2017届高考英语牛津译林版选修6总复习限时训练《Unit 4 Helping people around the World》6-4(江苏专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语牛津译林版选修6总复习限时训练《Unit 4 Helping people around the World》6-4(江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 4 Helping people around the world



  1.Your teacher's words will be ________ you in all your life,so you should remember them forever.

  A.honoured for

  B.of vital importance to

  C.vital important to D.at the mercy of

  答案 B [句意:你老师的话在你整个一生中至关重要,因此你应该永远记住它们。此处“of+名词”相当于形容词作表语。be honoured for...因……而受到尊敬;at the mercy of受……摆布。]

  2.In order to better understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it ________ into parts.





  答案 A [几个词都可以和break搭配,break down在本题中意思是“把整体分成部分”,符合题意。]

  3.Did it ever ________ to you to contact the police when you saw the suspect?





  答案 A [几个选项均可以和to搭配构成词组,但是根据题意,本题选A;occur to sb意思是“某人突然想起”。 ]

  4.The picture of the park ________ memories of our class trip last year,when Mr Smith began to take charge of our class.


  B.called up

  C.turned up

  D.came up

  答案 B [call up意思是“让人想起……”,符合题意;不要错选A,因为remind的宾语多指“人”。 ]

  5.I've tried by hard to improve my English.But by no means ________ with my progress.

  A.the teacher is not satisfied

  B.is the teacher not satisfied

  C.the teacher is satisfied

  D.is the teacher satisfied

  答案 D [当by no means(决不)放在句首时,句子要使用倒装结构,排除A、C;由于by no means本身具有否定含义,所以排除B。]

  6.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ________.





  答案 B [A项意思是“帐单,钞票”;B项意思是“费用,开支”;C项意思是“价格,价钱”;D项意思是“索价,要价”。句意:每个月一千美元不是什么财富,但是足够支付我的生活费用。]

  7.In our childhood,we were often ________ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.





  答案 B [A项意思是“命令”;B项意思是“提醒”;C项意思是“允许”;D项意思是“希望”。根据题意选B,句意:在我们小时候,奶奶经常提醒我们注意餐桌礼仪。]

  8.Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a ________ of exercise.





  答案 B [A项意思是“限制”;B项意思是“缺少,缺乏”;C项意思是“需要”;D项意思是“要求”。根据题意可知选B,句意:健康问题与不良饮食习惯和缺少锻炼息息相关。]

  9.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________ his notes.

  A.bringing up

  B.referring to

  C.looking for

  D.trying on

  答案 B [bring up抚养,培养;refer to参考;look for寻找;try on试用,试验。根据题意选B,句意:在商务会议上,首长讲话将近一小时没有参考他的演讲稿。]

  10.—Who are you waiting for?

  —________ the man wounded in the left leg.

  A.The doctor will operate on

  B.The nurse to be looked after

  C.The doctor to operate on

  D.His brother got

  答案 C [从题目结构上看答语是个省略句,回答wait for的内容,排除A、D两项;而B项用动词不定式的被动结构不合逻辑,所以正确答案是C项。]

  11.The explorer got a disease in blood for the ________ of fresh vegetables and fruit.





  答案 B [for the sake of为了……的缘故;for the lack of由于缺少;knock敲打,敲击。根据句意应选B。]

  12.Gandi insisted on winning independence by peaceful struggles,not by ________.





  答案 D [根据题干中的“not by”可知,空缺处应为peaceful struggles的反义词,故应选择D项,force为“武力”之意。]

  13.Although the wind has ________,the rain remains steady,so you still need a raincoat.

  A.turned up

  B.gone back

  C.died down

  D.blown out

  答案 C [A项意思是“出现,调大”;B项意思是“回去”;C项意思是“逐渐停止,渐渐消失”;D项意思是“吹灭”。根据题意选C。]

  14.________ a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter the classroom.

  A.If only B.Only if

  C.As if

  D.Even if

  答案 B [if only意为“只要,若要……就好了”;as if意为“好像”;even if意为“即使”;only if意为“只有”,通常位于句首。从句意和句子的结构可知本题正确答案为B。]

  15.He opened his mouth as if ________ something.

  A.to say



  D.to be said

  答案 A [as if意为“好像”,其后也可以接不定式,意为“好像要做……”,故本题正确答案为A。句意:他张开口,似乎要说什么。]



  There was room for all of us,and sleeping bags kept the night chill away.We would listen to the sound of the river,and hear the coyotes(丛林狼) howling along the hills not far away.

  Those were the cool summer nights of the mid nineties in Southern Alberta,Canada,when the four children were young and we would lie on the trampoline(蹦床) in the backyard late at night,for the sun would not set till late in July and August.We would look at the stars up above.It was a simple painting of little white dots on a black canvas,but we would never grow tired of looking at it.As our eyes surveyed that starry wonder we would see streaks of lights as meteors(流星) hit the atmosphere and burn up,or we would follow the meteors'steady path across the sky till it would also disappear.

  These were the times when I would tell the stories of my own childhood and teach the kids life's lessons that have been remembered to this day.I chuckle,as I recall the time when we heard a coyote not far away,that I started a story about a bear sneaking (溜)up to the trampoline.The closer the bear came (in the story )the closer the kids snuggled up to mom and I,until suddenly I let out this big daddy growl and grabbed all the kids.They would startle and jump up and then all laugh,“Daddy,you scared us!”

  Now the children are in their mid and late teens,but they fondly remember the starry nights on that trampoline.Recently my oldest daughter on her wedding day sang a song for her parents,entitled I'll always be your little girl.She wrote the music and words;it included a memory of those starry nights.

  I have learned as a parent that one of the greatest gifts we can give our children as they are growing up is the time to tell them stories,or if telling stories is not that simple,perhaps read them a story.They can read their own books and it will benefit them greatly academically,but telling or reading them a story will create an inseparable bond(联系) with pleasant memories such as those late summer nights in the starry sky.

  1.The best title for this text should be ________.

  A.An Important Lesson

  B.A Father's Frightening Story

  C.Memories of Starry Nights

  D.A Parent's Story

  答案:C [标题归纳题。作者回忆了在星夜同孩子一起度过的幸福时光。因此答案为C。]

  2.What's the importance of telling or reading stories to children?

  A.It can teach them much knowledge while they are listening to stories.

  B.It will improve their listening abilities as well as their understanding abilities.

  C.It will help them remember their happy moments in past days.

  D.It can build up good links between parents and their children.

  答案:D [推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容我们可以推测出,父母给孩子们讲故事或读书的最大作用就是加强同孩子们之间的联系。]

  3.In this story,the writer compares the night sky to ________.

  A.a black canvas with little white dots

  B.little white dots

  C.streaks of lights

  D.the satellites'path

  答案:A [事实细节题。根据第二段中的“It was a simple painting of white little dots on a black canvas”可知,作者把夜空比作一幅黑色油画。]

  4.How did the writer feel when he was telling

  the story on the dark night?





  答案:B [推理判断题。根据作者对星夜的描述可以看出一家人其乐融融的景象。据此我们可以推断作者在讲故事的时候,其内心应该是高兴的。]


  Many parents don't love to read to their children.But there are so many professionals and PhDs doing the opposite thing.And they really promote reading to children,which is so good for children.I have found that this is true with my own children.

  I am not sure if it is the book or the fact that you are spending quality time with them,undivided time that they will remember for their entire life.Reading to children is one of the most bonding experiences you can have.

  Children enjoy sitting on your lap while your voice flows over them.As the reader it is fun to watch their little faces as they are moved with the flow of the story.They are laughing one moment and on the next page the story has moved them to tears.As the storyteller,I am just as moved as they are;I am caught up in the story as our emotions flow up and down.You can easily lose a whole afternoon in reading.

  This is an experience that children then try to pass on to younger children,reading books to them.My daughter was so into reading that if she couldn't line up some neighbors'children she could be reading her books to,she would line up her stuffed animals and read to them.Well,she also tried to teach her neighbors and teddy bears math,and “ocean science ”as she called it.She would read anything she could to them.And to my astonishment the neighbors'parents told me they really appreciated the fact that their children were doing so much better in school.

  5.The writer mentions the idea of professionals and PhDs so as to ________.

  A.introduce his own viewpoint

  B.show the importance of his idea

  C.please readers

  D.attract the attention of readers

  答案:A [推理判断题。在第一段中,作者首先引出一些专家、博士的观点:读书给孩子听有许多好处。后面的内容则是围绕这个论点展开的。由此,我们可以推断出读书给孩子听有很多好处,这实际上也是作者的观点。]

  6.The writer mentions his own children in this text for the purpose of ________.

  A.showing the cleverness of his children

  B.explaining the advantages of reading to children

  C.telling the importance of studying together with parents

  D.showing his children were interested in reading

  答案:B [推理判断题。由后面的内容可以看出,由于作者坚持给孩子读书,孩子也养成了给其他孩子读书的好习惯,并且这些孩子在学校的表现也比以前好。这就是读书的好处。]

  7.The writer thinks that ________.

  A.you should place your children on your lap while reading to them

  B.children's feelings change while you read books to them

  C.it is easy to kill time while you are reading books to children

  D.reading to children is one of the most interesting experiences

  答案:C [细节理解题。由第三段的最后一句“You can easily lose a whole afternoon in reading.”可知,读书给孩子听,时间不知不觉地就过去了。]

  8.According to the text,which of the following is NOT true about the writer's daughter?

  A.She lined up some neighbors'children and read to them.

  B.She lined up her stuffed animals and read to them.

  C.She would teach her teddy bears math and “ocean science”.

  D.She would read anything she could to her parents.

  答案:D [细节判断题。由最后一段的内容可知A、B、C三项的内容与文章事实相符。根据第四段中的”She would read anything she could to them.”这个句子中的them 指的是“邻居的小孩和她的玩具”而不是“她的父母”,故D项内容与文章事实不符。]


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