2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业37:Unit 2《Cloning》(新人教版选修8福建专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业37:Unit 2《Cloning》(新人教版选修8福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(三十七) [选修8 Unit 2 Cloning]



  1.I have no idea ________ the journalist could have got his information from.





  2.One reason for her preference for city life is ________ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.





  3.Along with the letter was his promise ________ he would visit me this coming Christmas.





  4.People take naps at noon in warmer climates, ________ the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon.






  William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to ________.





  6.As is well known, everyone is forbidden ________ in buses, regardless of what they are.

  A.to smoke


  C.to be smoking

  D.to smoking

  7.—Please sit down and I'll cook you some coffee.

  —________.Let's come to the point first.

  A.You are welcome

  B.You needn't do so

  C.Please don't bother

  D.You are indeed too polite

  8.Last month, thousands of workers in that city went on ________ strike, demanding lower taxes and ________ end to cutting staff members.

  A.a; the

  B.a; an

  C./; an

  D./; the

  9.After the quarrel, I tried all my best to remove the misunderstanding between us, but all my efforts seemed ________.

  A.in vain

  B.in case

  C.in time

  D.in trouble

  10.It is ________ great honor for China to develop ________ fastest computer in today's world.

  A.a; the

  B.an; the

  C.an; an

  D.a; a

  11.They had intended going into the country for the day, but were ________by reports of traffic jams.

  A.put away

  B.put off

  C.put up

  D.pay down

  12.There are laws in some countries which forbid advertisements ________ at inappropriate times and places.

  A.being shown



  D.to have shown

  13.The way he did it was different ________we were used to.

  A.in which

  B.in what

  C.from what

  D.from which

  14.________ was expected, only five people turned up at the party, ________ disappointed the hostess very much.

  A.As; what

  B.As; which

  C.It; that

  D.What; which

  15.________ afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.







  Cloning is suggested as a means of bringing back a relative, usually a child, killed unfortunately. Some parents can understand that wish, but it must first be recognized that the copy would be a new baby and not the lost child. Here lies the_difficulty,_for the sad parents are seeking not a new baby but a return of the dead one. Since the original would be fondly remembered as having particular talents and interests, would not the parents expect the copy to be the same? It is possible, however, that the copy would develop quite differently. Is it fair to the new child to be placed in a family with such unnatural expectations?

  Copying is also suggested as a means by which parents can have the child of their dreams. Couples might choose to have a copy of a film star, baseball player or scientist, depending on their interests. But because personality is only partly the result of genetic inheritance, conflicts would be sure to arise if the cloned child failed to develop the same interests as the original. What if the copy of Einstein shows no interest in science? Or the baseball player turns to acting? Success_also_depends_on_fortune. What if the child does not live up to the hopes and dreams of their parents simply because of bad luck?

  Every child should be wanted for itself, as a person. In making a copy of oneself or some famous person, a parent is purposely specifying the way he or she wishes that child to develop. In recent years, particularly in the U.S., much importance has been placed on the right of individuals to reproduce in ways that they wish. So I suggest there should be a greater need to consider the interests of the child and to reject these suggested uses of cloning.

  16.The underlined part “the difficulty” in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.

  A.cloning a baby is difficult

  B.it's difficult to give birth to a new baby

  C.the dead child can't come back again

  D.the cloned baby can't replace the lost child

  17.According to the passage,one of the reasons why couples usually decide to clone babies is ________.

  A.to bring back a child killed unfortunately

  B.to exchange their children

  C.to develop the same interests as their child

  D.to succeed in making fortune

  18.The sentence “Success also depends on fortune” implies that ________.

  A.the result may be unpredictable

  B.the child does not live up to the parents' hopes

  C.the cloned child fails to develop the same interest as the original

  D.the baseball player turns to acting

  19.We CAN'T conclude that ________ according to the observation made by the author.

  A.it's important to consider the interests of the child rather than the suggested uses of cloning

  B.parents can't expect to get the lost child back by cloning a new baby

  C.much importance should be placed on the right of parents to reproduce babies in ways that they wish

  D.every child should be wanted as a unique individual


  Ride With The Leader

  CitySights NY has become the recognized leader in NYC's sightseeing.

  We operate the first top­deck­seating­only buses. Look for friendly ticket agents throughout the city. We very much appreciate your choosing us and wish you a wonderful visit.

  ▲Downtown Tour

  Empire State Building. Chinatown.

  World Trade Center Site. Wall Street.

  United Nations. Rockefeller Center.

  Departure Times: 7:45 am—6:00 pm, daily.

  Departure Locations: 8th Ave. between 49th &50th Sts.

  Broadway between 47th &48th Sts. 7th Ave. &42nd St.

  Adults $44

  Kids $34

  (age 5—11)

  Ticket valid for 24 hours

  ▲Uptown Tour

  Lincoln Center. Central Park.

  Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  Museum of Natural History.

  Museum of Modern Art and more.

  Departure Times: 9:00—5:00 pm, daily.

  Departure Locations: 8th Ave. between 42nd &43rd Sts., 8th Ave. & 52nd St.

  Adults $44

  Kids $34

  (age 5—11)

  Ticket valid for 24 hours

  ▲Night Tour

  Enjoy and photograph the magnificent Manhattan skyline.

  Enjoy view of Times Square, SoHo, Little Italy, Brooklyn

  Bridge and more.

  Departure Times: 6:30—8:00 pm, 7 days a week.

  Departure Locations: Broadway between 47th & 48th Sts, 7th Ave. & 42nd St.

  Adults $69

  Kids $34

  (age 5—11)

  ▲Shopping Day Trip

  Enjoy the excitement of finding the world's finest designer labels for less at Woodbury Common Premium Outlet.

  Visitors enjoy a distinctive shopping experience while saving 25% to 65% every day.

  Departure Times: 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:00 am, daily.

  Returning: 4:10 pm, 5:20 pm, 6:15 pm, daily.

  Adults $42

  Kids $21

  (age 5—11)

  ▲Escorted Day Trips

  Professional tour guides accompany throughout.

  All Day Trips about 13 hours. Reservations Required.

  Adults $149

  Kids $149

  (Per Day Trip)

  Walk the Boston Freedom Trail

  Walk the Freedom Trail, which is 2.5 miles long with 16 historic sites. Decide the length of walk you wish to take. Visit Boston Harbor. See the downtown financial district and cross the Charles River to visit the squares of Cambridge, Harvard & MIT universities.

  Philadelphia & Amish Country

  See the Liberty Bell and Constitution Square. Continue to Lancaster Country, home of the Amish people. Learn how Amish live without modern technology, electricity, running water or phones.

  Departure Time: 7:00 am.

  Departure Location: 125 Park Ave. between 42nd & 41st Sts.

  20.On which tour can you visit the United Nations?

  A.Downtown Tour.

  B.Shopping Day Trip.

  C.Uptown Tour.

  D.Night Tour.

  21.Which of the following is the cheapest for adults?

  A.Escorted Day Trips.

  B.Uptown Tour.

  C.Shopping Day Trip.

  D.Night Tour.

  22.What can you see on the Uptown Tour?

  A.Different museums.

  B.Skyline of Manhattan.

  C.World's top designers.

  D.People living in old ways.

  23.What do you have to do if you want to join the Escorted Day Trips?

  A.Book before the trip.

  B.Start out at 9:30 am.

  C.Take the bus at 7th Ave.& 42nd St.

  D.Walk the Freedom Trail all day long.



  Today is January 26th. Our class had a discussion about __24__ to stay at home or go out for a trip as the winter holiday is d__25__ near. Some of us are in favor of staying at home. They think it’s both __26__ (方便)and comfortable. What’s more, they can save money for other purposes. But they will l__27__ the chance of getting to know the outside world. However, o__28__ prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their __29__(知识) and broaden their horizons. But maybe they’ll spend more money and meet many __30__ (困难) while traveling. P__31__, I think it would be much better to stay at home, for I can do what I like, such __32__ reading books, watching TV and __33__ my parents with some housework.

  24.______ 25.______ 26.______ 27.______

  28.______ 29.______ 30.______ 31.______

  32.______ 33.______



  Ⅰ.1.D 考查同位语从句。根据语意“我不知道那位记者从哪里得到的信息”可知,此处应用where引导同位语从句,解释idea的具体内容,所以这里选D项。

  2.A 考查表语从句。that引导的表语从句,而且不可以省略。

  3.B 考查同位语从句。句意:他在信中承诺:在即将到来的圣诞节来看望我。由句子结构可以看出promise后的从句非常完整,不缺少任何句子成分;由题意可知该从句用以说明promise的内容,所以可判断出是一个同位语从句,因为是在陈述一个事实,故引导词要用that。

  4.C 考查定语从句。先行词warmer climates在从句中作地点状语(表示抽象的地点),故用where引导。

  5.C 考查动词辨析。句意:威廉发现读书越来越难,因为他的视力正逐渐变弱。disappear“消失”;fall“落下,(数量﹑ 数目)下降”;fail“(指健康)衰退,变弱,消失”;damage毁坏。

  6.A 考查forbid的用法。这里考查的是forbid sb. to do sth.的被动语态。句意:众所周知,无论是谁,在公共汽车上都是禁止吸烟的。

  7.C 考查交际用语。C项意思为“别费心了,不必要了”,与Let's come to the point(让我们言归正传吧)相吻合。A项 “不用谢”;B、D两项语气太生硬,有失礼貌。

  8.C 考查冠词用法。第一空后名词strike与空前介词on构成固定短语go on strike,意为“罢工”,故用零冠词;第二空后名词是可数名词的单数,表泛指,前加不定冠词,故选C。

  9.A 考查固定短语辨析。句意:争吵过后,我尽力去消除我们之间的误会,但是我的努力看起来都白费了。in vain “白费地,徒劳无益地”;in case “免得,以防”;in time “及时,迟早”;in trouble “处于困境”。故选A。

  10.A 考查冠词用法。honor指的是具体的一件事,所以前面要用不定冠词,第二空修饰的是最高级,所以用定冠词the。句意:中国研发出世界上速度最快的电脑是一个极大的荣誉。

  11.B 考查动词短语辨析。put off意为“推迟,取消”。句意:他们本来打算那天到乡下去,但听说交通堵塞就作罢了。put away放好;put up举起,张贴,建造,提供(住宿);put down放下,写下。

  12.A 考查forbid doing sth.的用法。句意:有些国家的法律禁止在不适当的时间和地点播出广告。由于advertisements与动词show之间为被动关系,所以选A。

  13.C 考查介词的选择和宾语从句。句意:他做这件事的方式和我们以前所习惯的方式不同。“与……不同”用be different from…结构,what引导的宾语从句,相当于the way that…;which也可以引导宾语从句,但是表示疑问,而此处不表疑问。

  14.B 考查非限制性定语从句的关系词。第一空是as引导的非限制性定语从句(可放句首);第二空是which引导的非限制性定语从句。句意:正如人们所预料的只有5人参加了聚会,这令女主人很失望。

  15.D 考查副词辨析。shortly “很快,不久”。句意:过了没有多久,警察拦住了那辆汽车,两个人都被逮捕了。immediately立刻,马上;promptly 敏捷地;deliberately故意地。均不合句意。



  16.D 词义推测题。 克隆小孩的困难在于“克隆小孩代替不了死去的小孩”,故选D。

  17.A 细节理解题。夫妻克隆小孩的原因有两个:“bringing back a relative, usually a child, killed unfortunately”和“have the child of their dreams”。

  18.A 句意理解题。 成功还要靠运气,暗示着结果不可预知。

  19.C 推理判断题。由最后一段“…much importance has been placed on the right of individuals to reproduce in ways that they wish”可知答案为C。



  20.A 细节理解题。由Downtown Tour部分介绍的内容可知,此线路可以参观 United Nations。故选A。

  21.C 细节理解题。由Shopping Day Trip部分的价格表可知,成人是42美元,这在所有旅游线路中是最低的。故选C。

  22.A 细节理解题。由Uptown Tour部分的游览项目可知,该线路可以参观很多博物馆。故选A。

  23.A 细节理解题。由Escorted Day Trips部分中的Reservations Required可知,该旅游活动要提前预订。

  Ⅲ.24.whether 25.drawing 26.convenient 27.lose

  28.others 29.knowledge 30.difficulties 31.Personally

  32.as 33.helping


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