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发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  时间:120分钟 满分:150分





  1.What did Bob get last week?

  A.A new job. B.A rise.C.A prize.

  2.How many people did they expect to stay in the Ice Hotel?




  3.What's the cause of the heavy sandstorms?

  A.Too many tourists.

  B.Lack of rain.

  C.Cutting down trees.

  4.What is the man's suggestion to protect the soil?

  A.To plant grasses.

  B.To hold the soil tightly together.

  C.To stop rain water falling on the rich soil.

  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.The man should not go abroad.

  B.IT engineers can earn a lot more money in China.

  C.IT engineers are badly needed in foreign countries.




  6.What does the man want to do?

  A.Buy a car.

  B.Rent a car.

  C.Borrow a car.

  7.How much will the man have to pay for the car?

  A.16 dollars a day.

  B.60 dollars altogether.

  C.180 dollars altogether.

  8.What does the man have to do before he can get the car?

  A.He has to pay for it immediately.

  B.He has to hand in his license.

  C.He has to fill in a form.


  9.What happened last night?

  A.Ben's phone line was busy all the time.

  B.Ben found it hard to call back.

  C.The man wanted to visit Ben.

  10.What did the woman think Ben should do?

  A.He should get call waiting.

  B.He should be waiting all the time.

  C.He should call back.


  11.What's wrong with the woman's watch?

  A.It is too fast.

  B.It is too slow.

  C.It is broken.

  12.What does the man do with his watch every day?

  A.He puts it back ten minutes.

  B.He puts it ahead ten minutes.

  C.He always repairs it.

  13.What do you think the woman will do?

  A.She will take the man's advice.

  B.She will buy a new watch.

  C.She doesn't know what to do.


  14.Why did the woman look pale?

  A.She had the flu.

  B.She ate something bad.

  C.She overslept.

  15.Who had the same kind of problem as the woman?


  B.The man who is speaking.

  C.No one.

  16.Where did the woman eat?

  A.At home.

  B.At a new restaurant.

  C.In the office.


  17.Where did the British ships land in 1607?

  A.The Atlantic Ocean.

  B.The Mississippi.


  18.How did people find names for areas of the new land?

  A.They invented their own names.

  B.They used native American words.

  C.They used words from English.

  19.Who honoured three gods with special days each week?



  C.Northern Europeans.

  20.What is the text mainly about?

  A.The development of the English language.

  B.Native American words.

  C.Place names.


  Text 1

  M: How's Bob?

  W: Oh, he's OK.He enjoys his work in his company.Last week he was given a rise.We are pleased about that.

  Text 2

  W: Wow! Listen to this.In January the Ice Hotel opened in Canada's coldest city.The hotel is built of ice and snow.But who would like to stay in such cold rooms?

  M: No idea, but it is said that 1,500 guests have already stayed there three times more than they expected.

  Text 3

  M: Hi, you're back! How was your trip to the northwest?

  W: The trip was very exciting.The area is beautiful but there have been some heavy sandstorms because too many trees have been cut down.

  Text 4

  W: Heavy rains can quickly wash away the rich soil on open land.What can be done to solve this problem?

  M: One of the ways is to grow small plants such as grasses.Their roots hold the soil tightly together, which can stop rain water from washing away the soil.

  Text 5

  M: I'm an IT engineer.I think I'd be better off going abroad because IT engineers are badly needed in some foreign countries.So, I think I can make more money.

  W: Why go abroad? The IT industry in China is growing very fast.We need IT engineers as well.And the money you make here is pretty close to what you would make abroad.

  Text 6

  M: Hi!

  W: Can I help you?

  M: Yes, I'd like to rent a car for the weekend.

  W: No problem.What car do you want? We have some Volkswagens.

  M: A Volkswagen is OK.How much does it cost for a day?

  W: Sixty dollars.

  M: All right, I'll have the car for three days.Shall I pay now?

  W: No, you don't have to do that.But we have to see your driver's license.

  M: Sure.Here you are.

  W: Um, that's fine.

  M: So can I have the car now?

  W: Well, I'm afraid you have to fill in this form first.

  Text 7

  W: Did you call Ben last night?

  M: Yes.I tried to get a hold of him, but it was so difficult to get through.

  W: That's strange.Maybe he was on the Net.

  M: That's probably it! No wonder the line was busy all the time! Maybe he ought to get another line.

  W: Or he should get call waiting.

  Text 8

  M: My watch always gains ten minutes a day.

  W: That's funny.My watch always loses ten minutes a day.

  M: No kidding.

  W: I'm serious.Every morning I set my watch by the radio, but it still loses ten minutes.

  M: Do you know what you can do?

  W: Throw it away and buy a new one.

  M: No, you don't have to.You only need to put your watch ahead ten minutes every day.

  W: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day?

  M: Yeah, that's what I do.

  W: Why bother? Just buy a new watch.It doesn't cost much.Besides, I just can't put up with this thing any more.

  Text 9

  M: You look rather pale.Aren't you feeling well?

  W: Not very.I was sick most of the weekend.I didn't sleep very well.

  M: What seems to be the matter? Is it the flu?

  W: No, I think it's something I ate.We ate at that new restaurant last night, and I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me.

  M: Was it that new restaurant over on Flower Street?

  W: As a matter of fact, it was.Why do you ask?

  M: Because Jerry ate there last week and had the same kind of problem.He was sick the next day, too.

  W: That's interesting.Maybe the health authorities should investigate the place.

  M: That's what I think.Two people with similar problems in such a short time can't just be a coincidence!

  Text 10

  The development of the English language took a giant step just nine years before the death of William Shakespeare.Three small British ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1607.They landed in an area that would later become the southern American state of Virginia.They began the first of several British colonies.The name of the first small colony was Jamestown.

  Over the course of the following years, people in these new colonies began to call areas of their new land by words borrowed from the native people they found living there.For example, many of the great rivers in the United States are taken from native American words.The Mississippi, the Tennessee and the Missouri are examples.

  Other native American words include “moccasin”, the kind of shoes made of animal skin that Indians wore on their feet.This borrowing or adding of foreign words to English was a way of expanding the language.The names of three days of the week are good examples of this.The people from Northern Europe honoured three gods with a special day each week for each one.The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya.Odin's Day became Wednesday in English, Thor's Day became Thursday and Freya's Day became Friday.

  [答案]1—5 BACAA 6—10 BCCAA

  11—15 BABBA 16—20 BCBCA




  21.Chongqing and Wuhan are among the most important cities in China ________ size and population.

  A.in favor of

  B.in case of

  C.in view of

  D.in terms of

  [解析]考查介词短语。in favor of支持,有利于;in case of 以防,万一;in view of 考虑到,由于;in terms of 就……而言。


  22.Martin was once ________ the title of Advanced Worker for his excellent work in his company.





  [解析]考查动词的搭配。offered 主动提供;award 授予,判给;reward 酬谢,报酬;supply 提供;be awarded the title 授予称号,故选B项。


  23.It is quite ________ that Tom hurts her deeply and he must apologize to her.





  [解析]考查形容词词义辨析。句意:显而易见,是汤姆深深伤害了她,汤姆必须向她道歉。obvious 显然,明显的。


  24.Out of his ________, he was attracted by the knowledge of science.





  [解析]考查名词辨析。out of 意为“因为,出于”。根据句意,可知应用 curiosity,即:出于好奇。carelessness 粗心;determination 决心;patience 耐心,所以选C。


  25.Jane's behavior ________ Paul.He has never thought she wants to go back to the company again.





  [解析]考查动词辨析。limit 限制;benefit 有益于;contain 包含;puzzle (使)迷惑。句意:Jane 的行为使 Paul(感到)迷惑。他从没想过她想再回到这个公司。根据句意可知正确答案为D。


  26.The more depressed he got, the more he ________ drink.

  A.watched out

  B.believed in

  C.turned to

  D.stuck to

  [解析]考查短语辨析。watch out 密切注视,当心,提防;believe in 信任;turn to 向……求助;stick to 坚持。句意:他情绪越低落,越是借酒浇愁。


  27.The news that the students would put off the outing until the next week was ________ yesterday.





  [解析]考查动词辨析。句意:学生们把郊游推迟到了下周的消息昨天得到了证实。confirm 证实,证明;impress 使印象深刻;使铭记;observe 观察,观测,遵守;deliver 递送,接生,发表(演说等)。


  28.The contract is very important for both of you,so studying it________before signing is necessary.

  A.in return

  B.in exchange

  C.in detail

  D.in turn

  [解析]考查介词短语辨析。in return 做为回报;in exchange 作为交换;in detail 详细地;in turn 依次,轮流。句意:这份合同对你们俩非常重要,因此签字之前仔细阅读它很必要。


  29.—Do the Olympic champions________regularly after the Olympic Games?

  —Yes,they do.They'll get fat easily if they don't.

  A.work out

  B.cool off

  C.stay up

  D.break off

  [解析]考查动词短语辨析。work out 计算出,锻炼身体;cool off 冷静;stay up 熬夜;break off 中断。句意:——奥运会过后,运动员还是经常进行体育锻炼吗?——是的,要不然的话,他们很容易长胖。


  30.At the end of last year,New York's stock market fell,________a global financial crisis.

  A.setting off

  B.driving off

  C.giving off

  D.laying off

  [解析]考查动词短语辨析。set off 启程,引发,引爆;drive off 赶走,击退;give off 散发;lay off 停工,解雇。句意:去年年底,纽约股票市场下跌,引发全球金融危机。




  It was her giggling that drew my attention.Note taking really wasn't all that funny.

  Walking over to the offender, I asked for the __31__.Frozen, she refused to give it to me.I waited,all attention in the classroom on the quiet __32__ between the teacher and the student.When she finally __33__ it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didn't draw it.”

  It was a hand­drawn __34__ of me, teeth blackened and the words “I'm stupid” coming out of my mouth.

  I managed to fold it up calmly.My mind, __35__, was working angrily as I struggled not to __36__.I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture.It would do them some __37__ to teach them a lesson,and maybe it was high time that I did it!

  Thankfully, I was able to keep myself __38__.

  When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture.They were all silent as I told them how __39__ this was for me.I told them there must be a reason __40__ and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me.Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.

  As I __41__ the notes later, many of them said something like, “I've got nothing against you,” or “I'm sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “We're __42__ of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I __43__ were behind the picture, had a list of issues.I was too __44__, too strict...

  Reading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of __45__ my students, I had begun commanding them to __46__.Where I thought I was driving them to success I was __47__ driving them away.

  I had some apologizing to do.But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card.The one __48__ by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke.The one from the girls asked for __49__.

  This was a lesson for both the kids and me.Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the __50__.


















































































  31.A我走到那位刚才发出笑声的女孩身旁,我要她把纸条给我。note 笔记,便条。由上文的 Note taking really wasn't all that funny 和下文发生的事情可知答案。


  33.D'当她最后把便条交给我的时候,低声地说了一句,“好吧,但不是我画的。”hand over 交出,送交;take over 接收,接管,接任;think over 仔细考虑;turn over 翻转,倾覆,移交,翻阅。

  34.C'那是一张用手画的我的图片,牙齿被涂黑,还有一句旁白“我是傻瓜”。picture 照片,图画。


  36.B'下文的 sniffed“抽泣着而忍住不哭出声来”暗示了答案。

  37.A'给他们一个教训可能对他们有好处,或许是我该做这件事的时候了! do sb.good 固定搭配,“对某人有好处”。

  38.B'谢天谢地,我能够控制住我自己。keep myself controlled 自控。

  39.D'当我告诉他们这对我是怎样的一种伤害时,他们都默不作声。下文空42前的 hurt 也暗示了答案。

  40.D'我告诉他们这背后肯定有某种理由。behind 在背后,在……的背后,在……的后面。

  41.C'当我后来读这些便条的时候……。下文为便条的内容可知答案为 read。

  42.C'有些孩子说“我们害怕你”。be afraid of 害怕。

  43.A'但有两个便条列举了一些问题,我估计这两张便条是画那张图片的女孩写的。figure 估计。

  44.B'我不友好、太严格……。mean 不友好的,吝啬的,小气的。mean 与后面的 strict 构成对应关系。

  45.B'读了那些便条后,我意识到在今年的教学过程中,我不是鼓励我的学生,而是命令他们取得成绩。encourage 鼓励,激励。

  46.D'achieve 实现,完成,赢得。

  47.A'我原以为我在驱使他们成功,但实际上我是在迫使他们远离目标。actually 实际上,事实上。

  48.C'所有男孩子签名的那张便条对这个令人不愉快的玩笑表达了真诚的歉意。sign 签署,写下,签字,署名。

  49.B'来自女孩子们的那张便条请求原谅。ask for forgiveness 请求原谅/宽恕。

  50.D'宽容不能改变过去,但可以开拓未来。和空前的 the past 相对的应该是 future。第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分;满分40分)



  (2011·重庆高考)William Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13, 1865.His childhood lacked the harmony (和睦) that was typical of a happy family.Later, Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered “little of childhood but its pain”.In fact, he inherited (继承) excellent taste in art from his family—both his father and his brother were painters.But he finally settled on literature, particularly drama (戏剧) and poetry.

  Yeats had strong faith in the coming of new artistic movements.He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s.His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at the beginning.He didn't lose heart, and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama.

  Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice.The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging.Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them.As his literary life progressed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition.

  He had not enjoyed a major public lift since winning the Nobel Prize in 1923.Yet, he continued writing almost to the end of his life.Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75.After Yeats's death in 1939, W.H.Auden wrote, among others, the following lines:

  Earth, receive an honoured guest:

  William Yeats is laid to rest.

  Let the Irish vessel (船) lie.

  Emptied of its poetry.

  51.Which of the following can describe Yeats's family?

  A.It filled Yeats's childhood with laughter.

  B.It was shocked by Yeats's choice.

  C.It was a typically wealthy family.

  D.It had an artistic atmosphere.

  52.According to the passage, what do we know about Yeats's life?

  A.Yeats founded the first Irish theater.

  B.Yeats stuck to modern forms in his poetry.

  C.Yeats began to produce his best works from the 1910s.

  D.Yeats was not favored by the public until the 1923 Nobel Prize.

  53.What kind of feeling is expressed in W.H.Auden's lines?





  54.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.Yeats's literary achievements.

  B.Yeats's historical influence.

  C.Yeats's artistic ambition.

  D.Yeats's national honour.


  [语篇解读]'本文为记叙文,介绍了爱尔兰的文学巨匠 William Butler Yeats 的生平和他在文学,尤其是在戏剧和诗歌方面的成就以及人们对他的评价。

  51.D'细节理解题。根据第一段中“he inherited (继承) excellent taste in art from his family”可知他继承了家族优秀的艺术品味,所以他的家庭拥有艺术氛围,D项正确。

  52.C'细节理解题。根据第四段的“Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40,he would probably now be valued as a minor poet”可知:他40岁(1905年)之后才写出了好的作品,得到公众的支持,得出C为正确选项。

  53.D'推理判断题。根据最后一段他写的诗句中“an honoured guest”可知:他对 Yeats 是赞扬与敬佩(admiration)的。A:嫉妒;B:同情;C:空虚,均不符合题意,故排除。

  54.A'主旨大意题。根据第一段的最后一句“But he finally settled on literature,particularly drama and poetry.”可知本文旨在介绍 Yeats 在文学方面所取得的成就。



  Exploit your parking space

  An unused parking space or garage can make money.If you live near a city center or an airport, you could make anything up to£200 or£300 a week.Put an advertisement (广告) for free on Letpark or Atmyhousepark.

  Rent (出租)a room

  Spare room? Not only will a lodger (房客)earn you an income, but also, thanks to the government­backed “rent a room” program, you won't have to pay any tax on the first £4,500 you make per year.Try advertising your room on Roomspare or Roommateeasy.

  Make money during special events

  Don't want a full­time lodger? Then rent on a short­term basis.If you live in the capital, renting a room out during the Olympics or other big events could bring in money.Grashpadder can advertise your space.

  Live on set

  Renting your home out as a “film set” could earn you hundreds of pounds a day, depending on the film production company and how long your home is needed.A quick search on the Internet will bring up dozens of online companies that allow you to register your home for free—but you will be charged if your home gets picked.

  Use your roof

  You need the right kind of roof, but some energy companies pay the cost of fixing solar equipment (around £14,000)and let you use the energy produced for nothing.In return, they get paid for unused energy fed back into the National Grid.However, you have to sign a 25­year agreement with the supplier, which could prevent you from changing the roof.

  55.If you earn £5,000 from renting a room in one year, the tax you need to pay will be based on ________.





  56.Where can you put an advertisement to rent out a room during a big event?

  A.On Letpark.

  B.On Roomspare.

  C.On Grashpadder.

  D.On Roommateeasy.

  57.If you want to use energy free, you have to ________.

  A.sign an agreement with the government

  B.pay around £14,000 for the equipment

  C.sell the roof to some energy companies

  D.keep the roof unchanged within 25 years

  58.For whom is the text most probably written?



  C.House owners.

  D.Online companies.




  56.C'细节理解题。第三节说,如果你住在首都,在奥运会或其他盛事期间可以出租自家的房屋,可以通过 Grashpadder 做广告。由此判断选C。




  (2017·湖北省八校高三第一次联考)Squirrels often communicate with whistles, chirps

  and chucks, which sound like the word “chuck”.

  Whistles and chirps are like the

  sounds that many birds make. Now scientists have translated some of their


  Hare, a professor of zoology at the University of Maniloha in Winnipeg, and his team managed to record squirrels' alarm calls. The researchers studied the sounds and then

  played them back to 60 wild squirrels, which the scientists approached individually with a video recorder to capture(抓拍)their responses. Some squirrels lifted their heads up and

  became. alert(警惕的). Creatures that were more frightened simply ran for their lives and dived into caves.

  “In effect then, whistles that mix with chucks say ‘there's an enemy of average threat that's here', and whistles without chucks say ‘there's an enemy of seemingly average threat around here somewhere', while pure chirps say, ‘I'm hiding here because there's an immediate danger.'” Hare told Discovery News.

  Hare and some other researchers believe such sounds are part of an advanced language that develops just as all other communication systems.

  Although squirrels risk their lives when they call out to warn others of threats, other squirrels might admire this behaviour, thus increasingly the caller's social status, like humans who look up to heroes. Hare added that other animals, such as birds, probably understand at least some squirrel language, since they also may benefit from the alarm calls.

  In fact, another Canadian study found that deep-voiced, black-capped chickadees

  have their own language too. According to certain research, there are a lot of tidings in chickadees' calls, such as directing fellows' activities, keeping in contact between mates, and raising alarms.

  While chickadees and other birds are often welcomed into gardens by homeowners, squirrels are frequently viewed as pests(害兽) . Hare wishes a greater understanding of the complex social lives and communication systems of squirrels will provide hope that humans will gain a greater appreciation and stop doing harm to these animals.

  59.The text mainly talks about ________.

  A. the study on the language of squirrels

  B. the comparison between squirrels and chickadees

  C. the calling for the protection of squirrels

  D. the ways for squirrels to escape from their enemies

  60.If a squirrel is in a very dangerous situation, it would probably make ________.

  A.whistles with chucks

  B.pure chirps

  C.whistles without chucks

  D.repeated chucks

  61.The underlined word“tidings”in Paragraph 6 probably means________.





  62.What can be learned from this text?

  A.Squirrels communicate with each other as humans do.

  B.Some squirrels understand the recorded alarm calls.

  C.Other animals also well understand the language of squirrels.

  D.Birds such as chickadees don't have their own language.


  [语篇解读] 主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出,文章向我们讲述了Hare以及他带领的团队对松鼠们所使用的语言的研究。


  60.B'细节理解题。由文章中的“while qure chirps say, I'm hiding here because there's an immediate danger”可以看出,B项正确。

  61.C'词义猜测题。下文such as 后里列举的“directing fellows' activities, keeping in contact between mates, and raising alarms”都是是不同的信息,由此可以看出,该词和message同义。

  62.B'推理判断题。从文章的第二段中“…Some squirrels lifted their heads up and became alert(警惕的). Creatures that were more frightened simply ran for their lives and dived into caves.”可以看出,松鼠们对于“the recorded alarm calls”反应很敏感,也就是说他们能理解。


  (2017·山东聊城期中考试)While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across an unbelievable sight.It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a show of courage.

  The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks.For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified.That left only one to complete.It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is important.

  I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was worng.I'm not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good dive from a poor one, and this was not exactly medal quality.When he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was not out for gold—his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle.The crowd started to laugh.Clearly this man was not a medal competitior.

  I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time.Finally he made his turn to start back.It was pitiful.He made a few desperate strokes and you could tell he was worn out.

  But in those few awful strokes, the crowd had changed.

  No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer.Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and he did.

  A clear minute past the average swimmer, this young man finally finished his race.The crowd went wild.You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have.Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.

  Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone race.His country had been invited to Sydney.

  In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals feeling they have somehow been cheated out of gold, or when they act so proudly in front of their competitors, it_is_nice_to_watch_an_underdog.

  63.From the passage we can learn that the young man ______.

  A.made his turn to start back pitifully

  B.was skillful in freestyle in the game

  C.swam faster than the average swimmer

  D.was not capable enough to win the medal

  64.The crowd changed their attitudes because ________.

  A.they felt sorry for the young man

  B.they were moved by the young man

  C.they wanted to show their sympathy

  D.they meant to please the young man

  65.According to the passage, “it_is_nice_to_watch_an_underdog” probably means ________.

  A.it's amusing to watch a man with awful swimming skills

  B.it's amazing to watch an ordinary man challenging himself

  C.it's cheerful for athletes to act proudly before their competitors

  D.it's brave enough for some athletes to remove the silver medals

  66.What's the best title for the passage?

  A.Compete for Gold!

  B.Try again!

  C.Break a Record!

  D.Go for it!


  63.D 推理判断题。依据第四段可知 the young man

  并非往回游很痛苦,而是整个过程都很痛苦;B项叙述错误,依据 when he resurfaced, it was evident that the man was not out for gold—his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle.可知,他的游泳姿势不对,并非擅长自由泳;C项:由第七段可知,他比别人慢得多。依第三段 this was not exactly medal quality 可知D项正确。

  64.B 细节理解判断题。由文章的叙述可知,观众被这个年轻人感动了,因此改变了他们的态度,转而为他喝彩。

  65.B 语境:某些运动员认为被骗取了金牌,因而在对手面前很自豪地摘掉银牌(以示不满),与这种现象相比,这个年轻人挑战自己的勇气是多么令人惊叹啊!

  66.D 主旨大意判断题。本文讲述的例子旨在证明人应该努力挑战自己,全力以赴,并非是努力获得金牌,也非再试一次,更不是破纪录。“Go for it!”表示全力以赴之意,符合本文的思想。


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