Boosting your Brain Power Who among us hasn’t wished that they were just a little smarter? Maybe you’re in school and just want to go that extra little bit to get a better grade on a test. Maybe you want to show your boss that you are good enough to get that promotion. Increasing your brainpower has been the subject of many an ad and infomercial touting herbs and other products designed to make you smarter for a price. But what are some ways you can go about boosting your brainpower that you can do right now, without having to pay that hefty price tag. Sleep is one of the easiest things to do, yet one of the ones that most of us don’t do. We live in a busy age and often it seems like we don’t have enough time to get everything done we want to. So many of us sacrifice our hours of sleep to get that last little bit of time in to accomplish our daily tasks. Giving your body the rest it needs every night can boost your ability to function at your best the next day. Read a book. Being smarter is not only about thinking but knowledge plays a big part in it too. Reading helps your brain stay active. The more you read, the more you know, and the smarter you will be. Think of it as exercise for the brain. Learn something new and then teach someone else how to do it. There is a big difference between knowing something and being able to teach it to someone else. There is nothing like trying to break something down into simpler terms for others to help you understand it better than you did before. Take a nap. It has been proven that naps are beneficial and help you function better for the rest of the day. Work on a puzzle. It can be anything from the newspaper crossword or the new Sudoku puzzle. Puzzles help you use your brain to figure out the answers. Crossword puzzles also have the added benefit of increasing your vocabulary and trivia knowledge. Your brain needs exercise just like your body does to be able to function in top form. Don’t forget to eat. You have to give your brain the energy it needs to function. Skipping meals can lead to fatigue, making it harder for you to think and perform at your very best. Eating healthy can improve your brain’s health as well as your body’s. Write something. Writing is another good exercise for the brain. By getting those creative juices flowing, not only does it help you think better, but by writing about things you know, it helps you to understand them better. It is rather like teaching them to someone else, just without the face-to-face contact. Try turning off that television set and going for a walk. A walk will stimulate your body and relax your mind. Just as watching too much T.V. can hurt your body, it also causes your brain to slow down as well. Remember to avoid excessive alcohol and drugs. Drugs and alcohol can harm your thinking by making it harder for your brain to work properly. Moderation is the key. So go out there and boost your brainpower, your mind will thank you. 我们当中谁不希望自己更聪明?你可能正在上学且只想用额外的一点智力在考试中获得较好的分数。你可能正向老板展示你有足够的能力想得到提升。增加你的智慧已经是许多兜售草药的广告和信息和其它为价格使你更聪明的产品的主题。但是在不付出沉重的代价的情况下,提升你的智力有哪些方法?你马上要做的是什么? 睡眠是最容易做的事情之一, 然而也是我们当中最多的人没有做到的事情之一。我们为生活繁忙,似乎我们没有足够的时间去做我们想做的每一件事。所以我们当中许多人牺牲自己的睡眠时间去在最后一点时间内完成日常工作。让自己每天晚上有时间睡眠能够提升你的能力以最佳状态从事第二天的工作。 看书。不仅是思想而且是知识,这是比较聪明的做法,看书也将发费大部分时间。阅读有利于你的大脑保持活跃。你读得越多,你就知道得越多,你也将更聪明。当训练大脑时,要多看书。 了解新事物,然后向别人请教怎么做。了解事物和能够向向别人请教怎么做存在很大的差别。 尝试把事物分解成更简单的措辞,让别人帮助你经以前更好理解事物也没什么。 睡午觉。已经证明午觉有利于帮助你在一天接下来的时间内有更好的精力。 解答谜题,可以是报纸上的猜字游戏或新的数独游戏等任何谜题。谜题有利于你开动大脑去猜测出答案,纵横填字谜还有另外一个好处,能增加你的词汇和琐事知识。就跟你的身体一样,大脑也需要得到煅炼,使能够以最好的形态运行。 不要忘记进食。你必需给予大脑运转所需的能量。跳绳餐能够导致疲劳,让你以最好的状态思考问题,做事更另困难。健康饮食能够提高你的大脑健康和增强你的体质。 写作。写作是煅炼大脑的另外一个很好的措施。启动你的创造性思维不仅能够帮助你更好地思考问题,也能通过记录你知道的事物帮助你更好地理解他们。这很想你向别人请教,只是没有面对面的接触。 尽量关掉电视机,出去散步。 散步将使你的身体兴奋,思想放松。同样地看太多的电视节目会伤害你的身体,也全导致你的思维能力快速下降。 记住不要饮酒过度,远离毒品。毒品和酒精能够使你的大脑超正常运转而危害你的思想。适度是关键。 所以走出去提升你的智力,你的思想会感谢你自己。