢迎。anywhere else 表示“其他任何场合”,照应前文 in conversation,故C项为最佳答案。


  7.(2011·安徽)Surprisingly, Susan's beautiful hair reached below her knees and made ________ almost an overcoat for her.

  A. them

  B. her

  C. itself

  D. herself

  [解析]句意:让人吃惊的是,苏珊漂亮的头发到膝盖以下,好像成了她的一件外衣。设空处应指代 Susan's beautiful hair,因为 hair 为不可数名词,所以排除A项;由题干中的主语 Susan's beautiful hair 及后面的 for her 可推断设空处不能指“人”,故排除B、D两项;itself 此处指代头发,故选项C为答案。


  8.(2011·湖南)I knew that ________ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director.

  A. something

  B. anything

  C. everything

  D. nothing

  [解析]句意:我知道没有什么能够阻碍他,他将永远不会放弃成为一名导演的想法。根据句意可知 something(某事);anything(任何事);everything(每件事);均不符合题意,故排除。


  9.(2011·辽宁)—Would you like tea or coffee?

  —________, thank you. I've just had some water.

  A. Either

  B. Both

  C. Any

  D. Neither



  10.(2011·重庆)—Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.

  —What do you think of ________ over there?

  A. the one

  B. this

  C. it

  D. that

  [解析]句意:——我真笨!我忘了我的行李什么样了。——你认为那边那个是吗?首先将本题改为:What do you think of the luggage over there?that=the+不可数名词;the one=the+可数名词;it 指代同名同物。根据 over there 可知D项正确。


  11.(2011·四川)There is ________ in his words. We should have a try.

  A. something

  B. anything

  C. nothing

  D. everything

  [解析]句意:他说的话不无道理,我们应该试一试。这里用代词 something 表示“被认为是重要的或值得注意的事物”:a thing that is thought to be important or worth taking notice of。如:It's quite something (=a thing that you should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days.如今能有份工作就该知足了。其他选项都不符合语境。


  12.(2011·江西)Why don't you bring ________ to his attention that you're too ill to work on?

  A. that

  B. it

  C. this

  D. him

  [解析]句意:你为什么不让他注意到你病得太重了而不能继续工作呢?根据题干所提供的信息可知设空处为形式宾语,“that you're too ill to work on”为真正的宾语。四个选项中只有 it 可作形式宾语,故B为答案。


  13.(2011·上海)To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered ________.

  A. the other

  B. other

  C. the others

  D. another

  [解析]句意:为了保持清醒,他喝完了一杯咖啡,又点了一杯。A项 the other 指两者中的另一个,不符合语境,故排除;other 后需要名词,排除B项;the others 是复数形式,表特指,不符合句意。another 另一个,又一个,符合语境,故选D。


  14.(2010·山东)Helping others is a habit, ________ you can learn even at an early age.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. what

  D. one

  [解析]句意:帮助他人是一种习惯,是一种甚至在年幼时你就能学着养成的习惯。设空处作 a habit 的同位语。one 用来代替前面出现的泛指的单数名词 a habit,以避免重复。


  15.(2010·天津)________ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.

  A. Anything

  B. Nothing

  C. Everything

  D. Something

  [解析]句意:我的一生中,印象最深的就是第一次去参观故宫博物院。从题中 so...as... 搭配来看,设空处需要否定词,而 nothing 与比较结构连用,有“什么也不如……”的含义。


  16.(2010·上海)If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend on ________.

  A. themselves

  B. them

  C. us

  D. ourselves

  [解析]句意:如果我们的父母为我们孩子们做了所有的一切,我们就不会学会独立。由句意和句中的 we 可排除A和B两项;空格处用反身代词作宾语与主语保持一致。


  17.(2010·陕西)The cost of renting a house in central Xi'an is higher than ________ in any other area of the city.

  A. that

  B. this

  C. it

  D. one

  [解析]句意:西安市中心的房租比这个城市其他地段的房租都贵。首先将此句改为:The cost of renting a house in central Xi'an is higher than the_cost in any other area of the city. 然后考虑用 that 代替特指的不可数名词 the cost。


  18.(2010·江西)Swimming is my favourite sport. There is ________ like swimming as a means of keeping fit.

  A. something

  B. anything

  C. nothing

  D. everything



  19.(2010·福建)When you introduce me to Mr

  Johnson,could you please say ________ for me?

  A. everything

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. nothing

  [解析]句意:当你向约翰逊先生介绍我时,请为我说句好话,行吗?由句意可先排除A、D两项;anything 常用于疑问句和否定句,而本句表请求,应该用 something。


  20.(2010·浙江)________ that's important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.

  A. One

  B. All

  C. Everything

  D. Anything

  [解析]句意:重要的是你正在尽最大努力并且朝正确的方向前进。在本句中 that's important 为定语从句。one 某一个,代指可数名词,表示泛指;all 所有,后加 that 引导的定语从句,相当于 what 或 who 引导的名词性从句;everything 一切;anything 任何事物。根据句意可知答案为B项。


  21.(2010·安徽)You are a team star! Working with ________ is really your cup of tea.

  A. both

  B. either

  C. others

  D. the other

  [解析]句意:你是队里的明星!与别人一起工作的确是你的所爱。both 和 either 指两者,首先被排除;the other 有范围限定,意为“其余的”,而题干中没有范围和数量限制,故也被排除。others 意为“其他的、另外的或别的人或事物”,符合句意要求,故C为答案。sb.'s cup of tea—what sb. likes,is interested in,etc.某人所喜爱、所关注的等。又如:Skiing isn't really my cup of tea. 滑雪不算是我的嗜好。


  22.(2010·辽宁)The fact that she was foreign made ________ difficult for her to get a job in that country.

  A. so

  B. much

  C. that

  D. it

  [解析]句意:她是外国人这个事实使她很难在那个国家找到工作。it 作 make 的形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语。


  23.(2010·全国Ⅱ)Neither side is prepared to talk to ________ unless we can smooth things over between them.

  A. others

  B. the other

  C. another

  D. one other

  [解析]句意:除非我们能消除他们之间的矛盾,否则他们两人都不打算和对方讲话。others 没有范围,指别人;another 没有范围,指另一个;the other 指两者中的另一方,根据关键词 neither (两者都不),答案选B项。


  24.(2009·山东)I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn't face ________ day like that.

  A. other

  B. another

  C. the other

  D. others

  [解析]句意:昨天一整天我的心情都很郁闷,以至于今天早晨我想再过那么一天我就会受不了。another day 泛指“另外一天”;other 作定语时其前通常加 some,several,one 等限定词;the other 强调两者中的另一个;others 不作定语。


  25.(2009·上海)—Wow! You've got so many clothes.

  —But ________ of them are in fashion now.

  A. all

  B. both

  C. neither

  D. none

  [解析]句意:——哇!你有这么多衣服啊。——但是现在没有一件是流行的了。根据句意,空格处应用否定词,应排除A、B两项;衣服多,应该是大于三者,用 none。注意 neither 和 none 的用法不同。前者表示“两者都不”,后者表示“三者或三者以上都不”。


  26.(2009·上海春招)________ occurred to her that she should go home to see her old mother.





  [解析]It occurred to sb. that... 某人猛然想起……。


  27.(2009·四川)I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don't have enough money to buy ________.

  A. one

  B. it

  C. this

  D. that

  [解析]句意:我喜欢这套前面带美丽花园的房子,但是我没有足够的钱去买它。one与that作替代词时常表示“同类不同物”,其中one代替前面提到的泛指的单数名词,that替代特指的单数名词或特指的不可数名词,此外,that 还可指上文或距离说话者较远的东西。this 指离说话者较近的东西或指下文提到的内容。it 表示同类同物,替代前面的特指的单数名词或不可数名词。本题表同类同物,需用 it 替代前面提到的 this house。


  28.(2009·陕西)Jane was asked a lot of questions,but she didn't answer ________ of them.

  A. other

  B. any

  C. none

  D. some

  [解析]句意:Jane 被问及了很多问题,但她一个都没回答出来。首先排除A项,因为没有“other of...”形式;设空处前有否定词 not,根据句意,排除C项;“some of...”意为“……中的一些”,不符合句意,故被排除;any 与 not 连用表全部否定,符合句意,故答案为B项。not...any=no。


  29.(2009·全国Ⅱ) Charles was alone at home, with ________ looking after him.

  A. someone

  B. anyone

  C. not one

  D. no one

  [解析]句意:查尔斯独自一人在家,没有人照顾他。no one=nobody 没有人。not one=none,none 用以指代前文的复数名词、不可数名词或代词,而本空前并没有复数名词、不可数名词或代词,故C项被排除。本题将代词的区别与 with 的复合结构结合起来考查,with 的宾语为no one,looking after him 作宾语补足语。


  30.(2009·北京)Being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with ________ extra stress.

  A. it

  B. them

  C. one

  D. him

  [解析]句意:做家长并不总是很容易,做一个有特殊需求的孩子的家长则更有压力。此题考查代词,it 指代上文出现的“being the parent of a child with special needs”。


  31.(2009·全国Ⅰ)One of the most important questions they had to consider was ________ of public health.

  A. what

  B. this

  C. that

  D. which

  [解析]句意:他们必须考虑的最重要的问题之一就是公众健康问题。首先将题干改为:One of the most important questions they had to consider was the_question of public health.然后考虑用 that 代替特指的单数名词。


  32.(2009·全国Ⅱ)The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get ________ completely free.

  A. other

  B. others

  C. one

  D. ones

  [解析]句意:CD减价销售了!买一赠一。首先将本题改为:The CDs are on sale! Buy a_CD and you get another_CD completely free.然后考虑用 one 代替泛指的单数名词。ones 替代泛指的复数名词。其他两项可被直接排除。


  33.(2009·辽宁)________ is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.

  A. Such

  B. This

  C. That

  D. So

  [解析]句意:这就是电视的力量,它能使人突然成名。such is...这就是……;……就是这样的,为固定搭配。


  34.(2009·江苏)Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ________ of their parents.

  A. those

  B. one

  C. both

  D. that

  [解析]句意:90%的父母认为,他们教育自己孩子的方法与他们的父辈教育他们的方法有很大的不同。这里 that 指的是 the approach to educating their children。


  35.(2008·山东)Make sure you've got the passports and tickets and ________ before you leave.

  A. something

  B. anything

  C. everything

  D. nothing

  [解析]句意:在你离开之前,请务必带好护照、机票等所有东西。everything=everything that you need; something 指“某物”;nothing 表示“没有东西”。



  1.(2017·山西大同一中,同媒一中联考)—Jenny, did you see manager ________?

  —If I had been there 5 minutes earlier, I would have met him.





  [解析]反身代词作同位语,根据答句中的 him 可知选 himself。上句句意:—詹妮,你看见经理本人了吗?


  2.(2017·黑龙江哈九中月考)—Has the equipment ordered the other day arrived?

  —Is it ________ over there?



  C.the one


  [解析]that 代替不可数名词 the equipment。


  3.(2017·安徽名校期中联考)All the government leaders and policemen in Thailand must see to ________ that every citizen should stay safe and sound in the terrible flood.





  [解析]see to it that... 确保/务必……,为习惯表达。


  4.(2017·山东莱州一中检测)None of us like her but we all try not to make ________ too obvious.





  [解析]it 作形式宾语代替前面的 none of us like her。


  5.(2017·江西新建二中期中考试)There is another way to survive this competition—a way no one ever seems to tell you about, ________ you have to learn for yourself.





  [解析]one 泛指 a way。


  6.(2017·济南市月考)—Sorry, the CDs you want have been sold out.

  —How I wish I had bought ________ earlier!





  [解析]one 泛指 a CD。


  7.(2017·河南许昌四校联考)Is there ________ in today's paper?

  A.important something

  B.important anything

  C.something important

  D.anything important

  [解析]anything 用于否定句和疑问句中;something 用于肯定句中,修饰 anything 等不定代词的形容词要放在其后面。


  8.(2011·皖南八校第一次联考)Although you have travelled to many scenic spots before, ________ of them are as attractive as the one I visited this summer vacation.

  A. any

  B. none

  C. neither

  D. all

  [解析]从第一句话可知是指三者以上,可排除C;第二句话转折说没有任何一个景区比“我”今年暑假参观的那个风景区更有魅力,none 指三者或三者以上都不,符合句意。neither“(两者)都不”,any 和 all 用于三者或以上。


  9.(2011·泰安高三期末考试)—I haven't found any money though I've searched the drawer bottom up.

  —Then, I'm afraid there is ________ left.

  A. nothing

  B. no one

  C. none

  D. neither

  [解析]句意:—虽然我把抽屉翻了个底朝天,但是一点钱也没找到。—恐怕是一点儿也没有了。nothing“什么也没有”;no one“一个人也没有”;none“一个也没有,一点儿也没有”,既可以指代可数名词,又可以指代不可数名词;既可以指人,又可以指物;neither“两者中一个也没有”。由语境可知,此处表示“一点儿钱也没有”,指代不可数名词 money应用none。


  10.(2011·巢湖一检)Our bedrooms are all on the sixth floor, ________ with its own bathroom.

  A. all

  B. every

  C. either

  D. each

  [解析]句意:我们的卧室都在六楼上,每个都有独立的洗手间。由题干中的 its 可知,不能选 all;由题干中的 all 可知,不能选 either,因为 either 表示的是“两者之一”;every 不能单独使用,只能做某个名词或代词的定语,故选 each,指“三个或三个以上中每个都”。


  11.(2011·金华十校期末)Yesterday I had a word with the CEO of the company, ________ who used to teach at Beijing University.

  A. one

  B. that

  C. the one

  D. it

  [解析]句意:昨天我跟那家公司的执行总裁,曾经在北大教学的那个人谈话了。此处用代词代替 the CEO,并且特指“曾在北大教学的那位”,故用 the one。one 表泛指;that 表特指,有时候相当于 the one,但其后只接 of 或 in 短语作宾语,不接定语从句;it 指代“同名同物的那一个”。


  12.(2011·豫南九校四联)Mother's Day is coming. It's time to think of a proper gift for my mother, ________ won't be expensive but will make her happy.

  A. one

  B. one that

  C. those

  D. the one that

  [解析]句意:母亲节即将来临。该想想给妈妈买份礼物了,一份不贵但使她高兴的礼物。由语境可知,此处用代词代替单数可数名词 gift,并且为泛指,故用 one;再者,该代词后接了定语从句,从句缺主语,用关系代词 that 引导,故B项正确。


  13.(2011·温州十校期末联考)—Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?

  —________. They are both expensive and of little use.

  A. Both

  B. Neither

  C. None

  D. No one

  [解析]句意:—这些电子词典你最喜欢哪一款?—________。它们既贵又没有用处。由前置语境的 most 可知应为“三者或三者以上”,排除A、B两项,这两项均表“两者”;no one“一个人也没有”,用来指人不指物,也予以排除,故C项正确,none 此处指代可数名词 electronic dictionaries。


  14.(2011·潍坊抽检)I just choose a simpler lifestyle, ______where I can ride my bike all over and do not have to make a great living to survive.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. one

  D. another

  [解析]句意:我想选择一种简单点的生活方式,一种我可以到处骑自行车,不必为了生存而拼命的生活方式。由语境可知,此处应用一个代词代替单数可数名词 lifestyle,并且表泛指,作其同位语,故用 one。


  15.(2011·山西考前训练)While travelling, Peter never enjoys visiting large cities because he thinks one city is much like ________.

  A. the other

  B. another

  C. the others

  D. others

  [解析]句意:旅行时,彼得不喜欢去大城市,因为他觉得一个城市跟另外一个很相似。the other 指“两者中另外一个”;another 指“三者或三者以上另外一个”;the others 特指“别人或别的事物”;others 泛指“别人或别的事物”。由语境可知B项正确。


  16.(2011·湖南长沙高三月考)Sometimes, money is tight and on other occasions time is tight; on ________ occasion, a travel is out of the question.

  A. all

  B. any

  C. either

  D. every

  [解析]句意:有时候,钱紧张,而别的时候呢,时间又紧张;在任何时候,旅行都是不可能的。由语境可知,此处用代词指代上文提到的两种情形中任意一种,故用 either指“两者中任一个”。


  17.(2011·锦州期末)All the other boys have geography books and they will be ahead of me if I don't get ________.

  A. it

  B. the one

  C. one

  D. that

  [解析]句意:别的男孩都有地理书,如果我没有的话他们会超过我的。此处用代词指代可数名词 book,并且指“某一本”,为泛指,故C项正确。


  18.(2011·九江七校联考)Mr and Mrs Scot prefer a restaurant in a small town to ________ in so large a city as New York.

  A. that

  B. the one

  C. one

  D. it

  [解析]句意:Scot 夫妇都比较喜欢小镇上的小餐馆而不喜欢像纽约这样大城市的餐馆。此处代词指代可数名词 restaurant,并且为泛指,故用 one 替代。


  19.(2011·济宁质检)Considering its diverse cultures, Spain is an attractive country, ________ well worth a visit.

  A. it

  B. one

  C. this

  D. that

  [解析]句意:鉴于其多元文化,西班牙是一个有吸引力的国家,一个很值得参观的国家。此处用代词指代 country,作其同位语,并表泛指,故只能选 one。


  20.(2011·许昌期末)—Will you take the blue shirt or the yellow one?

  —________ is the right size for me, I'm afraid.

  A. Either

  B. Neither

  C. Some

  D. Any

  [解析]句意:—你穿那件蓝衬衫还是那件黄色的?—恐怕哪件我穿大小都不合适。由前置语境可知,此处表示“在两者中选择”;又由后置语境 I'm afraid 可知,一件也没选,故B项 neither(两者中一个也不)符合语境。


  21.(2011·焦作期末调研)As we all know, China is a developing country, ________ attracting more and more foreigners.

  A. the one

  B. one

  C. it

  D. that

  [解析]句意:众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家,一个吸引了越来越多外国人的国家。此处用 one 指代 country 并作其同位语。


  22.(2011·合肥一检)The medium believes the price of petrol will rise by more than ________ two percent.

  A. other

  B. another

  C. any other

  D. the other

  [解析]句意:媒体认为汽油价格还会上升两个多百分点。another+基数词+n.=基数词+more+n.又如:We'll still plant another twenty trees/twenty more trees.我们还要再种20棵树。


  23.(2011·南京市四校联考)—You often talk with your classmate on the telephone or mobile phone?

  —________. I like using QQ.





  [解析]neither 用于对两者的全部否定。


  24.(2011·福州期末质检)Children, hold the bottle with your right hand. Tommy, you are not correct. Please use your ________ hand.

  A. other

  B. the other

  C. another

  D. the another

  [解析]句意:孩子们,用右手握住瓶子。Tommy,你做的不对。请用你的另一只手。受“one... the other...”的影响,本题易错选B项;因为有 your 的存在,不可能在 your 的后面再加冠词,故B项不对;C项指“三个或三个以上另一个”,不合语境;D项形式不对,故选A项。


  25.(2011·宁波八校联考)The number 2008 is a special number, ________ I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. one

  D. it

  [解析]句意:2008是一个特别的数字,一个我认为将会被中国人永远记住的数字。分析结构可知,此处用 one 作 number 的同位语,that 引导定语从句修饰 one。


  26.(2011·厦门期末质检)________ with any common sense can tell the difference between the two.

  A. Who

  B. Whoever

  C. Anyone

  D. That

  [解析]句意:任何有常识的人都能区分这两个。________ with any common sense 作句子主语,A、B、D三项是主语从句的引导词,故只有 anyone 正确。


  27.(2011·湖南师大附中高三月考)I was told that my father had e­mailed me the other day, but I didn't receive ________.

  A. it

  B. one

  C. anything

  D. nothing

  [解析]句意:我被告知我父亲前几天给我发邮件了,但我什么也没收到。not anything=nothing“什么也没有”,符合语境。


  28.(2011·上海八校高三联合调研)The previous lecture focused on the reading problems in new words, while this lecture will turn to ________ in complex sentence structures.

  A. that

  B. one

  C. those

  D. ones

  [解析]句意:前一个演讲集中在阅读问题的生词方面,而这个演讲将转向阅读问题的复杂句式方面。分析结构可知,此处应用代词代替 reading problems,并且是特指“复杂句式方面的问题”,故用 those,相当于 the ones。


  29.(2011·上海八校高三联合调研)The little boy, who can play the piano perfectly, is thought to be ________ of a pianist.

  A. somebody

  B. someone

  C. something

  D. some one

  [解析]句意:这个小男孩,钢琴演奏的不错,颇有几分钢琴家的风范。something of 为固定搭配,意为“多少有点,颇有几分”,用于强调某事的效果。


  30.(2011·福建龙岩高三质检)I'd appreciate ________ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

  A. that

  B. this

  C. it

  D. you

  [解析]句意:如果你愿意教我怎么使用电脑我将非常感激。I'd appreciate it if... 为固定句式,意为“如果……我将不胜感激”,可理解为 it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是 if 从句。


  31.(2011·合肥一中高三第一学期月考)We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made ________ from some wood we had.

  A. it

  B. one

  C. himself

  D. another

  [解析]句意:我们厨房里需要一个新碗柜。因此,彼得用我们原有的木头做了一个。由语境可知,此处应用one 替代 a cupboard,并且为泛指。


  32.(2011·上海六校联考)After John had been in London for three years, he and his wife had a lot to tell ________.

  A. themselves

  B. each other

  C. himself

  D. herself

  [解析]句意:约翰在伦敦待了三年后,他和他妻子有许多话要告诉彼此。主语为 he and his wife,故C、D两项不合语境,tell themselves(告诉他们自己)也不符合语境。each other“互相,彼此”,符合语境。


  33.(2011·安徽怀宁第二次检测)—Mr Johnson, what are teachers supposed to do for the students?

  —As teachers, we feel ________ our duty to teach our children to be good wherever we are.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. it

  D. there is

  [解析]句意:—约翰逊先生,老师应为学生做什么?—作为老师,我们觉得不管在哪里,我们都应把教孩子向善作为我们的职责。分析结构可知,此处用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式 to teach our children to be good。


  34.(2011·福州八中毕业班第五次质检)I like this car with a small television in it, but I don't have enough money to buy ________.

  A. one

  B. this

  C. it

  D. that

  [解析]句意:我喜欢这辆里面有小电视的车,但我没有足够的钱买。由语境可知,此处“没有足够的钱买”就是指前面提到的“里面有小电视的汽车”,为同名同物,是同一者故用 it。


  35.(2011·安徽六校检测)I'll wait for you at the gate of the Music Hall. See to ________ that you'll get there on time.

  A. yourself

  B. it

  C. all

  D. everything

  [解析]句意:我在音乐厅门口等你,务必按时到达。see(to it)that... 为固定句式,意为“务必……,保证……”,故B项正确。


  36.(2011·合肥一检)When ________ comes to baseball, Dorothy knows little about it.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. it

  D. one

  [解析]句意:当谈及棒球时,Dorothy 几乎不知。When it comes to... 为固定句式,意为“当谈及……的时候”。


  37.(2011·徐州一检)—Yao Ming got his left ankle injured and has not played since.

  —When was ________?

  —________ was on Nov. 10th when Houston Rockets beat Washington Wizards.

  A. that; It

  B. it; It

  C. this; It

  D. it; That

  [解析]句意:—姚明左脚踝受伤了,自那之后不能打比赛了。—什么时候的事?—是在11月10日休斯敦火箭队打华盛顿奇才队的时候。that 指代上文所指;第二空用 it 指代时间。


  38.(2011·济南质检)We all consider ________ important that we should put theory into practice.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. this

  D. it

  [解析]句意:我们都认为把理论付诸于实践很重要。分析结构可知,此处用 it 作形式宾语,而真正的宾语是后面的 that 从句。


  39.(2011·山东淄博市期中考试)The architecture styles here are quite different from ________ in any city we have visited.





  [解析]those 代替前面提到的 architecture styles.


  40.(2011·浦东新区期末质量抽测)Books can not change the world, but people change the world by changing ________ through reading.

  A. themselves

  B. them

  C. ourselves

  D. us

  [解析]句意:书不能改变世界,但人们可以通过读书改变自己来改变世界。change oneself“改变自己”,由句子的主语 people 可以知道change 的宾语是 themselves。



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