2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业2:Unit 2《English around the world》(新人教版必修1福建专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业2:Unit 2《English around the world》(新人教版必修1福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(二) [必修1 Unit 2 English around the world]



  1.Frank studied________English language in London for four years, so he gets________ good knowledge of London.

  A.a; the

  B./; /

  C./; a

  D.the; a

  2.—Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?

  —________,I do. I think it's a great idea.





  3.It seems that all the people ________ are interested in the ________ situation.

  A.present; present

  B.presented; presented

  C.now; present

  D.nowadays; present

  4.The Internet, as well as newspapers and magazines, ________ a more and more important part in our daily life.

  A.have played

  B.are playing

  C.is playing

  D.has been played

  5.Of these two basketball teams,the former comes from the US; the________ comes from England.





  6.Over the last 20 years, the village has changed so much that I can hardly________ it now.





  7.Could you buy me the same book ________ you gave Tom yesterday?





  8.—Would you please lend me some money?

  —________. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

  A.No problem

  B.Out of question

  C.Without question

  D.No way

  9.The money collected should be made use of ________the people who are in trouble.



  C.to help

  D.to helping

  10.She requested that no one ________ of her decision.

  A.should tell

  B.be told


  D.was told

  11.I don't like the way ________ you laughed at him.


  B.in which



  12.I went to his party at his ________.





  13.The teacher asked us ________ her father the truth.

  A.to not tell


  C.not to tell

  D.not telling

  14.The old pianist wouldn't listen to our repeated request that he ________ in public again.



  C.would play

  D.was going to play

  15.It's so nice to hear from her.________, we last met more than 30 years ago.

  A.What's more

  B.That is to say

  C.In other words

  D.Believe it or not



  People around the world watched Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton get married. The royal wedding broke records for live streaming on the Internet. It also produced more than two million tweets on Twitter.

  The ceremony took place on Friday at Westminster Abbey in London.

  Kate wore a flowing white gown designed by Sarah Burton, the creative director of Alexander McQueen. William wore a red army uniform.

  It was Britain's biggest wedding since William and Harry's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, were married in nineteen eighty­one.

  Nearly two thousand guests filled the church on Friday. Hundreds of thousands of people went to the streets and parks of London to watch the wedding on video screens.

  Among the wedding guests were English football star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, British Prime Minister David Cameron, the king of Norway and singer Elton John.

  Bahrain's crown prince(皇储)was invited but decided not to attend because of unrest in his country. Britain took back an invitation to the ambassador from Syria over violence against protesters there.

  After the ceremony, the royal couple traveled to Buckingham Palace. Crowds cheered when the newlyweds appeared on a balcony, greeting to them.

  Later, William drove his wife out of Buckingham Palace in an open­top Aston Martin car. William and the newest member of the royal family will now be known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

  Kate is twenty­nine years old. William will be twenty­nine in June. His grandmother is Queen Elizabeth. His father, Prince Charles, is first in line to become king. William, as the older son, is second in line. Kate would not become queen, however, since she is not in the royal blood line. There was a big celebration at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. That was where William and Kate first met as art history students in two thousand one.

  16.Which of the following is NOT true about Prince William?

  A.He has been in love with Kate for over ten years.

  B.He wore a red army uniform in the ceremony.

  C.As a prince, he is first in line to become king.

  D.He once majored in art history.

  17.Which of the following was absent from the wedding?

  A.The Beckhams.

  B.Elton John.

  C.The king of Norway.

  D.The crown prince of Bahrain.

  18.Why can't Kate become queen despite her marriage to the prince?

  A.Because she has no royal blood.

  B.Because she gave up this right.

  C.Because his husband is not first in line to become king.

  D.Because she has become Duchess of Cambridge.

  19.What can be the best title of the passage?

  A.The Britain's biggest wedding takes place.

  B.The most luxurious wedding in the world.

  C.David Beckham attends the wedding.

  D.Royal wedding draws a worldwide crowd.


  Today, we complete our story about the influential English writer William Shakespeare. He wrote plays and poems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remain very popular today.

  During earlier times, people would probably have learned several ancient Roman and Greek plays. It was not unusual for writers to produce more current versions of these works. For example, in Shakespeare's play The Comedy of Errors Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play Macbeth, Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information. Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays his own. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.

  Shakespeare was also influenced by the world around him. He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays. His works include observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and the popular language of the city's tradesmen. Shakespeare's knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.

  It would be impossible to list all of the ways in which Shakespeare's works have influenced the world culture. But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language. During his time, the English language was changing. Many new words from other languages were being added. Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poetic inventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones. For example, he created the noun forms of “critic”, “mountaineer” and “eyeball”. Many common expressions in English come from his plays, including “pomp and circumstance(装腔作势)”from Othello, “full circle(绕圈子)” from King Lear, etc. The list of cultural creations influenced by Shakespeare is almost endless. From paintings to television to music and dance, Shakespeare was well represented. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into every major language in the world.

  Shakespeare became a well­known writer during a golden age of theater. His years of hard work paid off.

  20.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.Many of Shakespeare's works were influenced by earlier writings.

  B.Shakespeare was hard­working when he was a student.

  C.The experience of living in London helped a lot with Shakespeare's works.

  D.Shakespeare became rich later because of the popularity of his works.

  21.Why could Shakespeare's works survive his time?

  A.Because there were so few people writing plays in his time.

  B.Because he produced too many works that nobody else could do.

  C.Because he was a rich and influential person of his time.

  D.Because his works were rich in imagination and language.

  22.Shakespeare's greatest influence should be on________.

  A.the English language



  D.music and dance

  23.The passage is mainly about ________.

  A.an introduction to Shakespeare's life and his works

  B.the main features and styles of Shakespeare's plays

  C.how culture influenced Shakespeare and he influenced culture

  D.Shakespeare's greatest influence on the world culture



  The difficulty I faced in learning English was how to develop a store of vocabulary. At first, I found it b__24__ to learn lists of vocabulary __25__ heart repeatedly. But things began to change after I j__26__ a club for astronomy lovers in our school. There I read lots of materials on space w__27__ in English. To understand them, I had to look up the words in the __28__, consult the teacher or guess the new words myself. __29__ is more, I communicated with my American pen pals on this topic via e­mail. I __30__ in love with this way of English study __31__(渐渐地). I found my vocabulary getting l__32__ than ever before. I came to realize that interest is the mother of __33__(成功) and that we can learn English well through practice.

  24.______ 25.______ 26.______ 27.______

  28.______ 29.______ 30.______ 31.______

  32.______ 33.______



  .1. D 考查冠词的用法。第一空表特指,用定冠词the;a good knowledge of为固定短语,意为“熟悉,精通”。

  2.C 考查副词辨析。really “真正地”;obviously “明显地”;actually “实际上”;generally “一般来说”,从句意来看,显然actually最符合情境。

  3.A 考查present作形容词的用法。present作前置定语时,意思是“现在的”;作后置定语时,表示“在场的”。

  4.C 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。A as well as B作主语,谓语动词与A保持一致;此处应用主动语态。

  5.C the former…,the latter…“前者……,后者……”,为固定搭配。late “迟到的,晚的”;later“稍后”;lately “最近,近来”。

  6.C 考查动词辨析。recognize “认出”。句意为:这20年来那个山村变化是如此之大,以至于我现在几乎都认不出它来了。know “知道”;pick “捡起”;realize “意识到”。

  7.A 考查定语从句与the same…as的用法。句意:你能给我买一本昨天你给汤姆的那样的书吗?the same…as “与……一样”。故选A项。

  8.D 考查情景交际。根据后句的“我不是出生在特权人家”可知,答案是否定的,故选no way “决不”;其余选项意思是“没问题”,与句意不符。

  9.C 考查动词不定式的用法。句意:应当充分利用收集来的钱来帮助那些有困难的人们。句子的主语是the money,谓语是should be made use of,collected是过去分词作定语修饰the money,to help作目的状语。故选C项。

  10.B 考查动词request虚拟语气的用法。句意:她要求不要向任何人谈起她的决定。request所跟的宾语从句要用“should +动词原形”,should可以省略,又因为no one 和tell是被动的关系,故用被动语态。应该选B项。

  11.B 考查定语从句。句意:我不喜欢你嘲笑他的方式。先行词是the way,引导词作状语时,可用that、in which 或不填引导词。故选B项。

  12.A 考查名词辨析。句意:应他的邀请,我去参加了他的聚会。at one's request “应某人的邀请;在……的请求下”,符合题意。故选A项。

  13.C ask sb. not to do sth.意为“要求某人不要做某事”,不能说ask sb. doing sth.。

  14.A 考查同位语从句中的虚拟语气。request之后的that从句为同位语从句,需用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略,故选A项。

  15.D 考查常用表达的辨析。句意:收到她的来信真高兴。信不信由你,我们上次见面是在30多年前。what's more “而且”; that is to say “也就是说”;in other words “换句话说”;believe it or not “信不信由你”。



  16.C 细节理解题。由最后一段的His father, Prince Charles, is first in line to become king. William, as the older son, is second in line. 可知C 项错误。

  17.D 细节理解题。根据文章第七段首句Bahrain's crown prince was invited but decided not to attend because of unrest in his country.可知,巴林王储因为国家动荡未能应邀前往观礼。

  18.A 细节理解题。根据文章末段Kate would not become queen, however, since she is not in the royal blood line.可知,由于Kate没有皇室血缘,故不能成为王后。

  19.D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,这是一篇资讯报道,在第一段点明了文章的主题:Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton get married,紧接着说明这次婚礼吸引了世人的眼球。因此D项最能概括全文。从第四段可以看出,这是戴安娜婚礼之后的最盛大的婚礼,而没有说是英国最盛大的婚礼,由此可以看出A项错误;B 项“世界上最豪华的婚礼”在文章中找不到根据;C项是文章的一个细节,因此也不能概括全文。



  20.A 考查细节理解。由第二段的“Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play Macbeth, Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information. Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers,…”可以看出,莎士比亚的作品受到了早期作品的影响。

  21.D 考查细节理解。由第二段最后一句“but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays his own. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.”正是他的语言和想象力的强度使得作品独具特色,具有了极强的生命力,留存到了现在。

  22.A 考查细节理解。由倒数第二段的“But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language.”可以看出,莎士比亚对后世最大影响在于英语语言上。

  23.C 考查主旨大意。纵观全文可以看出,文章向我们介绍了古代文化对莎士比亚作品的影响,以及其作品对后世尤其是对英语语言的影响。

  .24.boring 25.by 26.joined 27.written 28.dictionary

  29.What 30.fell 31.gradually 32.larger 33.success


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