2017届高考英语听力素材:名篇名段 34 Golden Fruit-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语听力素材:名篇名段 34 Golden Fruit

发布时间:2017-02-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


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  7B506A Task



  1. 从…得名________________________2. 一个叫…的人_____________________

  3. 停下来吃饭_______________4.打牌_____________________5.至少_________________

  6. 在两片面包中间放肉_______________________7.遍及全世界_______________

  8. 与…一样大______________9.一片…__________________10.索要__________________



  She______________ and didn?t find ______________.


  I’m ____________ afraid of animals____________.


  Sandy has _________________ stamps from_______________.


  I want ____________________them


  A boy ________ Jack __________ you yesterday.


  书面表达: Elephants

  提示语:the biggest living animals on land, eat 100-1,000 pounds of grass in a day. Live 60-70 years, no bones in the back of elephants’ feet-ugly fat. walk on tiptoe. move quietly, grow large teeth-tusks. (字数60-80)



  A mother camel was walking with her son through the desert(沙漠).They were looking for water and grass.

  The son asked his mother what water and grass looked like. The mother replied that water was blue and looked like the sky, while grass was green and nice.

  After they had walked a day and a night, her son suddenly cried. 揕ook, mother, thefre?s water and grass over there.”

  “what a foolish(傻)talk, child!”

  The water and grass were on the left, while the desert was on the right. Because the mother camel had been blind in her left eye since she was a baby, she could see nothing with her left eye.

  After they had gone on another day and night, the young camel found a second oasis(绿洲), but his mother still did not believe him. She said that was not an oasis, but a desert. She said she knew more than her son and couldn’t be wrong.

  Her son got angry. When he saw an oasis again, he left his mother without telling her. He ran into the grass and ate his fill.


  )1、The mother camel could see things ________

  A、only in the left eye B、only in the right eye

  C、in both of her eyes D、in neither of her eyes


  )2、The young camel saw the oasis ________.

  A、just on the left

  B、just on the right

  C、neither on the left nor on the right

  D、not only on the left but also on the fight


  )3、The son did not know what water and grass looked like _________.

  A、when they met the water and grass for the first time

  B、when he found the second oasis

  C、before he found the first oasis

  D、after they met the water and grass for the second time.


  )4、The mother camel did not believe her son because ______.

  A、the son was a foolish child

  B、the son was too young to know what water and grass looked like

  C、She thought she knew more than her son and couldn’t be wrong

  D、she was foolish in fact.


  )5、It was when the ______ time that the young camel got very angry and left his mother.






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