2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业33:Unit 3《Under the sea》(新人教版选修7福建专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业33:Unit 3《Under the sea》(新人教版选修7福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(三十三) [选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea]



  1.The noise from the top floor, loud and constant, of the meeting­room ________ can be clearly heard in our classroom.

  A.being decorated

  B.having been decorated

  C.to be decorated


  2.________ in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual.

  A.Being injured

  B.To be injured

  C.Having injured


  3.The silence of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or the sound of pages ________.



  C.being turned

  D.having turned

  4.She was wounded by an arrow, but still urged her ________.



  C.to march

  D.should march

  5.Usain Bolt ________ what he will be bringing to the audience as he prepares to defend his title in the London Olympics.

  A.is well aware of

  B.is well worth of

  C.is content with

  D.is satisfied with

  6.To their relief, their students ________ escaped from the shaking building.





  7.Anyone who has spent time with children is ________ of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to similar situations.






  It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is ________ another to play it well yourself.





  9.You buy the fruits, ________ I'll cook breakfast.

  A.on other hand

  B.the same time

  C.in the meantime

  D.at all time

  10.I am sorry to say I can't help ________ the room because I am busy right now.


  B.being cleaned



  11.Having checked the doors were closed, and ________all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.





  12.—Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine.

  —________. You look well too.

  A.Not at all

  B.Oh, no



  13.The foreign friends you referred to ________ looking forward to ________ around our university.

  A.are; being shown

  B.being; being shown

  C.being; showing

  D.are; be shown

  14.Some pupils are often scared ________ some money in the corner of the streets by a few young men.

  A.to offer

  B.into offering

  C.to be offered

  D.to be offering


  When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed with ________ money.

  A.so few

  B.such few

  C.so little

  D.such little



  Some scientists say that animals in the ocean are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings.

  The noise that affects sea creatures comes from a number of human activities.It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines.Such noises are added to natural sounds.These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves.

  Decibels (分贝) measured in water are different from those measured on land.A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears.In water, a decibel level of one hundred and ninety­five would have the same effect.

  Some scientists have proposed setting a noise limit of one hundred and twenty decibels in oceans.They have observed that noises at that level can frighten and confuse whales.

  A team of American and Canadian scientists discovered that louder noises can seriously injure some animals.

  The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing.This seriously affected the whales' ability to exchange information and find their way.Some of the whales even died.The explosions had caused their ears to bleed and become infected.

  Many researchers whose work depends on ocean sounds object to a limit of one hundred and twenty decibels.They say such a limit would mean an end to important industrial and scientific research.

  Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals.However, many scientists suspect that noise is a greater danger than they believed.They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean.

  16.According to the passage, which of the following is increasingly dangerous to sea creatures?

  A.The sound of a car.

  B.The sound of voices.

  C.Man­made noise pollution.

  D.The sound of steps.

  17.Which of the following is discussed in the third paragraph?

  A.The same noise level produces a different effect on land and in the ocean.

  B.Different places may have different types of noises.

  C.The decibel is not a suitable unit for measuring underwater noise.

  D.Different ocean animals may have different reactions to noises.

  18.Which of the following is TRUE of whales?

  A.They won't be confused by noises.

  B.They are deaf to noises.

  C.Their ability to reproduce will be lowered by high­level noises.

  D.Their hearing will be damaged by high­level noises.

  19.According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future?

  A. They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution.

  B.They will protect animals from harmful noises.

  C.They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels.

  D.They will study the effect of ocean noise pollution.


  The sea has always interested man.From it he can get food, minerals, and treasure.For thousands of years, he could sail on it.But he could not go far beneath its surface.

  Man wants to explore deep into the sea.However, he is not a fish.He must breathe air, so he can't stay under the water's surface for any length of time.To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and problems.

  A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases.He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above.He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a nose and a mouthpiece.Water weighs 800 times as much as air.Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea.His body is under great pressure.

  When a diver is under great pressure, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes.As he rises to surface, the water pressure becomes less.If the diver rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form bubbles.The diver is then suffering from the bends.The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain.They can even kill him.

  20.On the whole, this passage is about ________.

  A.special mixtures of gases in deep sea

  B.the problems man faces in deep­sea diving

  C.air pressure under the surface of sea water

  D.a kind of illness that man suffers in the sea

  21.The passage does not say so, but it makes you think that ________.

  A.deep­divers should be in good health

  B.divers explore the deep sea only for treasure

  C.diving under the water too quickly causes a kind of illness

  D.there is a special mixture of gases under the sea

  22.Why does a diver get the bends?

  A.He tries to do exercises under the water.

  B.His diving suit weighs too much.

  C.He comes to the surface too quickly.

  D.The air in his blood is used up.

  23.From the passage we can see that ________.

  A.the sea began to interest man a few years ago

  B.man is not at home deep in the sea

  C.all divers will get the bends sooner or later

  D.the air in the sea water will kill a diver if he is not careful



  The Qingdao Underwater World o__24__ a breath­taking view of a marine world. The underwater world c__25__ of several interesting underwater landscapes. __26__(常见的) marine life like starfish, sea turtles, and small sharks __27__ be seen here.Some bright­colored or odd­shaped v__28__ from all over the __29__(世界) will bring you a unique view.

  Wonderful items, like the dances __30__ human and sharks,sea­maiden exhibitions and underwater ballets are p__31__ in the performance hall. If a new __32__ is willing to experience an underwater wedding here, they will surely have an __33__(难忘的) memory of this happy moment.

  24.______ 25.______ 26.______ 27.______

  28.______ 29.______ 30.______ 31.______

  32.______ 33.______



  Ⅰ.1.A 考查现在分词作定语。being decorated意为“正在装修的”,修饰meeting­room。

  2.A 考查动名词作主语。此处injure与leg之间是被动关系,故用动名词的被动形式。

  3.C 考查现在分词作定语。turn与page之间是被动关系,being turned意为“正被翻动的”。

  4.C 考查urge的用法。urge后跟从句时谓语用“(should)+动词原形”,should可省略;也可用urge sb. to do sth.。由于urge后跟宾格her,故排除A、D。答案为C。

  5.A 考查固定短语。be well aware of “对……非常清楚”;be well worth “非常值得”;be content with “对……满意”;be satisfied with “对……满意”。句意为:当尤塞恩·博尔特准备在伦敦奥运会卫冕的时候,他很清楚他将为观众带来什么。因此答案为A。

  6.A 考查副词辨析。narrowly “勉强地,以毫厘之差”; slightly “稍微地”,强调程度;nearly “接近,几乎”; lightly “轻轻地;轻松地;容易地;不费力地”。本句意为:令他们欣慰的是,他们的学生刚好勉强从摇晃的大楼中逃脱。

  7.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:任何和小孩待过的人都知道男孩和女孩应对相似情况的方式是不同的。be aware of 意识到。

  8.A 考查副词辨析。句意为:喜欢听好音乐是一回事,自己能演奏好又完全是另外一回事。A项表示“完全”;B项very一般用在形容词、副词、限定词前面,也可表示“正是”;C项rather表示“相当,很”,可用于形容词、副词、比较级、限定词以及too等的前面;D项much表示“很多”,可修饰比较级。根据句意及用法选择A项。

  9.C 考查短语辨析。in the meantime “同时,在……期间”。句意:你去买水果,同时我来做早餐。at all time “无论何时”,on other hand “另一方面”,均不符合题意。

  10.C 考查非谓语动词。can't help doing sth.禁不住/情不自禁做某事,不符合题意;can't help do/to do sth.不能帮助做某事。

  11.B 考查宾语从句。句意:确保门关上了,且所有的灯都关上了之后,那个男孩打开门进了他的卧室。checked后跟了两个宾语从句,第一个从句的引导词that省略了。

  12.D 考查交际用语。当别人赞赏你的时候,应该从礼貌的角度表示感谢。

  13.A 考查句子结构及look forward to 的基本用法。本句主语是the foreign friends,you referred to是定语从句,所以谓语动词使用are,构成现在进行时;短语look forward to中的to是介词,用动名词形式作其宾语。

  14.B 考查scare的用法。句意:在街道的拐角处,一些青年人威胁小学生交出钱来。scare sb.into doing sth.“威胁某人做某事”。

  15.C 考查副词用法。句意:当妈妈回顾他们婚姻初期时,她不知道他们是如何在如此少的金钱的情况下顺利度过那些日子的。当名词前有few,little(少), many 或much修饰时用副词so,而不用such,又因为money为不可数名词,故选C。



  16.C 细节理解题。由第一段Some scientists say that animals in the ocean are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings.可知,来自人类的噪声污染对海洋生物带来了危险。

  17.A 细节理解题。由第三段可知,同样分贝的噪音对海洋和陆地产生的影响不同。

  18.D 细节理解题。由第六段The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing.This seriously affected the whales' ability to exchange information and find their way.Some of the whales even died.可知,水下巨大的爆炸声会使鲸鱼失去听力,甚至丧生。

  19.B 判断推理题。由文章的最后一句话They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean.可知,科学家将来要采取措施阻止噪音对海洋生物的伤害。



  20.B 主旨大意题。由文章结构可以看出,文章首先点明了海洋对人类的重大意义,然后提出了文章要说明的主题:To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and problems.下文围绕这一主题作了详细的说明。

  21.A 推理判断题。最后一段告诉我们:潜水员在深水里要承受巨大的压力,浮到水面时,水压骤减,这对人体提出很大的挑战。由此可以推断从事深海潜水工作的人,身体应该健康(in good health)。

  22.C 细节理解题。由最后一段的If the diver rises too quickly…The diver is then suffering from the bends.可知,潜水员得减压病(the bends)的原因是在海水中上升得太快。

  23.B 推理判断题。从文章内容可以知道,在深海潜水时,人会面临更大的危险和更多的麻烦(more dangers and problems),包括呼吸、高压造成的不适,甚至会得减压病。由此可以判断:人在深海是很不舒适的。解答此题的关键是准确理解选项中at home的意思, 在句中相当于 comfortable and relaxed, at ease。

  Ⅲ.24.offers 25.consists 26.Common 27.can 28.varieties

  29.world 30.between 31.performed 32.couple



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