Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 1.mix vt.&vi.混合;调配
mixture n.混合物;混合状态
mix A and/with B 使 B 与 A 相混合
mix up (...with...)(将……与……)混淆;弄错 运用 完成句子 (1)我不喜欢干正事时还玩乐。 I don't like to ______ business ________ pleasure. (2)王老师把我的成绩和别人的搞混了。 Miss Wang ____________ my results ______ someone else's. mix with mixed up with 2.confirm vt.证实;证明;批准;坚定;加强
confirm sb.in sth.使某人确信某事
confirm that-clause 证实…… It is confirmed that-clause 已经确定/证实……
运用 完成句子 (1)已经确定了我们下周将举行运动会。 __________________ we'll have a sports meeting next week. (2)最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。 The latest developments ________________________. It is confirmed that confirmed me in my belief 3.impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记
impression n.印象;感想;印记 impress sb.with sth.以某物给某人留下印象
impress sth.on/upon sb.以某物给某人留下印象
impress sb.as 作为……给某人留下印象 be impressed by 为……所感动;对……有印象 make an impression on sb.that-clause 给某人留下……的印象 运用 完成句子 (1)我们为英雄的事迹深深地感动着。 We ______________________ by the hero's deeds. (2)老师的第一节课让我们觉得他是一个很有幽默感的人。 The teacher's first class _________________________ us that he was a person full of sense of humor. are deeply impressed made an impression on 用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子
1.结果证实了你们是对的。 The results _______________ you are right. 2.这个城市是新老建筑的混合体。 The city is a __________ of old and new buildings. 3.他决定向东旅行。 He decided to ____________________. 4.选一个你力所能及的目标。 Choose a goal _______________ your reach. confirm that mixture travel eastward within 5.两国间的边境贸易发展迅速。 ________ trade between the two countries is developing ra-pidly. 6.我们在拂晓时袭击敌人。 We attacked the enemy _______________. 7.我父亲有宽阔的肩膀。 My father has ____________________. 8.这一工程带来的变化给我留下了很深的印象。 I _________________ by the changes brought about by the project. Border
at dawn broad shoulders was deeply impressed 1.rather than 与其;不愿 do A rather than do B =rather than do B, sb.do A
与其做 B 事,不如做 A 事 A rather than B 是 A 而不是 B would do...rather than do... =would rather do...than do...宁可 做……而不愿做…… prefer to do...rather than do...宁愿做……而不愿做……
would rather sb.did/have done sth.宁愿某人现在或将来/过去 做某事(虚拟语气) ___________fight. rather than 运用 完成句子 我宁可被叫作傻瓜也不要打架。 I ________________________ be called a fool _____________ prefer to/would rather/would rather than/than/ 2.manage to do 设法做 辨析 manage to do/try to do (1)manage to do 指设法做成了,强调结果; (2)try to do 指尽量去做,但不一定成功,强调过程和态度。
运用 完成句子 (1)他想方设法戒烟,但还是没戒成。 He _______________ smoking but at last he failed. (2)这个盒子很重,但我还是设法把它提上了楼。 The box was heavy but I ________________ carry it upstairs. tried to give up managed to 3.have a gift for 对……有天赋;在……方面有天分
运用 完成句子 史密斯太太八岁大的儿子有绘画方面的天赋。 Mrs.Smith has an 8-year-old son _______________________. who has a gift for painting 4.in the distance 在远处;远方的
运用 完成句子 ——我们还要走多远? ——直到我们到达远处的那座山还有 5 英里。 —How long shall we have to go? —Another five miles until we reach the mountain ____________. in the distance 5.as far as 远到;直到;至于;到达某一点、程度或范围
(1)as far as 意为“远到;直到”时,在否定句中也可与 so far as 互换。如: We didn't go as/so far as the post office.
我们并未走到邮局那么远。 (2)as far as 还常与动词 know, see 等连用,意为“就…… 所知”等,此时,as far as 与 so far as 可以互换。如: as/so far as I know 据我所知
as/so far as I can see 在我看来 as/so far as sb./sth.be concerned
就某人/某事物而言 运用 完成句子 (1)据我所知,他们住在同一个居民区里。 ___________________, they live in the same neighbourhood. (2)我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗? Can I hitch a lift with you _______________ the station? As/So far as I know as far as 用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子
1.从它的发动机来看,这辆车是不错。 The car is good __________ its engine is concerned. 2.你什么时候结婚和定居下来? When are you going to marry and _______________? 3.你能看见远处的那个房子吗?离那座山不远。 Can you see a house _______________, not far from the hill? as far as settle down in the distance 4.我的儿子不擅长科学,但是他在词汇方面很有天赋,所 以他中文和英文都学得很好。
My son is not good at science, but he ____________________
voca-bulary, so he does well in Chinese as well as English. 5.在周末我宁愿留在家里而不是和同学们去外面。 At weekends I prefer to stay at home ______________ go out with my classmates. 6.你是怎么得到他们的同意的? How did you ____________________ their approval? has a gift for rather than manage to get 原句 1
The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.他们将穿越整个大陆的想法令人兴奋。
一些名词如 fact,idea,opinion,view,news,information,
message,advice,suggestion,plan,order,promise 等,后面可
以跟 that,whether,what,who 等引导的同位语从句,用来说
明该名词的具体内容。 next weekend 精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子
(1)我不知道他正在做什么。 I have no idea _______________. (2)我们大家都赞成她的那项计划:下个周末我们将去野 餐。 All of us agreed with her plan _________________________ (3)是否该做这件事的这一问题使他很烦恼。 The question _________________________ troubled him. what he is doing that we would have a picnic _____________. whether he should do this 原句2 It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters.那里空气湿润,因而树木长得相
当高,有的超过 90 米。
式或伴随状语。 精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子
(1)天气允许的话,我们就开始休假。 _________________, we began our holiday. (2)他走进房间,耳朵冻得发紫。 He came into the room, his ears ____________. (3)他走出图书馆,胳膊下夹着一本书。 He came out of the library, a book ________________. Weather permitting red with cold under his arm
(1)________________ (覆盖面积) 9,976,000 square kilometers,
Canada is (2)_______________________ ( 第二大) country in the
world (3)_________________ (有人口……) about thirty million.It
(4)___________________( 位于) the north of North America with the Atlantic on
its east, bordering the US
the south.Canada (5)____________( 盛 产 ) natural resources.People speak English
and French as their (6)_________________ (官方语言).Ottawa is
one of the most beautiful capitals in the world (7)____________(也
是) a good place for people to (8)________________(定居). Covering an area of the second largest with a population of is located in is rich in official languages as well as settle down “角色扮演”备考指导(三)
简单的语言,回答中尽量不要有多余的信息,句式以简单为主。 例1:
Clinton grew
the country's
eyes.Just 12
years old when her father took office, she spent more than half her
life in the public eye, though her parents took great pains to keep
her out of the spotlight. Question: How old was Chelsea when Mr.Clinton took office? Key: 12/12 years old.(问的是年龄,直接报出数字即可) 例2:
He visits the Culebra Cut and delivers stirring talks in the
jungle, telling workers that they are soldiers fighting a glorious war
for America's destiny.The laborers are impressed and honored by
his inspiring speech because... Question: How did the laborers feel after hearing the speech?
Key: They felt impressed and honored.(只需要回答问题的要
点即可。此处问的是工人们的感受,就是 impressed and honored,
于犹豫,往往会发出 “er” “ah”之类的语气词,这种情况一定要
尽量避免,否则会影响得分。 报道灾难事件
我们所说的灾难性事件,主要指 fire (火灾), flood (洪灾),
drought ( 干旱), landslide ( 山崩), earthquake ( 地震), tsunami ( 海
啸), typhoon (台风), hurricane (飓风), tornado (龙卷风), volcanic
eruption (火山爆发), snowstorm (暴风雪)等。 【谋篇布局】
过去时。 【必备词汇】
1.何事何地 an earthquake happened in/hit/struck... 2.造成后果 (1)失踪:missing (2)受伤:get/be injured (3)死亡:be killed/lose one's life/cause sb.'s death
(4)电力中断:the electricity was cut off
(5)房屋倒塌:house collapse/fall down
(6)冲走房屋:wash away buildings (7)成为废墟:be in ruins; fall into ruins
(8)造成经济损失:cause economic losses 3.救援捐赠 (1)受灾地区:stricken district/area
(2)救灾工作:rescue work (3)恢复正常:return to normal (4)地震灾民:the victims of the earthquake
(5)被困人员:trapped people
(6)拯救:rescue... from (7)呼吁人们捐赠:call on people to make donations 时间
2011 年 3 月 11 日 13 时 震中
日本本州岛(Honshu Island)东北 130 公里处 影响 1.截止至 3 月 16 日,死亡人数已超过 4000 人,
有 8000 人失踪;
2.强海啸和核电站反应堆(reactor)爆炸。 各界反应
2011 年 3 月 11 日,日本发生了大地震并引发了海啸,引
起了全世界人民的关注。以下是这一灾难事件的基本情况。 [写作内容] 请你根据以上内容给学校广播站写一篇英语简讯,内容包 括: 1.地震发生的时间、震中地点; 2.地震的影响和各界对此次地震的反应;
[写作要求] 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 范文诵读: A big earthquake hit Japan 130 kilometers off the northeast coast of Honshu Island at 1 p . m.on March 11, 2011.The strong tsunami along with it had caused more than 4,000 deaths and
countries have promised to provide with relief support.Though
the reactors in the nuclear power station continued to explode, there
have been no other countries influenced by nuclear radiation by
now, according to the WHO. I think we all should put down the prejudice between China and Japan and be united to reduce the damage.