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发布时间:2017-02-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Do You Believe Everything Happens for a Reason? Happiness is sorry; and sorrow is happiness. One should not see these as separate. One should abandon attachments and strive to find contentment. To a certain extent I do. I guess you could call it fate, in the sense I believe some things are pre-determined. Like, I trust my instincts and believe in my unique abilities as an Individual; I believe I have a gift and the purpose of my life is to gain satisfaction from this; and I gain strength from my experiences in life, whether good or bad. I believe in the "self" as an excuse for people not to accept the conformity of their everyday lives; but as a belief to challenge their own existence, and society around them. However, the thing that I've never understood is illness; this is a fate which opposes our own existence. It's nearly 4 years since I lost my Mother to cancer. Up until that point I guess you could say she did everything society demanded of her: she went to the gym twice a week, ate all the "right" foods, worked a 9-5 job, was happily married, and raised 4 kids. She suffered from a stroke when I was currently living away in Leeds, and gradually her health got worse and worse very quickly over a 3 month period. To this day, I never understood that. You could argue that the experience of losing my Mother made me stronger as Individual. Yes, it did, but what about her? What about her destiny? She had no choice to challenge her diagnosis; she was left helpless and weak, and unable to do anything against it. Some people say death is necessary to make way for the new born. Yes, this is true, but death is not always fair. Who decides what is fair? God? Was it "God's Will" that my Mother should die from illness at that point? If people have this idea and belief of a "God" controlling our lives for the better then does the same account for the innocent people that have lost their lives because it was "God's will"? I'm still searching for answers. 你相信事出皆有因吗? 幸福即不幸,不幸即幸福。在我们眼中,这两者不该是独立门户的。因而我们在摒弃过多贪恋的同时,要努力找寻那份知足。 从某种程度上,我想你可以称之为命运的编排。正如我相信诸事的业已既定那般:直觉是我的信赖;个体能力的独一无二是我的倚仗;我有超群的天资,并且以从中获求满足作为自己的人生目标;丰富的阅历,无论好坏,都可以成为我的力量源泉;“个性”是否认世俗规范的借口,是敢于挑战自我生存和迎击周遭社会的一种信仰。 纵算相信事出有因,我始终还有无法明了的一件事,即疾病——颠覆人类生存的宿命。大约四年前,癌症从我身旁夺走了我的母亲。直至那一刻,我想你可以说她的所行所为都顺应于社会的一切要求;每周去两次健身房的她,不仅奉行健康饮食,而且朝九晚五极富规律的工作上班,养育四个儿女,婚姻生活不可不说是过得美满幸福。在我离家住在里兹的那段时间里,她突发中风,而后的三个月,身体健康迅速日趋衰退,每况愈下。 自此,我被困惑包围,无法自拔。也许你会认为母亲的离去让我更坚强,更独立。当时的情况的确如你所料。但是,她怎么办?她的命运对她公平吗?挑战疾病,她无从择选;违抗一切,她虚弱,她无力,她无望。有人说,死亡是为新生铺路开道的必然。纵然言出有理,可死神毕竟不总是公平公正的。谁能定夺所谓的公平?是上帝吗?难道是“上帝的旨意”诀议了,就是在那一时点,病魔该杀死我的母亲吗?如若人们怀揣着是“上帝”在控制生命走向更美好的想法,那么夺走无辜者的生存权利也同样是“上帝的旨意”吗? 这个答案,我依旧在求索。



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